People with institution matching "Bell Laboratories": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Hossein Aleyasin (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Stress, Molecular mechanisms of neuroplasticity hosseinal 2013‑10‑30
Cori Bargmann (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF C. elegans, decision JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Paul R Berger (Info) Ohio State, Tampere University semiconductor, electrical engineering, quantum tunneling pberger7 2018‑09‑15
Gary D. Boyd (Info) Bell Labs Rwgould 2019‑09‑30
Edward S. Boyden (Info) MIT neuroengineering, systematic neuroscience, disease edboyden 2008‑02‑22
Bruno G. Breitmeyer (Info) University of Houston Visual system, visual masking, attention, schizophrenia ychen 2007‑09‑23
Truman R. Brown (Info) Bell Labs, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Columbia, MUSC Magnetic resonance applications 2008‑08‑06
Terry Caelli (Info) Queensland Research Laboratory Computer Vision, Machine Learning rubencoen 2009‑07‑12
Bing Chen (Info) Bell Labs wmakous 2008‑05‑27
Aylin Cimenser (Info) Harvard, Cambridge Health Sciences aylin 2015‑05‑08
John Coleman (Info) Oxford Speech and articulatory planning gpk 2008‑07‑24
John Connor (Info) Univ. of New Mexico dlinden 2005‑11‑30
Jan A. den Hollander (Info) Yale, Philips Electronics, UAB, Max-Planck-Institut für Systemphysiologie magnetic resonance kathleen 2005‑01‑22
Winfried Denk (Info) Heidelberg University hanks 2005‑10‑12
Michale S. Fee (Info) MIT bird song hanks 2005‑11‑04
Alan Gelperin (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center, Princeton Biological, computational and electronic olfaction; learning and memory. swang 2005‑11‑03
Andrei Gorea (Info) CNRS & Université Paris Descartes Visual perception Gorea 2011‑08‑28
Richard H.R. Hahnloser (Info) INI, ETH Zurich computational neuroscience; birdsong electrophysiology ilafiete 2006‑09‑13
Michael Häusser (Info) UCL dendritic function, synaptic integration, neural computation swang 2005‑11‑03
David W. Heeley (Info) Bell Labs visual system, color jkr 2008‑05‑30
John J. Hopfield (Info) UC Berkeley, Princeton, Bell Labs, Caltech, Princeton Modelling hayden 2005‑01‑15
Bela Julesz (Info) Bell Labs vision movshon 2005‑09‑15
Alan R. Kay (Info) University of Iowa MetalloNeurobiology jwhite 2005‑09‑06
David Kleinfeld (Info) UCSD hanks 2005‑11‑04
Alexay Kozhevnikov (Info) Penn State bird song fee 2007‑11‑16
John Krauskopf (Info) NYU Color vision david 2005‑01‑27
Daniel D. Lee (Info) Bell Labs, Penn machine learning, robotics, computational neuroscience, statistical physics wangzhuo 2013‑01‑17
Patrick A. Lee (Info) Bell Labs, MIT Theoretical Physics mitya 2006‑10‑01
Anthony Leonardo (Info) Janelia Farm neuroscience leonardo 2005‑11‑04
Marc B. Mandler (Info) Bell Labs Visual psychophysics jkr 2008‑05‑26
Adalbert Mayer-Heinricy (Info) University of Bremen Molecular structure and function of hemoglobin marriott 2006‑08‑25
David E. Meyer (Info) University of Michigan Attention, motor control, computational modeling ita 2006‑09‑11
Partha Pratim Mitra (Info) CSHL swang 2005‑11‑03
John D. Mollon (Info) Cambridge Visual system, Color vision alexwade 2006‑05‑31
Jeffrey B. Mulligan (Info) NASA/Ames Research Center motion perception, eye movements, visual attention 2007‑09‑12
Masaaki Ogawa (Info) Kyoto University masaakiogawa 2008‑05‑21
Seiji Ogawa (Info) Tohoku Fukushi University functional MRI jumbo 2008‑12‑09
Joseph P. Olive (Info) Bell Labs oiwi 2024‑09‑25
Thomas Papathomas (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick zkaldy 2008‑06‑24
Rajiv Ratan (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College neurodegeneration mshelanski 2010‑08‑04
adam J. Reeves (Info) Northeastern University vision, color, attention reeves 2011‑04‑11
Dov Sagi (Info) Weizmann Institute Visual psychophysics kathleen 2005‑03‑29
James M. Salhany (Info) University of Nebraska Medical Center Erythrocyte Membrane Structure, Exchange & Hemolytic Anemia & Red Cell Homeostasis Louisekay 2011‑10‑14
Robert A. Schumer (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine vision, ophthalmology movshon 2005‑09‑15
Robert G. Shulman (Info) Bell Labs, Yale Biophysics flyingcondor 2009‑06‑25
Erik C. Sobel (Info) BAE Systems Computer Vision esobel 2008‑04‑08
Ben W. Strowbridge (Info) Case Western Mossy cells; olfactory bulb baraban 2006‑10‑18
Karel Svoboda (Info) Janelia Farm neocortical circuits hanks 2005‑10‑08
David W. Tank (Info) Bell Labs, Princeton Neural Circuit Dynamics hanks 2005‑10‑12
Kamil (Kâmil Uğurbil) Ugurbil (Info) UMN david 2008‑08‑15
Jing W. Wang (Info) UCSD Olfaction JLand52 2006‑02‑27
Samuel S.-H. Wang (Info) Princeton cerebellum; brain evolution swang 2005‑11‑03
David R. Williams (Info) Rochester hanks 2005‑10‑08
Tetsuo Yamane (Info) USP zhaoping 2007‑06‑17
Rafael Yuste (Info) Columbia neocortical circuits swang 2005‑11‑03
Qasim Zaidi (Info) SUNY State College of Optometry Vision kathleen 2006‑05‑24
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