People with institution matching "Max Planck Institute":
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Name |
Institution |
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Date |
Clemens Küpper (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology |
JasmineLov |
2024‑03‑01 |
Nixon M. Abraham (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Olfactory system |
Abraham |
2005‑12‑07 |
Daniel J. Acheson (Info) |
UW Madison |
speech production, language, verbal working memory | |
2009‑07‑30 |
Nikolaos C. Aggelopoulos (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Neurophysiology |
na |
2006‑03‑27 |
Nameera Akhtar (Info) |
UC Santa Cruz |
language development, cognitive development |
nameera |
2007‑02‑12 |
Ahmet Oguz Akyuz (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Stephen P. Alexander (Info) |
Nottingham |
Cannabinoids, purines, glutamate, second messengers |
salex |
2011‑01‑06 |
Arjen Alink (Info) |
MPI Frankfurt |
Muckli |
2008‑06‑03 |
Suneel Reddy Alla (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
suneelreddi |
2008‑10‑09 |
Osborne F.X. almeida (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry |
neuroscience, endocrinology, neuropharmacology |
OsborneAlmeida |
2014‑07‑23 |
Osborne F X Almeida (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry |
neuroscience, reproduction |
28071954 |
2015‑11‑13 |
Nadja Althaus (Info) |
Oxford |
Developmental Science |
althausn |
2011‑03‑16 |
Christian Altmann (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Theocharis Alvanos (Info) |
Universiaet Goettingen, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences |
Auditory System, Synaptic Physiology, Super-resolution Imaging |
haris.alvanos |
2023‑08‑28 |
Gonzalo Alvarez-Bolado (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
larryswanson |
2013‑10‑31 |
Matthew R. Angle (Info) |
Stanford |
mangle |
2012‑10‑11 |
Bernd Antkowiak (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Felisberti |
2009‑11‑29 |
Alfred Anwander (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
Evolution |
2022‑11‑07 |
Raimund Apfelbach (Info) |
Universität Tübingen |
tendres |
2012‑09‑21 |
Beate Apfelbeck (Info) |
University of Glasgow |
wolf01 |
2014‑01‑12 |
Salomi Savvatia Asaridou (Info) |
Oxford |
Language Learning |
Salomi |
2020‑08‑06 |
Juergen Aschoff (Info) |
BHelm |
2021‑07‑18 |
Olivia Nicola (Dumitrescu) Auferkorte (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
retina |
David_Berson |
2007‑10‑02 |
George J. Augustine (Info) |
Duke |
hanks |
2005‑10‑13 |
Hansjochem Autrum (Info) |
Universität Göttingen, Universität Würzburg, Universität München |
Ethology |
hayden |
2005‑11‑26 |
Marios N. Avraamides (Info) |
Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus |
spatial cognition and memory |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Frederico Augusto Casarsa de Azevedo (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics, McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital |
Non-human primate visual System |
fredericoacazevedo |
2015‑01‑12 |
Baltes, Paul B (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin) |
8419437 |
2022‑02‑16 |
Mareike Bacha-Trams (Info) |
Aalto University |
AngelaDFriederici |
2021‑12‑23 |
Benjamin Backus (Info) |
Penn |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑09‑19 |
Raymundo Baez Mendoza (Info) |
Cambridge |
Reward Physiology |
raymundo |
2006‑03‑31 |
Ganesh Bagler (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics |
Computational Neuroscience, Computational Biology, Complex Networks, Protein Structure Analysis |
gansbags |
2008‑04‑28 |
Hamed Bahmani (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Systems Neuroscience |
hbahmani |
2008‑08‑03 |
Anne Leonie Baier (Info) |
Universität München |
neuroethology, echolocation, psychoacoustics |
AnneLeonieBaier |
2019‑01‑14 |
Herwig Baier (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Neuroscience, Behavior, Genetics |
meganrc |
2005‑11‑03 |
Paul Baltes (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin) |
lifespan development |
Norbou |
2007‑06‑20 |
Richard B. Banati (Info) |
University of Sydney |
Brain imaging, PET |
neurojim |
2012‑09‑20 |
Pramit Bandyopadhyay (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
Olfaction, Neuroscience |
pramit |
2024‑03‑05 |
Martin Banks (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑09‑19 |
Yves-Alain Barde (Info) |
Biocenter Basel, Switzerland |
Neurotrophins, stem cells |
grlewin |
2008‑12‑04 |
George Webber Barlow (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
shimaje |
2009‑11‑09 |
Michael Barnett-Cowan (Info) |
University of Waterloo |
Multisensory, perception and action, psychophysics, vestibular system |
laurence.r.harris |
2008‑06‑23 |
Lisa Feldman Barrett (Info) |
Northeastern University |
emotion |
barretli |
2008‑04‑06 |
Paul A. Bartell (Info) |
Penn State |
ashmo501 |
2010‑10‑17 |
Andreas Bartels (Info) |
MPI Tuebingen |
visual system, imaging |
david |
2005‑01‑22 |
Amelie Baschwitz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
ssachse |
2019‑02‑21 |
Pamela Bäss (Info) |
University of Ulm, University of Hildesheim |
Cognitive neuroscience, Motor processing |
r_oshea |
2018‑11‑20 |
Kai Basten (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Philippe Bastiaens (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Molcular Physisology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, EMBL, Heidelberg, Imperial Cancer Research Fund |
signaling, biochemistry, microscopy |
Alessandro |
2021‑02‑05 |
Aritra Basu (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy |
Galaxies, magnetic field |
aritrabasu |
2017‑03‑01 |
Demian Battaglia (Info) |
CNRS - Aix-Marseille University |
Large neural networks dynamics, modeling of interacting cortical areas, functional connectivity dynamics, information theory |
demian.battaglia |
2009‑05‑05 |
Peter W. Battaglia (Info) |
Computational vision and cognition |
pbattaglia |
2008‑06‑24 |
Pierre Baudot (Info) |
INSERM Marseille |
Information theory, Probability, Algebraic topology, Visual perception, Machine learning, Electrophysiology |
pierre.baudot |
2017‑10‑24 |
Joel Bauer (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
Burkhard Bechinger (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry |
leoila |
2019‑11‑20 |
Sandra Beck (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Nadine Becker (Info) |
unknown |
Neurobiology |
clhahn |
2007‑08‑17 |
Yannick Becker (Info) |
Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS |
Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience |
YannickBecker |
2022‑05‑05 |
Caroline Beese (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
AngelaDFriederici |
2021‑12‑23 |
Oliver Behrend (Info) |
Munich University (LMU) |
grothe |
2008‑06‑29 |
Jonathan Sage Beier (Info) |
University of Maryland |
Social cognitive development, Cognitive development, Infancy |
jsbeier |
2012‑05‑14 |
John M. Bekkers (Info) |
Synaptic transmission, olfaction |
jbekkers |
2011‑09‑10 |
Louis A. Benevento (Info) |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
Visual system |
alysakow |
2009‑03‑10 |
Jonathan I. Benichov (Info) |
CUNY, FU Berlin, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Leiden |
