People added by JLand52: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Dinu Florin Albeanu (Info) CSHL Olfaction, Optogenetics JLand52 2011‑02‑07
Ravi Allada (Info) Northwestern Circadian rhythms JLand52 2009‑06‑08
Hubert Amrein (Info) Duke, Texas A & M Health Science Center Sex differences JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Adam Anderson (Info) University of Toronto emotion JLand52 2005‑10‑20
Phil Anderson (Info) UW Madison C. Elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Anat Arzi (Info) Cambridge Olfaction, sleep JLand52 2015‑08‑25
Kaveh Ashrafi (Info) UCSF JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Richard Axel (Info) Columbia Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Alexander Bachmanov (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2013‑10‑10
Shaowen Bao (Info) University of Arizona JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Cori Bargmann (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF C. elegans, decision JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Edi Barkai (Info) University of Haifa Olfaction learning and memory JLand52 2006‑04‑05
Linda M. Bartoshuk (Info) UF Gainesville Taste Psychophysics JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Gary Keith Beauchamp (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Leonardo Belluscio (Info) NIH Olfaction JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Genevieve Bender (Info) Yale Taste JLand52 2006‑05‑30
Moustafa Bensafi (Info) CNRS Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Seymour Benzer (Info) Caltech Neurogenetics JLand52 2005‑11‑02
Vikas Bhandawat (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2010‑03‑08
Susan Birren (Info) Brandeis Development JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Emilio Bizzi (Info) MIT Motor JLand52 2005‑01‑29
James Bower (Info) UT San Antonio Computation JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Joseph G. Brand (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2015‑10‑15
Steven Bray (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Sydney Brenner (Info) Salk Institute C. Elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Paul Breslin (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Institute, Rutgers Taste JLand52 2011‑02‑14
Linda B. Buck (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Harvard University (medical School), University of Maryland, Baltimore, Yale Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Linas Buntinas (Info) CU Boulder Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
William S. Cain (Info) UCSD Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21
Leslie Cameron (Info) Carthage College JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Peter S. Cameron (Info) Scripps Institute JLand52 2006‑12‑18
John A. Carbon (Info) UC Santa Barbara molecular genetics of yeasts, nucleic acid biochemistry, chromosome structure and function JLand52 2006‑03‑23
John Carlson (Info) Yale Chemical Senses JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Martin Chalfie (Info) Columbia C. elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Maurice Chastrette (Info) CNRS Lyon JLand52 2016‑08‑26
Didier Chatenay (Info) ENS Paris JLand52 2005‑08‑12
Denise Chen (Info) Rice University Olfaction JLand52 2010‑05‑06
Alex Chesler (Info) NIH Somatosensation JLand52 2007‑01‑30
Andy Chess (Info) Harvard Medical School Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Nikolaos Chronis (Info) University of Michigan JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Géraldine Coppin (Info) Yale JLand52 2013‑02‑01
Suzanne Corkin (Info) MIT Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Beverly J. Cowart (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2014‑10‑07
Tyler Cutforth (Info) Stanford JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Lindsey Czarnecki (Info) SUNY Stony Brook JLand52 2018‑10‑02
Anupama Dahanukar (Info) UC Riverside Taste JLand52 2007‑04‑30
Pamela Dalton (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Leon Deouell (Info) Hebrew University Audition JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Charles D. Derby (Info) Georgia State Chemical senses JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Sandeepa Dey (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2006‑03‑10
Ray J. Dolan (Info) UCL Attention, memory, emotion JLand52 2006‑01‑23
Richard L. Doty (Info) Penn JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Wilder T. Doucette (Info) CU Boulder Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Valerie Duffy (Info) University of Connecticut Taste JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Catherine Dulac (Info) Harvard Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
David Eagleman (Info) Baylor College of Medicine JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Henry F. Epstein (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Muscle JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Albert Irving Farbman (Info) Northwestern Chemical Senses JLand52 2006‑03‑27
Gary Felsenfeld (Info) NIH chromatin structure and gene expression in eukaryotes JLand52 2005‑10‑23
Stuart Firestein (Info) Columbia Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Walter Fischler-Ruiz (Info) MIT, MIT, UC Berkeley, Columbia JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Kelly A. Flanagan (Info) Scripps Institute JLand52 2010‑03‑17
