People added by tcoderre: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Thomas à Kempis (Info) Deventer Theology tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Georgius Acropolites (Info) University of Constantinople History tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
Rodolphus Agricola (Info) Universities of Heidelberg & Ferrara Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑03‑15
Valentin Alberti (Info) Leipzig University Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
William Fitch Allen (Info) University of Oregon Medical School olfaction, learning tcoderre 2006‑11‑15
Sue Ambrosini (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
P.C. Antoine-Louis (Info) Les Hôpitals de la Charité et Salpêtrière de Paris Neurosurgery tcoderre 2006‑12‑13
Frederick G. Banting (Info) University of Toronto diabetes tcoderre 2006‑12‑01
Caspar Bauhin (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
Georg Joseph Beer (Info) Universität Wien anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2006‑12‑11
Charles Bell (Info) Edinburgh neurology, anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
John Bell (Info) Edinburgh anatomy tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
Nicephorus Blemmydes (Info) Monastery of Ephesus philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
Giovanni Boccaccio (Info) tcoderre 2007‑10‑24
Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro (Info) Avignon theology tcoderre 2007‑10‑24
Alexis Boulet Boyer (Info) Hôpital de la Charité de Paris Anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2006‑11‑30
Antonio Musa Brasavola (Info) University of Ferrara Surgery tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Julius Ludwig Budge (Info) Greifswald anatomy tcoderre 2007‑01‑31
Nicetas Byzantius (Info) tcoderre 2009‑05‑14
Catherine Cahill (Info) Queens University pain, opioid pharmacology tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
Giulio Cesare Casseri (Info) University of Padua Anatomist tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Jean-Martin Charcot (Info) Hôpital Salpêtrière, Paris Neurology, anatomical pathology tcoderre 2006‑12‑20
Manuel Chrysoloras (Info) University of Florence, Constantinople Greek, humanism tcoderre 2007‑07‑19
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim (Info) University of Leipzig neuropathology tcoderre 2007‑01‑31
Esaïe Colladon (Info) Geneva Philosophy tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
James Bertram Collip (Info) University of Toronto, University of Alberta, McGill neuroendocrinology tcoderre 2006‑12‑01
Giovanni Colonna (Info) Avignon theology tcoderre 2007‑10‑24
Virginia Cornea (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
Alexander Crichton (Info) Edinburgh psychiatry tcoderre 2007‑01‑14
Nicolo (Leoniceno) da Lonigo (Info) University of Padua, University of Ferrara Medicine, mathematics, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Convenevole da Prato (Info) Carpentras Grammarian tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
Giovanni di Conversino da Ravenna (Info) University of Padua philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
Guarino da Verona (Info) University of Padua, University of Ferrara philosophy, Greek tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
John Call Dalton (Info) College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Neurophysiology, neuroanatomy tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Yves De Koninck (Info) Université Laval pain, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2006‑11‑14
François Gigot de la Peyronie (Info) Hôpital de la Charité de Paris Surgery tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Martinus del Rio (Info) University of Louvain Theology tcoderre 2007‑03‑15
Marshall Devor (Info) Hebrew University pain, neuropathology tcoderre 2006‑11‑13
Gerhardt Dorn (dornius) (Info) University of Basel alchemy tcoderre 2007‑04‑17
Jonathan O. Dostrovsky (Info) University of Toronto pain, neuroplasticity, movement disorders tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Ludwig Dringenberg (Info) Library Beatus Rhenanus and Deventer Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Guillaume Dupuytren (Info) Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu de Paris Surgery, anatomical pathology tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
Ludwig Edinger (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Comparative Neurology tcoderre 2007‑01‑30
Thomas Erastus (Info) Basel tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
Symeon the Studite Eulabes (The Pious) (Info) Studion Monastery tcoderre 2009‑10‑29
Theodorus Exapterigus (Info) tcoderre 2007‑11‑12
