Robbert J. Langwerden
Affiliations: | 2017-2023 | Radboud University, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour |
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Sign in to add mentorJos I.M. Egger | grad student | 2023 | Radboud University, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour | |
(Start 2017) | ||||
Paul T. van der Heijden | grad student | 2017-2023 | Radboud Univeristy, Behavioural Science Institute | |
Jan J. L. Derksen | grad student | 2018-2023 | Radboud Univeristy, Behavioural Science Institute |
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Langwerden RJ, Van der Heijden PT, Claassen T, et al. (2022) The structure of dimensions of psychopathology in normative and clinical samples: Applying causal discovery to MMPI-2-RF scales to investigate clustering of psychopathology spectra and -factors. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13: 1026900 |
Langwerden RJ, van der Heijden PT, Soons PHGM, et al. (2022) An Exploratory Study of MMPI-2-RF Personality and Psychopathology Profiles of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without Intellectual Disability. Clinical Neuropsychiatry. 19: 335-346 |
Contreras-Pérez ME, Diaz-Martinez J, Langwerden RJ, et al. (2022) Preliminary Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Factors among Native and Foreign-Born Hispanic/Latine Adults Residing in South Florida, U.S.A. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 |
Morris SL, Langwerden RJ, Wagner EF, et al. (2022) Implementation of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol and other drug using Latinx college students. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-11 |
Langwerden RJ, Wagner EF, Hospital MM, et al. (2022) A Latent Profile Analysis of COVID-19 Trusted Sources of Information among Racial and Ethnic Minorities in South Florida. Vaccines. 10 |
Wagner EF, Langwerden RJ, Morris SL, et al. (2022) Virtual town halls addressing vaccine hesitancy among racial/ethnic minorities: Preliminary findings. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : Japha. 62: 317-325 |
Langwerden RJ, Thompson MG, Wagner EF. (2021) Multidimensional conceptualization of identity and psychopathology: Assessing mental health disparities from an intersectional and dimensional framework. Personality and Mental Health |
Sy A, Hayes T, Laurila K, et al. (2020) Evaluating Research Centers in Minority Institutions: Framework, Metrics, Best Practices, and Challenges. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 |
Langwerden RJ, van der Heijden PT, Egger JIM, et al. (2020) Robustness of the Maladaptive Personality Plaster: An Investigation of Stability of the PSY-5-r in Adults over 20 Years. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-6 |