People with institution matching "OIST": Advanced Search
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Nilupaer Abudukeyoumu (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Neuroscience Nilupaer 2018‑04‑16
Mayank Aggarwal (Info) OIST david 2022‑05‑11
Lorena Andreoli (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) kaz553216 2022‑07‑27
Gordon Arbuthnott (Info) Okinawa Insitute of Science and Technology Neuroscience connh 2015‑11‑27
Thomas F Burns (Info) Cornell neuroscience, AI, philosophy tfburns 2020‑01‑18
Luis Carrillo-Reid (Info) Columbia, UNAM, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Neuronal ensembles, network dynamics, dendritic spines, in vivo calcium imaging luis_carrilloreid 2016‑07‑23
Ming-Ching Chiang (Info) RIKEN, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Social memory, hippocampus, and decision making KetaloChiang 2018‑05‑07
Kang-Yu Chu (Info) National Chung Hsing University, National Cheng Kung University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) dusk0907 2022‑09‑11
Jinho Chung (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) sebiroyer 2018‑09‑03
Erik De Schutter (Info) Antwerp University / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology cerebellum, computational neuroscience achard 2007‑11‑28
Kohgaku Eguchi (Info) Okinawa Insitute of Science and Technology Synapse, Calyx of Held, endocytosis eguchi 2010‑03‑03
Mohamed El Tabbal (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) eltabbal 2015‑02‑12
Alan Fermin (Info) OIST "Reinforcement Learning, Sequential Behavior, Learning, Memory" sz98oL 2009‑11‑04
Tomoki Fukai (Info) RIKEN computational cateau 2009‑02‑27
Razvan Gamanut (Info) Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Inserm U846, Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau razvangamanut 2021‑10‑17
Daqing Guo (Info) OIST Computational Neuroscience kernelflyer 2011‑08‑01
Anant Jain (Info) CHINTA, TCG CREST synaptic plasticity, hippocampus, two-photon imaging anantjain1901 2016‑08‑25
SOUMEN JANA (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Cerebellum, Voltage Imaging, Optical neuroimaging JanaS 2023‑09‑27
Kazuto Kawamura (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Maru1ro 2020‑06‑10
Bernd Kuhn (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Cerebellum, Optical Recording, Cerebrum, two-photon microscopy, voltage imaging FossiB 2005‑11‑30
Salvatore Andrea Lacava (Info) OIST Ethology, Animal Behavior, Vestibular System Salvo_Lac 2024‑09‑27
Chunguang Li (Info) Zhejiang University Computational neuroscience kernelflyer 2011‑10‑18
Yu-Ju Lin (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) kaz553216 2022‑07‑27
Violeta Gisselle Lopez-Huerta (Info) UNAM IFC thalamus, sensory-motor processing, basal ganglia violetaglh 2019‑06‑13
Satyajit Mahapatra (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) (Synaptic Physiology-Plasticity, Vesicle Recycling, and Ion Channel Physiology) SatyajitMahapatra_07 2018‑01‑03
Ichiro Maruyama (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Learning, Memory & Decision-Making Maru1ro 2016‑10‑14
Thato Mokhothu (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) kaz553216 2022‑07‑27
Miyu F. Nambu (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) kaz553216 2022‑07‑27
Mario Negrello (Info) OIST computational neuroscience, cerebellum, dynamical systems mrio 2010‑12‑17
Adam P Ponzi (Info) OIST david 2022‑05‑11
Rodrigo Publio (Info) OIST CEREBELLUM, PLASTICITY publio 2009‑07‑22
Sam Reiter (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) stopfer 2019‑06‑17
Sebastien Royer (Info) KIST (CFC) juliekoenig 2012‑04‑18
Gideon A. Sarpong (Info) Kyoto University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Basal Ganglia, Reward and Motivation, Decision-making masaakiogawa 2020‑09‑14
Klaus M. Stiefel (Info) University of Western Sydney Computational Neurobiology, Cortex, Neuromodulators, Spike precission klausi 2008‑04‑24
Mark A. Stopfer (Info) NIH david 2005‑08‑25
Tomoyuki Takahashi (Info) Doshisha University / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology synaptic transmission yamage 2008‑05‑19
Kazumasa Z Tanaka (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Hippocampus, memory engram, hippocampal physiology, contextual memory kaz553216 2020‑04‑02
Jun Tani (Info) OIST tfburns 2020‑01‑18
Marylka Yoe Uusisaari (Info) Hebrew University, Erasmus MC, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Electrophysiology, anatomy, cerebellum, inferior olive, viral, optogenetics, imaging, motor yoe 2012‑11‑29
Werner Van Geit (Info) University of Antwerp, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), EPFL / Blue Brain Project, Z43 Computational neuroscience wvangeit 2009‑07‑29
Suteera Vibulyaseck (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Aomsuteerak 2023‑09‑02
Henrique von Gersdorff (Info) OHSU yamage 2010‑02‑09
Jeff R. Wickens (Info) OIST Basal Ganglia Portchalmers 2007‑09‑30
Takayuki Yamashita (Info) Nagoya University synaptic transmission; sensory processing jandh 2008‑05‑19
Yunliang Zang (Info) Brandeis cerebellum; somatogastric ganglion; homeostasis ylzang 2020‑05‑14
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