Aldo A. Faisal
Affiliations: | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
Computational Neuroscience, Channel noise, Axon, Action Potential, TimeGoogle:
"Aldo Faisal"Mean distance: 13.58 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMalcolm Burrows | grad student | 1998-2000 | Cambridge | |
(MPhil supervisor) | ||||
Simon Laughlin | grad student | 2000-2004 | Cambridge | |
(PhD supervisor) | ||||
Daniel M. Wolpert | post-doc | Cambridge |
Sign in to add traineeCollaborators
Sign in to add collaboratorJeremy E. Niven | collaborator | Cambridge | |
John A. White | collaborator | Cambridge | |
Luc PJ Selen | collaborator | 2006- | Cambridge |
Dietrich Stout | collaborator | 2006- |
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Post B, Klapaukh R, Brett SJ, et al. (2025) Harnessing temporal patterns in administrative patient data to predict risk of emergency hospital admission. The Lancet. Digital Health. 7: e124-e135 |
Grogan M, Blum KP, Wu Y, et al. (2024) Predicting proprioceptive cortical anatomy and neural coding with topographic autoencoders. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012614 |
Wei X, Narayan J, Faisal A. (2024) The 'Sandwich' meta-framework for architecture agnostic deep privacy-preserving transfer learning for non-invasive brainwave decoding. Journal of Neural Engineering |
Nardi F, Haar S, Faisal AA. (2023) Bill-EVR: An Embodied Virtual Reality Framework for Reward-and-Error-Based Motor Rehab-Learning. Ieee ... International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics : [Proceedings]. 2023: 1-6 |
Han J, Wei X, Faisal AA. (2023) EEG decoding for datasets with heterogenous electrode configurations using transfer learning graph neural networks. Journal of Neural Engineering |
Kadirvelu B, Bellido Bel T, Wu X, et al. (2023) Mindcraft, a Mobile Mental Health Monitoring Platform for Children and Young People: Development and Acceptability Pilot Study. Jmir Formative Research. 7: e44877 |
Ricotti V, Kadirvelu B, Selby V, et al. (2023) Wearable full-body motion tracking of activities of daily living predicts disease trajectory in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Nature Medicine. 29: 95-103 |
Kadirvelu B, Gavriel C, Nageshwaran S, et al. (2023) A wearable motion capture suit and machine learning predict disease progression in Friedreich's ataxia. Nature Medicine. 29: 86-94 |
Post B, Badea C, Faisal A, et al. (2022) Breaking bad news in the era of artificial intelligence and algorithmic medicine: an exploration of disclosure and its ethical justification using the hedonic calculus. Ai and Ethics. 1-14 |
Currie SP, Ammer JJ, Premchand B, et al. (2022) Movement-specific signaling is differentially distributed across motor cortex layer 5 projection neuron classes. Cell Reports. 39: 110801 |