Johannes Frasnelli (Info) McGill Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Rainer Friedrich (Info) Friedrich Miescher Institut Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑05
Shinsuke Fujii (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Stefan H. Fuss (Info) Bogazici University Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
John D.E. Gabrieli (Info) MIT Cognitive neuroscience JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Gian Garriga (Info) UC Berkeley Development JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Yoav Gilad (Info) Chicago Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21
Avery Gilbert (Info) Olfaction JLand52 2009‑08‑26
Joseph Gogos (Info) Columbia JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Qizhi Gong (Info) UC Davis JLand52 2006‑03‑27
Michael Gordon (Info) UBC JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Jay A. Gottfried (Info) Northwestern Olfaction JLand52 2006‑01‑23
Elizabeth Gould (Info) Princeton Neurogenesis JLand52 2007‑05‑23
Amy L. Greenwood (Info) Harvard JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Leslie C. Griffith (Info) Brandeis JLand52 2005‑09‑12
Wendy Grus (Info) University of Michigan JLand52 2006‑12‑12
Ilana S. Hairston (Info) University of Michigan sleep JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Mimi Halpern (Info) SUNY Brooklyn Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Abdallah Hayar (Info) University of Arkansas JLand52 2010‑02‑19
Stephen L. Helfand (Info) Brown Aging JLand52 2006‑03‑10
René Hen (Info) Columbia Serotonin JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Scott Herness (Info) Ohio State JLand52 2006‑01‑23
Lisa F. Horowitz (Info) Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
H. Robert Horvitz (Info) MIT ALS JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Liquan Huang (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2013‑12‑04
Thomas Hummel (Info) University of Dresden Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Kurt R. Illig (Info) University of St. Thomas Olfaction, Cortical Systems JLand52 2006‑04‑20
Ehud Y. Isacoff (Info) UC Berkeley Channel Physiology JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Yoshi Ishimaru (Info) Duke Taste JLand52 2006‑03‑10
Burnley Jaklevic (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Lily Y. Jan (Info) UCSF Channel Physiology JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Marilyn Jones-Gotman (Info) McGill JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Benjamin Judkewitz (Info) Caltech Biophotonics JLand52 2006‑04‑05
David Julius (Info) UCSF Somatosensation JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Amanda Kahn-Kirby (Info) UCSF obesity, olfaction, TRP channel signaling, C. elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Thorsten Kahnt (Info) Northwestern JLand52 2015‑04‑27
Marissa Lyn Kamarck (Info) Penn JLand52 2015‑11‑04
Eric R. Kandel (Info) Columbia Learning and Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Vikrant Kapoor (Info) Carnegie Mellon JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Andreas Keller (Info) Rockefeller Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Stephan Kennepohl (Info) McGill JLand52 2006‑12‑20
Cynthia Kenyon (Info) UCSF Aging JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Rehan Khan (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Michael P. Kilgard (Info) UT Dallas Auditory system plasticity JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Tali Kimchi (Info) Weizmann Institute VNO JLand52 2006‑04‑07
Dianne Kindel (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Robert T. Knight (Info) UC Berkeley PFC JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Holger Krapp (Info) Cambridge Visual system JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Jean-Silvain Lacroix (Info) Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Paul Laffort (Info) CNRS Dijon JLand52 2016‑08‑26
Doron Lancet (Info) Weizmann Institute Genetics, Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21
Basile Landis (Info) Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve Olfaction, Taste JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Hadas Lapid (Info) Afeka College of Engineering Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑04
Maria Larsson (Info) Stockholm University Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑09
Matthias Laska (Info) University of Munich Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Greg E. Lemke (Info) Salk Institute, UCSD Development JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Michael Leon (Info) UC Irvine Olfaction, Autism JLand52 2007‑05‑22
Stephen D. Liberles (Info) Harvard Medical School Olfaction and pheromone signaling, Vagus nerve JLand52 2008‑07‑08
Dayu Lin (Info) NYU Social behaviors JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Christiane Linster (Info) Cornell Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑30
Brian W. Lipscomb (Info) UC Berkeley Development JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Andrew Livermore (Info) Richmond Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Claudia Lodovichi (Info) Venitian Institute of Molecular Medicine Olfaction JLand52 2008‑06‑02
Darren W. Logan (Info) Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Olfaction, behaviour, transcriptomics JLand52 2010‑03‑17
Kit D. Longden (Info) HHMI Janelia Research Campus JLand52 2006‑03‑11
Charles Luetje (Info) University of Miami Receptor function, olfactory system JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Johan N. Lundstrom (Info) Karolinska Olfaction, Multisensory Perception JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Wenqin Luo (Info) Penn Touch JLand52 2012‑01‑11
