Melvin Marx, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO |
Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
"Melvin Marx"Mean distance: 18.12 (cluster 23)
Sign in to add traineePhillipe Reed Lawson | grad student | University of Missouri Columbia | |
Tom Tombaugh | grad student | University of Missouri | |
Aaron Joseph Brownstein | grad student | 1953-1961 | The University of Missouri |
Eugene R. Wist | grad student | 1960-1962 | University of Missouri |
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MARX MH, BROWNSTEIN AJ. (1963) Effects of incentive magnitude on running speeds without competing responses in acquisition and extinction. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 65: 182-9 |
MARX MH, MURPHY WW, BROWNSTEIN AJ. (1961) Recognition of complex visual stimuli as a function of training with abstracted patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 62: 456-60 |
MARX MH, BROWNSTEIN AJ. (1957) Experimental analysis of the hoarding habit in the rat. IV. Terminal reinforcement followed by high drive at test. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 50: 617-20 |
MARX MH, IWAHARA S, BROWNSTEIN AJ. (1957) Hoarding behavior in the hooded rat as a function of varied alley illumination. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 90: 213-8 |