Tomoki Maezawa, Ph. D

Psychology Tsukuba University, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 
"Tomoki Maezawa"
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Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2022) Processing symmetry between visual and auditory spatial representations in updating working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218221103253
Maezawa T, Kiyosawa M, Kawahara JI. (2022) Auditory enhancement of visual searches for event scenes. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Saito Y, Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2021) Beat Patterns Determine Inter-Hand Differences in Synchronization Error in a Bimanual Coordination Tapping Task. I-Perception. 12: 20416695211053882
Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2021) A label indicating an old year of establishment improves evaluations of restaurants and shops serving traditional foods. Plos One. 16: e0259063
Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2021) Commonalities of visual and auditory working memory in a spatial-updating task. Memory & Cognition
Maezawa T, Tanda T, Kawahara JI. (2020) Replicability of the Curvature Effect as a Function of Presentation Time and Response Measure in Japanese Observers. I-Perception. 11: 2041669520915204
Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2019) Distance Estimation by Blindfolded Sighted Participants Using Echolocation. Perception. 301006619884788
Maezawa T, Kawahara JI. (2019) Effects of Visual Working Memory on Individual Differences in Echolocation Performance in Sighted Participants. I-Perception. 10: 2041669519872223
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