People with institution matching "NTNU":
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James A. Ainge (Info) |
University of St Andrews |
spatial cognition, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus |
matthijs |
2007‑07‑23 |
Andrew H. Bahle (Info) |
anhaba |
2014‑07‑20 |
Nancy Saana Banono (Info) |
Center for Molecular Medicine Norway, NCMM |
Genetic models of neurological/neuropsychiatric diseases, zebrafish behaviour |
Nancy_Saana_Banono |
2017‑10‑19 |
Claudia Battisin (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑20 |
Leona Rahel Bätz (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
fMRI, aging, emotion, cognitive neuroscience, bayesian modeling |
jaeshong |
2024‑02‑20 |
Marcia BECU (Info) |
cognitive neuroscience |
MarciaBecu |
2024‑07‑01 |
Knut Jørgen Bjuland (Info) |
Neuroimaging |
knutjbj |
2017‑04‑10 |
Charlotte N. Boccara (Info) |
IST Austria |
memory, spatial cognition, hippocampus, parahippocampus, entorhinal cortex |
cboccara |
2014‑09‑26 |
Agata Bochynska (Info) |
linguistic development, language and cognition, psycholinguistics, spatial language, visuospatial memory, spatial cognition, language and perception |
agboch |
2018‑10‑16 |
Srikanth Bojja (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Computational Neuroscience, Machine learning |
srikanthb |
2016‑09‑16 |
Tobias Bonhoeffer (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
Plasticity and development |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑26 |
Tora Bonnevie (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
Memory |
ToraBonnevie |
2020‑04‑24 |
Veronika Brezova (Info) |
Medical Imaging Laboratory, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
Morphometry |
nikisko |
2009‑06‑29 |
Cathrin B. Canto (Info) |
entorhinal cortex, anatomy, electrophysiology |
cathrin |
2007‑10‑25 |
James Eric Carmichael (Info) |
University of Waterloo, Dartmouth |
Spatial Memory, Reward, Decision Making |
ecarmichael |
2013‑01‑17 |
Miguel M Carvalho (Info) |
NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
MiguelC |
2017‑07‑23 |
Laura Lee Colgin (Info) |
UT Austin |
hippocampus, brain rhythms |
llcolgin |
2014‑03‑18 |
Ryan Cubero (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑22 |
Rafał Czajkowski (Info) |
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology |
Spatial memory |
rczajk |
2016‑08‑31 |
Dori Derdikman (Info) |
Technion |
Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex |
ehud |
2008‑09‑30 |
Thanh Pierre Doan (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU |
Functional Neuroanatomy; Parahippocampal region; Functional Neurosurgery |
ttpdoan |
2018‑04‑12 |
Christian Doeller (Info) |
helper28 |
2018‑09‑14 |
Flavio Donato (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Frederich Miescher Institute for Biomedical research, University of Basel |
Tazaki |
2017‑10‑04 |
Thomas Doublet (Info) |
Neuroscience |
doublet |
2013‑08‑14 |
Benjamin Dunn (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑20 |
Rita Elmkvist Nilsen (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Cognitive neuroscience, navigation systems, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex |
Elmkvist |
2017‑08‑06 |
Marianne Fyhn (Info) |
NTNU, University of Oslo, Norway |
grid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, navigation, memory |
torkelhf |
2009‑03‑09 |
Richard James Gardner (Info) |
Sleep, memory, spatial cognition |
RJGardner |
2011‑01‑30 |
Benjamin Garzon (Info) |
neuroimaging |
benjamingarzon |
2009‑06‑29 |
Saptarshi Ghosh (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Computational Estimation |
Sapta15 |
2020‑09‑29 |
Soledad Gonzalo Cogno (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU |
Computational Neuroscience |
soledadgc |
2024‑10‑17 |
Matteo Guardamagna (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
Systems Neuroscience; Hippocampus; Entorhinal Cortex; Place cell; Grid cells; Brain Development |
MatteoGuardamagna |
2022‑09‑08 |
Asta Kristine Håberg (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
alexanol |
2009‑06‑29 |
Torkel Hafting (Info) |
University of Oslo, Norway |
grid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, visual cortex, memory |
torkelhf |
2009‑03‑06 |
Viktoria Havas (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
language learning |
viktoria.havas |
2018‑12‑08 |
Arild Hestvik (Info) |
University of Delaware |
linguistics & experimental psychology |
arild |
2009‑10‑21 |
Jae S Hong (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
cognitive neuroscience, fMRI, cognition, lifespan, aging |
jaeshong |
2024‑02‑20 |
Karoline Hovde (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU |
Parieto-frontal system, neuroanatomy, animal behavior |
karolhov2 |
2019‑07‑08 |
Kei M. Igarashi (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Olfaction, Memory |
igk |
2008‑03‑29 |
Hiroshi T. Ito (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
hirosuke719 |
2008‑05‑19 |
Stojan Javanovic (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑22 |
Adam Johnson (Info) |
Bethel University, Boston University |
redishad |
2009‑02‑06 |
Joshua B. Julian (Info) |
Penn, NTNU, Princeton |
cognitive neuroscience |
Jjulian |
2012‑12‑13 |
Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
nathalju |
2017‑10‑21 |
Benjamin R Kanter (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Learning and memory, Space and time |
brkanter |
2023‑09‑02 |
