Kiryl D. Piatkevich

2019- School of Life Sciences Westlake University 
Neuroscience,Brain Disease,Imaging Tool
"Kiryl Piatkevich"
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Lowet E, Sheehan DJ, Chialva U, et al. (2023) Theta and gamma rhythmic coding through two spike output modes in the hippocampus during spatial navigation. Cell Reports. 42: 112906
Zhao S, Piatkevich KD. (2023) Techniques for in vivo serotonin detection in the brain: State of the art. Journal of Neurochemistry. 166: 453-480
Subach OM, Varfolomeeva L, Vlaskina AV, et al. (2023) FNCaMP, ratiometric green calcium indicator based on mNeonGreen protein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 665: 169-177
Subach OM, Vlaskina AV, Agapova YK, et al. (2023) Blue-to-Red TagFT, mTagFT, mTsFT, and Green-to-FarRed mNeptusFT2 Proteins, Genetically Encoded True and Tandem Fluorescent Timers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24
Subach OM, Vlaskina AV, Agapova YK, et al. (2022) cNTnC and fYTnC2, Genetically Encoded Green Calcium Indicators Based on Troponin C from Fast Animals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23
Li L, Sun C, Sun Y, et al. (2022) Spatially resolved proteomics via tissue expansion. Nature Communications. 13: 7242
Liang GT, Lai C, Yue Z, et al. (2022) Enhanced small green fluorescent proteins as a multisensing platform for biosensor development. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 10: 1039317
Subach OM, Vlaskina AV, Agapova YK, et al. (2022) LSSmScarlet2 and LSSmScarlet3, Chemically Stable Genetically Encoded Red Fluorescent Proteins with a Large Stokes' Shift. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23
Papadaki S, Wang X, Wang Y, et al. (2022) Dual-expression system for blue fluorescent protein optimization. Scientific Reports. 12: 10190
Torres Cabán CC, Yang M, Lai C, et al. (2022) Tuning the Sensitivity of Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Potassium Indicators through Structure-Guided and Genome Mining Strategies. Acs Sensors
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