Avian Neurobiology, Vocal Communication |
jonathanbenichov |
2015‑10‑10 |
Philipp Berens (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Neural Coding, Early Vision |
phb |
2006‑05‑18 |
Daniel R. Berger (Info) |
Harvard |
Visual Perception, Electron Microscopy, Connectomics, Mammalian Cortex |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑08‑17 |
Isabelle Berndt (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Benedikt Berninger (Info) |
University Medical Center Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, King's College - London |
Neuroscience |
Benedikt |
2012‑02‑04 |
Ilaria Bertocchi (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Vivan |
2017‑10‑27 |
Michel Besserve (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Computational neuroscience, functional connectivity |
mbesserve |
2011‑10‑04 |
Matthias Bethge (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Early Vision |
phb |
2006‑05‑18 |
Heinrich Betz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
suneelreddi |
2008‑10‑09 |
Karl Beykirch (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑08‑17 |
Luis Alberto Bezares Calderon (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, University of Exeter |
Mechanosensation, Evolution, Behavior |
LuisABC |
2018‑09‑12 |
Yogesh Bhargava (Info) |
Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University, India |
Zebrafish, Behaviour, NO Signalling, Biophysics, Ion channel |
yogeshbhargava |
2009‑02‑07 |
Vasudeva Krishnamurthy Bhat (Info) |
IISER Pune, IINS - Bordeaux, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Systems Neuroscience, Memory, Navigation, Sleep |
Vasudeva713 |
2024‑10‑21 |
Roberta Bianco (Info) |
University College London |
danielasammler |
2017‑11‑18 |
Felix Biessmann (Info) |
TU Berlin |
pharmacological MRI, brain-computer interfacing, machine learning methods for neuroscientific applications |
fbiessma |
2009‑08‑15 |
Michael Black (Info) |
Max Planck Institute, Brown University |
shenoy |
2012‑06‑08 |
Volker Blanz (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Hans R. Bode (Info) |
UC Irvine |
testtest |
2009‑02‑18 |
Johann H. Bollmann (Info) |
MPI Heidelberg, University of Freiburg, Germany |
calyx |
2013‑07‑19 |
Jürgen Bolz (Info) |
University of Jena |
david |
2008‑04‑08 |
Aline Bompas (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Friedrich Bonhoeffer (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen |
Nervous system development; Retinotectal projection |
hbaier |
2006‑10‑19 |
Tobias Bonhoeffer (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
Plasticity and development |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑26 |
Alexander Borst (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
fly visual system, dendritc integration |
oertner |
2007‑05‑05 |
J Gerard Borst (Info) |
Erasmus MC |
auditory neurophysiology |
Loligo |
2007‑10‑03 |
Ashley M. Bourke (Info) |
University of Colorado, Denver, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
membrane trafficking, local protein synthesis, spatial proteomics |
bourkeas |
2015‑11‑18 |
Melissa Bowerman (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
Child language acquisition, language and thought |
lmorett |
2009‑08‑05 |
Brian Boycott (Info) |
hanks |
2005‑10‑13 |
Valentino Braitenberg (Info) |
MPI Tuebingen |
Neuroanatomy |
dillenburger |
2005‑11‑02 |
Antje Brand (Info) |
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg |
grothe |
2008‑06‑29 |
Romain Brasselet (Info) |
University Pompeu Fabra |
brasselet |
2011‑12‑09 |
Daniel Braun (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Sensorimotor learning, Decision making |
pouyanrafieifard |
2015‑04‑02 |
Michael Brecht (Info) |
HU Berlin |
arthur |
2007‑09‑24 |
Martin Breidt (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Jean-Pierre Bresciani (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Aenne A. Brielmann (Info) |
University of Konstanz, New York University, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, University of Tübingen |
mspering |
2014‑12‑19 |
Kevin Briggman (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - caesar |
daph |
2005‑10‑23 |
Ann Bright (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology |
chr.mayer |
2019‑06‑14 |
Rodolfo Briones (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Universidad de Chile |
bioinformatics |
eliasleiva |
2017‑12‑31 |
Steven D Briscoe (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics |
Development, Evolution, Neuroscience |
briscoe |
2018‑11‑19 |
Nils Brose (Info) |
MPI for Experimental Medicine |
synapse formation and function |
mlinhoff |
2008‑06‑22 |
Tilmann M. Brotz (Info) |
Konzept Drug Development Consulting |
Drug Discovery and Development |
brotz |
2007‑08‑05 |
Anne-Marie Brouwer (Info) |
Perception for Recognition and Action |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Anne Brunet (Info) |
Stanford |
neural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging |
svilleda |
2013‑03‑14 |
Randy M. Bruno (Info) |
Columbia |
Thalamocortical Circuitry |
randybruno |
2005‑12‑07 |
Andreja Bubic (Info) |
MGH Martinos Center |
Mona |
2010‑06‑11 |
Erich Buchner (Info) |
University of Wuerzburg |
tanne3 |
2009‑03‑19 |
Heinrich H. Buelthoff (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Psychophysics, Cognition, Computer Vision, Robotics |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Isabelle Buelthoff (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Isabelle Bülthoff (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
kdobs |
2019‑01‑03 |
Daniel J. Bumbarger (Info) |
UC Riverside |
Anatomy Biology, Cell Biology |
pq |
2019‑01‑18 |
Nail Burnashev (Info) |
VU Amsterdam |
cdekock |
2005‑12‑07 |
John Butler (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑08‑17 |
Sidney Cambridge (Info) |
Heidelberg University |
Neurobiology |
cmh |
2007‑08‑17 |
Jennifer Campos (Info) |
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Ted Camus (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Marco Canossa (Info) |
Università di Bologna |
Neurotrophins, synaptic plasticity |
Matteo1 |
2013‑01‑19 |
Luiz Henrique Canto-Pereira (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Alan Carleton (Info) |
University of Geneva |
"olfaction, gustation, neurogenesis" |
carleton |
2007‑05‑08 |
Malinda Carpenter (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology |
jsbeier |
2012‑05‑14 |
Daniel Casasanto (Info) |
Chicago |
Language and thought |
lmorett |
2010‑10‑05 |
Marta Castellano (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
visual system |
tha |
2009‑06‑07 |
Eero Castren (Info) |
Univ. Helsinki |
ooleary |
2006‑11‑09 |
Modesto Castrillón - Santana (Info) |
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Computer Science and Systems Department |
Face Detection,Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Robotics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Bruno Cauli (Info) |
Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France |
Neocortex, interneurons, neuro-vascular coupling |
audinate |
2009‑04‑06 |
Francesco Cecconi (Info) |
IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation and University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Neurodevelopment |