Minghong Ma (Info) Penn Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Joel D. Mainland (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑25
Bettina Malnic (Info) USP Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Andrea V. Manzo (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Sunanda Marella (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Robert F. Margolskee (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2007‑04‑30
Jeffrey R. Martens (Info) UF Gainesville Cardiovascular, Olfaction JLand52 2014‑10‑07
Pavel Masek (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Hiroaki Matsunami (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21
Stephanie Mauthner (Info) Duke JLand52 2007‑10‑31
Marianna Max (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine JLand52 2013‑12‑04
Jospeh Pascal Mbiene (Info) Baylor Dental School Taste JLand52 2006‑03‑27
Timothy S. McClintock (Info) University of Kentucky Regeneration JLand52 2014‑10‑07
Jeremy C. McIntyre (Info) UF Gainesville Olfaction, Ciliopathy JLand52 2014‑10‑07
Jennifer E. Mehren (Info) Rockefeller Courtship JLand52 2005‑09‑12
Douglas A. Melton (Info) Harvard Development JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Randolf Menzel (Info) Freie University Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑05
Michael M. Merzenich (Info) UCSF, Posit Science Corporation Auditory system, plasticity JLand52 2005‑01‑29
David Miller (Info) Vanderbilt JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Dan Minor (Info) UCSF Channel Physiology JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Tetsuya Miyamoto (Info) JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Adi Mizrahi (Info) Hebrew University Neurogenesis JLand52 2007‑10‑15
Peter Mombaerts (Info) Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
P Read Montague (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Computation JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Jean-Pierre Montmayeur (Info) CNRS Taste JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Sean J. Morrison (Info) University of Michigan, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Stem cells JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Maxwell M. Mozell (Info) SUNY Upstate Medical University Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Steven D. Munger (Info) UF Gainesville Chemosensation JLand52 2008‑07‑29
Srikantan S. Nagarajan (Info) UCSF Sensory systems, and MEG JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Nobuki Nakanishi (Info) Burnham Institute JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Neil Nathanson (Info) University of Washington Signal transduction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
John Ngai (Info) UC Berkeley Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Steven Nordin (Info) Umeå University Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Carole Ober (Info) Chicago JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Jonas K. Olofsson (Info) Umeå University Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Mats J. Olsson (Info) Karolinska Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Masayo Omura (Info) Rockefeller JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Anthony Otsuka (Info) Illinois State University C. Elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Monica Ottenbacher (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Vassilis Pachnis (Info) NIMR Develoment JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (Info) Washington University JLand52 2005‑01‑29
James Patrick (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Synaptic Transmission JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Bettina Pause (Info) Universität Kiel JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Benvenuto Pernis (Info) Columbia Immunology JLand52 2006‑04‑13
Jay M. Pinto (Info) Chicago JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Lorena Pont-Lezica (Info) Harvard VNO JLand52 2006‑04‑07
Brad Postle (Info) UW Madison Memory JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Sandra Pouliot (Info) McGill JLand52 2006‑12‑20
George Preti (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2015‑04‑27
Katharine Prokop-Prigge (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2015‑04‑27
Ronald J. Racine (Info) McMaster University Memory JLand52 2007‑05‑22
Charan Ranganath (Info) UC Davis Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Anandasankar Ray (Info) UC Riverside JLand52 2010‑04‑27
Jens Reden (Info) University of Dresden JLand52 2006‑04‑05
Randall R. Reed (Info) Johns Hopkins Olfaction JLand52 2008‑07‑29
Johannes Reisert (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2010‑11‑11
Diego Restrepo (Info) CU Boulder Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Jean-Paul Revel (Info) Caltech Gap junctions JLand52 2005‑11‑02
Donald L. Riddle (Info) University of Missouri C. Elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Angela C. Roberts (Info) Cambridge JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Rich Roberts (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑03‑10
S Craig Roberts (Info) Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Botond M. Roska (Info) Friedrich Miescher Institute Visual system, Retina JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Catherine Rouby (Info) CNRS Lyon JLand52 2016‑08‑26
