Cluster #22 (Go to map): Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Charles G. Phillips (Info) Oxford minghong 2008‑09‑24
Eberhard E. Fetz (Info) University of Washington Motor system hanks 2005‑10‑13
Ragnar Granit (Info) Karolinska vision movshon 2005‑09‑15
Chien-Ping Wu (Info) ION, CAS Neurophysiology nhchen 2008‑04‑08
Christopher A. Buneo (Info) Arizona State Motor Control, bioengineering nicholas_port 2007‑11‑07
Sten Grillner (Info) Karolinska Neuronal control of locomotion cab 2008‑02‑02
Roderick A. Suthers (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Vocal Production KennethKJ 2008‑01‑04
Amy Jo Bastian (Info) Johns Hopkins human neurphysiology, motor learning tom thach 2007‑06‑19
Andrew Garmory Richardson (Info) Penn Motor system drewrich 2007‑10‑03
Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi (Info) Northwestern Motor System, Learning, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience vchib 2007‑05‑12
Theodore E. Milner (Info) Simon Fraser mgrey 2007‑11‑30
John F. Soechting (Info) UMN nicholas_port 2007‑11‑07
Richard B. Stein (Info) University of Alberta mgrey 2007‑12‑02
Daofen Chen (Info) NINDS fetz 2008‑12‑13
Stephen I. Tillery (Info) Arizona State Motor Control nicholas_port 2007‑11‑07
James C. Houk (Info) Northwestern Motor systems LeeEMiller 2009‑02‑06
Michal Zochowski (Info) University of Michigan soyounk 2007‑05‑06
Andrew Schwartz (Info) University of Pittsburgh hayden 2005‑01‑16
Leonel E. Medina (Info) Duke Neural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics leonelmd 2012‑03‑26
Remy Wahnoun (Info) Arizona State Neuroprosthetics wahnoun 2008‑07‑07
Pietro Morasso (Info) University of Genova Computational Motor control, Cognitive Robotics vishuu 2009‑09‑17
Soyoun Kim (Info) KIST decision making daeyeol_lee 2007‑04‑29
Stavros Zanos (Info) University of Washington, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research motor cortex, cortical plasticity, closed-loop stimulation, neuromodulation stavroszanos 2008‑05‑17
Mario Wiesendanger (Info) University of Fribourg chend 2009‑05‑13
Didier Flament (Info) motor control ag275 2010‑04‑14
Kelly Westlake (Info) UCSF plasticity, stroke, rehabilitation kpwestlake 2008‑06‑02
Brian I. Hyland (Info) University of Otago, New Zealand Motor system, reward system BHyland 2011‑06‑09
Hans Hultborn (Info) Copenhagen University mgrey 2007‑11‑30
Jeff G. Ojemann (Info) University of Washington neurosurgery, language alecia 2007‑04‑20
T Richard Nichols (Info) Georgia Tech cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Alan D. Dorval (Info) Duke Computation & Theory jwhite 2005‑09‑06
Keith A. Vossel (Info) Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease neurodegenerative disease 67920 2009‑10‑01
Timothy H. Lucas (Info) Penn Motor systems, BCI LucasT 2012‑02‑10
Brian Mogen (Info) University of Washington Spinal Cord Stimulation, Neurosurgery, Plasticity mogenb 2015‑12‑02
Ryan W. Eaton (Info) University of Washington motor neurophysiology thugwithyoyo 2008‑01‑16
Samit Chakrabarty (Info) University of Leeds Spinal Neurophysiology, Interneurones, suprsapinal control sc808 2008‑04‑20
Ashwini K. Rao (Info) Columbia Huntington's disease, Essential Tremor, Parkinson's Disease, gait, hand movements, motor control ag275 2010‑04‑12
Tim Y. Mariano (Info) Brown neuromodulation, tDCS, neural engineering, prefrontal cortical function, neural engineering, functional electrical stimulation (FES) tym 2007‑07‑09
Daniel Kernell (Info) RUG pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Peter Kirkwood (Info) UCL Institute of Neurology Motor Control, spinal cord injury, respiration medenton 2012‑01‑30
etienne burdet (Info) Imperial College motor learning, neuroengineering eburdet 2008‑07‑03
Aaron J. Gruber (Info) University of Lethbridge neuromodulation, oscillations, reward processing, psychiatric disease, cortex, basal ganglia aarongruber 2009‑04‑24
Martha Flanders (Info) UMN Neuroscience capslock 2008‑12‑09
Karl Frank (Info) NINDS Neurophysiology andymitz 2009‑01‑01
Réjean Dubuc (Info) Université de Montréal Motor control dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑04
Elaine Anna Corbett (Info) Northwestern motor system david 2015‑07‑04
Douglas J. Weber (Info) Carnegie Mellon motor control, neural prosthetics, robotics dougweber 2007‑12‑09
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (Info) Duke jm 2006‑11‑30
Hans Forssberg (Info) Karolinska Pediatric neurology, motor control, cerebral palsy, ADHD, cat, locomotion, gait, hand ag275 2010‑04‑12
Peter Clamann (Info) University of Bern Synaptic transmission in spinal cord neurons shonebc 2008‑07‑29
Andrew M. Gordon (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Motor control, systems neuroscience, movement disorders, cerebral palsy, hand ag275 2010‑04‑12
Lee E. Miller (Info) Northwestern Motor systems LeeEMiller 2009‑02‑06
Hannah J. Block (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana University Bloomington Sensory-motor neurophysiology jtchoi 2009‑07‑16
He Crane Huang (Info) UCSD Computational Neuroscience feraina 2010‑04‑02
Warren Grill (Info) Duke, Case Western Engineering adorval 2005‑09‑12
Barbara A. Block (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation SornDascuk 2007‑04‑17
Vittorio Sanguineti (Info) Università degli Studi di Genova motor control, neuromotor rehabilitation noriaki 2011‑02‑28
Arthur Prochazka (Info) University of Alberta Sensorimotor control valeriyag 2007‑12‑12
John Outerbridge (Info) McGill tvilis 2013‑02‑15
Floyd J. Thompson (Info) UF Gainesville Spinal cord, Motor control bsadacca 2007‑07‑03