fcecconi |
2008‑01‑01 |
Erik Cederfjäll (Info) |
Lund University, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
Parkinson's disease | Gene therapy |
eac |
2010‑09‑13 |
Tansu Celikel (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
Cortical plasticity, Neural circuits, Tactile decision-making |
celikel |
2005‑12‑06 |
Ali Cetin (Info) |
University of Washington - Seattle/ NIH, Stanford |
Neuronal Circuitry |
alicetin |
2008‑02‑22 |
Arnab Chakrabarty (Info) |
unknown |
Network Oscillations, Calcium Imaging, Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus, FRET imaging, Barrel Cortex, Visual Cortex. |
clhahn |
2006‑11‑19 |
James P. Chalcroft (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
History of Neurobiology |
neurojim |
2012‑09‑20 |
Stephanie Chanda (Info) |
Karolinska |
molecular neuroscience |
Stephaniechanda |
2020‑11‑04 |
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Info) |
Stanford |
Auditory Cortex, Coherence |
chandram |
2006‑09‑19 |
Dong-Seon Chang (Info) |
Max-Planck-Institute for biological Cybernetics |
Action recognition, Social interaction |
dong-seon |
2007‑02‑12 |
Shuwen Chang (Info) |
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology |
crosenm |
2018‑05‑08 |
YoonJeung Chang (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics |
neurogenesis, neocortical development |
sarahinde |
2010‑03‑19 |
Barbara Chapman (Info) |
UC Davis |
Visual development |
david |
2005‑03‑27 |
Astros Chatziastros (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Gianfranco Chavez (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
HEvrard |
2022‑06‑29 |
Alon Chen (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
Neurobiology of stress |
dlrousso |
2010‑12‑11 |
Jau-Nian Chen (Info) |
Development of Cardiovascular System, Zebrafish |
Piraeus |
2010‑10‑12 |
Vincent Ka Ming Cheung (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Music and Language; fMRI |
vkmcheung |
2016‑08‑03 |
Pei-Ju Chien (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
danielasammler |
2023‑12‑26 |
Subashchandrabose Chinnathambi (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing |
Tau protein, structure and function |
subashchinnathambi |
2011‑08‑15 |
Alessandro La Chioma (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
Chris Christou (Info) |
UCL Department of Computer Science |
Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Qian Chu (Info) |
NYU Shanghai, University of Toronto, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics |
predictive processing, probablistic inference, sensorimotor interaction |
Qian_Chu |
2020‑01‑27 |
Yunxiang Chu (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
yunxiang |
2008‑12‑02 |
Lewis L. Chuang (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Object Recognition |
qvuong |
2007‑12‑13 |
Ellen Claes (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Retina |
2009‑11‑20 |
David E. Clapham (Info) |
Harvard Medical School/HHMI |
Ion channels and calcium signaling |
nblair |
2007‑07‑03 |
James P. Cleland (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics |
Regeneration |
jpc2904 |
2017‑02‑08 |
Colin Clifford (Info) |
University of Sydney |
vision, including how we perceive motion and orientation, how we recognise the expressions of faces, how context affects our perception of lightness and colour, and how our visual awareness might be related to the underlying neural processing |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Lior Cohen (Info) |
Haifa University, Israel. (Technion) |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
Roi Cohen Kadosh (Info) |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
cohenkadosh |
2006‑10‑28 |
David Colquhoun (Info) |
tamily |
2005‑12‑16 |
Max Coltheart (Info) |
Macquarie University |
Reading aloud, speech production, cognitive modeling |
paul.dux |
2006‑10‑25 |
Cvetalina Coneva (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
John M Conlon (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Argyris |
2023‑08‑14 |
Verena Conrad (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Christos Constantinidis (Info) |
Vanderbilt |
hayden |
2005‑03‑05 |
Theresa Cooke (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Anca Mihaela Corbu (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research |
Lateral hypothalamus, innate behaviours |
Anca_Corbu |
2018‑03‑29 |
Greg S. Corrado (Info) |
Stanford |
brian |
2006‑04‑04 |
Kauê Machado Costa (Info) |
National Institute on Drug Abuse-IRP, Goethe University - Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal do Pará |
Dopamine, Orbitofrontal Cortex, Reinforcement learning |
kauemc |
2010‑07‑05 |
Hilliary E. Creely (Info) |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Brown |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Otto D. Creutzfeldt (Info) |
Kraepelin Institute |
visual system |
hayden |
2005‑01‑16 |
Emily S. Cross (Info) |
Bangor University |
action perception, action execution, motor imagery, dance |
escross |
2007‑06‑24 |
Holk Cruse (Info) |
University of Bielefeld |
neurobiology, neuroethology, sensorimotor |
wstein |
2007‑05‑24 |
Andre F Cruz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems |
machine learning, algorithmic fairness, AI and society, inequality |
acruz |
2025‑01‑31 |
Douglas W. Cunningham (Info) |
Department Graphical-Interactive Systems at the Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science |
integration of Psychophysics and Computer Graphics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Hermann Cuntz (Info) |
Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society |
Computational Neuroscience, Dendrites |
pseries |
2006‑10‑24 |
Cristóbal Curio (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Uwe Czubayko (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Basal ganglia, connectivity |
Portchalmers |
2007‑09‑30 |
Dany V. D'Souza (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
fMRI, Color vision |
danydsouza |
2009‑07‑13 |
Christoph D. Dahl (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Vision |
raymundo |
2006‑04‑04 |
Sudeshna Das (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
ssachse |
2019‑02‑21 |
Charles N. David (Info) |
Universität München |
testtest |
2009‑02‑18 |
Jenny Davie (Info) |
sarahosn |
2006‑11‑30 |
Jennifer L. Day (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences |
Neuroscience, ubiquitin, cell biology, and molecular biology |
jld0325 |
2023‑07‑14 |
Peter Dayan (Info) |
hayden |
2005‑08‑10 |
Bert L. de Groot (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
BHaddad |
2023‑11‑19 |
Christiaan PJ de Kock (Info) |
VU Amsterdam |
Somatosensory cortex |
cdekock |
2005‑12‑07 |
Stephan de la Rosa (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Frans de Waal (Info) |
Emory |
Chimpanzees |
hayden |
2005‑12‑20 |
Raul Delgado-Morales (Info) |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute |
Neurodegeneration, Neuroepigenomics, Depression, Rett Syndrome, Stem cells |
rauldm |
2015‑07‑01 |
Winfried Denk (Info) |
Heidelberg University |
hanks |
2005‑10‑12 |
Lorenz Deserno (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Neuro2012 |
2014‑05‑22 |
Massimiliano Di Luca (Info) |
University of Birmingham |
