People with institution matching "Computer Science":
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Minkyu Ahn (Info) |
Computer Science and Engineering |
wfasaad |
2020‑04‑19 |
Michael Anslow (Info) |
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris |
remivantrijp |
2019‑02‑06 |
Angelica de Antonio, (Info) |
Computer Science |
ojrlopez |
2019‑04‑05 |
Wael F. Asaad (Info) |
Brown |
systems neuroscience, neurosurgery |
ekmiller |
2005‑09‑06 |
Thirunavukarasu Balasubramaniam (Info) |
Queensland University of Technology (Australia) |
Machine Learning, Data mining, Optimization |
thirubs |
2019‑02‑10 |
Modesto Castrillón - Santana (Info) |
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Computer Science and Systems Department |
Face Detection,Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Robotics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Chris Christou (Info) |
UCL Department of Computer Science |
Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Miquel Cornudella (Info) |
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris |
remivantrijp |
2019‑02‑06 |
Douglas W. Cunningham (Info) |
Department Graphical-Interactive Systems at the Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science |
integration of Psychophysics and Computer Graphics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Paul Van Eecke (Info) |
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris |
remivantrijp |
2019‑02‑06 |
Jun Han (Info) |
Computer Science and Software Engibeeribg |
ASMKayes |
2019‑03‑17 |
Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski (Info) |
Karolinska |
plenzd |
2009‑08‑13 |
Iman Kamali Sarvestani (Info) |
Krembil Research Institute, University of Toronto, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Computational Neuroscience |
Iman Kamali Sarvestani |
2009‑05‑30 |
ASM Kayes (Info) |
Swinburne University of Technology |
Privacy, security, and access control |
ASMKayes |
2019‑03‑17 |
Michael S. Langer (Info) |
School of Computer Science at McGill |
Computer vision, with an emphasis on computational modelling of human vision |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Yoichi Matsuyama (Info) |
Computer Science |
ojrlopez |
2019‑04‑05 |
Tom Michael Mitchell (Info) |
Carnegie Mellon |
machine learning |
johanna |
2009‑10‑30 |
Nelson Morgan (Info) |
International Computer Science Institute, UC Berkeley |
Speech Recognition |
fosler |
2012‑01‑17 |
Richi Nayak (Info) |
Queensland University of Technology (Australia) |
Data science, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Web personalization, Artificial Intelligence |
thirubs |
2019‑02‑10 |
Bartosz Paprocki (Info) |
2019‑02‑13 |
Ruben D. Pinzon Molales (Info) |
Dept. Computer Science, Chubu University |
Computational Neuroscience |
rdpinzonm |
2013‑01‑24 |
Igor Tomasz Podolak (Info) |
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University |
machine learning, generator systems, neuroprocessing |
IgorPodolak |
2022‑04‑06 |
David M W Powers (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Machine Learning, Natural Language, Neural Networks, Statistics |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Oscar J Romero (Info) |
Carnegie Mellon |
cognitive modeling, intelligent systems, computational and machine intelligence |
ojrlopez |
2019‑04‑05 |
Luc Steels (Info) |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
mohsenvand |
2018‑03‑28 |
Janusz Szczepanski (Info) |
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences |
4891 |
2017‑11‑09 |
Remi van Trijp (Info) |
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris |
linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science |
remivantrijp |
2019‑02‑06 |
Graham Wrightson (Info) |
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
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