Robert M. Brownstone (Info) Dalhousie University, UCL, University of Manitoba Spinal cord, neural circuits for movement rbrownst 2008‑06‑17
Gregory A. Apker (Info) Arizona State Motor Control, bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑11
Manoshi Bhowmik-Stoker (Info) Arizona State Motor Control, bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑11
Eugene Tunik (Info) NYU Motor Control tunik 2007‑07‑02
Peggy J. Planetta (Info) UF Gainesville movement disorders, neuroimaging, tactile perception planetta 2013‑06‑22
Erin Vasudevan (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Motor control, motor learning, locomotion, rehabilitation hannahjb 2009‑07‑29
Howard Poizner (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Motor Control, Movement Neuroscience bobsainb 2009‑10‑23
Robert A. Scheidt (Info) Marquette Univewrsity Bioengineering, Motor control, Motor Learning, Brain Imaging, Computational neuroscience cpjg 2011‑05‑02
Tatiana Deliagina (Info) Karolinska Spinal cord Injury manideepgupta 2015‑04‑05
Andreas A. Kardamakis (Info) Karolinska Motor systems kampatzis 2013‑11‑09
Shreyas M. Suryanarayana (Info) Karolinska, CSHL, Duke Neurobiology Motor Systems, Attention, Evolution shrsur 2015‑01‑01
Julia T. Choi (Info) human locomotion and posture jtchoi 2009‑07‑16
James M. Finley (Info) USC sensorimotor control, motor learning, locomotion jmfinley 2013‑02‑21
Alessandro Vato (Info) IIT Brain-computer Interfaces isca74 2008‑08‑21
A. M. Gentile (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University motor learning ag275 2010‑04‑30
Kornelius Rácz (Info) USC Motor control korneliusraths 2008‑06‑13
Gelsy Torres-Oviedo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motor adaptation, locomotion, balance control, motor control hannahjb 2009‑07‑29
Susan Shefchyk (Info) University of Manitoba spinal cord physiology, micturition lmjordan 2007‑01‑12
Peter B. Matthews (Info) Oxford mgrey 2007‑12‑02
Neville Hogan (Info) MIT motor control mbernike 2011‑10‑20
Brian S. Nelson (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Vocal Production pq 2015‑10‑11
Sue Anne Zollinger (Info) Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, University of St Andrews, Indiana University Bloomington, UMBC Vocal Production, "bird song", "animal communication", physiology KennethKJ 2008‑01‑04
Joost B. Wagenaar (Info) Penn Epilepsy, big neural data jwagenaar 2013‑12‑19
Catherine E. Lang (Info) Washington University human neurphysiology, motor learning pq 2015‑10‑08
Susanne M. Morton (Info) University of Iowa Motor systems neuroscience Sarahussain 2012‑10‑03
Gowri Jayaram (Info) Johns Hopkins human neurphysiology, motor learning pq 2015‑10‑08
Nasir H. Bhanpuri (Info) Johns Hopkins Motor Control hannahjb 2009‑07‑29
Christina T. Fuentes (Info) Johns Hopkins hannahjb 2009‑07‑29
Laura A. Malone (Info) Johns Hopkins hannahjb 2009‑07‑29
James L. Patton (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Motor System, Rehabilitation Robotics smiv 2011‑11‑29
E Paul Zehr (Info) University of Victoria cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Jean-Marie Cabelguen (Info) INSERM Motor control dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑04
Benjamin Singer (Info) University of Michigan soyounk 2007‑05‑06
Nicolas Stifani (Info) Université de Montréal Neurosciences, Spinalcord, Microscopy nstifani 2015‑03‑17
Marianna Semprini (Info) IIT Brain-Machine Interface smiv 2011‑11‑29
David Bennett (Info) University of Alberta valeriyag 2008‑09‑13
Amir Karniel (Info) Ben Gurion University Computational motor control karniel 2008‑10‑29
Dalia De Santis (Info) Northwestern motor control, haptic interaction dalia_ds 2016‑02‑19
Maura Casadio (Info) University of Genova vsangui 2011‑03‑16
Zachary Danziger (Info) Florida International, Emory, Emory smiv 2011‑11‑29
Ali Farshchian (Info) Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University Motor Control Farshchian 2015‑11‑27
Bernard D. Reger (Info) Northwestern Motor System, Learning, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience pq 2015‑10‑08
Devjani J. Saha (Info) Northwestern Motor System, Learning, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience pq 2015‑10‑08
Ismael Seanez (Info) Washington University Rehabilitation, Neuroprosthetics mayoismael 2012‑10‑19
Regan B. Towal (Info) Northwestern Motor System, Learning, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience pq 2015‑10‑08
Manuel Enriquez Denton (Info) UCL Institute of Neurology Motor Control, spinal cord injury, respiration medenton 2012‑01‑30
Felix E. Zajac (Info) Stanford University/VA RR&D Center Biomechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Stephanie Naufel Thacker (Info) Northwestern Neuroprosthetics snaufel 2010‑06‑23
Michael J. Grey (Info) Copenhagen University Neuromuscular Plasticity, Functional Electrical Stimulation mgrey 2007‑11‑25
Jiping He (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering wahnoun 2008‑07‑07
Daniel W. Moran (Info) Washington University motor neurophysiology and neuroprosthetics jgoleary 2005‑11‑01
Carolynn Patten (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC motor physiology, neurology, neurorehabilitation kpwestlake 2008‑06‑02
Maurizio De Pittà (Info) Tel Aviv University, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Chicago, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, University of Toronto, University of the Basque Country, Krembil Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario computational neuroscience, neuron-glia interactions, neuron-glial networks, calcium signaling, Alzheimer's disease, computational glioscience, glial technologies mauriziodepitta 2010‑03‑02
