Kevin K. McCully, Ph.D

1999- Kinesiology University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Skeletal muscle physiology
"Kevin McCully"

got my Ph.D. With John A Faulkner in the Physiology Department at the University of Michigan in 1985. Was a Post Doc with Britton Chance in the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department at the University of Pennsylvania 1985-1988. Was a Post Doc with John S Leigh in the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department at the University of Pennsylvania 1988-1991

Mean distance: 16.24 (cluster 28)


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John Arthur Faulkner grad student 1985 University of Michigan (Physiology Academic Tree)
Britton Chance post-doc 1985-1988 Penn


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Jennifer Olive grad student 1999-2002 University of Puget Sound
Lee Stoner grad student 2001-2006 Massey University
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Dickinson CG, Mendez KM, Holyfield MD, et al. (2024) Muscle Mitochondrial Capacity Is Impaired Immediately Following Maximal Exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Willingham TB, McCully K, Backus D. (2022) Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Physiological Target for Improving Physical Function and Mobility. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Hanna R, Gosalia J, Demalis A, et al. (2021) Bilateral NIRS measurements of muscle mitochondrial capacity: Feasibility and repeatability. Physiological Reports. 9: e14826
Liss CM, Sanni AA, McCully KK. (2020) Endurance of the Dorsal and Ventral Muscles in the Neck. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 5
McCully KK, Liebowitz Z, Sumner MD, et al. (2020) Mitochondrial capacity using NIRS and incomplete recovery curves: Proximal and Medial Vastus Lateralis muscle. Proceedings of Spie--the International Society For Optical Engineering. 11237
Sumner MD, Beard S, Pryor EK, et al. (2020) Near Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements of Mitochondrial Capacity Using Partial Recovery Curves. Frontiers in Physiology. 11: 111
Jones E, McCully K. (2020) Validation of a 5 Minute 5 Hz protocol for Muscle Specific Endurance Medical Research Archives. 8
Pryor E, Wachsmuth H, McCully K. (2020) Evaluation of a 5-Minute Endurance Test of Human Diaphragm Muscle Medical Research Archives. 8
Hewgley R, Moore B, Willingham TB, et al. (2020) MUSCLE MITOCHONDRIAL CAPACITY AND ENDURANCE IN ADULTS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES Medical Research Archives. 8
Proctor DN, Hanna RB, Gosalia J, et al. (2020) A Time-Efficient NIRS Protocol For Cross- And Within-limb Comparisons Of Muscle Oxidative Capacity: 353 Board #169 May 27 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 52: 84-84
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