Perception, Psychophysics, Multisensory perception, Time perception, Haptics |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Begoña Díaz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Language, Bilingualism |
nsebastian |
2009‑11‑14 |
Barry Dickson (Info) |
Janelia Farm |
mating behavior |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Anja Dietrich (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
horstmann |
2017‑10‑20 |
Christiane Dietrich (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
infant speech perception |
swingley |
2008‑08‑18 |
Barbara Dillenburger (Info) |
MPI for Neurological Research, Cologne |
Sensory processes, Cortex, Visual Perception |
dillenburger |
2005‑10‑31 |
Eleftherios Dimitriou (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
jrybak |
2023‑07‑10 |
Hartwig Distler (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Roger Dixon (Info) |
University of Alberta |
ScottTravis |
2013‑02‑07 |
Katharina Dobs (Info) |
visual system, face perception, computational cognitive neuroscience |
kdobs |
2019‑01‑03 |
Eberhard Dodt (Info) |
Max Planck Institute |
Visual physiology |
na |
2006‑03‑27 |
Andrea Doerfel (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Molecular Mechanisms for Hypothalamic Neuronal Differentiation |
abhishek |
2010‑07‑06 |
Nate Dolensek (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
ndolensek |
2022‑05‑24 |
Knut Drewing (Info) |
Giessen University. Germany |
haptics, multimodal perception, timing |
drewing |
2006‑11‑01 |
Wolfgang Driever (Info) |
University of Freiburg |
zebrafish genetics |
chitnisa |
2009‑06‑24 |
Elena Dvoretskova (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology |
chr.mayer |
2019‑06‑14 |
Abhilash Dwarakanath (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Systems Neuroscience |
abhi.dwarakanath |
2016‑12‑10 |
Hany Dweck (Info) |
Yale |
Neuroecology |
hany.dweck |
2018‑05‑12 |
Alexander S. Ecker (Info) |
University of Tübingen, Baylor College of Medicine |
Primate visual system, Computational neuroscience |
aecker |
2009‑06‑08 |
Frances Edwards (Info) |
Synapses |
david |
2005‑08‑31 |
Martin Egelhaaf (Info) |
University of Bielefeld, Department of Neurobiology |
mattiw |
2008‑11‑14 |
Veronica Egger (Info) |
University of Regensburg |
dfeldmeyer |
2014‑01‑15 |
Thomas Eggert (Info) |
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich |
sg |
2016‑03‑08 |
Martin Eimer (Info) |
Birkbeck College |
Cognitive neuroscience |
r_oshea |
2018‑11‑23 |
Falk Eippert (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig |
yrevina |
2021‑01‑04 |
Tamir Eliav (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
nulanovsky |
2015‑09‑05 |
Noémi Éltető (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
noemielteto |
2023‑03‑26 |
Tobias Elze (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |
Neural networks and models of cognition |
lftruth |
2008‑01‑05 |
Noemi Encinas (Info) |
Universidad Com |
Noemi |
2019‑02‑22 |
Andreas K. Engel (Info) |
Institute of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology |
visual system, consciousness, binding, parkinsons disease, gamma activity, EEG, MEG |
peterkonig |
2006‑06‑14 |
Florian Alois Engert (Info) |
Harvard |
zebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging |
orger |
2005‑11‑02 |
Veronika Engert (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, University of Jena |
Mental health, Social stress |
r_oshea |
2019‑09‑10 |
Bernhard Englitz (Info) |
Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute |
computation & theory, auditory system |
david |
2009‑04‑16 |
Christina Enroth-Cugell (Info) |
Northwestern |
vision |
movshon |
2005‑09‑15 |
Julia Erb (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig |
jonasobleser |
2012‑06‑22 |
Marc O. Ernst (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
fj |
2007‑01‑16 |
Augusto Escalante (Info) |
Instituto de Neurociencias |
eloisa herrera |
2008‑08‑27 |
Oxana Eschenko (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
"Neurobiology Learning and Memory", "Neuromodulation" |
oeschenko |
2009‑12‑22 |
Thomas Euler (Info) |
Max Planck Heidelberg |
Retina, two-photon microscopy |
map222 |
2008‑02‑05 |
Henry C. Evrard (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative Neuroscience, Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, International Center for Primate Brain Research; Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research; Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative Neuroscience |
Insula, Subjective Feelings, Decision, Consciousness, Interoception |
HEvrard |
2007‑06‑21 |
Manfred Fahle (Info) |
University of Bremen |
Form vision |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑29 |
Marcel Falkiewicz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
neuroscience |
mfalkiewicz |
2017‑11‑10 |
Karl Farrow (Info) |
NERF / VIB / IMEC / KU Leuven |
Neural Circuits, Retina, Visual System, Fly |
kfarrow |
2008‑02‑05 |
Christine A. Fawcett (Info) |
Uppsala |
Social-cognitive development |
fawcetca |
2009‑04‑08 |
Leonid A. Fedorov (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
visual system, perception of actions, neural data analysis |
leonid_fedorov |
2017‑02‑09 |
Martina Feierabend (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑07‑24 |
Dirk Feldmeyer (Info) |
Research Centre Juelich |
Barrel cortex, neuronal connectivity |
dfeldmeyer |
2011‑11‑22 |
Fatima Maria Felisberti (Info) |
Kingston University London |
Emotion - Vision - Aesthetics - Cognitive neuroscience - Mental Imagery |
melipona |
2009‑03‑19 |
Lorenz A Fenk (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence |
elegans |
2017‑04‑12 |
Miguel Fernandes (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
hbaier |
2016‑10‑15 |
Martin Fernholz (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
office.bonhoeffer |
2018‑05‑02 |
Alexandre Ferrao Santos (Info) |
unknown |
Neurobiology |
clhahn |
2007‑08‑20 |
Daniel P. Ferris (Info) |
University of Michigan, University of Florida |
Neural Control and Biomechanics of Human Locomotion |
ferrisdp |
2007‑04‑01 |
Christian Fiebach (Info) |
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Cognitive Neuroscience, language, working memory, fMRI, EEG |
fiebach |
2006‑08‑01 |
Katja Fiehler (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
psynt |
2019‑10‑25 |
Alessandro Filosa (Info) |
Synaptic Plasticity |
alex |
2007‑09‑27 |
Virginia L. Flanagin (Info) |
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
Navigation |
sg |
2011‑05‑11 |
Roland W. Fleming (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Visual System |
roland.fleming |
2007‑06‑25 |
Alexander Fluegel (Info) |
Universität Göttingen |
Multiple Sclerosis, Nerve inflammation |
neurojim |
2012‑09‑20 |
Rosalina Fonseca (Info) |
Gulbenkian Foundation |
Neurobiology |
cmh |
2007‑08‑17 |
Thomas Forro (Info) |
Medical University of Vienna, Center for Brain Research |
HEvrard |
2014‑10‑03 |
Friedrich Förstner (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
fly, visual system, morphological analysis, visualization |
friedrich |
2010‑04‑12 |
Jaco Fourie (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Jean E. Fox Tree (Info) |
UC Santa Cruz |
psycholinguistics |
