People with institution matching "Montreal Neuorological Institute": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Massimo Avoli (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute Epilepsy deguzman 2009‑08‑17
Gilles Bertrand (Info) Montreal Neuorological Institute Afsmni 2019‑06‑23
Nour Chahine (Info) McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) nouroscientist 2023‑07‑18
Edith Chung (Info) Albert Einstein lukesjulson 2019‑09‑11
Luis Concha (Info) UNAM diffusion MRI, epilepsy, audition lconcha 2020‑04‑16
Alan Charles Evans (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute neuroimaging, morphometrics neuropet 2006‑09‑01
M Jones Gotman (Info) McGill Psychobiology Psychology pq 2016‑05‑30
Adam M.R. Groh (Info) McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute), Western University, University of Toronto neurobiology agroh 2021‑08‑16
Fabio Gualtieri (Info) Ludwig Maximilian University Munich Neurobiology, Epilepsy 2018‑09‑03
Herbert Henri Jasper (Info) Université de Montréal hayden 2005‑01‑18
Denise Klein (Info) McGill lilzorro 2008‑04‑22
John D. Lewis (Info) UCSD, Montreal Neuorological Institute jeff 2006‑11‑10
Brenda Milner (Info) McGill Memory hayden 2005‑01‑26
Carina Renate Oehrn (Info) UCSF Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience, electrophysiology, oscillations, conflict, memory, motor and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease oehrn 2021‑07‑02
André Olivier (Info) McGill (Montreal Neurological Institute) Yakubov 2019‑03‑19
Jerzy Olszewski (Info) george.perry 2010‑08‑15
Gabriella Panuccio (Info) Montreal Neuorological Institute Epilepsy, GABA sottacet0 2011‑11‑12
Wilder Penfield (Info) McGill neurosurgery, stimulation hayden 2005‑01‑16
Phanor Perot (Info) MUSC alambert 2020‑01‑31
Adrien Peyrache (Info) NYU, McGill Neurophysiology, memory, sleep apeyrache 2008‑09‑02
Daniel Pollen (Info) hayden 2005‑03‑26
Dorothy S. Russell (Info) The London Hospital Medical College agroh 2023‑07‑30
Abbas F. Sadikot (Info) McGill Neuroscience Biology, Pathology pq 2016‑05‑22
Seth K. Sharpless (Info) CU Boulder Stimulation of brain reward centers, habituation in the mammalian brain, effects of drugs of abuse on the nervous system, denervation supersensitivity, sedative hypnotics TDMcIntyre 2016‑06‑10
Masoud Shekarabi (Info) McGill (Montreal Neuorological Institute) Neurobiology of Diseases masoudsh 2018‑08‑11
Joshua A. Sonnen (Info) McGill (Montreal Neuorological Institute) Neurodegeneration, neuroepidemiology of aging, Alzheimer disease, Lewy body disease, vascular brain injury, Neuropathology of dementing disorders george.perry 2010‑07‑31
Stuart Trenholm (Info) University of Victoria gawatramani 2016‑07‑21
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