Jane Jacob, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Westminster |
Visual memories, Attention, ConsciousnessGoogle:
"Jane Jacob"Mean distance: 16.16 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBruno G. Breitmeyer | grad student | 2009-2013 | University of Houston |
Juha Silvanto | post-doc | University of Westminster |
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Pounder Z, Jacob J, Evans S, et al. (2022) Only minimal differences between individuals with congenital aphantasia and those with typical imagery on neuropsychological tasks that involve imagery. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 148: 180-192 |
Jacob J, Breitmeyer BG, Treviño M. (2021) Visual Memory Scan Slopes: Their Changes over the First Two Seconds of Processing. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 5 |
Pounder Z, Jacob J, Jacobs C, et al. (2018) Mental rotation performance in aphantasia Journal of Vision. 18: 1123 |
Jacob J, Jacobs C, Breitmeyer B, et al. (2016) Role of Attention in the Temporal Dynamics of Visual Working Memory Processing Journal of Vision. 16: 1076 |
Jacob J, Jacobs C, Silvanto J. (2015) Attention, working memory, and phenomenal experience of WM content: memory levels determined by different types of top-down modulation. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1603 |
Trevino M, Breitmeyer B, Jacob J. (2015) The Role of Working Memory in Selective Attention. Journal of Vision. 15: 671 |
Trevino M, Breitmeyer B, Jacob J. (2014) Assessment of Maintenance and Consolidation in Visual Short-Term Memories Journal of Vision. 14: 857-857 |
Jacob J, Breitmeyer B, Trevino M. (2014) The first four seconds: an assessment of post-stimulus processing in visual short-term memories Journal of Vision. 14: 856-856 |
Jacob J, Breitmeyer BG, Treviño M. (2013) Tracking the first two seconds: three stages of visual information processing? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 20: 1114-9 |
Tapia E, Breitmeyer BG, Jacob J, et al. (2013) Spatial attention effects during conscious and nonconscious processing of visual features and objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 39: 745-56 |