Tyler Cluff (Info) Queens University Sensorimotor neuroscience, motor system jasonboulet 2010‑10‑25
Claire Francesca Meehan (Info) Copenhagen University spinal cord cfmeehan 2012‑12‑21
Sara A. Winges (Info) UMN motor control, hand ag275 2010‑04‑16
Jean-René Cazalets (Info) dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Hsing-Ching Kuo (Info) Teachers College Columbia University kfriel 2011‑08‑09
Leigh Ann A. Mrotek (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑16
Kevin C. Engel (Info) UMN ag275 2010‑04‑16
Yoichiro Aoyagi (Info) University of Alberta pq 2015‑10‑11
Bradley J. Holinski (Info) University of Alberta pq 2015‑10‑11
J. Andrew Pruszynski (Info) Western University Motor Control, Motor Cortex, Tactile Mechanisms, Neurophysiology apruszynski 2007‑09‑26
Cameron C. McIntyre (Info) Case Western Deep brain stimulation, Neuromodulation mattjohnson 2007‑08‑16
Jens Bo Nielsen (Info) Copenhagen University mgrey 2007‑11‑25
Chetan Purushottam Phadke (Info) West Park Healthcare Centre, University of Toronto, and York University H-reflex, spasticity, EMG cphadke 2006‑10‑12
George A. Ojemann (Info) University of Washington Neurosurgery, Language, Memory, Brain mapping stavroszanos 2008‑05‑17
Patrick E. Crago (Info) Case Western vsboyce 2009‑03‑08
Noga Yaniv (Info) University of Michigan Neuronal networks ynoga 2011‑08‑19
Jane Macpherson (Info) Neurological Sciences Institute Posture and balance control cbarberini 2007‑09‑04
Markus Plank (Info) UCSD virtual reality, human-robot interaction, EEG and fMRI, motion capture, eye movements, spatial cognition, movement uncertainty Gramann 2008‑06‑10
Kiran Nataraj (Info) Olympus America jjwenstrup 2013‑09‑21
Gerd Schuller (Info) Universität München grothe 2012‑03‑21
Allan M. Smith (Info) Université de Montréal hand, cerebellum, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey ag275 2010‑04‑14
Sarah E. Feldt (Info) University of Michigan pq 2015‑10‑08
Timothy C. Fink (Info) University of Michigan pq 2015‑10‑08
Jack N. Waddell (Info) University of Michigan pq 2015‑10‑08
Nathan A. Baldwin (Info) Arizona State Motor Control pq 2015‑10‑11
David M. Meller (Info) Arizona State Sensory systems, perception dmeller 2008‑07‑24
Cynthia K. Overstreet (Info) Arizona State ckpierce 2010‑06‑23
David Fraser (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Kevin E. Novak (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Christine R. Lattin (Info) Louisiana State Corticosteroids, sex steroids, receptors, endocrine disruption, dopamine, biomedical imaging michaelromero 2014‑01‑10
Dawn M. Taylor (Info) Arizona State pq 2015‑11‑24
Vishwanathan Mohan (Info) IIT Computational Motor control, Cognitive Robotics vishuu 2009‑09‑17
Jacopo Zenzeri (Info) Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Computational Motor Control, Cognitive Robotics jzenzeri 2011‑03‑03
George W. Fraser (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑11‑24
M. C. Spalding (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑11‑24
Rex N Tien (Info) University of Pittsburgh motor control, brain-machine interfaces rexntien 2015‑07‑03
Michael Palazzolo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motor Control mpalazzolo 2009‑11‑07
Robert G. Rasmussen (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroprosthetics rgr10 2010‑07‑26
Sai-Kit Marco Wu (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motor System zmarcoz 2007‑05‑22
Samuel Clanton (Info) Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh Robotics, Motor Control, Neural Prosthetics, BCI sclanton 2007‑06‑25
Sagi Perel (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neural Prosthetics, EMG, Functional Connectivity, Grasp sagipe 2010‑12‑10
Melvill Jones (Info) McGill dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Claire F. Honeycutt (Info) Northwestern Neurophysiology - Stroke Rehabilitation cfhoney 2011‑10‑24
Young-Hui Chang (Info) Georgia Tech Locomotion Neuromechanics aauyang 2011‑04‑14
Jing Nong Liang (Info) Northwestern meow 2015‑02‑10
Brett W. Fling (Info) Colorado State Motor control, Voluntary movement disorders, Aging bfling 2008‑12‑01
Bernard A. Conway (Info) University of Strathclyde nasseroleslami 2015‑05‑05
David Mendelowitz (Info) George Washington University nucleus ambiguus, cardiac mcandresen 2010‑07‑07
Robert Gaunt (Info) University of Pittsburgh neural prosthetics, sensorimotor control arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Carl G. Kukulka (Info) UMN pascoe 2008‑12‑10
Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas (Info) Cornell, USC pascoe 2008‑12‑09
James A. Hokanson (Info) Duke, Medical College of Wisconsin Urology and Neural Engineering JimH 2007‑09‑27
Brenda Bigland-Ritchie (Info) pascoe 2008‑12‑10
Sivakumar Balasubramanian (Info) Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMC), Vellore Neurorehabilitation, Neuromechanics, Movement Analysis siva82kb 2010‑04‑07
Elsie Culham (Info) Queens University postural control, aging kpwestlake 2008‑06‑02
Dimitri Ryczko (Info) Université de Montréal Motor control dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑03
Nicolas Caesar Petersen (Info) Copenhagen University, Copenhagen University, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Sydney, Australia, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Sydney, Australia, Kiel University, Copenhagen University Neuroscience nicolascp 2015‑08‑24
Lena H. Ting (Info) Georgia Tech and Emory University gelsyto 2012‑02‑20
Larry B. Sorensen (Info) University of Washington Brain Physics BrainPhysics 2013‑01‑25
Timothy Blakely (Info) University of Washington neurosurgery, language pq 2015‑10‑08
Raju Parasher (Info) Seton Hall University ag275 2010‑04‑12
Ya-Ching C. Hung (Info) CUNY, Queens College ag275 2010‑04‑13
Elma Kajtaz (Info) Georgia Tech vila9 2014‑09‑18
Andrea N. Lay (Info) Georgia Tech pq 2015‑10‑17
Beven P. Livingston (Info) Emory pq 2015‑10‑17
Kyla T. Ross (Info) Georgia Tech pq 2015‑10‑17
Mitch Berger (Info) UCSF LucasT 2012‑02‑10
Nicholas Barbaro (Info) UCSF LucasT 2012‑02‑10
Franchino S. Porciuncula (Info) Harvard Motor control, motor learning, robotics, stroke, movement disorders, Huntington's disease, vestibular disorders fporciu2 2014‑06‑20
Grégory Barrière (Info) dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Alexander Dityatev (Info) IIT Modulation of glutamate receptors by molecules of the extracellular matrix guest 2008‑07‑29
Tim M. Bruns (Info) University of Michigan Neuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces timbruns 2011‑12‑28
Greg T. Gdowski (Info) Rochester Vestibular system hfv 2006‑10‑17
Phillip Gardiner (Info) University of Manitoba napa 2007‑06‑21
David A. Brown (Info) Northwestern neural control of locomotion, spinal reflexes dalanav 2010‑10‑22
Inge Zijdewind (Info) RUG pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Benjamin D. Greenberg (Info) Brown tym 2013‑07‑02
Narendra Bhadra (Info) Case Western tym 2011‑05‑14
themistoklis Charalambous (Info) themis 2010‑04‑07
Sara A. Solla (Info) Northwestern neural networks david 2015‑11‑28
Scott Delp (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Roland S. Johansson (Info) Umea touch, object manipulation, cutaneous mechanoreceptors apruszynski 2011‑02‑09
Tara L. McIsaac (Info) A.T. Still University of Health Sciences Movement disorders, Motor control & learning tmcisaac 2009‑05‑15
Collin James Anderson (Info) University of Sydney, University of Sydney, University of Sydney Neuromodulation, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, Christianson Syndrome, Gene Therapy cander49 2016‑03‑10
Stephen Foldes (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute Neuroimaging, neurorehabilitation stfoldes 2016‑03‑01
Ken Rose (Info) Queens University motoneuron, spinal cord, biophysics, dendrites tuan81 2007‑08‑24
Iran Salimi (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine hand, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, cat, monkey ag275 2010‑04‑12
Bahman Nasseroleslami (Info) Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin Neural Control of Human Movement, Motor Neurophysiology, Motor Pathophysiology, NeuroMotor Biomarkers, Neuroelectric Imaging nasseroleslami 2015‑05‑05
Jean-François Gariépy (Info) Université de Montréal dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Colum D. MacKinnon (Info) Northwestern basal ganglia, parkinson's, dystonia maimae 2011‑02‑24
Gary T Yamaguchi (Info) Arizona State Movement Biomechanics dmoran 2010‑01‑14
Dennis J. Bourbeau (Info) University of Pittsburgh motor control pq 2015‑10‑11
Stuart A. Binder-Macleod (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke cphadke 2011‑06‑24
Gary Kamen (Info) U Mass Amherst pascoe 2008‑12‑10
Tuan V. Bui (Info) University of Ottawa Spinal cord, motoneurons, interneurons, neural circuits, electrophysiology, modelling, motor control tuan81 2007‑07‑19
Ann-Christin Eliasson (Info) Karolinska hand, cerebral palsy ag275 2010‑04‑13
R W. Christina (Info) Penn State cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Veronica J. Santos (Info) UCLA grasp and manipulation, hand biomechanics, haptics, human-machine systems, machine learning, neural control of movement, prosthetics, robotics, stochastic modeling, tactile sensors vjsantos 2009‑08‑21
Frederic Albert (Info) University de Provence ag275 2010‑04‑12
Celine Craje (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Motor control, cerebral palsy ag275 2011‑03‑02
Susan V. Duff (Info) Thomas Jefferson hand, physical therapym brachial plexus, cerebral palsy, occupational therapy ag275 2010‑04‑12
Claudio L. Ferre (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Motor control, cerebral palsy, hands, lateralization, development clferre 2011‑05‑10
Ely Rabin (Info) New York Institute of Technology sensory, parkinsons disease ag275 2010‑04‑12
Ralf Reilmann (Info) University of Munster Huntington's disease ag275 2010‑04‑12
Wei Zhang (Info) Arizona State hand, motor control ag275 2010‑04‑12
Gudrun Diermayr (Info) The University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien hand, gait, locomotion ag275 2010‑04‑12
Maria Grigos (Info) NYU speech motor development ag275 2010‑04‑29
Eric M. Lamberg (Info) SUNY Stony Brook respiratory control ag275 2010‑04‑12
Lisa M. Muratori (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Multiple Systems Atrophy, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease ag275 2010‑04‑12
Electra Petra (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University hand, cerebral palsy ag275 2011‑05‑26
Preeti Raghavan (Info) NYU hand, stroke ag275 2010‑04‑12
Marc W. Slutzky (Info) Northwestern neurology, neural engineering, brain-machine interfaces, epilepsy mslutzky 2010‑06‑22
Jeanne R. Charles (Info) Emory cerebral palsy, hand, constraint-induced movement therapy, bimanual training ag275 2010‑04‑12
Priska Gysin (Info) hand, gait, locomotion ag275 2010‑04‑12
Dawn M. Nilsen (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University hand, stroke, mental imagery, occupational therapy ag275 2011‑05‑26
Christian Ethier (Info) Université Laval Motor control, neuroprosthetics, neuroplasticity ricardort 2012‑02‑20
Brian London (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Michelle Morrow (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Emily R. Oby (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Matthew G. Perich (Info) Northwestern, University of Geneva, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Université de Montréal Motor Learning, Reaching, Motor Cortex mperich 2015‑05‑11
James M. Rebesco (Info) Northwestern Motor systems pq 2015‑10‑16
Ricardo Ruiz Torres (Info) Northwestern Motor control, BMI, proprioception ricardort 2009‑12‑14
Najmeh Hoseini (Info) Indiana University Bloomington hannahjb 2013‑12‑18
Hyunglae Lee (Info) Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Motor control; Neurorehabilitation hyunglae 2014‑12‑01
Eshel Ben-Jacob (Info) University of Michigan, Tel Aviv University Neuron-Glia interactions, Neurochips, Neuronal Network Neuroengineering, Information Processing in Neuronal Networks mauriziodepitta 2010‑03‑02
Jason M. Blank (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
Andre M. Boustany (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
David J. Marcinek (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
Steven L. Teo (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
Kevin C. Weng (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
David E. Vaillancourt (Info) UF Gainesville Motor Physiology, Movement Disorders vcourt 2013‑04‑06
Xiaogang Hu (Info) Penn State motor control huxg 2010‑12‑27
J. Luis Lujan (Info) Mayo Clinic Deep brain stimulation, Neuropsychiatric disorders, Electrical Stimulation, Neuroprosthetics mattjohnson 2008‑08‑20
David Collins (Info) University of Alberta valeriyag 2008‑09‑13
Monica Gorassini (Info) University of Alberta valeriyag 2008‑09‑13
Liu Shi Gan (Info) University of Alberta Biomedical Engineering arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Susan Patrick (Info) University of Alberta valeriyag 2008‑09‑13
Einat Ravid (Info) University of Alberta Sensorimotor control pq 2015‑10‑11
Kwabena Appenteng (Info) University of Leeds Neurophysiology arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Mike LLewellyn (Info) University of London valeriyag 2008‑09‑13
David Dewhurst (Info) University of Melbourne Biomedical Engineering arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Natalie Ravid (Info) University of Alberta arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Anthony Taylor (Info) Sherrington School of Physiology, University of London Neurophysiology arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Jan Kowalczewski (Info) University of Alberta Neuroscience arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Madhusudhan Venkadesan (Info) National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS-TIFR), Yale Biomechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Motor control, Evolution mv 2011‑04‑02
Yasin Y. Dhaher (Info) Northwestern cphadke 2009‑05‑15
Kenneth W. Horch (Info) University of Utah Neural Interface, Neuroprostheses chopinqsy 2010‑01‑14
Alexis Marie Kuncel (Info) Northwestern david 2015‑07‑06
Merrill Jay Birdno (Info) Duke neural engineering david 2015‑07‑06
Joseph Wilder Boggs (Info) Case Western david 2015‑07‑06
Alexander Rafael Kent (Info) Duke david 2015‑07‑06
Dongchul C. Lee (Info) Case Western david 2015‑07‑06
Rosa Qi So (Info) Duke david 2015‑07‑06
Xuefeng Frank Wei (Info) Duke david 2015‑07‑06
Brian Jeffrey Wenzel (Info) Case Western david 2015‑07‑06
Amorn Wongsarnpigoon (Info) Duke david 2015‑07‑06
John Patrick Woock (Info) Duke david 2015‑07‑06
David Winter (Info) University of Waterloo biomechanics ferrisdp 2009‑08‑19
Genevieve P. Zipp (Info) Seton Hall University ag275 2010‑04‑30
Lisa R. Bobich (Info) Arizona State akagiggs 2008‑10‑24
Paul van Donkelaar (Info) University of Oregon Sensorimotor control paulvd 2010‑04‑09
Jill Higginson (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Nicolò Francesco Bernardi (Info) McGill Motor control, Music cognition, Somatosensory perception, MBSR bernardinf 2015‑01‑19
Gordon Robertson (Info) University of Ottawa Biomechanics tcluff84 2011‑12‑01
D Michele Basso (Info) Ohio State Spinal Cord Injury, Motor Learning, Central Neuropathic Pain, Rehabilitation megangitis 2008‑03‑05
Ellen Cohen (Info) Baylor College of Medicine ag275 2010‑04‑30
Kathy L. Curtis (Info) New York Medical College ag275 2010‑04‑30
Gail Lavender (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Gale J. Lavinder (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University motor learning pq 2015‑10‑21
Jacques Nacson (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
William G. Werner (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University motor learning pq 2015‑10‑21
Zahra Beheshti (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Janet H. Carr (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Cathy Dean (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Jean Held (Info) University of Vermont ag275 2010‑04‑30
Emily Keshner (Info) Temple University Postural control ag275 2010‑04‑30
Eunkung Lee (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Michael Majsak (Info) New York Medical College Parkinson's disease, motor learning ag275 2010‑04‑30
Roger Muzii (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Roberta B. Shepherd (Info) ag275 2010‑04‑30
Greg Thielman (Info) University of the Sciences in Philadelphia stroke ag275 2010‑04‑30
Brent A. Fedirchuk (Info) University of Manitoba motor systems napa 2007‑06‑21
Justin A. Beebe (Info) Washington University human neurphysiology, motor learning pq 2015‑11‑29
Dustin D. Hardwick (Info) Washington University human neurphysiology, motor learning pq 2015‑11‑29
Joanne M. Wagner (Info) Washington University human neurphysiology, motor learning pq 2015‑11‑29
