Aldo A. Faisal

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
Computational Neuroscience, Channel noise, Axon, Action Potential, Time
"Aldo Faisal"
Mean distance: 13.58 (cluster 17)


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Malcolm Burrows grad student 1998-2000 Cambridge
 (MPhil supervisor)
Simon Laughlin grad student 2000-2004 Cambridge
 (PhD supervisor)
Daniel M. Wolpert post-doc Cambridge


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Chaiyawan Auepanwiriyakul grad student Imperial College of London
Daolong Chen grad student
Max Grogan grad student Imperial College London
Alex J Harston grad student
Mahon Hughes grad student
Mohammed Khwaja grad student Imperial College of London
Margarita Kotti grad student Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London
Luchen Li grad student
Romy Lorenz grad student Imperial College London
Gayathiri Mathusuthan grad student
Federico Nardi grad student Imperial College London
Garazi Arana Oiarbide grad student Imperial College London
Pablo Ortega grad student Imperial College of London
Benjamin Post grad student Imperial College London
Mahendran Subramanian grad student Imperial College London
Scott V. Taylor grad student Imperial College London
Pablo M. Tostado grad student Imperial College London
Filippo Valdettaro grad student Imperial College London
Sigourney Waibel grad student Imperial College London
Nat Wannas grad student Imperial College London
Xiaoxi Wei grad student Imperial College London
Xiaoxi Wei grad student
Ariadne Whitby grad student Cambridge
Yufei Wu grad student
Ali Neishabouri grad student 2010- Imperial College London
Andreas A C Thomik grad student 2010- Imperial College London
Constantinos Gavriel grad student 2012- Imperial College London
Rajeshwari Iyer grad student 2012- Imperial College London
Alessandro Ticchi grad student 2012- Imperial College London
William Dudley grad student 2020- Imperial College London
Myura Nagendran grad student 2020- Imperial College London
Amr Nimer grad student 2020- Imperial College London
Arnaud Robert grad student 2020- Imperial College London
Jinpei Han grad student 2022- Imperial College London
Yuxuan Liu grad student 2022- Imperial College London
Renato Mio grad student 2022- University of Bayreuth
Ekaterina Abramova grad student 2010-2013 Imperial College London
Anastasia Sylaidi grad student 2010-2015 Imperial College London
William Welby Abbott grad student 2011-2015 Imperial College London
Feryal Mehraban Pour Behbahani grad student 2011-2015 Imperial College London
Diana Bicazan grad student 2015-2018 Imperial College London
Charalambos Konnaris grad student 2015-2018 Imperial College London
Jinpei Han grad student 2022-2026 Imperial College London
Fabio Ferreira post-doc Imperial College London
Pavel Orlov post-doc
Jake Ormond post-doc Imperial College London
Ali Shafti post-doc
Giuseppe zito post-doc Imperial College London
Balasundaram Kadirvelu post-doc 2018- Imperial College London
Jyotindra Narayan post-doc 2023- University of Bayreuth
Luke Dickens post-doc 2011-2012 Imperial College London
Shlomi Haar post-doc 2017-2020 Imperial College London


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Jeremy E. Niven collaborator Cambridge
John A. White collaborator Cambridge
Luc PJ Selen collaborator 2006- Cambridge
Dietrich Stout collaborator 2006-
BETA: Related publications


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Post B, Klapaukh R, Brett SJ, et al. (2025) Harnessing temporal patterns in administrative patient data to predict risk of emergency hospital admission. The Lancet. Digital Health. 7: e124-e135
Grogan M, Blum KP, Wu Y, et al. (2024) Predicting proprioceptive cortical anatomy and neural coding with topographic autoencoders. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012614
Wei X, Narayan J, Faisal A. (2024) The 'Sandwich' meta-framework for architecture agnostic deep privacy-preserving transfer learning for non-invasive brainwave decoding. Journal of Neural Engineering
Nardi F, Haar S, Faisal AA. (2023) Bill-EVR: An Embodied Virtual Reality Framework for Reward-and-Error-Based Motor Rehab-Learning. Ieee ... International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics : [Proceedings]. 2023: 1-6
Han J, Wei X, Faisal AA. (2023) EEG decoding for datasets with heterogenous electrode configurations using transfer learning graph neural networks. Journal of Neural Engineering
Kadirvelu B, Bellido Bel T, Wu X, et al. (2023) Mindcraft, a Mobile Mental Health Monitoring Platform for Children and Young People: Development and Acceptability Pilot Study. Jmir Formative Research. 7: e44877
Ricotti V, Kadirvelu B, Selby V, et al. (2023) Wearable full-body motion tracking of activities of daily living predicts disease trajectory in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Nature Medicine. 29: 95-103
Kadirvelu B, Gavriel C, Nageshwaran S, et al. (2023) A wearable motion capture suit and machine learning predict disease progression in Friedreich's ataxia. Nature Medicine. 29: 86-94
Post B, Badea C, Faisal A, et al. (2022) Breaking bad news in the era of artificial intelligence and algorithmic medicine: an exploration of disclosure and its ethical justification using the hedonic calculus. Ai and Ethics. 1-14
Currie SP, Ammer JJ, Premchand B, et al. (2022) Movement-specific signaling is differentially distributed across motor cortex layer 5 projection neuron classes. Cell Reports. 39: 110801
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