Jamie Gorman

2006 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States 
"Jamie Gorman"
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Nancy J. Cooke grad student 2006 New Mexico State
 (Team coordination dynamics in cognitively demanding environments.)


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Matthew J. Scalia grad student
Xiaoyun Yin grad student
Michael J. Crites grad student 2010-2017 Texas Tech
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Johnson CJ, Demir M, McNeese NJ, et al. (2021) The Impact of Training on Human-Autonomy Team Communications and Trust Calibration. Human Factors. 187208211047323
Gorman JC, Demir M, Cooke NJ, et al. (2018) Evaluating Sociotechnical Dynamics in a Simulated Remotely-Piloted Aircraft System: A Layered Dynamics Approach. Ergonomics. 1-44
Gorman JC, Amazeen PG, Crites MJ, et al. (2017) Deviations from mirroring in interpersonal multifrequency coordination when visual information is occluded. Experimental Brain Research
Gorman JC, Crites MJ. (2015) Learning to tie well with others: bimanual versus intermanual performance of a highly practised skill. Ergonomics. 58: 680-97
Gorman JC, Crites MJ. (2013) Are two hands (from different people) better than one? Mode effects and differential transfer between manual coordination modes. Human Factors. 55: 815-29
Cooke NJ, Gorman JC, Myers CW, et al. (2013) Interactive team cognition. Cognitive Science. 37: 255-85
Gorman JC, Cooke NJ, Amazeen PG, et al. (2012) Measuring patterns in team interaction sequences using a discrete recurrence approach. Human Factors. 54: 503-17
Cooke NJ, Duchon A, Gorman JC, et al. (2012) Preface to the special section on methods for the analysis of communication. Human Factors. 54: 485-8
Gorman JC, Hessler EE, Amazeen PG, et al. (2012) Dynamical analysis in real time: detecting perturbations to team communication. Ergonomics. 55: 825-39
Gorman JC, Cooke NJ. (2011) Changes in team cognition after a retention interval: the benefits of mixing it up. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied. 17: 303-19
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