Ramon Daniel Castillo, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014-2023 | Cognitive Science Research Center | Universidad de Talca |
Cognitive Science, Reasoning, Learning, Embodiment, Dynamic System TheoryWebsite:
"https://scholar.google.cl/citations?user=nGjK8T4AAAAJ&hl=es"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorHeidi Kloos | grad student | 2009-2014 | University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Childrens |
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Núñez D, Rodríguez-Delgado J, Castillo RD, et al. (2024) Effect of prior beliefs and cognitive deficits on learning in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research. Cognition. 38: 100318 |
Landim SF, López R, Caris A, et al. (2024) Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Occupational Therapy for Post-Stroke Adults: A Systematic Review Journal of Clinical Medicine. 13: 1-13 |
Arellano-Véliz NA, Cox RFA, Jeronimus BF, et al. (2024) Personality expression in body motion dynamics: An enactive, embodied, and complex systems perspective Journal of Research in Personality. 104495: 1-20 |
Vásquez-Pinto S, Morales-Bader D, Cox RFA, et al. (2023) The nonlinearity of pupil diameter fluctuations in an insight task as criteria for detecting children who solve the problem from those who do not. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1129355 |
Morales-Bader D, Castillo RD, Cox RFA, et al. (2023) Parliamentary roll-call voting as a complex dynamical system: The case of Chile. Plos One. 18: e0281837 |
Morales-Bader, D., Castillo RD, et al. (2023) Parliamentary roll-call voting as a complex dynamical system: The case of Chile Plos One. 18: 1-20 |
Vásquez-Pinto S, Morales-Bader D., Cox RFA, et al. (2023) The nonlinearity of pupil diameter fluctuations in an insight task as criteria for detecting children who solve the problem from those who do not Frontiers in Psychology |
Rojas-Barahona CA, Gaete J, Véliz M, et al. (2022) The effectiveness of a tablet-based video game that stimulates cognitive, emotional, and social skills in developing academic skills among preschoolers: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 23: 936 |
Rubio F. Neira C, Villacura-Herrera C, Castillo RD. (2022) First and Second-Order Theory of Mind as Predictors of Cooperative Behaviors in Preschool and School Children Psykhe |
Valenzuela A, Castillo RD. (2022) The effect of communicative purpose and reading medium on pauses during different phases of the textualization process Reading and Writing |