Julia Jagielo-Miller
Affiliations: | University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY |
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Bailey CS, Craig AJ, Jagielo-Miller JE, et al. (2024) Late-term moderate prenatal alcohol exposure impairs tactile, but not spatial, discrimination in a T-maze continuous performance task in juvenile rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 474: 115208 |
Glaser E, Stewart A, Jagielo-Miller J, et al. (2023) The Effects of Acute Ethanol Intoxication on Spinal Cord Injury Outcomes in Female Mice. Journal of Neurotrauma |
Bailey CS, Jagielo-Miller JE, Keller PS, et al. (2022) Ethanol sustains phosphorylated tau protein in the cultured neonatal rat hippocampus: Implications for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) |
Eaton SE, Jagielo-Miller JE, Prendergast MA, et al. (2022) Sex differences in alcohol dehydrogenase levels (ADH) and blood ethanol concentration (BEC) in Japanese quail. Poultry Science. 101: 101790 |
Rice BA, Saunders MA, Jagielo-Miller JE, et al. (2019) Repeated subcutaneous administration of PT150 has dose-dependent effects on sign tracking in male Japanese quail. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology |