People with institution matching "Pittsburgh": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Zeljka Korade (Mirnics) (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Hoda Abdel-Hamid (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Abedalbasit Abedalhafiz (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Education, Personality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies pq 2016‑05‑22
Elizabeth Abercrombie (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick k2slc 2015‑04‑22
Aushra Abouzeid (Info) University of Pittsburgh Applied Mathematics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Eric E. Abrahamson (Info) University of Pittsburgh neuroanatomy, Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; movement disorders; regulation and disorders of sleep and wake pq 2015‑10‑20
Harry Abram (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Kristie L. Abt (Info) University of Pittsburgh Mental Health pq 2016‑05‑17
Katerina Acar (Info) University of Pittsburgh masmith 2016‑08‑04
Cristian L. Achim (Info) UCSD Neurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain. crazypaco 2007‑04‑14
Richard Adams (Info) University of Pittsburgh nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Mark A. Affeltranger (Info) University of Pittsburgh Psychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑28
Mamdouha Ahda Barmada (Info) University of Pittsburgh-Magee-Women’s Hospital george.perry 2010‑06‑08
Muzamil Ahmad (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Neuroscience baltmd 2009‑07‑29
Susanne E. Ahmari (Info) University of Pittsburgh OCD, transgenic mouse technology, serotonin, translational research sahmari 2008‑06‑25
Elias Aizenman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Zinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA Khakhalin 2010‑05‑13
Howard J. Aizenstein (Info) University of Pittsburgh beckerjt 2014‑12‑26
Essang Akpan (Info) University of Pittsburgh mnc 2019‑02‑04
Issam Al Diri (Info) University of Pittsburgh retinal development and degeneration, chromatin biology issamaldiri 2018‑07‑18
Issam A. Al Diri (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Retinal Development, Molecular Biology,Aging, Chromatin Biology pq 2016‑04‑07
Nouf A. Al-Ajmi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education pq 2016‑05‑22
Fahad S. Al-Shaya (Info) University of Pittsburgh Sciences Education, Technology of Education, Higher Education pq 2016‑05‑31
Khalid A. Alahmari (Info) University of Pittsburgh Rehabilitation and Therapy, Ophthalmology pq 2016‑05‑15
Nicolas A Alba (Info) Microprobes for Life Science Inc, FHC Inc, Spike Neuro LLC tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Kathryn M. Albers (Info) University of Pittsburgh Pain, nerve injury, growth factors ksalerno 2009‑05‑11
Ingrid Natasha Albrecht (Info) University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Neurosciences albrechti 2018‑10‑04
Pia Alderman (Info) University of Pittsburgh samalala 2023‑07‑25
Louis Alfieri (Info) University of Pittsburgh science education, instructional methods alfieri 2012‑06‑15
Alia A. Alghwiri (Info) University of Pittsburgh Rehabilitation and Therapy pq 2016‑05‑15
Naji Alibeji (Info) University of Pittsburgh NitinSharma 2022‑09‑22
Aydin J. Alikaya (Info) University of Pittsburgh aydinalikaya 2020‑01‑27
Aydin J. Alikaya (Info) University of Pittsburgh alikayaa 2016‑03‑18
R. Vivian Allahyari (Info) Drexel, Thomas Jefferson astrocytes, brain injury, sonic hedgehog signaling, reactive gliosis, spinal cord injury allahyarivivian 2017‑07‑17
Colin Allen (Info) Texas A & M, Indiana University Bloomington, University of Pittsburgh, UC Santa Barbara Animal Cognition, Philosophy of Science, Logic, Computational Humanities, Artificial Intelligence rvigo 2008‑02‑02
Maria Almendarez Barron (Info) University of Pittsburgh Teacher Training Education, Technology of Education, Pedagogy Education pq 2017‑08‑11
Gulay Alper (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Benedict Joseph Alter (Info) Washington University, UCSF, University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑08‑16
Stefanie C. Altieri (Info) University of Pittsburgh aandrews 2013‑11‑02
Stephanie Altieri (Info) Penn State DavidVandenbergh 2021‑03‑17
Travis A. Alvarez (Info) University of Pittsburgh Language, Learning, TBI iturney 2013‑07‑30
Susan G. Amara (Info) NIH Neurotransmitter transporters cab 2008‑02‑02
Zara Ambadar (Info) University of Pittsburgh memory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought. pq 2015‑10‑08
Janet A. Amico (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology pq 2016‑05‑21
Charles Trogdon Anderson (Info) West Virginia University Cortical cirucits chuklz101 2009‑04‑02
Gerard Apodaca (Info) University of Pittsburgh Polarized trafficking, Epithelial cells, Sensory function of the Uroepithelium aoztan 2011‑08‑17
Mandar A. Aras (Info) UCSF cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Stuart Arden (Info) Cellumen cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Armen C. Arevian (Info) University of Pittsburgh Lateral Inhibition in Olfaction arevian 2006‑02‑21
Michael Ariel (Info) Saint Louis University School of Medicine Visual System, Cerebellum, Retina, Vestibular, Anoxia kwoonwong 2005‑12‑04
Henry Armah (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology, WNV infection of the brain george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Reety Arora (Info) University of Pittsburgh Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV8), a new human DNA tumor virus pq 2015‑10‑21
Debra E. Artim (Info) University of Pittsburgh Regulation and modulation of presynaptic ion channels and transmitter release pq 2015‑10‑08
Miya Asato (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Josephine Ashmed (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑08‑21
Robin C. Ashmore (Info) University of Pittsburgh Vision, cognition masommerxx 2010‑12‑31
Kathryn S. Atman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Curriculum and Instruction Education, Social Sciences Education, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑05‑28
Yashar Aucie (Info) University of Pittsburgh Locomotor learning; adaptation; Generalization yaa21 2020‑08‑11
Fernando B. Avila-Rencoret (Info) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, Imperial College London Medical Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Clinical Research, Healthcare IT, Rapid Prototyping, CAD, CAM, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics favilar 2010‑03‑16
Julius Axelrod (Info) NIMH Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Eve C Ayar (Info) University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University eveayar 2023‑11‑14
Christopher Ayers (Info) University of Pittsburgh dpsarma 2019‑06‑17
Erdin Azemi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomaterials, Neural Electrodes pq 2015‑11‑10
Erdrin Azemi (Info) Apple tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Yomna Badawi (Info) University of Pittsburgh yomnab 2020‑11‑12
EunHa Baeg (Info) University of Pittsburgh addiction and reward pittblue 2008‑12‑11
Stephen J. Bagnato (Info) University of Pittsburgh Educational Psychology Education, Administration Education pq 2016‑07‑01
Jyotika Bahuguna (Info) Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh, INS, Aix Marseille University , Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Freiburg, Forshungszentrum Juelich Computational Neuroscience jyotikab 2022‑04‑25
Yicheng Bai (Info) University of Pittsburgh Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering pq 2016‑05‑26
Yuetong Bai (Info) University of Pittsburgh mnc 2023‑07‑26
Rachel E Bainbridge (Info) University of Pittsburgh fertilization & zinc REBainbridge 2019‑05‑06
Carey D. Balaban (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology chmccand 2011‑03‑22
Mark H. Balabanis (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑27
Michal Balass (Info) University of Pittsburgh Reading, psycholinguistics pq 2015‑10‑17
David A. Balota (Info) Washington University Cognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory jdzevin 2007‑11‑06
Tomek Banasikowski (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2012‑08‑23
Layla Banihashemi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Stress, anxiety, NA system, BNST LaylaB 2006‑02‑02
Brett Baribault Bankson (Info) University of Pittsburgh cognitive neuroscience; human visual perception; iEEG; face + object processing; numerical cognition bbbankson 2019‑02‑25
Xuefeng Bao (Info) University of Pittsburgh NitinSharma 2022‑09‑22
Elizabeth A. Baraban (Info) University of Pittsburgh Mental Health, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
David AA Baranger (Info) Washington University, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Neuroimaging, stress, addiction, sleep, genetics, development dbaranger 2014‑02‑06
Annalisa Baratta (Info) University of Pittsburgh mucaana 2019‑04‑22
Deanna M. Barch (Info) Washington University Psychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition noamkeren 2008‑09‑12
Jude K. Baroudi (Info) University of Pittsburgh neurodevelopment, neuroinformatics, neuroimmunology, cellular/molecular neuroscience judebaroudi 2024‑03‑08
Paul J. Barrett (Info) University of Pittsburgh jgreena 2016‑03‑18
German Barrionuevo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Hippocampus NathanUrban 2006‑02‑22
German Barrionvevo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑27
Herbert Barry III (Info) University of Pittsburgh Psychopharmacology kmiczek 2011‑05‑19
Alison Barth (Info) Carnegie Mellon Plasticity of sensory systems mhuntsman 2005‑12‑11
Paramita Basu (Info) University of Pittsburgh Chronic pain, opioids, latent pain sensitization pbasu 2021‑10‑01
Aaron P. Batista (Info) Stanford hanks 2005‑10‑14
Matthew Baumann (Info) University of Pittsburgh dpsarma 2019‑06‑17
