People with institution matching "Kings College London":
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Wendy J. Adams (Info) |
University of Southampton |
Human Vision, Touch |
lpyudhb |
2007‑11‑18 |
Nathalia Almeida dos Santos (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
Nathalmeida |
2022‑04‑08 |
Gareth J. Barker (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
flew |
2017‑04‑06 |
Stefan Borgwardt (Info) |
Universität Basel |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑16 |
Jake Bourgaize (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
| |
2023‑12‑19 |
Jason W. Brooks (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
swnt1931 |
2015‑11‑06 |
Juan Burrone (Info) |
King's College |
dax42 |
2011‑02‑16 |
Narcis Cardoner (Info) |
Hospital de Bellvitge |
Depression, OCD |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑16 |
Nicholas Robert Cooper (Info) |
University of Essex |
EEG, stress, attention | |
2023‑12‑19 |
Jeff Stephens Davies (Info) |
Swansea University |
Ghrelin |
Jeff_Davies |
2020‑05‑17 |
Wissam El-Hage (Info) |
University of Tours |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑16 |
John Ernstring (Info) |
Kings College London |
Rvelho |
2020‑05‑13 |
Cleusa Ferri (Info) |
King's College |
craineki |
2015‑06‑30 |
Gerald T. Finnerty (Info) |
King's College |
fin |
2007‑08‑18 |
Helen Fisher (Info) |
Kings College London |
DaveRoseNeuro |
2023‑03‑24 |
Ian D. Forsythe (Info) |
University of Leicester |
synaptic transmission, voltage-gated potassium channels, intrinsic plasticity, auditory processing |
fesposti1 |
2012‑04‑19 |
Nick P. Franks (Info) |
Imperial College |
Biophysics, Anesthesia Mechanisms, Structural Biology |
gabaman |
2008‑07‑29 |
Sean Froudist-Walsh (Info) |
Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Injury, Neurotransmitters |
seanfw |
2014‑02‑27 |
Chris H. Fry (Info) |
University of Bristol |
Smooth and Cardiac muscle electophysiology |
DavidJMiller |
2014‑05‑06 |
Paolo Fusar-Poli (Info) |
King's College |
First episode of psychosis, fMRI, MRI |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑15 |
Jonathan Gilthorpe (Info) |
Umeå University |
smshapley |
2020‑11‑10 |
Jeremy Green (Info) |
Kings College London |
ilblitz |
2018‑05‑15 |
Matthew Grubb (Info) |
King's College (London) |
Adna |
2019‑04‑11 |
Diane Hanger (Info) |
King's College |
spnesew |
2012‑04‑26 |
Francesca Happe (Info) |
Institute of Psychiatry |
ah |
2007‑02‑07 |
Peter Haslehurst (Info) |
Synaptic plasticity |
peterhasle |
2013‑03‑12 |
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Info) |
Cambridge |
Biophysics |
willmore |
2005‑01‑17 |
Nigel Holder (Info) |
TomHawkins |
2013‑09‑18 |
Peter Jenner (Info) |
Kings College London |
sd19 |
2016‑01‑21 |
Sinead Kelly (Info) |
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Kings College London (KCL) |
Luisa_Schuhmacher |
2021‑06‑30 |
Gerald A. Kerkut (Info) |
University of Southampton |
Neuroscience |
ian4sythe |
2012‑10‑25 |
Ariel Knafo-Noam (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Values, Developmental psychology, empathy, prosocial behavior, parenting |
arielknafo |
2019‑02‑06 |
Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
| |
2023‑12‑19 |
Emma L. Lane (Info) |
Cardiff University |
Parkinson's disease, dyskinesia |
emmalane |
2012‑02‑04 |
Sten Levander (Info) |
Malmö University |
Forensic psychiatry, Longitudinal studies of Psychoses |
Jonas12 |
2010‑07‑31 |
Bill R. Lieb (Info) |
Imperial College |
Biophysics |
gabaman |
2008‑07‑31 |
Andrew Lumsden (Info) |
MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology |
Developmental neurobiology, Pattern formation |
andrew.lumsden |
2007‑12‑07 |
Alexandra J MacDermott (Info) |
University of Houston-Clear Lake |
physics, chemistry, astrobiology |
ajmacdermott |
2018‑12‑21 |
Clarice Sandi Madruga (Info) |
Federal University of São Paulo |
craineki |
2015‑06‑30 |
Giovanni E. Mann (Info) |
King's College |
joernsteinert |
2014‑04‑13 |
Oscar Marín (Info) |
