Robert Froemke

Otolaryngology, Physiology and Neuroscience New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Robert Froemke"
Mean distance: 12.31 (cluster 17)


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Yang Dan grad student 1999-2004 UC Berkeley
 (Long-term synaptic plasticity in the visual cortex.)
Michael M. Merzenich post-doc UCSF
Christoph E. Schreiner post-doc UCSF


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Tom Hindmarsh Sten research assistant 2015-2017 NYU
Katherine L Furman research assistant 2017-2019 NYU
Julia King grad student 2014-
Kathleen A. Martin grad student 2016- NYU
Luisa Schuster grad student 2018- NYU Langone Medical Center
Ana Raquel Oliveira Martins grad student 2009-2015 NYU
Bianca Jones Marlin grad student 2010-2015 NYU
Erin Glennon grad student 2016-2021 NYU School of Medicine
Ioana Carcea post-doc NYU
Michele N. Insanally post-doc NYU
Silvana Valtcheva post-doc 2017- NYU School of Medicine
Ariel Edward Hight post-doc 2019-
Megan A Kirchgessner post-doc 2021- NYU School of Medicine, NY
Sarah B. Winokur post-doc 2022- NYU School of Medicine
Mackenna Wollet post-doc 2025- NYU Langone
Kishore V. Kuchibhotla post-doc 2012-2017 NYU School of Medicine
Nesibe Z Temiz research scientist 2016-2017 NYU
Rhonda Kolaric research scientist 2019-2020 New York University Neuroscience Institute


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Rui Ponte Costa collaborator 2014- Edinburgh
Badr F. Albanna collaborator 2015- NYU
BETA: Related publications


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Kelberman MA, Rodberg E, Arabzadeh E, et al. (2024) Diversity of ancestral brainstem noradrenergic neurons across species and multiple biological factors. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Lemaire T, Yuan Y, Gellman C, et al. (2024) Microscopic deconstruction of cortical circuit stimulation by transcranial ultrasound. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Martin KA, Papadoyannis ES, Schiavo JK, et al. (2024) Vagus nerve stimulation recruits the central cholinergic system to enhance perceptual learning. Nature Neuroscience
Insanally MN, Albanna BF, Toth J, et al. (2024) Contributions of cortical neuron firing patterns, synaptic connectivity, and plasticity to task performance. Nature Communications. 15: 6023
Berceanu AI, Papasteri C, Sofonea A, et al. (2024) Oxytocin predicts positive affect gains in a role-play interaction. Frontiers in Psychology. 15: 1258254
Valtcheva S, Issa HA, Bair-Marshall CJ, et al. (2023) Neural circuitry for maternal oxytocin release induced by infant cries. Nature
Glennon E, Valtcheva S, Zhu A, et al. (2022) Locus coeruleus activity improves cochlear implant performance. Nature. 613: 317-323
Carcea I, Caraballo NL, Marlin BJ, et al. (2021) Oxytocin neurons enable social transmission of maternal behaviour. Nature
Schiavo JK, Valtcheva S, Bair-Marshall CJ, et al. (2020) Publisher Correction: Innate and plastic mechanisms for maternal behaviour in auditory cortex. Nature
Papasteri CC, Sofonea A, Boldasu R, et al. (2020) Social Feedback During Sensorimotor Synchronization Changes Salivary Oxytocin and Behavioral States. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 531046
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