foxtree |
2006‑09‑27 |
Jens Frahm (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Sven1975 |
2009‑12‑09 |
Nicolas H Franceschini (Info) |
CNRS & Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, CNRS, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Université de Sherbrooke, MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Neuroscience, Vision, Compound eyes, Micro-optics, Fly, Motion detecting neurons, Motion perception, Biorobotics, Bio-inspired motion and position sensors, Bio-inspired autopilots |
mgiurfa |
2015‑12‑20 |
Gerald Franz (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
experience of architectural space |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Volker H. Franz (Info) |
University of Tübingen, Germany |
quirl |
2007‑01‑16 |
Florian Freudenberg (Info) |
University Hospital of Frankfurt |
Synaptic plasticity, AMPA receptors, Depression |
ffreudenberg |
2011‑11‑28 |
Angela D. Friederici (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
fiebach |
2006‑08‑01 |
Claudia K. Friedrich (Info) |
Eberhard Karl University Tübingen, Germany |
AngelaDFriederici |
2021‑12‑23 |
Rainer Friedrich (Info) |
Friedrich Miescher Institut |
Olfaction |
JLand52 |
2006‑04‑05 |
Pascal Fries (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Neuronal synchronization |
david |
2005‑03‑26 |
Ilja Frissen (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Michael Fritschi (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Mario Fritz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Informatics |
m4linka |
2018‑12‑07 |
Thomas Fritz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
danielasammler |
2010‑11‑26 |
Peter Fromherz (Info) |
Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry |
membrane biophysics, neuron-silicon-coupling, voltage-sensitive dyes |
aprinz |
2007‑01‑18 |
Rebecca L. A. Frost (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, language acquisition |
frostr |
2018‑02‑28 |
Fabrizio Gabbiani (Info) |
Baylor College of Medicine |
vivek |
2006‑03‑28 |
Jens Peter Gabriel (Info) |
MPI Heidelberg |
calyx |
2013‑08‑26 |
Ralf A.W. Galuske (Info) |
Technische Universität Darmstadt |
visual system, physiology, systems |
actifret |
2006‑10‑26 |
Richard Gast (Info) |
Northwestern School of Medicine |
Neural Synchronization, Mean-field Theory, Spiking Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Dynamical Systems, Basal Ganglia, Parkinson's Disease |
rgast |
2023‑03‑30 |
Graziana Gatto (Info) |
Salk Institute, University Clinic Cologne |
Neuroscience, Motor system |
ggatto1984 |
2016‑07‑29 |
Claudine J. Gauthier (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
MRI, Calibrated fMRI, Oxidative metabolism, Vascular imaging |
cgauthier |
2013‑01‑16 |
R. Michael Gaze (Info) |
Edinburgh |
visual system, development |
sudin |
2006‑10‑19 |
Karl R. Gegenfurtner (Info) |
Giessen University |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑01‑27 |
Theo Geisel (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany |
Neurophysics, Chaos and Self-organized criticality in neural networks |
demian.battaglia |
2009‑06‑19 |
Eveline Geiser (Info) |
egeiser |
2013‑06‑01 |
Isabella Gekel (Info) |
Max Planck Institute Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany |
Neurotransmission |
igekel |
2010‑02‑03 |
Erhan Genç (Info) |
IfADo – Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors |
neuroimaging individual differences intelligence personality cognitive neuroscience, visual neuroscience |
kohlman |
2012‑10‑18 |
Felipe Gerhard (Info) |
computational neuroscience |
jandh |
2009‑03‑03 |
Holly E. Gerhard (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Visual psychophysics |
hgerhard |
2010‑02‑23 |
George L. Gerstein (Info) |
Penn |
hanks |
2005‑10‑24 |
Asif A. Ghazanfar (Info) |
Princeton |
jgoleary |
2005‑11‑03 |
John Gibbs (Info) |
Northern Arizona University |
ssarkar97 |
2019‑11‑09 |
Alfred Gierer (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology |
Molecular Biology |
testtest |
2009‑03‑03 |
Gerd Gigerenzer (Info) |
MPI Berlin |
Decision making |
Lascap |
2005‑12‑18 |
Lisa Gill (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen |
wolf01 |
2014‑01‑12 |
Sabine Gillner (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Paolo Robuffo Giordano (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2008‑12‑15 |
Annet Glas (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
office.bonhoeffer |
2018‑05‑02 |
Stefan Glasauer (Info) |
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg |
spatial orientation, vestibular system, ocular motor system |
sg |
2011‑05‑11 |
Hartmut Glossmann (Info) |
Innsbruck Medical University |
Calcium Channels |
Piraeus |
2010‑10‑19 |
Imke Gödecke (Info) |
MPI Psychiatry Munich |
clhahn |
2007‑08‑20 |
Rainer Goebel (Info) |
Maastricht University |
imaging tools |
kathleen |
2006‑05‑16 |
Karl Georg Goetz (Info) |
MPI Tuebingen |
Visual system, motor system, drosophila |
dirk |
2006‑09‑19 |
Nadine Gogolla (Info) |
Harvard |
Neurobiology |
TacoBill |
2009‑02‑07 |
Onur Gökce (Info) |
IBM Zürich |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
Pieter Michiel Goltstein (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
clhahn |
2016‑01‑29 |
Devrishi Goswami (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics |
Membrane protein |
dev |
2008‑12‑15 |
Martijn Goudbeek (Info) |
University of Geneva, Tilburg University, Max Planck Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen |
Psycholinguistics, Speech Perception, Emotion, Communication, Language producition |
kndiaye |
2008‑05‑22 |
Wolfgang Goymann (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen |
behavioral endocrinology, environmental endocrinology, behavioral ecology |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑08 |
Veit Grabe (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
ssachse |
2019‑02‑21 |
Arnulf B.A. Graf (Info) |
Caltech |
agraf |
2007‑07‑09 |
Markus Graf (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Michael Granato (Info) |
Penn |
testtest |
2009‑02‑17 |
Charles Marshall Gray (Info) |
Montana State |
Visual System, Cortical Physiology |
hayden |
2005‑01‑15 |
David S. Greenberg (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Cortical population analysis |
Portchalmers |
2007‑09‑30 |
Paul Greengard (Info) |
Yale School of Medicine, Geigy Research Labratories, Yale, Rockefeller |
neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Claudia Grellmann (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
horstmann |
2017‑10‑20 |
Alexander Groh (Info) |
Technische Universität München, Universität Heidelberg |
Sensory Systems, Thalamus, Corticothalamic |
alexgroh |
2015‑03‑26 |
Lukas N Groschner (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
Biophysical psychophysics, neural arithmetic, dendrites, decision-making, vision |
Lukas |
2021‑01‑07 |
Isa-Maria Gross (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
office.bonhoeffer |
2018‑05‑02 |
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup (Info) |
MPI for Intelligent Systems |
Brain-computer Interfaces |
pouyanrafieifard |
2015‑04‑02 |
Charlotte Grosse-Wiesmann (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
AngelaDFriederici |
2021‑12‑23 |
