David A. Gallo
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
human memoryWebsite:
"David Gallo"Mean distance: 14.49 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJohn Seamon | research assistant | |||
Henry L. Roediger, III | grad student | 2002 | Washington University | |
(Using recall to reduce false recognition.) | ||||
Daniel Schacter | post-doc | 2002-2005 | Harvard University - Psychology Department |
Sign in to add traineeJason M. Scimeca | research assistant | 2007-2008 | Chicago |
Lane T. McIntosh | research assistant | 2008-2008 | Chicago |
Max Bluestone | research assistant | 2013-2016 | Chicago |
Jessica Wong | grad student | Chicago | |
Madeline A. Sullivan | grad student | 2023- | Chicago |
Ian M. McDonough | grad student | 2006-2011 | Chicago |
Sasha N Cervantes | grad student | 2008-2013 | Chicago |
Stephen J Gray | grad student | 2011-2016 | Chicago |
Lidia Panier | grad student | 2016-2017 | |
Manoj K. Doss | grad student | 2013-2018 | Chicago |
Gabriella V. Hirsch | grad student | 2016-2021 | Chicago |
Tesnim Arar | grad student | 2020-2026 | Chicago |
Sign in to add collaboratorEgidio D'Angelo | collaborator | University of Pavia | |
Michael E. Ballard | collaborator | 2008-2012 | Chicago |
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Arar T, Hirsch GV, Chamberlain TA, et al. (2024) Prefrontal tDCS fails to modulate memory retrieval in younger and older adults. Current Biology : Cb |
Doss MK, Samaha J, Barrett FS, et al. (2023) Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory. Psychological Review |
Doss MK, de Wit H, Gallo DA. (2023) The Acute Effects of Psychoactive Drugs on Emotional Episodic Memory Encoding, Consolidation, and Retrieval. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 105188 |
Grant LH, Pan Y, Huang Y, et al. (2023) Foreign language reduces false memories by increasing memory monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Chen YT, McDonough IM, Faig KE, et al. (2022) Impact of stereotype threat on brain activity during memory tasks in older adults. Neuroimage. 260: 119413 |
Moore KN, Lampinen JM, Nesmith BL, et al. (2022) The effect of feedback and recollection rejection instructions on the development of memory monitoring and accuracy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 221: 105434 |
Moore KN, Lampinen JM, Bridges AJ, et al. (2020) Developmental trends in children’s use of different monitoring processes to avoid false memories Cognitive Development. 55: 100911 |
Doss MK, Weafer J, Gallo DA, et al. (2019) Δ-Tetrahydrocannabinol During Encoding Impairs Perceptual Details yet Spares Context Effects on Episodic Memory. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging |
Doss MK, Picart JK, Gallo DA. (2019) Creating emotional false recollections: Perceptual recombination and conceptual fluency mechanisms. Emotion (Washington, D.C.) |
Doss MK, Weafer J, Ruiz NA, et al. (2018) Alcohol and Pharmacologically Similar Sedatives Impair Encoding and Facilitate Consolidation of both Recollection and Familiarity in Episodic Memory. Cognitive Neuroscience |