People with institution matching "Eli Lilly ": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Bradley J. Baker (Info) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Optogenetics bb7559 2011‑04‑20
David Bredt (Info) Eli Lilly and Co. Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Barbara Calamini (Info) Eli Lilly & Company rimorimoto 2020‑07‑23
Richard B. Carter (Info) Merck Research Laboratories behavioral pharmacology, drug discovery, drug development rbcarter 2009‑05‑07
Martin Citron (Info) Eli Lilly george.perry 2010‑09‑07
Gavin Stewart Dawe (Info) National University of Singapore Bevhavioural neuroscience, Neuropsychopharmacology phcvvv 2010‑08‑19
Yan Dong (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motivational and Emotional Memory yandong 2007‑10‑24
Griffin J. Fitzgerald (Info) Purdue Mesocorticolimbic Information Processing in Addiction griffer00 2011‑03‑10
Stephen M. Fitzjohn (Info) Eli Lilly synaptic plasticity ansmf 2007‑12‑07
Martin B. Gill (Info) Bristol-Myers Squibb neurodegeneration gtswanson 2010‑12‑30
Anthony Albert Grace (Info) University of Pittsburgh Dopamine, schizophrenia, deep brain stimulation, drug abuse, basal ganglia rn 2006‑10‑27
Beth J Hoffman (Info) Eli Lilly & Co hongyu 2018‑11‑06
John R. Huxter (Info) Eli Lilly, Transpharmation Electrophysiology, sleep, EEG, translational neuroscience, learning and memory, Hippocampal function johnhuxter 2011‑03‑28
John T. Isaac (Info) NIH Synaptic plasticity; synaptic function; hippocampus; barrel cortex; AMPAR; kianate receptor isaacj 2007‑09‑28
Johanna S. Jackson (Info) Eli Lilly synaptogenesis, two-photon, neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity jjackson 2012‑03‑14
Barry Matthew Joyce (Info) Eli Lilly, Co. kfrogg 2008‑12‑04
David McKinzie (Info) Eli Lilly addiction snap 2011‑03‑10
Richard C. Mohs (Info) Eli Lilly george.perry 2010‑09‑06
Richard I. Morimoto (Info) Northwestern draible 2009‑11‑09
Eric Nisenbaum (Info) Lilly aagrace 2008‑05‑02
Christer E. Nordstedt (Info) Eli Lilly & Co Neuroscience, Alzheimer's, Research Management Christer 2011‑07‑01
Mami Otaka (Info) Eli Lilly & Co yandong 2016‑04‑15
Feng Pan (Info) Pfizer, Inc., Eli Lilly Neuroscience fp268 2008‑11‑04
Steven M. Paul (Info) Eli Lilly and Co. Alcohol, GABA, neurosteroids, dementia CJM3 2009‑03‑01
Kurt Rasmussen (Info) Eli Lilly phcvvv 2010‑08‑19
Phil Skolnick (Info) NIH anxiolytic drugs, GABA Receptors, glutamate, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, NMDA receptor iapaul 2014‑04‑21
Ryan Matthew Smith (Info) Ohio State, Ohio State, Eli Lilly & Co Genetics, Autism, Gene Expression, Splicing, Drug Abuse, Schizophrenia, Neuroimaging lupeyg2 2009‑07‑29
Xavier N Taylor (Info) Eli Lilly and Company Neurodegeneration xtaylor 2019‑03‑18
Keith A. Wafford (Info) Eli Lilly blagburn 2015‑01‑24
Jeffrey M. Witkin (Info) Eli Lilly rbcarter 2009‑05‑07
Wu-Kuang Yeh (Info) Eli Lilly & Co bb7559 2016‑03‑24
Hong Yu (Info) Janssen R&D AMPA, NMDA, nAchR hongyu 2018‑11‑06
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