People with institution matching "Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam": Advanced Search
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Amir Ahmed (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Maria Pilar Aivar (Info) Universidad Autnoma de Madrid Perception jbjsmeets 2011‑04‑17
Eric Avila (Info) Baylor College of Medicine, NYU eavilao 2015‑06‑23
Aleksandra Badura (Info) Princeton cerebellum, systems neuroscience abadura 2013‑02‑06
Marco Bocchio (Info) Oxford, INMED, INSERM U1249, Newcastle University, Durham University Neuromodulators, Serotonin, Learning, Plasticity, Ensembles, Inhibition marcob85 2012‑10‑09
Claudia Bonardi (Info) University of Geneva Systems neuroscience Claubonardi 2016‑04‑25
J Gerard Borst (Info) Erasmus MC auditory neurophysiology Loligo 2007‑10‑03
Laurens W. Bosman (Info) Erasmus MC Cerebellum, Whiskers, Sensorimotor integration, GABAA receptors lwjbosman 2008‑01‑16
Michael Brecht (Info) HU Berlin arthur 2007‑09‑24
Eli Brenner (Info) VU Amsterdam kristaov 2010‑11‑16
Monique M. B. Breteler (Info) Erasmus University george.perry 2011‑01‑28
Demi Brizee (Info) Erasmus MC, Oxford Neuroscience DBrizee 2020‑01‑03
Robin Broersen (Info) ANU RobinB 2019‑03‑19
Caroline Frederique Bruinsma (Info) Erasmus MC Learning and memory, mental retardation disorders thijsvandervaart 2010‑05‑10
Robert Buccigrossi (Info) NYU, TCG, Inc. acosta 2009‑03‑25
Cathrin B. Canto (Info) NTNU entorhinal cortex, anatomy, electrophysiology cathrin 2007‑10‑25
Perumpillichira Joseph Cherian (Info) Erasmus MC Clinical Neurophysiology, Neonatal brain monitoring jcperumpillichira 2007‑12‑31
Michiel Coesmans (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Jonathan Jay Couey (Info) VU Amsterdam cortex and nicotine jjayc 2005‑12‑07
Tom Cupedo (Info) Erasmus MC mdejong 2024‑09‑06
Madelon ME de Jong (Info) Oxford, Erasmus MC Immunology mdejong 2024‑08‑22
Chris I. de Zeeuw (Info) Erasmus MC rllinas 2007‑08‑06
Jos I.M. Egger (Info) Radboud University, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour clinical psychology, genetics, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, psychopathology dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
ype Elgersma (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
Cathelijne Fokkema (Info) Erasmus MC mdejong 2024‑09‑06
Maarten A. Frens (Info) Erasmus MC Eye movement, Vestibular system, Cerebellum johnvo 2009‑11‑17
Zhenyu Gao (Info) Erasmus MC Cerebellum reiva 2008‑09‑23
Susan Goorden (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
Jeroen HHLM Goossens (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen johnvo 2009‑11‑17
Frank Grosveld (Info) Erasmus MC mbeaul 2013‑02‑02
Nilhan Gunhanlar (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Sara Hijazi (Info) CNCR, VU University, Amsterdam, Erasmus MC Electrophysiology, Interneurons, Memory, Behavior SaraHijazi 2021‑10‑19
Albért Hofman (Info) Erasmus MC george.perry 2010‑09‑06
Mohammad Hojjati (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
Sungho Hong (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Neural coding, Adaptation, Cerebellum, Circadian rhythm jihwan 2006‑11‑09
Witte J.G. Hoogendijk (Info) VUmc Neuro2012 2012‑12‑11
Tycho M. Hoogland (Info) Erasmus MC, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience In Vivo Imaging and Behavior; Cerebellum; Locomotion; Sensorimotor integration; Cerebello-Cebrocortical Loops; Optical methods; Miniscopes; Multi-photon microscopy; Optogenetics; Science Outreach tmhoogland 2005‑12‑12
Behdokht Hosseini (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Arthur R. Houweling (Info) Erasmus MC Sensory systems arthur 2007‑09‑23
A. James Hudspeth (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF, UT Southwestern Audition hayden 2005‑02‑18
Peter D. Katsikis (Info) Drexel Medical School HIV, CD8 T cell alhkim 2011‑07‑02
Zoltán Kellermayer (Info) University of Pécs, Hungary, Erasmus MC mdejong 2024‑09‑06
Caoimhe H. Kiernan (Info) Erasmus MC jhope 2020‑05‑26
Willem Kleders (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Katja Kornysheva (Info) UCL fMRI, rTMS, rhythm and timing, audiomotor integration kornysheva 2009‑05‑08
Lianne Krab (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
Steven A. Kushner (Info) Erasmus MC pq 2015‑09‑13
Albert K. Lee (Info) Janelia Farm Hippocampus liner 2006‑12‑19