Sara J. Hussain (Info) University of Iowa Motor control and learning Sarahussain 2012‑10‑03
Christopher J. Gorini (Info) Stanford nucleus ambiguus, cardiac pq 2015‑10‑22
Katherine L. Dragert (Info) University of Victoria pq 2015‑11‑22
Marc D. Klimstra (Info) University of Victoria cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Farnaz Abdollahi (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Motor System, Rehabilitation Robotics pq 2015‑11‑09
Felix Charles Huang (Info) Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Motor control emilymugler 2012‑10‑18
Wynne Lee (Info) Northwestern Motor Control and Learning jamesLpatton 2011‑11‑29
Emily M. Mugler (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Brain-computer interface emilymugler 2012‑10‑18
Lissette M. Ruberte Thiele (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Motor System, Rehabilitation Robotics pq 2015‑11‑09
Ian Sharp (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Motor System, Rehabilitation Robotics pq 2015‑11‑09
James S. Sulzer (Info) Northwestern Robotics, Rehabilitation jamessulzer 2008‑06‑05
Stéphanie Chevallier (Info) Université de Bordeaux dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Isabelle Delvolvé (Info) dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Christopher R. Butson (Info) University of Utah mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Yunru Li (Info) University of Alberta pq 2015‑10‑15
Ilana Nisky (Info) Stanford motor control, teleoperation nisky 2011‑05‑06
Lior Botzer (Info) Ben Gurion University motor control botzerl 2009‑06‑15
Gideon Inbar (Info) Technion Biological Systems karniel 2008‑10‑29
Firas Mawase (Info) Ben Gurion Unevirsity Neural control of movement 300172756 2012‑07‑03
Raz Leib (Info) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Technical University of Munich (Germany) Motor Control RazL 2011‑11‑22
Nazarena Mazzaro (Info) mgrey 2007‑11‑30
Paavo Komi (Info) University of Jyvaskyla mgrey 2007‑11‑30
Steven A. Kautz (Info) University of Florida & VA Brain Rehabilitation Research Center Bioengineering, Biomechanics, Locomotion cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Martina R. Spiess (Info) University Hospital Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland Spinal Cord Injury, neurorehabilitaiton, locomotor recovery cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Joseph D. Towles (Info) Stanford Biomechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience pq 2015‑10‑17
Kristine R. Csavina (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Margaret R. Duff (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Tao Kang (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Lan Lin (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Byron P. Olson (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Chun-Xiang Tian (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Haixin Zhu (Info) Arizona State Bioengineering pq 2015‑10‑14
Timothy D. Lee (Info) McMaster University Motor control tcluff84 2011‑12‑01
Christopher T. Robertson (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC spinal reflex regulation cpatten 2009‑05‑05
David J. Clark (Info) Boston University neuromuscular physiology, human performance cpatten 2009‑05‑04
Ilse Jonkers (Info) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Biomechanics, Gait, Modeling cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Theresa McGuirk (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Manuela Corti (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC motor control, neurorehabilitation, neural plasticity cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Elisa J. Gonzalez-Rothi (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC neurorehabilitation, gait, motor control cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Virginia L. Little (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC neurorehabilitation, gait, motor control cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Kevin C. McGill (Info) Rehabilitation Research and Development Center pascoe 2008‑12‑10
Elizabeth G. Condliffe (Info) Boston University Motor Control, physiology, biomedical engineering cpatten 2009‑05‑04
Shilpa Patil (Info) University of Florida & VA BRRC biomechanics, gait, motor control, neurorehabilitation cpatten 2009‑05‑06
Charmayne M. Hughes (Info) Purdue pq 2015‑10‑06
Mélanie Falgairolle (Info) dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05
Karl M. Newell (Info) Penn State, UIUC jmhaddad 2008‑07‑18
Juan Sebastian Pardo (Info) Washington University Brain-Computer Interfaces juansp88 2013‑11‑27
Dustin A. Heldman (Info) Cleveland Medical Devices, Inc. bmewang 2008‑12‑02
Thomas M. Pearce (Info) Washington University dmoran 2012‑05‑14
Jesse J. Wheeler (Info) Washington University dmoran 2012‑05‑14
Jordan J. Williams (Info) Washington University dmoran 2012‑05‑14
Sherwin S. Chan (Info) University of Washington Radiology bmewang 2008‑12‑02
Matthew R. MacEwan (Info) Washington University dmoran 2012‑05‑14
Adam Rouse (Info) Washington University dmoran 2012‑05‑14
Laila Alibiglou (Info) Northwestern dalanav 2011‑01‑03
Andrea L. Behrman (Info) UF Gainesville Locomotor training spinal cord injury stroke cphadke 2006‑10‑12
Benjamin Adam Teplitzky (Info) UMN bteplitzky 2010‑08‑30
Richard A. Arlow (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Ashutosh Chaturvedi (Info) Medtronic mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Thomas J. Foutz (Info) Case Western, Seattle Children's Hospital, University of Washington mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Anneke M. Frankemolle (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Kabilar Gunalan (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Philip J. Hahn (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Scott F. Lempka (Info) Cleveland Clinic Foundation Deep Brain Stimulation lujanjl 2011‑11‑21
