People with institution matching "Montreal Neuorological Institute":
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Massimo Avoli (Info) |
Montreal Neurological Institute |
Epilepsy |
deguzman |
2009‑08‑17 |
Gilles Bertrand (Info) |
Montreal Neuorological Institute |
Afsmni |
2019‑06‑23 |
Nour Chahine (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
nouroscientist |
2023‑07‑18 |
Edith Chung (Info) |
Albert Einstein |
lukesjulson |
2019‑09‑11 |
Luis Concha (Info) |
diffusion MRI, epilepsy, audition |
lconcha |
2020‑04‑16 |
Alan Charles Evans (Info) |
Montreal Neurological Institute |
neuroimaging, morphometrics |
neuropet |
2006‑09‑01 |
M Jones Gotman (Info) |
McGill |
Psychobiology Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Adam M.R. Groh (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute), Western University, University of Toronto |
neurobiology |
agroh |
2021‑08‑16 |
Fabio Gualtieri (Info) |
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich |
Neurobiology, Epilepsy | |
2018‑09‑03 |
Herbert Henri Jasper (Info) |
Université de Montréal |
hayden |
2005‑01‑18 |
Denise Klein (Info) |
McGill |
lilzorro |
2008‑04‑22 |
John D. Lewis (Info) |
UCSD, Montreal Neuorological Institute |
jeff |
2006‑11‑10 |
Brenda Milner (Info) |
McGill |
Memory |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Carina Renate Oehrn (Info) |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience, electrophysiology, oscillations, conflict, memory, motor and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease |
oehrn |
2021‑07‑02 |
André Olivier (Info) |
McGill (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
Yakubov |
2019‑03‑19 |
Jerzy Olszewski (Info) |
george.perry |
2010‑08‑15 |
Gabriella Panuccio (Info) |
Montreal Neuorological Institute |
Epilepsy, GABA |
sottacet0 |
2011‑11‑12 |
Wilder Penfield (Info) |
McGill |
neurosurgery, stimulation |
hayden |
2005‑01‑16 |
Phanor Perot (Info) |
alambert |
2020‑01‑31 |
Adrien Peyrache (Info) |
NYU, McGill |
Neurophysiology, memory, sleep |
apeyrache |
2008‑09‑02 |
Daniel Pollen (Info) |
hayden |
2005‑03‑26 |
Dorothy S. Russell (Info) |
The London Hospital Medical College |
agroh |
2023‑07‑30 |
Abbas F. Sadikot (Info) |
McGill |
Neuroscience Biology, Pathology |
pq |
2016‑05‑22 |
Seth K. Sharpless (Info) |
CU Boulder |
Stimulation of brain reward centers, habituation in the mammalian brain, effects of drugs of abuse on the nervous system, denervation supersensitivity, sedative hypnotics |
TDMcIntyre |
2016‑06‑10 |
Masoud Shekarabi (Info) |
McGill (Montreal Neuorological Institute) |
Neurobiology of Diseases |
masoudsh |
2018‑08‑11 |
Joshua A. Sonnen (Info) |
McGill (Montreal Neuorological Institute) |
Neurodegeneration, neuroepidemiology of aging, Alzheimer disease, Lewy body disease, vascular brain injury, Neuropathology of dementing disorders |
george.perry |
2010‑07‑31 |
Stuart Trenholm (Info) |
University of Victoria |
gawatramani |
2016‑07‑21 |
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