People with institution matching "Durham University":
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Lina Aimola (Info) |
Durham University |
Neurorehabilitation, Hemianopia, Neglect |
dandydan |
2014‑10‑29 |
Marie A. Alkan (Info) |
Durham University |
Episodic Memory |
2017‑07‑10 |
Keira Ball (Info) |
Durham University |
Spatial memory, Perception & Action |
dandydan |
2014‑10‑29 |
Martin Banks (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑09‑19 |
Robert William Banks (Info) |
Durham University |
mechanoreceptors, muscle spindle, motor control, mechanotransduction |
rwbdur |
2009‑07‑14 |
David Faubert Barker (Info) |
Durham University |
muscle sensory receptors |
rwbdur |
2009‑07‑14 |
Frances Louise Barrett (Info) |
Durham University |
Franlbarrett |
2021‑01‑22 |
Logan Barrett (Info) |
Music Cognition, Auditory Perception, Vocal Production |
loganbarrett34 |
2024‑07‑29 |
Ulrik Beierholm (Info) |
psychophysics modeling, multisensory perception |
weiji |
2007‑10‑28 |
Rishi Bhardwaj (Info) |
Sankara Nethralaya Hospital, Chennai, Nethradhama School of Optometry, Bangalore, University of Hyderabad |
Vision, binocular vision, optometry |
r_oshea |
2009‑06‑15 |
Marco Bocchio (Info) |
Oxford, INMED, INSERM U1249, Newcastle University, Durham University |
Neuromodulators, Serotonin, Learning, Plasticity, Ensembles, Inhibition |
marcob85 |
2012‑10‑09 |
Lynda Boothroyd (Info) |
Durham University |
attraction, face perception, body perception, evolution, cross-cultural psychology, gender, body image |
lyndagb |
2018‑10‑26 |
Anne Campbell (Info) |
Durham University |
lyndagb |
2018‑10‑26 |
Cristiana Cavina-Pratesi (Info) |
Durham University |
perception and action |
culham |
2006‑04‑02 |
Kin Chung Jacky Chan (Info) |
Durham University |
Early language acquisition, Bilingualism, Word learning, Categorisation, Sentence processing, Infant and early child development, Cognition, Developmental psychology, Psycholinguistics |
JackyChan |
2021‑02‑24 |
Paul L. Chazot (Info) |
Durham University |
NMDA, histamine, dopamine, GABA |
pchazot |
2009‑03‑10 |
Dorothy Cowie (Info) |
Oxford |
Visuomotor development |
dcowie |
2007‑03‑18 |
Vincent Croset (Info) |
Oxford, Durham University |
vincr |
2013‑07‑02 |
Jody C. Culham (Info) |
Western University |
Visual system, brain imaging, perception and action |
david |
2005‑10‑03 |
Stephen Dunne (Info) |
Durham University |
Eye movements, Attention, Motivation |
dandydan |
2014‑10‑29 |
Alexander Easton (Info) |
Durham University |
Learning and Memory |
aeaston |
2007‑09‑27 |
Tuomas Eerola (Info) |
Durham University |
loganbarrett34 |
2024‑07‑29 |
Abbi Farley (Info) |
Durham University |
tshat |
2021‑09‑26 |
John M. Findlay (Info) |
Durham University |
Visual psychophysics, attention, eye-movements |
ariellap |
2007‑01‑04 |
Clara Gallay (Info) |
University of Cambridge and MRC |
Neuroscience, Body augmentation |
clazzneuro |
2023‑10‑03 |
W. Carolina Gomez (Info) |
Durham University |
tshat |
2021‑09‑26 |
Adam Goody (Info) |
Lancaster University, Durham University |
Language development and disorders |
kjalcock |
2012‑07‑14 |
Janna M. Gottwald (Info) |
Uppsala |
Motor & Cognitive Development, Embodied Cognitive Science, Infancy |
janna.m.gottwald |
2018‑10‑15 |
charles a. heywood (Info) |
Durham University |
vision |
dps0cah |
2007‑04‑20 |
Ian P. Howard (Info) |
York University |
Spatial vision, stereoscopic vision & eye movements |
kmat |
2007‑07‑07 |
Simon Jones (Info) |
Durham University |
VincentReid |
2021‑09‑21 |
Fiona Kaley (Info) |
Durham University |
VincentReid |