Ingrid M. Lens-Daey Ouwens (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Thomas Linka (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Editha van Loon (Info) Erasmus MC MontisAV 2024‑09‑08
Joan López-Moliner (Info) Universitat de Barcelona Sensorimotor integration, Interceptive timing, Time to contact danilinares 2012‑05‑28
Jeannette Lorteije (Info) Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience visual system, attention, auditory system, synaptic plasticity riesvw 2009‑08‑16
Stefan Louw (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Maartje Luijten (Info) Erasmus University Neuro2012 2012‑12‑11
Pier Giorgio Mastroberardino (Info) Erasmus MC jgreena 2014‑06‑06
Anil Mathoera (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Katja M. Mayer (Info) Newcastle University object recognition, temporal judgments, brain imaging qvuong 2007‑12‑13
Inger Montfoort (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Shashini Munshi (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Mario Negrello (Info) OIST computational neuroscience, cerebellum, dynamical systems mrio 2010‑12‑17
Azar Omrani (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory ssudhir 2007‑01‑26
Krista E. Overvliet (Info) Utrecht haptic perception kristaov 2010‑11‑16
Efstathios B. Papachristos (Info) Erasmus MC behavioral neurogenetics, learning Gallistel 2009‑06‑14
Natalie Papazian (Info) Erasmus MC mdejong 2024‑09‑06
Maria Pascual-Garcia (Info) Erasmus MC Neuroscience, myelin MariaPG94 2020‑07‑15
Saša Peter (Info) Erasmus MC sasapeter 2017‑05‑08
Martina Proietti Onori (Info) Erasmus MC, Columbia human specific duplicated gene, development, genetic MartinaPO 2019‑12‑20
Janneke Richter (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Adrian Rodriguez-Contreras (Info) CCNY Auditory Brainstem Development Loligo 2007‑01‑07
Marc Schneider (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Martijn Schonewille (Info) Erasmus MC jjwhite 2019‑08‑04
Jaga Schreiber (Info) Erasmus MC thijsvandervaart 2011‑07‑05
Guy Shpak (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Martijn C. Sierksma (Info) Erasmus MC Synapse development mcsierksma 2015‑12‑21
Harm Slijper (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Jeroen Smeets (Info) VU Amsterdam motor control, perception jbjsmeets 2007‑04‑16
John Silvio Soria van Hoeve (Info) Erasmus MC Synaptic Development Loligo 2007‑10‑03
Jeffrey Stedehouder (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Sabrin Tahri (Info) Erasmus MC, Dana Farber Cancer Institute mdejong 2024‑09‑06
Joke Tulen (Info) Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Psychiatry dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Marylka Yoe Uusisaari (Info) Hebrew University, Erasmus MC, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Electrophysiology, anatomy, cerebellum, inferior olive, viral, optogenetics, imaging, motor yoe 2012‑11‑29
Robert J. van Beers (Info) VU Amsterdam Motor control, perception jbjsmeets 2009‑08‑13
Flip van Broekhoven (Info) Erasmus MC maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Nora A.W. van de Kerkhof (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Albert Victor Van den Berg (Info) Utrecht eye movements, visual system, psychophysics janbrascamp 2007‑10‑08
Marcel Van der Heijden (Info) Erasmus MC alysakow 2011‑08‑13
Thijs van der Vaart (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory thijsvandervaart 2009‑03‑02
Marjon van Slegtenhorst (Info) Erasmus MC genesplicr 2020‑09‑09
Geeske van Woerden (Info) Erasmus MC learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
Dick J. Veltman (Info) VUmc ZS 2012‑10‑03
Willem M.A. Verhoeven (Info) Erasmus MC dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Corstiaen P.C. Versteegh (Info) Erasmus MC alysakow 2011‑08‑13
Jan Voogd (Info) Erasmus MC M. Odurih 2012‑07‑17
Femke de Vrij (Info) Erasmus MC JS 2016‑05‑20
Joshua J. White (Info) Albert Einstein, Baylor College of Medicine, Erasmus MC cerebellum, motor development thejoshwhite 2016‑09‑26
Ellen Wingbermühle (Info) Radboud University, Donders Institute dccvvg 2021‑02‑15
Beerend Winkelman (Info) NIN cerebellum, eye movements maartenfrens 2010‑07‑10
Aaron Benson Wong (Info) Universität Göttingen, Erasmus MC Auditory system abwong 2013‑05‑22
Manzhi Zhao (Info) Erasmus MC jhope 2020‑05‑26
Nils Zuiderveen Borgesius (Info) Kavli Institute, Trontheim learning and memory omrani 2007‑10‑20
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