Tobias Grossman (Info) |
Birkbeck College |
dmareschal |
2009‑04‑30 |
Benedikt Grothe (Info) |
Universität München |
auditory neuroscience |
david |
2007‑09‑26 |
Lydia Gruber (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
jrybak |
2017‑04‑09 |
Sonja Grün (Info) |
Universität Tübingen, Ruhr Univ Bochum, Weizmann Institute, Hebrew University Medical School, Max-Planck Inst for Brain Reserach, Frankfurt/M, FU Berlin, RIKEN BSI, Research Center Juelich, RWTH Aachen University |
identification of network interactions, correlation analyses, spike train analysis, data management |
Khakhalin |
2010‑06‑07 |
Martin Grund (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Attention, Consciousness, Perception, Structural connectivity |
mgrund |
2014‑04‑14 |
Peter Gruss (Info) |
Max-Planck Institute |
Developemnt |
nano |
2007‑05‑19 |
John H. Gruzelier (Info) |
University of London |
tegner |
2010‑08‑11 |
Drago Guggiana (Info) |
Montana State |
molecular neuroscience |
thughesgfp |
2011‑10‑07 |
Fernando Isaac Guillen (Info) |
Max Planck Institute |
Neuroscience |
IsaacGuillen |
2017‑11‑03 |
Thomas Cornelius Gunter (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
psycholinguistics |
dkoester |
2010‑09‑15 |
José Arturo Gutiérrez (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Molecular Mechanisms for Hypothalamic Neuronal Differentiation |
abhishek |
2010‑07‑06 |
Eberhard Gwinner (Info) |
MPI fur Ornithology |
ashmo501 |
2014‑05‑23 |
Jürgen Haag (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
fly visual system, dendritic integration |
oertner |
2007‑05‑06 |
Tilmann Habermas (Info) |
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
narrative; autobiographical memory; emotion; psychoanalysis |
8419437 |
2022‑02‑16 |
Sara A Haddad (Info) |
University of Zurich (UZH) |
Systems Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Physiology, Vision Research |
SaraHaddad |
2021‑05‑18 |
Anne-Sophie Hafner (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience, Bordeaux |
Synaptic transmission, Plasticity, AMPAR complexes |
AnneSophieHafner |
2015‑10‑14 |
Gerhard Hager (Info) |
Aurigon Company |
neurojim |
2012‑09‑20 |
Peter Hagoort (Info) |
Radboud University Nijmegen |
Cognitive Neuroscience: Language |
grmangun |
2008‑08‑16 |
Gerald Hahn (Info) |
Neuronal Avalanches, Visual System |
HahnGerald |
2010‑10‑03 |
Anja Hahne (Info) |
University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus |
AngelaDFriederici |
2021‑12‑23 |
Aicha Haji Ali (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried |
Neuroscience, development |
Asashou |
2022‑04‑25 |
Partho Halder (Info) |
University of Wuerzburg |
Synaptic Proteins |
ParthoH |
2009‑09‑02 |
Duco Hamasaki (Info) |
University of Miami |
drgregmaguire |
2016‑03‑14 |
Christian Hansel (Info) |
Chicago |
dlinden |
2005‑11‑30 |
Bill S Hansson (Info) |
Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology |
hany.dweck |
2018‑05‑12 |
Brian Hare (Info) |
Duke |
biological anthropology, comparative psychology |
maf21 |
2007‑04‑26 |
Susan M. Harless (Info) |
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Max Planck Institute, Freiburg , Duke Medical School, Steifel/GSK |
Skin Immunology |
mcancro |
2017‑03‑29 |
Peter M. C. Harrison (Info) |
Cambridge |
music cognition |
pmcharrison |
2021‑05‑25 |
Jessica Hartcher-O'Brien (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
mattus |
2010‑10‑18 |
Renee Hartig (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
HEvrard |
2014‑10‑03 |
F. Ulrich Hartl (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry |
gpot9883 |
2017‑08‑25 |
Jana Hartmann (Info) |
TU Munich |
Purkinje cells, mGluR1, TRPC channels, synapses |
DynamicSynapse |
2013‑02‑06 |
Gesa Hartwigsen (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Leipzig University |
cognition, plasticity, language, TMS, neurostimulation, NIBS |
GesaHartwigsen |
2022‑10‑07 |
Joachim Hass (Info) |
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim |
Computational Neuroscience, PFC, time perception |
Darian |
2010‑10‑09 |
Bernhard Hassenstein (Info) |
Universität Freiburg |
Zoology, Ethology, Biological Cybernetics |
tkammer |
2008‑06‑10 |
Rolf Hassler (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt am Main |
AnnieGS |
2020‑10‑22 |
Michaela Hau (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑08 |
Michael Häusser (Info) |
dendritic function, synaptic integration, neural computation |
swang |
2005‑11‑03 |
Martha Nari Havenith (Info) |
UCL, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour, Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience In Cooperation with Max Planck Society |
Visual system, temporal coding, mouse behaviour, learning, attention |
marthanari.havenith |
2008‑05‑02 |
Alexander Haverkamp (Info) |
Wageningen University |
Olfaction, biogenic amines |
AlexanderHaverkamp |
2020‑07‑31 |
Silke Haverkamp (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Retina |
2009‑11‑20 |
David Johannes Hawellek (Info) |
Spontaneous brain activity |
HAMallot |
2013‑07‑22 |
Motoharu Hayashi (Info) |
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University |
Neurochemistry, Neuropeptide, Neurotrophin |
kojiohira |
2007‑09‑19 |
Yi He (Info) |
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance |
MRI (Function & Diffusion) |
YH |
2019‑09‑13 |
Martin N. Hebart (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
precuneus |
2012‑09‑28 |
Detlef H. Heck (Info) |
Cerebellum, Autism, Social behaivor, Innate behavior |
Jbryan14 |
2010‑01‑22 |
Walter Heiligenberg (Info) |
behavioral physiology |
daph |
2005‑10‑23 |
Fabian Heim (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence |
vocal learning, memory, transcription factors |
fheim |
2022‑06‑20 |
Uwe Heinemann (Info) |
Humbolt University Berlin, Cellular Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology, Charité |
Human and Experimental Epilepsy, Imaging, Plasticity |
rafael1970 |
2007‑09‑15 |
Hannah Sophie Heinrichs (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
spitschan |
2022‑08‑03 |
Daniel E. Heinz (Info) |
Heidelberg University, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany |
Endocannabinoids, Cognition, Reward, Fear |
tristan |
2020‑04‑27 |
Liane Heinze (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Retina |
2009‑11‑20 |
Hannah B. Helbig (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Human Perception |
marcernst |
2007‑01‑17 |
Imke Helling (Info) |
Boston Consulting Group |
Neurobiology |
cmh |
2007‑08‑17 |
Francoise Helmbacher (Info) |
IBDML, Luminy-Marseille |
testtest |
2009‑02‑18 |
Thomas Helmbrecht (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
hbaier |
2016‑10‑15 |
Fritjof Helmchen (Info) |
Universität Zürich |
neural circuits |
swang |
2005‑11‑03 |
Moritz Helmstaedter (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
connectomics |
david |
2015‑05‑05 |
Roland Hengstenberg (Info) |
Max Planck Institute |
hayden |
2005‑11‑01 |
Katrin Henke (Info) |
Emory University Medical School |
Genetics, Orthopaedics |
KHenke |
2024‑02‑13 |
R. Matthias Hennig (Info) |
HU Berlin |
cricket, auditory system, behaviour |
spoono |
2008‑11‑27 |
Molly J. Henry (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig |
jonasobleser |
2011‑06‑08 |