King's College |
testtest |
2009‑02‑18 |
David Mataix-Cols (Info) |
Karolinska |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑15 |
Yutaka Matsubayashi (Info) |
kawasaki |
2021‑09‑18 |
Stephen McMahon (Info) |
King's College |
pain, growth factors |
tcoderre |
2006‑11‑24 |
Chiara Nosarti (Info) |
King's College |
Preterm Birth |
seanfw |
2014‑02‑27 |
Robert Plomin (Info) |
King's College |
ado4 |
2008‑06‑13 |
Ernst Poeppel (Info) |
University of Munich |
Visual system, time perception |
wittmann |
2006‑03‑30 |
Thomas S Price (Info) |
t0mpr1c3 |
2018‑08‑13 |
Jane Qiu (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
swnt1931 |
2015‑11‑06 |
Joaquim Radua (Info) |
FIDMAG Germanes Hospitalaries |
Meta-analyses, VBM, fMRI, neuropsychiatry |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑15 |
Rajit Rajappa (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Gaba receptors, photoswitch, presynapse |
rajit |
2016‑04‑04 |
Yushi T Redhead (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
Developmental Biology, Down Syndrome |
Yush1 |
2019‑12‑24 |
Angelica Ronald (Info) |
Birkbeck College - Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development |
ads |
2018‑06‑03 |
David Rose (Info) |
University of Surrey |
Visual system, consciousness, philosophy of science |
DaveRoseNeuro |
2019‑08‑16 |
Katya Rubia (Info) |
King's College |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, conduct disorder, child psychiatry, fMRI, MRI |
Bao |
2008‑03‑28 |
Teresa Russell (Info) |
King's College |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry |
krubia |
2008‑08‑22 |
Thais Russomano (Info) |
Kings College London |
Rvelho |
2020‑05‑13 |
Paramala Santosh (Info) |
Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, Pharmacology |
krubia |
2008‑08‑22 |
Nicole Schmitz (Info) |
Amsterdam |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry |
krubia |
2008‑08‑22 |
Judith V. Schweimer (Info) |
Eberhard Karl University Tübingen, Germany, Universität Stuttgart, Kings College London, Imperial College London, Oxford, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, St Andrews University, Scotland |
Serotonin, Dopamine, Electrophysiology, Mood disorders |
jschwei |
2015‑02‑23 |
Martijn M. Selten (Info) |
King's College |
Neurophysiology |
Martijn |
2010‑12‑17 |
Martha Elizabeth Shenton (Info) |
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
schizophrenia, neuroimaging, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, PTSD |
MarthaShenton |
2007‑10‑11 |
Roxy Short (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
wendyjo |
2019‑12‑19 |
Sarah E. Slack (Info) |
swnt1931 |
2015‑11‑06 |
Anna Smith (Info) |
King's College |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry |
krubia |
2008‑08‑22 |
Kenneth J. Smith (Info) |
jschwei |
2015‑02‑23 |
Jemeen Sreedharan (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
Jeff_Davies |
2020‑05‑17 |
Simon Surguladze (Info) |
Cygnet Health Care |
Affective neuroscience, fMRI |
qr79 |
2013‑11‑15 |
Eric Taylor (Info) |
King's College |
Child psychiatry, Child neuropsychiatry |
krubia |
2008‑08‑22 |
Michael A. Thacker (Info) |
Kings College London (KCL) |
swnt1931 |
2015‑11‑06 |
Stephen Thompson (Info) |
Plymouth University, Kings College London (KCL), UCL |
pain, neurotrophins |
tcoderre |
2006‑11‑24 |
Rochelle Velho (Info) |
University of Birmingham (UK) |
Rvelho |
2020‑05‑13 |
Peter H. Venables (Info) |
University of York |
Schizophrenia, Schizotypal personality, psychophysiology |
yugao |
2009‑04‑07 |
Gregory L. Wallace (Info) |
The George Washington University |
autism, developmental disabilities, executive function, eating, adult outcome, aging, developmental cognitive neuroscience |
gwallac1 |
2007‑09‑23 |
Stephen W. Wilson (Info) |
Neural development |
sseaster |
2008‑12‑26 |
Selina Wray (Info) |
UCL Institute of Neurology |
Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Neurodegeneration |
spnesew |
2011‑08‑25 |
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