People with institution matching "Bucknell University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Jonathan S. Abramowitz (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Logan Barrett (Info) MUN Music Cognition, Auditory Perception, Vocal Production loganbarrett34 2024‑07‑29
Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks (Info) Bucknell University ksoma 2014‑01‑08
Sean P. Bradley (Info) Chicago Ingestive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms spbradley 2013‑07‑09
Elizabeth Capaldi (Info) Bucknell University Animal Behavior cjflynn 2008‑03‑17
Stephanie Cardenas (Info) Bucknell University skassin 2021‑12‑23
John C. Crabbe (Info) OHSU behavioral genetics, ethanol, gene environment interaction, mouse behavior, selective breeding, ethanol withdrawal, ethanol binge drinking rustayn 2006‑10‑04
Corey Joseph Flynn (Info) Carnegie Mellon Visual System cjflynn 2008‑03‑17
Judith E. Grisel (Info) Furman University psychopharmacology, genetics of drug abuse stackman 2008‑07‑02
Judy Grisel (Info) Bucknell University erhineha 2017‑04‑08
Andrea Halpern (Info) Bucknell University JRAUSCHECKER 2008‑01‑10
Bruce Henderson (Info) Western Carolina University, Minnesota University K.A.J.W. 2016‑06‑13
Sarah K. Johnson (Info) Moravian College Inhibition, Semantic memory skjohnsonmc 2009‑01‑19
Amber M. Leaver (Info) Georgetown JRAUSCHECKER 2008‑01‑10
Jerry R. Levin (Info) Bucknell University, Teachers College - Columbia University K.A.J.W. 2016‑06‑13
Elizabeth C. Marin (Info) Bucknell University developmental neurobiology of Drosophila ecmarin 2009‑07‑07
John Paul Minda (Info) Western University cognition, categories, concepts, thinking jpminda 2018‑07‑09
Kevin P. Myers (Info) Bucknell University animal learning, ingestive behavior kmyers 2008‑08‑11
Todd B. Nentwig (Info) MUSC Drug addiction ToddBNentwig 2018‑04‑02
Gregory M Pask (Info) Bucknell University insect olfaction, odorant receptors, molecular neurobiology GPants 2019‑02‑19
Michael E. Pereira (Info) Bucknell University Primate Behavior and Ecology aapierce 2017‑08‑03
Andrew A. Pierce (Info) Genentech, Inc. neuronal control of hepatic function, hypothalamic regulatory mechanisms, cell signaling, cell proliferation aapierce 2007‑05‑20
DeeAnn M. Reeder (Info) Bucknell University bat biodiversity and disease ecology kinsey 2012‑04‑18
Erin Rhinehart (Info) UCLA, Susquehanna University reproductive neuroendocrinology, addiction, stress, sex differences Jill Schneider 2008‑08‑13
Renee M Rouleau (Info) Bucknell University eating disorders, portion size, sweet fat combinations, impulsivity rmr024 2020‑01‑29
Jennie R. Stevenson (Info) Bucknell University chodge 2011‑10‑19
Rebekah A. Stevenson (Info) Bucknell University chodge 2011‑10‑19
Ruth J. Tincoff (Info) Bucknell University, The College of Idaho Early language development, word comprehension ruthtincoff 2011‑12‑07
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