2021‑09‑21 |
Robert Kentridge (Info) |
Durham University |
Visual system, Attention, Color Vision, Consciousness |
bobk |
2007‑04‑18 |
Yutaka Kosaki (Info) |
Keio University |
Associative learning, behavioural neuroscience |
y.kosaki |
2016‑06‑16 |
Anastasia Kourkoulou (Info) |
Durham University |
VincentReid |
2021‑09‑21 |
Nathanael Larigaldie (Info) |
Durham University, Aarhus University |
nlarigaldie |
2024‑02‑22 |
Jamie F. Lawson (Info) |
Durham University |
Sexuality, gender, identity |
jflawson |
2015‑06‑25 |
Michael Lengieza (Info) |
Durham University |
JanetKSwim |
2023‑12‑25 |
Gordon Love (Info) |
Durham University |
Adaptive optics |
martybanks |
2008‑05‑28 |
David Marshall (Info) |
Durham University |
VincentReid |
2021‑09‑21 |
Robert D. McIntosh (Info) |
Edinburgh |
adm |
2007‑04‑19 |
Eugene McSorley (Info) |
University of Reading |
Visual selection and inhibition in oculomotor control. |
froukehe |
2008‑10‑21 |
A David Milner (Info) |
Durham University |
neuropsychology, visual system |
adm |
2007‑04‑19 |
Evelyn Mohr (Info) |
bobk |
2014‑10‑22 |
Rachel Mowbray (Info) |
Durham University |
janna.m.gottwald |
2018‑10‑15 |
Iman Muktar (Info) |
Durham University |
tshat |
2023‑05‑27 |
Marko Nardini (Info) |
jaspell |
2007‑04‑18 |
James Negen (Info) |
marko |
2015‑07‑31 |
Thuy-vy Thi Nguyen (Info) |
Durham University |
Solitude |
thuyvy.t.nguyen |
2020‑12‑12 |
Tanja CW Nijboer (Info) |
Utrecht |
Neuropsychology, Perception, Vision, Synesthesia, Neglect, Agnosia |
vdsmagt |
2008‑11‑09 |
Liam Norman (Info) |
University of Durham |
bobk |
2014‑10‑22 |
John M. Pearce (Info) |
Cardiff University |
Animal learning and cognition |
pearcejm |
2010‑07‑28 |
Hiran Perera-W.A. (Info) |
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Durham University, Upper Iowa University, Taylor's University |
Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG, ERP, Decision-Making, Poverty, Brain Disorders |
Hiran |
2018‑07‑19 |
Matt Quinn (Info) |
Durham University |
tshat |
2021‑09‑26 |
Vincent M. Reid (Info) |
Durham University, Lancaster University, Waikato University |
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Cognition, EEG, ERPs, Fetal development, Fetal vision |
VincentReid |
2013‑02‑05 |
Olena Riabinina (Info) |
Durham University |
insect neurophysiology and neuroethology, olfaction, hearing, vision, navigation |
tshat |
2011‑01‑08 |
Thomas Schenk (Info) |
Durham University |
Neuropsychology, Perception & Action |
dandydan |
2010‑02‑11 |
Susanne Schuett (Info) |
Durham University |
Eye-movements, hemianopia |
bobk |
2010‑08‑04 |
Oscar J Sill (Info) |
Durham University |
Childhood embodiment, body representation |
Starspoke |
2023‑09‑15 |
Daniel T. Smith (Info) |
Durham University |
Attention, Eye-movements, Neurorehabilitation, Motivation |
dandydan |
2010‑02‑11 |
Fredrick Smith (Info) |
Durham University |
r_oshea |
2013‑06‑06 |
Hannah E. Smithson (Info) |
Oxford |
spitschan |
2017‑10‑17 |
Manuela Stets (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
Infancy, EEG methods |
VincentReid |
2013‑02‑05 |
Janet K. Swim (Info) |
Penn State |
Social Psychology, Law |
pq |
2016‑05‑23 |
Susanne Weis (Info) |
Durham University |
Memory, Sex Differences |
sweis |
2010‑11‑29 |
Matthew Wheelwright (Info) |
Durham University |
tshat |
2020‑09‑14 |
Stuart M. Wilson (Info) |
Durham University |
DavidJMiller |
2016‑07‑30 |
Josef Zihl (Info) |
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich |
Neuropsychology |
Bao |
2008‑03‑28 |
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