Jean-Pierre P. Royet (Info) Universite Claude-Bernard Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Bart Rypma (Info) UT Dallas JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Harumi Saito (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2006‑03‑10
Hitoshi Sakano (Info) University of Tokyo Olfaction JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Ernesto Salcedo (Info) CU Boulder Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Robert M. Sapolsky (Info) Stanford Neuron death, stress, gene therapy JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Ivanka Savic (Info) Karolinska Pheromones JLand52 2006‑01‑23
Richard Scheller (Info) Genentech, Inc. mechanisms of membrane organization and transport JLand52 2005‑10‑23
Susan S. Schiffman (Info) Duke Olfaction and Gustation JLand52 2007‑04‑30
Michael Schmuker (Info) FU Berlin Olfactory System, Modelling JLand52 2006‑04‑07
Kristin Scott (Info) UC Berkeley Taste JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Caroline Sezille (Info) CNRS Lyon Olfaction JLand52 2012‑12‑10
Shai Shaham (Info) Rockefeller Apoptosis JLand52 2006‑03‑23
Morgan Sheng (Info) MIT Synaptic Plasticity JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Benjamin M. Shykind (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑06
Jesse Slone (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Dana M. Small (Info) Yale Taste JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Monique Smeets (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2017‑08‑02
Noam Sobel (Info) Weizmann Institute Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑25
Marc Spehr (Info) RWTH Aachen University olfactory system, sensory neurophysiology JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Larry R. Squire (Info) UCSD Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Joseph C. Stevens (Info) Pierce Laboratory Psychophysics JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Lisa Stowers (Info) Scripps Institute, UCSD Pheromones JLand52 2008‑07‑07
Regina Marie Sullivan (Info) NKI, NYU JLand52 2007‑05‑22
Thierry Thomas-Danguin (Info) INRA Dijon Olfaction JLand52 2016‑08‑26
Richard F. Thompson (Info) USC Learning and Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Sharon L. Thompson-Schill (Info) Penn JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Natasha Thorne (Info) Duke JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Leslie P. Tolbert (Info) Arizona Research Laboratories Development JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Michael G. Tordoff (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2013‑10‑10
Kazushige Touhara (Info) University of Tokyo Olfaction JLand52 2007‑01‑26
W Dan Tracey (Info) Duke, Indiana University Bloomington JLand52 2006‑12‑18
Barbara Trask (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Genomics JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Susan Plock Travers (Info) Ohio State University College of Dentistry Taste JLand52 2015‑11‑04
Casey Trimmer (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center JLand52 2013‑09‑13
Robert Vassar (Info) Northwestern Alzheimer's JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Leslie B. Vosshall (Info) Rockefeller Olfaction and behavior JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Brian A. Wandell (Info) Stanford Vision JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Fan Wang (Info) Duke, MIT Somatosensory JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Hong Wang (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Taste JLand52 2015‑10‑15
Jing W. Wang (Info) UCSD Olfaction JLand52 2006‑02‑27
Elke Weiler (Info) Ruhr University Bochum JLand52 2006‑03‑27
I. Bernard Weinstein (Info) Columbia Genetics JLand52 2005‑10‑23
Linnea A. Weiss (Info) Yale JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Frank S. Werblin (Info) UC Berkeley Retina JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Johan Willander (Info) Stockholm University JLand52 2005‑08‑09
David Willshaw (Info) Edinburgh JLand52 2006‑03‑11
Donald A. Wilson (Info) NYU/Nathan Kline Institute Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑22
Jeffery A. Winer (Info) UC Berkeley Audition, anatomy JLand52 2006‑11‑02
Claire Julie Wyart (Info) Brain and Spine institute (ICM), Paris Olfaction- Light Activated Channels JLand52 2005‑08‑12
Charles Wysocki (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Kunio Yamazaki (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2009‑08‑26
Jian Yang (Info) Columbia Channel Physiology JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Emre Yaski (Info) MPI for Medical Research Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑05
Kai Zhao (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center, Ohio State JLand52 2017‑08‑02
Qiao Zhou (Info) Harvard JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Hanyi Zhuang (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2006‑03‑10
Kathryn Zimmerman (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Development JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Stuart M. Zola (Info) Emory Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Zhihua Zou (Info) UTMB Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Frank Zufall (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑10
Charles S. Zuker (Info) Columbia Taste JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Laurence J. Zwiebel (Info) Vanderbilt Mosquito Olfaction JLand52 2007‑10‑31
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