Girolamo (Hieronymus Fabricus) Fabrici d'Acquapendente (Info) University of Padua Anatomy, embryology tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Gabriel Falloppio (Info) University of Padua anatomy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Kim Fisher (Info) University of Calgary tcoderre 2012‑02‑28
Maria Fitzgerald (Info) UCL pain, development tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Marian Fundytus (Info) Purdue Pharma tcoderre 2012‑02‑28
Theodor Gaza (Info) University of Padua Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑03‑15
Ian Gilron (Info) Queens University pain, anesthesia tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
Francis Gotch (Info) Oxford neurophysiology tcoderre 2006‑12‑11
Nicephorus Gregoras (Info) Constantinople Theology, Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13
William Stewart Halsted (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School physiology tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Adam Haslmayr (Info) University of Louvain alchemy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑04‑17
James L. Henry (Info) McMaster University pain, inflammation tcoderre 2006‑11‑14
Leonard Erskine Hill (Info) University College Hospital Cerebral circulation, decompression tcoderre 2006‑12‑04
Friedrich Hoffmann (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle tcoderre 2009‑06‑17
Michael Italikos (Info) Philippopolis Philosophy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
John Black Johnston (Info) UMN anatomy, neurology tcoderre 2006‑11‑15
Thomas Wharton Jones (Info) Charing Cross School of Medicine Physiology tcoderre 2006‑12‑11
Demetrios Karykes (Info) Smyrna Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
Bradley Kerr (Info) University of Alberta pain, spinal cord injury tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Martin Koltzenburg (Info) University of Wurzburg pain, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Kresimir Krnjevic (Info) McGill neurophysiology tcoderre 2006‑11‑14
René Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec (Info) Collège de France, Paris Auscultation, stethoscope tcoderre 2007‑02‑05
Gaspard Laurent (Info) Geneva Philosophy tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
Simon Le Breton (Info) La Faculté de Médecine de Paris Surgery tcoderre 2007‑02‑08
Hermann Lebert (Info) Universität Zürich Comparative anatomy, pathology tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Celeste Lefebvre (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
John Lister (Info) UCL neurophysiology tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
William K. Livingston (Info) University of Oregon Medical School pain, neuropathology, neurology tcoderre 2006‑11‑15
Ognibene (Omnibonus Leonicenus) Lonigo (Info) Vicenza philosophy, humanism tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Pierre-Charles Alexandre Louis (Info) Hôpital de la Charité de Paris Medicine tcoderre 2007‑01‑31
Bartholomew of Lucca (Info) Dominican Order, Lucca history tcoderre 2007‑06‑26
Lorentz Lutz (Info) University of Basel alchemy tcoderre 2007‑04‑17
John F. MacDonald (Info) University of Toronto excitatory amino acids, LTP, excitotoxicity tcoderre 2006‑11‑14
William MacKenzie (Info) University of Glasgow Vision tcoderre 2006‑12‑11
John James Rickard MacLeod (Info) University of Toronto cerebral circulation tcoderre 2006‑12‑01
Aureliano Maestre de San Juan (Info) University of Madrid medicine, endocrinology tcoderre 2006‑12‑19
Georges Francois Maréschal (Info) Hôpital de la Charité de Paris Surgery tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
John Mauropous (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2007‑11‑13
Stephen McMahon (Info) King's College pain, growth factors tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Lorne M. Mendell (Info) SUNY Stony Brook spinal cord, plasticity, neurotrophins, synapse, pain tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Theodore Metochites (Info) Nicaea Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13
Alexander Morison (Info) Edinburgh psychiatry tcoderre 2006‑12‑18
Giuseppe Moruzzi (Info) University of Pisa cerebellar function tcoderre 2006‑11‑15
Hibba Nasir (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
Michel Nostradamus (Info) University of Montpellier anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑11
Johannes Oporinus (Info) University of Basel alchemy tcoderre 2007‑04‑17
Michael Osborne (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
William Osler (Info) Johns Hopkins, McGill University, Oxford medicine tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Johannes Pagus (Info) Paris Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Gregory Palamas (Info) Mount Athos Monastery Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13
Philip of Pera (Info) tcoderre 2007‑11‑11
Francesco Petrarch (Info) University of Montpellier philosophy, humanism, poetry tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