Nicholas Maling (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Svjetlana Miocinovic (Info) mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Michael A. Moffitt (Info) Boston Scientific mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Reuben R. Shamir (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Kyle Taljan (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Joseph P. Giuffrida (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑10‑16
Prodip Bose (Info) UF Gainesville cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Brenda Brouwer (Info) Queens University Neuroscience cphadke 2009‑07‑29
Roghayeh Mohammadi (Info) cphadke 2015‑10‑09
Marie-Josee Boudreau (Info) Université de Montréal hand, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey pq 2015‑10‑21
Pascal Fortier-Poisson (Info) Université de Montréal hand, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey pq 2015‑10‑21
Joel Monzee (Info) Université de Montréal hand, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey pq 2015‑10‑21
Michel Pare (Info) Université de Montréal hand, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey pq 2015‑10‑21
Richard L. Segal (Info) MUSC meow 2015‑02‑10
Gary Ritchison (Info) Eastern Kentucky University Behavioral ecology, avian communication christybird 2014‑10‑29
Amar R. Marathe (Info) Case Western Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑06
Giorgio Metta (Info) IIT Cognitive Robotics, Neuroscience vishuu 2009‑09‑18
Jay Bauman (Info) Georgia Tech locomocn 2016‑01‑08
Tracy Norman Giest (Info) Georgia Tech locomocn 2016‑01‑08
Christopher Hovorka (Info) Georgia Tech locomocn 2016‑01‑08
Megan Toney (Info) Georgia Tech locomocn 2016‑01‑08
Jasper T. Yen (Info) Georgia Tech Locomotion Neuromechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Arick G. Auyang (Info) Georgia Tech Motor Control aauyang 2011‑04‑14
Julie Frank (Info) Neurophysiology, Oncology jgfrank 2015‑07‑20
Kathleen Griffioen (Info) The George Washington University nucleus ambiguus, cardiac pq 2015‑10‑22
Amanda L. Woerman (Info) UCSF neurodegenerative disease, tau, synuclein, protein misfolding pq 2015‑10‑22
Nupur Hajela (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑15
Maureen Whitford (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑15
Sudarshan Dayanidhi (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Jeremy A. Fishel (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Joshua M. Inouye (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Manish U. Kurse (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Cornelius Raths (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Nicholas B. Wettels (Info) USC pq 2015‑10‑15
Brian A. Knarr (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Rune Rasmussen (Info) DANDRITE/Nordic EMBL/Aarhus University Neuroscience RuneRasmussen 2015‑08‑25
Nealen Laxpati (Info) Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology Optogenetics, Brain-machine interfaces, Epilepsy nlaxpati 2010‑12‑08
Stacie A. Chvatal (Info) Georgia Tech pq 2015‑11‑11
Seyed A. Safavynia (Info) Emory pq 2015‑11‑10
Torrence D. Welch (Info) Georgia Tech pq 2015‑11‑11
Phillip Geissbühler (Info) University of Washington Brain Physics pq 2015‑11‑17
Michael S. Pierce (Info) University of Washington Condensed Matter Physics pq 2015‑11‑17
Christelle Sachot (Info) INSERM leptin, cytokines bourets 2008‑07‑23
Eunice W. Kamunge (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Diane St. Pierre (Info) napa 2007‑06‑21
Duane C. Button (Info) University of Manitoba Neuroscience dbutton 2007‑06‑27
Marijn Post (Info) central fatigue pmarijn1 2010‑01‑21
Hiske Van Duinen (Info) RUG pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Jamie Burgess (Info) Northwestern meow 2015‑02‑10
Carmen E. Capo-Lugo (Info) Northwestern meow 2015‑02‑10
Sheila Schindler-Ivens (Info) Marquette University dalanav 2011‑01‑03
Lynn Marie Rogers (Info) Northwestern dalanav 2011‑01‑03
Alan Williams (Info) Northwestern neural networks pq 2015‑12‑04
Vincent De Sapio (Info) HRL Laboratories robotics, human motor control vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Ake B. Vallbo (Info) Umeå University apruszynski 2011‑02‑09
Katherine Saul (Info) Wake Forest, NCSU neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Robert Anthony Siston (Info) Ohio State neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Deanna S. Asakawa (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Blake M. Ashby (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Silvia S. Blemker (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Christine E. Draper (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Michael E. Llewellyn (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Saryn R. Goldberg (Info) Hofstra University neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Benjapol Benjapalakorn (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Movement disorders, Motor control & learning pq 2015‑10‑17
Paul M. Gallo (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Movement disorders, Motor control & learning pq 2015‑10‑17
Jacqueline Montes (Info) Teachers College, Columbia University Movement disorders, Motor control & learning pq 2015‑10‑17
James H. Cauraugh (Info) UF Gainesville cphadke 2009‑05‑12
Vivian Abrahams (Info) Queens University Superior Colliculus tuan81 2007‑08‑24
