People with institution matching "Computer Science": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Minkyu Ahn (Info) Computer Science and Engineering wfasaad 2020‑04‑19
Michael Anslow (Info) Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris remivantrijp 2019‑02‑06
Angelica de Antonio, (Info) Computer Science ojrlopez 2019‑04‑05
Wael F. Asaad (Info) Brown systems neuroscience, neurosurgery ekmiller 2005‑09‑06
Thirunavukarasu Balasubramaniam (Info) Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Machine Learning, Data mining, Optimization thirubs 2019‑02‑10
Modesto Castrillón - Santana (Info) University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Computer Science and Systems Department Face Detection,Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Robotics feiler 2007‑01‑31
Chris Christou (Info) UCL Department of Computer Science Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics feiler 2007‑01‑31
Miquel Cornudella (Info) Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris remivantrijp 2019‑02‑06
Douglas W. Cunningham (Info) Department Graphical-Interactive Systems at the Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science integration of Psychophysics and Computer Graphics feiler 2007‑01‑31
Paul Van Eecke (Info) Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris remivantrijp 2019‑02‑06
Jun Han (Info) Computer Science and Software Engibeeribg ASMKayes 2019‑03‑17
Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski (Info) Karolinska plenzd 2009‑08‑13
Iman Kamali Sarvestani (Info) Krembil Research Institute, University of Toronto, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Computational Neuroscience Iman Kamali Sarvestani 2009‑05‑30
ASM Kayes (Info) Swinburne University of Technology Privacy, security, and access control ASMKayes 2019‑03‑17
Michael S. Langer (Info) School of Computer Science at McGill Computer vision, with an emphasis on computational modelling of human vision feiler 2007‑01‑31
Yoichi Matsuyama (Info) Computer Science ojrlopez 2019‑04‑05
Tom Michael Mitchell (Info) Carnegie Mellon machine learning johanna 2009‑10‑30
Nelson Morgan (Info) International Computer Science Institute, UC Berkeley Speech Recognition fosler 2012‑01‑17
Richi Nayak (Info) Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Data science, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Web personalization, Artificial Intelligence thirubs 2019‑02‑10
Bartosz Paprocki (Info) PREGO 2019‑02‑13
Ruben D. Pinzon Molales (Info) Dept. Computer Science, Chubu University Computational Neuroscience rdpinzonm 2013‑01‑24
Igor Tomasz Podolak (Info) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University machine learning, generator systems, neuroprocessing IgorPodolak 2022‑04‑06
David M W Powers (Info) Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Machine Learning, Natural Language, Neural Networks, Statistics davidmwpowers 2022‑10‑14
Oscar J Romero (Info) Carnegie Mellon cognitive modeling, intelligent systems, computational and machine intelligence ojrlopez 2019‑04‑05
Luc Steels (Info) Vrije Universiteit Brussel mohsenvand 2018‑03‑28
Janusz Szczepanski (Info) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences 4891 2017‑11‑09
Remi van Trijp (Info) Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science remivantrijp 2019‑02‑06
Graham Wrightson (Info) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science davidmwpowers 2022‑10‑14
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