Kyle M. Baumbauer (Info) Kent State, Texas A & M, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Connecticut, University of Kansas Medical Center Neuroscience, Pain, Spinal Cord Injury pq 2016‑04‑15
Hulya Bayir (Info) University of Pittsburgh Public Health, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Todd M. Bear (Info) University of Pittsburgh Public Health pq 2016‑06‑07
Ori Beck (Info) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Philosophy BusinessAlpaca 2024‑04‑27
James T. Becker (Info) University of Pittsburgh aging, Alzheimer's, neurology legree17 2006‑12‑12
M. Becker (Info) LSU Health Sciences Center Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Darius D Becker-Krail (Info) University of Pittsburgh Circadian Rhythms, Reward, Astrocytes, Redox State dbeckerkrail 2020‑11‑17
Donna Beer-Stolz (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience Biology, Pathology pq 2016‑05‑21
Marlene Behrmann (Info) Carnegie Mellon Neuropsychology of vision Jonathan 2006‑04‑02
Harwood S. Belding (Info) University of Pittsburgh wlkenney 2021‑01‑26
Katherine A. Belendiuk (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Daniel M. Belenky (Info) University of Pittsburgh Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑04‑05
Inna Belfer (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics of Pain Disorders ibelfer 2008‑05‑15
Pauline Belujon (Info) University of Pittsburgh paulinebel 2008‑05‑01
Mark Belz (Info) University of Pittsburgh nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Nadina Bembic (Info) University of Pittsburgh dopamine, stress, schizophrenia aagrace 2009‑12‑18
Ahmi Ben-Yehudah (Info) University of Pittsburgh gschatten 2018‑04‑25
Ann R. Bender (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑22
Rodrigo Benevides (Info) University of Pittsburgh homanicsge 2018‑11‑28
Dara S. Berger (Info) University of Pittsburgh biochemistry, genetics pq 2015‑10‑25
Theodore W. Berger (Info) USC Neural engineering rn 2006‑10‑28
Carl Beringer (Info) University of Pittsburgh rgaunt 2017‑02‑03
Karen F. Berman (Info) NIMH Schizophrenia, Neurogenomics, Williams Syndrome rkolsen 2007‑09‑23
Rebecca A. Berman (Info) NIH spatial cognition masommerxx 2005‑10‑20
Carcha Bernard (Info) University of Pittsburgh vinayvparikh 2012‑07‑20
Kurt E. Beschorner (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑12
Catherine A. Best (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑12
Patrick Beukema (Info) University of Pittsburgh neuroscience pbeukema 2016‑08‑06
Hari M. Bharadwaj (Info) Boston University, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Auditory system, Human Neuroimaging haribharadwaj 2014‑08‑20
Jafar S. Bhasha Shaik (Info) University of Pittsburgh Pharmacy, Neuroscience Biology, General pq 2016‑05‑30
Guo-Qiang Bi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Spike-timing dependent plasticity, Network Dynamics rgerkin 2006‑10‑16
Michael Bienkowski (Info) University of Pittsburgh, UCLA, USC, USC, USC Stress, NA system msb21 2007‑10‑12
Robert C. Bilger (Info) UIUC Psychoacoustics snjoshi 2011‑02‑28
Isabelle Billig (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroanatomy, Vestibular system, Motor Control bsadacca 2007‑07‑03
Kevin R. Binning (Info) UCLA Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑29
Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick (Info) UW Madison autism, treatment, aging, health services lebf 2017‑08‑31
Stephanie Jane Bissel (Info) University of Pittsburgh Involvement of immune responses in the pathogenesis of viral and age-induced nervous system disease. george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Brandon T. Bizup (Info) University of Pittsburgh btbizup 2017‑02‑27
David Bjanes (Info) University of Washington dpsarma 2019‑06‑17
Thomas A. Blanpied (Info) University of Maryland Medical School synapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging blanpied 2010‑01‑05
Thomas Blaze (Info) University of Pittsburgh RPohlig 2022‑11‑20
Scott M. Bleakley (Info) University of Pittsburgh Stroke, recovery of function pq 2015‑09‑28
Maria E. Bleil (Info) University of Pittsburgh behavioral genetics, psychobiological antecedents of cardiovascular disease pq 2015‑10‑25
Azadeh M. Block (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Work, Counseling Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
Hannah Blume (Info) University of Pittsburgh saramorrison 2022‑08‑01
Tasia P. Bobish (Info) University of Pittsburgh Human Development, Rehabilitation and Therapy pq 2016‑05‑22
Kelly K. Boden (Info) University of Pittsburgh h_z 2018‑01‑19
Faye Boeckman (Info) Life Technologies cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Jason W. Bohland (Info) CSHL scai 2008‑09‑05
Donald J. Bolger (Info) University of Maryland development david 2009‑03‑27
Philip S. Bolton (Info) University of Newcastle, Australia Spinal cord, bsadacca 2007‑07‑03
