Jeremy E. Niven
Affiliations: | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
Neuroethology, Fly photoreceptors, Locust motor systemGoogle:
"Jeremy Niven"Mean distance: 13.89 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMalcolm Burrows | grad student | 1997-2000 | University of Cambridge, UK |
Mikko Juusola | post-doc | 2000-2003 | Cambridge |
Simon Laughlin | post-doc | 2003-2005 | Cambridge |
Sign in to add traineeMikkel Roald-Arbøl | grad student | 2020- | University of Sussex |
Anne M.M. Fransen | grad student | 2009-2010 | Cambridge |
Biswa Sengupta | grad student | 2007-2011 | Cambridge |
Nikon A. Rasumov | grad student | 2008-2011 | Cambridge |
Francisco J. H Heras | grad student | 2011-2016 |
Sign in to add collaboratorAldo A. Faisal | collaborator | Cambridge | |
Swidbert R. Ott | collaborator | Cambridge | |
Mikko Vahasoyrinki | collaborator | Cambridge | |
Matti Weckstrom | collaborator | University of Oulu |
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Rossi M, Ott SR, Niven JE. (2020) Malpighamoeba infection compromises fluid secretion and P-glycoprotein detoxification in Malpighian tubules. Scientific Reports. 10: 15953 |
Heras FJH, Vähäsöyrinki M, Niven JE. (2018) Modulation of voltage-dependent K+ conductances in photoreceptors trades off investment in contrast gain for bandwidth. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006566 |
Heras FJ, Anderson J, Laughlin SB, et al. (2017) Voltage-dependent K(+) channels improve the energy efficiency of signalling in blowfly photoreceptors. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 14 |
Heras FJ, Laughlin SB, Niven JE. (2016) Shunt peaking in neural membranes. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 13 |
Niven JE. (2016) Neuronal energy consumption: biophysics, efficiency and evolution. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 41: 129-135 |
Simões PM, Ott SR, Niven JE. (2016) Environmental Adaptation, Phenotypic Plasticity, and Associative Learning in Insects: The Desert Locust as a Case Study. Integrative and Comparative Biology |
Niven JE. (2015) Neural Evolution: Marginal Gains through Soma Location. Current Biology : Cb. 25: R330-2 |
Sengupta B, Laughlin SB, Niven JE. (2014) Consequences of converting graded to action potentials upon neural information coding and energy efficiency. Plos Computational Biology. 10: e1003439 |
Simões PM, Niven JE, Ott SR. (2013) Phenotypic transformation affects associative learning in the desert locust. Current Biology : Cb. 23: 2407-12 |
Sengupta B, Laughlin SB, Niven JE. (2013) Balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents promote efficient coding and metabolic efficiency. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1003263 |