Julia S. Soares

Mississippi State University 
Memory, distributed cognition, digital technology
"Julia Soares"
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Soares JS, Storm BC. (2022) Does taking multiple photos lead to a photo-taking-impairment effect? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Storm BC, Soares JS. (2021) Relearning can eliminate the effect of retrieval-induced forgetting. Psychological Research
Soares JS, Storm BC. (2017) Explanation can cause Forgetting: Memory Dynamics in the Generation of New Arguments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Soares JS, Polack CW, Miller RR. (2015) Retrieval-Induced Versus Context-Induced Forgetting: Does Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Depend on Context Shifts? Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Miguez G, Soares JS, Miller RR. (2015) The role of test context in latent inhibition of conditioned inhibition: Part of a search for general principles of associative interference. Learning & Behavior
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