Takao K. Hensch (Info) |
Harvard |
critical period, visual cortex, GABA, sleep |
Hensch |
2006‑06‑08 |
Suzana Herculano-Houzel (Info) |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Comparative neuroanatomy, brain evolution |
suzanahh |
2012‑10‑22 |
Ulrich Herget (Info) |
Caltech |
zebrafish, hypothalamus, stress, sleep, neuromorphology, imaging |
uherget |
2018‑05‑08 |
Frouke Hermens (Info) |
University of Aberdeen |
Visual perception |
froukehe |
2007‑10‑26 |
Jochen Herms (Info) |
Universität München, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Synaptic transmission, dendritic spines, Alzheimers Disease, Neuropathology, structural plasticity |
SynapseFailure |
2015‑05‑21 |
Diana Hernandez (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
HEvrard |
2014‑10‑03 |
Björn Herrmann (Info) |
The University of Western Ontario (Canada) |
jonasobleser |
2012‑06‑22 |
Christoph S. Herrmann (Info) |
Oldenburg University |
Psychology, EEG, gamma oscillations |
csherrmann |
2009‑07‑06 |
Ralph Hertwig (Info) |
University of Basel |
tpleskac |
2008‑03‑17 |
Alexis G. Hervais-Adelman (Info) |
Cambridge, University of Geneva, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, University of Zurich (UZH) |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading |
MattDavis |
2008‑12‑10 |
Arvid Herwig (Info) |
Bielefeld University, Germany |
aherwig |
2010‑10‑19 |
Paul Hibbard (Info) |
University of St Andrews |
pscarfe |
2010‑04‑07 |
Steven Hillyard (Info) |
Psychophysics, ERP |
hayden |
2005‑01‑15 |
Nicolás Andrés Hinrichs (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, Institute of Psychology - Wilhelm Wundt, Leipzig University, Universidad de Concepción, Chile |
Cognitive Neuroscience - Hyperscanning Psychotherapy |
NicolasAranedaHinrichs |
2020‑09‑14 |
May Ho (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology |
chr.mayer |
2019‑06‑14 |
Sonja B Hofer (Info) |
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London, Biozentrum, University of Basel |
Neurobiology |
clhahn |
2007‑08‑17 |
Dax A. Hoffman (Info) |
Dendritic signal processing |
lm |
2006‑05‑07 |
Kari L. Hoffman (Info) |
York University |
face processing, learning and memory |
avmaier |
2006‑03‑24 |
Elly Hol (Info) |
Utrecht |
Glia Biology of Brain Diseases |
jandh |
2015‑02‑12 |
Judith Holler (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
shumphries |
2019‑03‑08 |
Ignace Hooge (Info) |
Utrecht |
Psychophysics |
Verstraten |
2005‑09‑26 |
Felicitas Marietta Horn (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Anatomy, Insula, von Economo neurons |
20F04M88H |
2018‑03‑12 |
Sebastian S. Horn (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Development |
Memory, Aging, Decision Making |
hkg |
2013‑12‑03 |
Annette Horstmann (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Neuroscience |
horstmann |
2011‑12‑21 |
Jonathon Howard (Info) |
University of Washington, Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Yale |
Motor Proteins, Cytoskeleton |
wellnitz |
2008‑09‑24 |
Mark Hübener (Info) |
Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology |
Neurobiology |
cmh |
2007‑08‑17 |
Franz Huber (Info) |
Max-Planck Institute |
Insect communication |
felloe |
2006‑12‑11 |
Susanne Huber (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Elisabeth Huberle (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Wolfgang Huebner (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Falk Huettig (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Ghent University, York University, Edinburgh |
Experimental Psychology |
FalkHuettig1000 |
2015‑07‑27 |
Thomas E. Hughes (Info) |
Montana State |
genetically encoded sensors, retina |
thughesgfp |
2006‑11‑24 |
Stacey Humphries (Info) |
Penn |
Cognitive neuroscience, action observation, Parkinson's disease |
shumphries |
2019‑03‑08 |
Axel Hutt (Info) |
INRIA Nancy Grand Est |
neuroscience |
axelhutt |
2021‑12‑20 |
Wieland Huttner (Info) |
Attardo |
2015‑04‑15 |
Bon-Woo Hwang (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Leopold Ilag (Info) |
Karolinska, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Oxford, Cambridge, Stockholm University, Stockholm University, Stockholm University |
mass spectrometry, proteins, biomolecules, NMR, structural biology, toxins, neurodegeneration, environment, aerosols |
leoila |
2019‑11‑20 |
Robin A A Ince (Info) |
University of Glasgow |
statistics, neuroimaging, information theory |
robince |
2009‑02‑16 |
Hiroshi T. Ito (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
hirosuke719 |
2008‑05‑19 |
Thomas Jacobsen (Info) |
Helmut Schmidt University |
kornysheva |
2010‑04‑28 |
Nori Jacoby (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics |
pmcharrison |
2021‑05‑25 |
Rudolf Jaenisch (Info) |
Mouse development |
anne.vassalli |
2009‑02‑22 |
Georg Jahn (Info) |
Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Psychology |
Human Spatial Reasoning, Spatial Language, Dialogue and Discourse Comprehension, Bounded Rationality, Multiple Object Tracking, Human Factors (Driver Information Systems) |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Reinhard Jahn (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Neuroexocytosis |
tsiddiq |
2007‑04‑04 |
Frank Jäkel (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Categorization |
fj |
2007‑01‑16 |
Juliane Jäpel (Info) |
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, MPI Martinsried |
clhahn |
2015‑10‑20 |
Kyle Jasmin (Info) |
Birkbeck College, Royal Holloway, University of London |
Language, speech, autism. |
kmjasmin |
2013‑04‑27 |
Horst Jatzkewitz (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry Munich |
Neurochemistry |
neuroweiss |
2016‑12‑04 |
Gáspár Jékely (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen |
testtest |
2009‑02‑17 |
Patrick Jendritza (Info) |
Salk Institute |
Neuroscience |
pjendritza |
2024‑01‑12 |
Stefan Jentsch (Info) |
Max Planck, Martinsried/Munich |
Ubiquitin |
2011‑12‑14 |
Hyeon-Ae Jeon (Info) |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology |
fMRI, cognitive neuroscience, neurolinguistics |
jeonha |
2018‑06‑12 |
Sarah Jessen (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig |
jonasobleser |
2012‑06‑22 |
Suresh Jesuthasan (Info) |
Temasek Life Sciences Labs |
Zebra fish |
rn |
2006‑10‑19 |
Jing Jiang (Info) |
Beijing Normal University, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Stanford, Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine |
social and affective neuroscience |
jingjiangpsy |
2020‑02‑02 |
Hiranmay Girish Joag (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
office.bonhoeffer |
2018‑05‑02 |
Alan Johnston (Info) |
Visual Perception | |
2009‑04‑11 |
Ron A. Jortner (Info) |
unknown |
Insect olfaction |
clhahn |
2007‑03‑01 |
Jurgen Jost (Info) |
MPI Leipzig |
computation & theory |
david |
2009‑04‑16 |
Niansheng Ju (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Peking University, South China University of Technology |
connectomics, two-photon imaging |
jns |
2021‑06‑01 |
Benjamin Judkewitz (Info) |
Caltech |
Biophotonics |
JLand52 |
2006‑04‑05 |
Frank Juelicher (Info) |
Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany |
cellular oscillations, cellular signaling, cytoskeletal dynamics during cell division, cell motility |