Eivin H. Kantun (Info) |
Master student, Media Production |
kantun |
2008‑10‑23 |
Clifford G. Kentros (Info) |
University of Oregon |
ted_dumas |
2006‑11‑03 |
Florence Kermen (Info) |
Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Claude Bernard University, Neuroelectronics Research Flanders (NERF), KU Leuven, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU |
olfaction, stress, neural circuit & behavioral neuroscience, biphoton calcium imaging |
florence.kermen |
2017‑10‑18 |
Emilio Kropff (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Spatial Memory, Navigation, Hippocampus, Entorhinal Cortex |
kropff |
2009‑11‑30 |
Pradeep Lal (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
pradeeplal |
2018‑03‑27 |
Rosamund F. Langston (Info) |
spatal cognition, episodic memory, hippocampus |
matthijs |
2007‑07‑23 |
Debora Ledergerber (Info) |
University of Bern |
larkum |
2010‑10‑12 |
Jill Leutgeb (Info) |
memory, electrophysiology, encoding |
jasonsnyder |
2012‑10‑11 |
Elena Usai Morgan (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
neurolinguistics, language acquisition, semantics, ERPs |
ElenaMorgan |
2018‑12‑07 |
Edvard I. Moser (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
spatial orientation |
david |
2006‑05‑08 |
May-Britt Moser (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Spatial recognition |
wormlikeameba |
2013‑07‑07 |
Maria Mørreaunet (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑20 |
Mona Nasroti (Info) |
doublet |
2019‑07‑02 |
Valentin André Normand (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Neuroscience |
vnormand |
2017‑08‑30 |
Kally C. O'Reilly Sparks (Info) |
New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical Center |
learning & memory, neuroanatomy |
kallyco |
2011‑01‑08 |
Horst Obenhaus (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research |
Vivan |
2016‑07‑12 |
Ole Paulsen (Info) |
Cambridge |
Neuronal oscillations, Synaptic plasticity |
paulseno |
2006‑07‑18 |
Robbrecht Pelgrims (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
robbrecht |
2017‑10‑19 |
PierGianLuca Porta Mana (Info) |
NTNU, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Oxford, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Umeå University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Cagliari University, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Bayesian probability theory, general relativity, quantum theory, continuum thermomechanics |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑22 |
Giulia Quattrocolo (Info) |
Neuroscience |
pikaia79 |
2009‑08‑07 |
Sara Ramos-Cabo (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
MilaDV21 |
2021‑04‑07 |
Yasser Roudi (Info) |
Computational neuroscience |
kit |
2006‑07‑03 |
David C. Rowland (Info) |
hippocampal-parahippocampal system, grid cells, place cells, transgenic mice |
daverowland22 |
2012‑07‑08 |
Olav Sand (Info) |
University of Oslo, Norway |
patch clamp, ion channels, pituitary, |
torkelhf |
2009‑03‑09 |
Francesca Sargolini (Info) |
Laboratory of Cognitive Neurosciences |
vincent13 |
2012‑01‑13 |
Akvile Sinkeviciute (Info) |
Northeastern University London |
dimitrismylonas |
2024‑06‑20 |
Trygve Solstad (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑20 |
Tom Sommers (Info) |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |
Gastroenterology, Neuroscience |
tfsommers |
2017‑10‑18 |
Rolf Sprengel (Info) |
MPI for Medical Research, Inst. for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Heidelberg University |
Glutamate receptor channels |
Sprengel |
2009‑08‑22 |
Michael P. Stryker (Info) |
Development, Visual system |
david |
2005‑01‑20 |
Ayumu Tashiro (Info) |
Nanyang Technological University/University of Warwick |
david |
2013‑01‑10 |
Yu Terada (Info) |
University of Calirfornia San Diego |
yuterada |
2019‑06‑06 |
Tuce Tombaz (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU |
Parietal cortex, animal behavior |
TuceTombaz |
2018‑02‑15 |
Alessandro Treves (Info) |
Computational neuroscience |
kit |
2006‑07‑03 |
Haug Trude (Info) |
University of Oslo, Norway |
Ion channels |
jstorm |
2008‑06‑08 |
Tiffany Van Cauter (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
vincent13 |
2012‑01‑13 |
Audrey van der Meer (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
ElenaMorgan |
2018‑12‑07 |
Lena van Giesen (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Brandeis |
flyp |
2017‑06‑20 |
Mila Vulchanova (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
agboch |
2018‑10‑16 |
Daniel Wennberg (Info) |
catcherintherye |
2019‑03‑20 |
Daniela Weth-Malsch (Info) |
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU |
Sensory Systems, Neuronal Plasticity |
DanyW |
2017‑11‑13 |
Jonathan R. Whitlock (Info) |
NTNU, Trondheim |
neural systems, grid cells, navigation, plasticity, memory |
lneedleman |
2005‑11‑29 |
Menno P. Witter (Info) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
temporal lobe, memory |
fkloos |
2007‑10‑01 |
Emre Yaksi (Info) |
Neuroelectronics Research Flanders (NERF) |
Sytems Neuroscience |
emreyaksi |
2005‑12‑07 |
Calvin Young (Info) |
University of Otago |
igc |
2014‑02‑07 |
Maryam Ziaei (Info) |
Stockholm University |
perssonj |
2011‑05‑31 |
Weijian Zong (Info) |
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, Peking University, Peking University |
Neuroscience, two-photon imaging |
WeijianZong |
2018‑10‑07 |
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