Michael Katz

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"Michael Katz"
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Genova F, Zingaretti P, Gazzillo F, et al. (2021) Patients' crying experiences in psychotherapy and relationship with working alliance, therapeutic change and attachment styles. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 58: 160-171
Groth T, Hilsenroth M, McMillen K, et al. (2021) How are expert therapists similar, different, and integrative in the treatment of borderline personality disorder? Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)
Katz M, Hilsenroth MJ, Gold JR, et al. (2018) Adherence, flexibility, and outcome in psychodynamic treatment of depression. Journal of Counseling Psychology
Katz M, Hilsenroth MJ. (2017) Psychodynamic technique early in treatment related to outcome for depressed patients. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Katz M, Hilsenroth MJ. (2017) Is therapist evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance traits associated with patient-reported attachment style? Psychiatry Research. 257: 526-532
Weil MP, Katz M, Hilsenroth MJ. (2017) Patient and Therapist Perspectives During the Psychotherapy Termination Process: The Role of Participation and Exploration. Psychodynamic Psychiatry. 45: 23-43
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