mgraupe |
2008‑11‑28 |
Uwe Jürgens (Info) |
German Primate Center |
hage |
2009‑01‑07 |
Amanda L. Kaas (Info) |
MPI Frankfurt |
fmri, haptic perception, haptic working memory, imagery |
A.Kaas |
2007‑07‑30 |
Ilona Kadow (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
Neural Development, Sensory circuits, Fly |
Fhelm |
2009‑08‑30 |
Klaus Kalmring (Info) |
Universität Marburg |
auditory processing and auditory communication especially in Orthopterans |
AnnieGS |
2020‑10‑22 |
Luca Kämmer (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Visual Neuroscience |
lucakaemmer |
2024‑10‑15 |
Thomas Kammer (Info) |
University of Ulm |
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
fj |
2007‑01‑16 |
Philipp Kanske (Info) |
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany, TU Dresden |
emotion, attention, EEG, fMRI, affective disorders, depression, bipolar disorder |
neurotreeuser |
2010‑11‑12 |
Christoph Kapfer (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
grothe |
2008‑06‑29 |
Josef P. Kapfhammer (Info) |
University of Basel |
testtest |
2009‑02‑18 |
Vishal Kapoor (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Visual perception |
vishal.neuro |
2007‑07‑12 |
Johannes M. Kappel (Info) |
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research |
anneserl |
2023‑08‑08 |
Ahmed A. Karim (Info) |
Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen, Germany |
Transcranial cortex stimulation, neuroplasticity and learning, clinical neuroscience and psychotherapy, brain-computer interface, neural correlates of deception and moral cognition |
neuromaster |
2009‑10‑02 |
Rolf O. Karlstrom (Info) |
University of Massachusetts |
Development |
Mulloney |
2009‑02‑13 |
Sabine Kastner (Info) |
Princeton |
hayden |
2005‑01‑16 |
Christoph Kayser (Info) |
MPI Tuebingen |
Visual system |
kayser |
2005‑09‑27 |
Tara Keck (Info) |
clhahn |
2005‑12‑04 |
Georgios A. Keliris (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Visual System/Perception |
phb |
2006‑05‑18 |
Bernhard U. Keller (Info) |
Universität Göttingen |
manoj |
2008‑04‑05 |
Georg B. Keller (Info) |
Friedrich Miescher Institute |
kellerg |
2008‑10‑07 |
Peter E. Keller (Info) |
Aarhus University |
Neuroscience of music, cognitive functions, motor skills, social cognition |
PeterKeller |
2022‑08‑01 |
Gerard A.M. Kempen (Info) |
Leiden University, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
psycholinguistics, language technology |
GerardKempen |
2009‑10‑12 |
Katharina Kerber (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
KatharinaKerber |
2014‑12‑03 |
Jason N D Kerr (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Cellular physiology, sensory systems, population imaging |
Portchalmers |
2007‑09‑30 |
Dan Kersten (Info) |
Visual psychophysics |
david |
2005‑02‑01 |
Dirk Kerzel (Info) |
University of Geneva |
david_souto |
2008‑05‑27 |
Muhammad Imran Khan (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems |
Privacy in advertising and analytics, Security Cryptograhy |
signalimran |
2014‑02‑20 |
Ava Kiai (Info) |
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main |
vocal production, bats, vocal learning, electrophysiology, oscillations |
vvw |
2018‑04‑25 |
Dae-Shik Kim (Info) |
Boston University |
Cortical columns |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑26 |
Hye-A Kim (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
System Neuroscience |
hyeass |
2024‑07‑22 |
Jinhyun Kim (Info) |
Janelia Farm |
Molecular Neurobiology |
hoffmand |
2007‑06‑21 |
Seung-Goo Kim (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics |
Music perception, neural encoding |
sgkim |
2022‑07‑20 |
Yujin Kim (Info) |
Denali Therapeutics, Inc |
gpot9883 |
2017‑08‑25 |
Lynne Kiorpes (Info) |
vision, development |
movshon |
2005‑09‑15 |
Frank Kirchhoff (Info) |
MPI for Experimental Medicine |
neuroglia, glia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, neurogenetics, in vivo imaging |
fkirch |
2009‑01‑11 |
Kuno Kirschfeld (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
fj |
2007‑01‑16 |
Caghan Kizil (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, TU Dresden, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Columbia University Medical Center, New York |
neuroscience, regeneration, zebrafish, stem cell |
ckizil |
2014‑06‑26 |
Manousos A. Klados (Info) |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Connectivity, aging, mathematical cognition |
ramsys |
2015‑06‑18 |
Manfred Klee (Info) |
Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research |
ryoder |
2007‑05‑24 |
Ruediger Klein (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
alex |
2007‑09‑27 |
Andreas Kleinschmidt (Info) |
| |
2005‑10‑18 |
Reinhold Kliegl (Info) |
University of Potsdam |
Cognitive Psychology (eye movements; microsaccades; attention; working memory; reading; data analysis and modeling; cognitive aging) |
rolfs |
2010‑05‑28 |
Jörn Klinger (Info) |
UT Austin |
Language acquisition, typology |
joern0sh |
2010‑07‑21 |
Joanna Klos (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
office.bonhoeffer |
2022‑04‑22 |
Barbara Knappmeyer (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
MartinaFeierabend |
2009‑01‑12 |
Markus Knauff (Info) |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Fachbereich 06, Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft, Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie, Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie |
feiler |
2007‑01‑31 |
Boris Knerr (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
abhishek |
2010‑07‑06 |
Thomas R. Knoesche (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany |
rgast |
2023‑03‑30 |
Laura D. Knogler (Info) |
Université de Montréal, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, McGill, University of Victoria |
Neuroscience |
lknogler |
2013‑07‑18 |
Thomas R. Knösche (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
sgkim |
2022‑07‑20 |
Christof Koch (Info) |
Caltech, Allen Institute |
Computation |
hayden |
2005‑01‑15 |
Stefan Koelsch (Info) |
FU Berlin |
Music Cognition, Emotion |
danielasammler |
2010‑11‑26 |
Dirk Koester (Info) |
Bielefeld University, Germany |
psycholinguistics, action, perception, cognitive neuroscience |
dkoester |
2010‑09‑15 |
Helmut Koester (Info) |
UT Austin |
Cellular neurophysiology |
lm |
2006‑05‑07 |
Duk-Su Koh (Info) |
jihwan |
2006‑11‑09 |
Axel Kohler (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Visual system, fMRI, TMS |
kohlman |
2007‑07‑26 |
Georg Köhr (Info) |
Max Planck Institute |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Yvonne Kölsch (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
hbaier |
2016‑10‑15 |
Shoji Komai (Info) |
International Professional University of Technology, Tokyo |
Behavioral Analysis, dendrites, viral vector, in vivo TPTP, cognition, molecules |
skomai |
2007‑12‑26 |
Xiangzhen Kong (Info) |
Beijing Normal University, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Zhejiang University |
Imaging Genetics, Brain Asymmetry, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience |
Conxz |
2015‑05‑15 |
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches. |
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