People with institution matching "Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Raymond D. Adams (Info) MGH Neurology, neuropathology CJM3 2009‑04‑17
Jonathan E. Alpert (Info) MGH, Harvard Medical School, Albert Einstein, Montefiore Medical Center Depression/Psychiatry JEA1 2015‑03‑09
Barry G. W. Arnason (Info) Chicago immune cell function in multiple sclerosis george.perry 2010‑08‑22
Steven E. Arnold (Info) Penn Cellular and molecular neurobiology of schizophrenia and mood disorders, aging and neurodegenerative dementias george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Hamed Azami (Info) Harvard Biomedical signal processing, machine learning HamedAzami 2019‑03‑07
Brian J. Bacskai (Info) MGH Alzheimer's jandh 2013‑07‑27
Bengi Baran (Info) U Mass Amherst, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Iowa rspencer 2008‑09‑24
Hari M. Bharadwaj (Info) Boston University, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Auditory system, Human Neuroimaging haribharadwaj 2014‑08‑20
Mark A. Blais (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Personality, Personality Assessment 100745 2017‑07‑24
Caroline Boudoux (Info) Polytechnique Montréal Biomedical Optics, Optical Coherence Tomography, Microscopy, Fiber Optics cboudoux 2019‑10‑21
Joan Camprodon (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School nkhadka 2020‑10‑22
Sydney S. Cash (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Epilepsy, Cognitive Neuroscience adykstra 2008‑12‑04
Duong T. Chu (Info) University of Toronto chuthuyduong 2017‑01‑24
Justine E Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital fMRI, sex differences, depression justinecc 2019‑04‑12
G. Rees Cosgrove (Info) The Lahey Clinic, Brown ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Yu Yuki Dai (Info) Harvard Medical School Somatosensation, social behaviors, ASDs yukidai 2018‑02‑13
Christopher P Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School Molecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment cpdavis 2021‑02‑02
Simon Dujardin (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Alzheimer's disease SimonDujardin 2021‑03‑08
Jennifer Ann Erwin (Info) Lieber Institute for Brain Development/Johns Hopkins Jennifer_Erwin 2020‑08‑07
Ali Fatemi (Info) Kennedy Krieger Institute Myelin disorders, neonatal neurology Fatemisa 2012‑03‑04
Maurizio Fava (Info) MGH Depression Clinical and Research Program Psychiatry jasmine 2008‑04‑08
Analiese Fernandes (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital SimonDujardin 2021‑03‑08
Jose C. Florez (Info) Northwestern, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital circadian rhythms jtakahashi 2013‑10‑07
Shelley I. Fried (Info) UC Berkeley pq 2015‑09‑24
Jodi M. Gilman (Info) Brown Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology pq 2016‑05‑25
Jill Goldstein (Info) Harvard Medical School justinecc 2020‑05‑01
Howard M. Goodman (Info) Harvard Medical School Genetics & molecular biology CJM3 2009‑02‑11
Matti Hamalainen (Info) Harvard Medical School/ Massachusetts General Hospital dahliash 2009‑11‑18
E. Tessa Hedley-Whyte (Info) Masssachusetts General Hospital Neuropathology of neurodegenerative disorders, pathology and behavior of pituitary tumors, teaching residents and medical students, neuroanatomy and neuropathology george.perry 2010‑03‑19
Steven M. Hersch (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital glieberman 2016‑02‑16
Bradley T. Hyman (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University neuropathophysiologic and genetic factors that underlie dementia. tamily 2009‑11‑15
Maesoon Im (Info) Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, Henry Ford Health System, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Retinal Prosthetics immaesoon 2017‑09‑19
Mehdi Jorfi (Info) Harvard Neurobiological Engineering, Alzheimer's disease mjorfi 2019‑07‑30
Fae Kayarian (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation; Autism Spectrum Disorder; MCI/Alzheimer's; Emergency Medicine faekayarian 2020‑03‑09
Corey J. Keller (Info) Albert Einstein Neuroscience kellerc10 2014‑02‑11
Scott G. Kennedy (Info) Harvard Medical School lakshyabajaj 2019‑05‑24
Niranjan Khadka (Info) City College at City University of New York, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Neural engineering, Neuromodulation, Medical device, Computational Modeling nkhadka 2020‑10‑22
Nathaniel James Killian (Info) Washington University, Georgia Tech and Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, Albert Einstein central nervous system physiology njkillian 2008‑04‑21
Doo Yeon Kim (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital mjorfi 2019‑07‑30
Hyung-Hwan Kim (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital arpanmahanty 2020‑04‑22
Walter J. Koroshetz (Info) NINDS Neurology, stroke, neurotoxicity, Huntington's disease CJM3 2009‑04‑17
Seung Woo Lee (Info) MGH / Harvard Medical School Neural Prosthesis swlee79 2011‑04‑14
Gregory Lieberman (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Vermont, University of Vermont, Univ. of New Mexico, Penn, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Cognition, Neuroplasticity glieberman 2014‑06‑30
Cesare T. Lombroso (Info) Harvard Medical School dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Dara S. Manoach (Info) MGH Schizophrenia mcain 2008‑08‑05
Konstantinos Michmizos (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick computational brain, human-centered robotics konmic 2016‑08‑02
Douglas C. Miller (Info) University of Missouri School of Medicine Brain Tumors, Stroke, Neurodegenerative Diseases millerdc 2015‑09‑01
Jay P. Mohr (Info) Columbia University Medical School behavioral neurology, cerebrovascular disease abarrett 2007‑11‑03
Lauren Orefice (Info) Georgetown baojixu 2018‑06‑02
Edward P. Richardson Jr. (Info) MGH Neuropathology CJM3 2009‑03‑13
Gary Ruvkun (Info) Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan jonps 2010‑08‑18
Amar Sahay (Info) Harvard Medical School, MGH & Harvard Stem Cell Institute Hippocampus and memory, Adult hippocampal Neurogenesis amarsahay 2010‑05‑03
Lee Schwamm (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Walter.Koroshetz 2019‑08‑07
Alberto Serrano-Pozo (Info) MGH, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, MGH Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body disease, Frontotemporal Lobar Degenerations, Vascular dementias, Neurology albserrap 2017‑02‑04
Katherine Sims (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Fatemisa 2021‑03‑03
Dylan Spets (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital sd.slotnick 2019‑10‑29
William Sweet (Info) MGH ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Stephen B Tatter (Info) University of Michigan, Rockefeller, Weill Cornell Medical College, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Wake Forest School of Medicine brain and pituitary tumors, image-guided neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, trigeminal neuralgia, human brain catecholamine measurement StephenTatter 2020‑12‑18
Milena Vurro (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Visual Neuroscience, Visual Prosthesis milena 2009‑09‑21
Xueying Wang (Info) Harvard CPG, Respiration, Imaging, Alzheimer's disease snowxwang 2012‑07‑10
Eda Yildirim (Info) UCLA, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, Duke Medical School Epigenetics; Cell biology pq 2015‑10‑08
Jung Sun Yoo (Info) Seoul National University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Fluorescence molecular imaging, Multimodality imaging, Intraoperative/Intravital imaging, arpanmahanty 2020‑04‑22
Hyejin Yoon (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital jungsukim77 2012‑06‑29
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