Stacey Aston, MMath, MPhil, MRes
Affiliations: | 2013-2017 | Institute of Neuroscience | Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom |
Visual system, non-visual systemWebsite:
"Stacey Aston"Mean distance: 14.6 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Aston S, Jordan G, Hurlbert A. (2023) Color constancy for daylight illumination changes in anomalous trichromats and dichromats. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 40: A230-A240 |
Wedge-Roberts R, Aston S, Beierholm U, et al. (2022) Developmental changes in colour constancy in a naturalistic object selection task. Developmental Science. e13306 |
Aston S, Denisova K, Hurlbert A, et al. (2020) Exploring the Determinants of Color Perception Using #Thedress and Its Variants: The Role of Spatio-Chromatic Context, Chromatic Illumination, and Material-Light Interaction. Perception. 49: 1235-1251 |
Wedge-Roberts R, Aston S, Beierholm U, et al. (2020) Specular highlights improve color constancy when other cues are weakened. Journal of Vision. 20: 4 |
Kiryakova RK, Aston S, Beierholm UR, et al. (2020) Bayesian transfer in a complex spatial localization task. Journal of Vision. 20: 17 |
Aston S, Radonjic A, Brainard DH, et al. (2019) Illumination discrimination for chromatically biased illuminations: Implications for color constancy. Journal of Vision. 19: 15 |
Radonjic A, Ding X, Krieger A, et al. (2018) Illumination discrimination in the absence of a fixed surface-reflectance layout. Journal of Vision. 18: 11 |
Aston S, Hurlbert A. (2017) What #theDress reveals about the role of illumination priors in color perception and color constancy. Journal of Vision. 17: 4 |
Aston S, Olkkonen M, Hurlbert A. (2017) Memory Bias for Illumination Colour Journal of Vision. 17: 130 |
Radonjic A, Pearce B, Aston S, et al. (2016) Illumination discrimination in real and simulated scenes. Journal of Vision. 16: 2 |