Graham M. Pitcher (Info) University of Toronto Pain tcoderre 2006‑12‑17
Felix Platter (Info) University of Basel Medicine tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
Nicolas of Prato (Info) tcoderre 2008‑04‑11
Theodoros Prodromos (Info) Patriarchate school, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
Florentius Radewyn (Info) Deventer Theology tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Justo Ramón Casasús (Info) University of Zaragoza anatomy tcoderre 2006‑12‑19
Karl Bogislav Reichert (Info) Universität Berlin anatomy tcoderre 2007‑01‑31
Alfredo Ribeiro-da-Silva (Info) McGill pain, anatomy tcoderre 2009‑04‑15
Charles Robert Richet (Info) La Faculté de Médecine de Paris Neuroanatomy tcoderre 2006‑12‑20
Charles-Philippe Robin (Info) La Faculté de Médecine de Paris Anatomy tcoderre 2006‑12‑20
Pietro Roccabonella (Info) University of Padua pharmacy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Werner Rolfinck (Info) University of Jena iatrochemistry, botany, anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Guillaume Rondelet (Info) University of Montpellier biology tcoderre 2007‑02‑11
John Rutherford (Info) Edinburgh medicine tcoderre 2007‑01‑14
Michael W. Salter (Info) University of Toronto pain, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2006‑11‑14
Jana Sawynok (Info) Dalhousie University pain, opioids tcoderre 2007‑08‑09
Reza Sharif-Naeini (Info) McGill Pain research tcoderre 2012‑02‑28
William Sharpey (Info) UCL Anatomy tcoderre 2006‑12‑12
Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer (Info) UCL, Edinburgh Physiology tcoderre 2006‑12‑04
Stephanos Skylitzes (Info) Trebizond, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18
Theodore of Smyrna (Info) University of Constantinople philosophy tcoderre 2007‑11‑13
Alexandra Soliman (Info) tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
Georg Ernst Stahl (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle chemistry, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Oliver S. Strong (Info) Marine Biological Laboratory, Columbia University Comparative Neurology tcoderre 2007‑01‑30
Jacob (Jacques) Sylvius (Dubois) (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13
Jean Tagault (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13
Jakob Thomasius (Info) Leipzig University Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑21
Stephen Thompson (Info) Plymouth University, Kings College London (KCL), UCL pain, neurotrophins tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Johannes Trithemius (Info) Heidelberg University alchemy, magic tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Adriaan van den Spieghel (Info) University of Padua Anatomy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Jean Baptiste Van Helmont (Info) University of Louvain chemistry tcoderre 2007‑02‑13
Nicodemus of Vatopedi (Info) Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos Theology tcoderre 2007‑09‑13
Andreas (Andries) Vesalius (van Wesele) (Info) University of Padua Anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2007‑02‑13
Kathleen Frances Vincent (Info) McGill, Hospital for Special Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School Anesthesia tcoderre 2015‑06‑01
Johann von Dalberg (Info) Heidelberg University Theology tcoderre 2007‑03‑15
Alexander Hegius von Heek (Info) Deventer Philosophy, humanism tcoderre 2007‑03‑15
Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (Info) University of Basel medicine, alchemy tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (Info) Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Straßburg, Universität Berlin neuroanatomy tcoderre 2007‑01‑31
Patrick D. Wall (Info) UCL Pain, neuropathology, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2006‑11‑13
Stephen G. Waxman (Info) Yale pain, ion channels tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Georg Wolfgang Wedel (Info) University of Jena alchemy, medicine, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
Karl Weigert (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Neuropathology tcoderre 2007‑01‑30
Jacob Wimpheling (Info) Heidelberg University theology tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Johannes (Jean) Winther von Andernach (Gonthier d' Andernach; Guinterius Andruacus) (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13
Alexander (lang Sandy) Wood (Info) Edinburgh surgery tcoderre 2006‑12‑13
Clifford Woolf (Info) MGH pain, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Dimitris Xanthos (Info) Medical University of Vienna tcoderre 2012‑02‑28
John Xiphilinus (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2008‑02‑12
Thomas Young (Info) Edinburgh surgery tcoderre 2007‑01‑14
Jacob Zwinger (Info) Basel tcoderre 2009‑06‑16
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