Keith K. Fenrich (Info) IBDML Spinal cord physiology/pathology Fenrich 2012‑01‑09
Vivek J. Khandwala (Info) Rochester Vestibular system pq 2015‑11‑26
Abbey McGrew (Info) Rochester Vestibular system pq 2015‑11‑26
Jaimeeganleong S. Reynolds (Info) Rochester Vestibular system pq 2015‑11‑26
Gerald E. Loeb (Info) USC Neural prosthetics, Sensorimotor control, Muscle mechanics, Spinal cord vjsantos 2009‑08‑21
Orla Hardiman (Info) Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin nasseroleslami 2015‑05‑05
Heba Lakany (Info) University of Strathclyde nasseroleslami 2015‑05‑05
Mohamad Parnianpour (Info) Sharif University of Technology, UW-Milwaukee nasseroleslami 2015‑05‑06
Preeti M. Nair (Info) Northwestern cphadke 2009‑05‑15
Elizabeth L. Stegemoller (Info) Northwestern basal ganglia, parkinson's, dystonia pq 2015‑11‑06
Jessica M. Wilson (Info) Northwestern Motor disorders maimae 2011‑01‑11
Michael R. Carhart (Info) Arizona State Movement Biomechanics pq 2015‑10‑20
Sherry L. Di Jorio (Info) Arizona State Movement Biomechanics pq 2015‑10‑20
David Koceja (Info) University of Indiana spinal reflex regulation cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Scott K. Stackhouse (Info) Arcadia University Recovery from spinal cord injury jshumsky 2009‑04‑08
Samuel C-K Lee (Info) University of Delaware sbinder01 2016‑04‑01
Louis N. Awad (Info) University of Delaware, Harvard FES, locomotion, stroke, robotics, rehabilitation engineering pq 2015‑11‑06
Li-Wei Chou (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke pq 2015‑11‑06
Jun Ding (Info) University of Delaware sbinder01 2016‑04‑01
Haoyuan Hsiao (Info) University of Delaware sbinder01 2016‑04‑01
Maikutlo B. Kebaetse (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke pq 2015‑11‑06
Trisha M. Kesar (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke pq 2015‑11‑06
Jacqueline Palmer (Info) University of Delaware sbinder01 2016‑04‑01
Ramu Perumal (Info) University of Delaware sbinder01 2016‑04‑01
David W. Russ (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke pq 2015‑11‑06
Wayne B. Scott (Info) University of Delaware FES, locomotion, stroke pq 2015‑11‑06
David J. Mogul (Info) Illinois Institute of Technology brain electrophysiology, ion channels, epilepsy, TMS dmogul 2006‑10‑19
Anita Christie (Info) University of Delaware pascoe 2008‑12‑10
Marie Holmefur (Info) Karolinska hand, cerebral palsy ag275 2010‑04‑14
Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm (Info) Karolinska hand, cerebral palsy ag275 2010‑04‑14
David H. Clarke (Info) University of Maryland exercise physiology ag275 2010‑04‑14
Bert Steenbergen (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen ag275 2010‑04‑13
Jean-Pierre Roll (Info) University de Provence proprioception ag275 2010‑04‑16
Aviroop Dutt-Mazumder (Info) Penn State Postural Control avi.dm16 2016‑03‑01
Peter J. Grahn (Info) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA Spinal cord stimulation lujanjl 2016‑01‑07
Hyung Ook Park (Info) Mayo Clinic lujanjl 2016‑01‑07
James K. Trevathan (Info) Mayo Clinic lujanjl 2016‑01‑07
Ali Yousefi (Info) Harvard Medical School Neurostatistics, Neural Engineering aliyousefi 2015‑11‑12
Matheus Wiest (Info) University of Alberta Neurophysiology mjwiest 2012‑09‑18
Jessica M. D'Amico (Info) University of Alberta pq 2015‑10‑15
Gary Strichartz (Info) Harvard Medical School Persistent pain, Molecular and Cellular Mechanism dpmohapatra 2007‑08‑20
Martha L. Cammarata (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑17
Theresa H. Cruz (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑17
Megan J. Schroeder (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑17
Stephen M. Lawrence (Info) University of Utah Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑08
Kenneth S. Olree (Info) University of Utah Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑04‑08
Julius P. A. Dewald (Info) Northwestern motor system david 2015‑07‑07
Anthony S. Drew (Info) University of Oregon Sensorimotor control pq 2015‑10‑20
Jeanne M. Langan (Info) University of Oregon Sensorimotor control pq 2015‑10‑20
Charlene I. LaRoux (Info) University of Oregon Sensorimotor control pq 2015‑10‑20
Jihang Lee (Info) University of Oregon Sensorimotor control pq 2015‑10‑20
On-Yee Lo (Info) University of Oregon/ NYU Neural control of movement onyeelo 2011‑06‑08
Joseph A. Zeni (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Anantharaman Gopalakrishnan (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
John W. Ramsay (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Elisa S. Schrank (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Ming Xiao (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Emanuela Bricolo (Info) University of Milano Bicocca bernardinf 2015‑01‑19
Elizabeth Ardolino (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Theresa E. Bartolotta (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Carol A. Biscardi (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Richard J. Boergers (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Stephanie Bryan (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Jesus M. Casida (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Catherine M. Cavaliere (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Amy Ceconi (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Anthony V. D'Antoni (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Elizabeth G. Evola (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Mary Falzarano (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
Richard A. Ferraro (Info) Seton Hall University pq 2015‑10‑21
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