Trina J Lapis
Affiliations: | 2012-2016 | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
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Lapis TJ, Penner MH, Balto AS, et al. (2017) Oral Digestion and Perception of Starch: Effects of Cooking, Tasting Time, and Salivary α-Amylase Activity. Chemical Senses. 42: 635-645 |
Lapis TJ, Penner MH, Lim J. (2016) Humans Can Taste Glucose Oligomers Independent of the hT1R2/hT1R3 Sweet Taste Receptor. Chemical Senses |
Balto AS, Lapis TJ, Silver RK, et al. (2016) On the use of differential solubility in aqueous ethanol solutions to narrow the DP range of food-grade starch hydrolysis products. Food Chemistry. 197: 872-80 |
Lapis TJ, Penner MH, Lim J. (2014) Evidence that humans can taste glucose polymers. Chemical Senses. 39: 737-47 |