Corina O. Bondi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Dopamine corinab 2011‑04‑16
Dafna Bonneh-Barkay (Info) University of Pittsburgh SIV mediated neurodegeneration george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Vasudeva Boosupalli (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
James R. Booth (Info) Vanderbilt Developmental cognitive neuroscience lmorett 2009‑09‑18
Simon Borgognon (Info) University of Fribourg, University of Pittsburgh, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) motor cortical areas, non-human primates, translational neuroscience, motor control mayoismael 2019‑07‑28
Margaret Vagasky Boring (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑08‑21
David M. Bortz (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2016‑02‑09
Andreea C. Bostan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroanatomy, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia bostanel 2013‑11‑18
Dennis J. Bourbeau (Info) University of Pittsburgh motor control pq 2015‑10‑11
Michelle Bourgeois (Info) Florida State Speech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑06‑08
Robert P. Bowser (Info) University of Pittsburgh molecular and cellular basis of neurodegenerative diseases george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Mary B. Boylan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑22
Matthew B. Boyle (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Harvard philosophy of mind, Kant, and German Idealism pq 2016‑01‑02
Charles W. Bradberry (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2008‑05‑02
Keristen Brantley (Info) University of Pittsburgh nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Catherine C. Breneman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Work, Continuing Education, Mental Health pq 2016‑06‑01
David Brent (Info) University of Pittsburgh Mental Health, Clinical Psychology, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑22
Jessica Brimecombe (Info) ChanTest cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Steven Brose (Info) University of Pittsburgh dpsarma 2019‑06‑17
William J. Brotz (Info) University of Pittsburgh Technology of Education, Secondary Education, Sciences Education pq 2016‑05‑31
Joel E. Brown (Info) Dartmouth Navigation, Spatial Cognition bnjclk 2007‑03‑05
Vanessa M Brown (Info) University of Pittsburgh psychiatric neuroimaging, reinforcement learning vbrown 2017‑08‑24
Celia Brownell (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social development lshuck 2009‑12‑19
Brian L. Brubaker (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Heather Bruett (Info) University of Pittsburgh mnc 2016‑11‑08
Pablo Brumovsky (Info) University of Pittsburgh Jerry23 2021‑07‑31
Nicolas Brunet (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Monkey Neurophysiology pasfri 2008‑08‑08
John P. Bruno (Info) Ohio State Neuropsychopharmacology vinayvparikh 2008‑10‑26
Randy M. Bruno (Info) Columbia Thalamocortical Circuitry randybruno 2005‑12‑07
Tim M. Bruns (Info) University of Michigan Neuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces timbruns 2011‑12‑28
Meghan L. Bucher (Info) Columbia 2020‑08‑12
Norbou E. Buchler (Info) U.S. Army Research Laboratory cognitive neuroscience, aging, memory, cognitive control, skill acquisition, computational modeling, cognitive work analysis Norbou 2007‑06‑18
Nancy Buchser (Info) University of Pittsburgh Ophthalmology wbuchser 2009‑03‑20
Silas Buck (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Duke mucaana 2019‑04‑22
Rae Buckser (Info) University of Pittsburgh mnc 2020‑03‑02
Deanne Marie Buffalari (Info) University of Pittsburgh amygdala, stress, electrophysiology svenkroener 2008‑01‑30
Ray G. Burdett (Info) University of Pittsburgh Rehabilitation and Therapy, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑06‑06
Shawn D. Burton (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, University of Utah, University of Pittsburgh, Lehigh University olfaction, computational neuroscience sdburton 2011‑11‑15
Khalaf Bushara (Info) UMN Motor Control/Cerebellum bushara 2008‑11‑30
Meryl Butters (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropsychology MerylButters 2011‑03‑06
John H. Byrne (Info) UT Houston Learning & Memory dbuono 2005‑09‑06
Leah Caroline Thomas Byrne (Info) Penn Viral gene therapy, retinal degeneration amacrine 2014‑06‑30
Laura Cabral (Info) University of Pittsburgh shane424 2023‑05‑09
Anthony R. Caggiula (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2007‑11‑15
Leyla Roksan Caglar (Info) Rutgers, Newark JulienCorbo 2023‑08‑25
Keith M. Callenberg (Info) University of Pittsburgh ion channels pq 2015‑11‑26
Jonathan Scott Calvert (Info) Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Neuromodulation, Biomechanics, Spinal Cord Injury JonathanCalvert 2019‑08‑14
Franca Cambi (Info) University of Pittsburgh tkozai 2023‑01‑23
Victoria E Cancel (Info) University of Pittsburgh Hearing Research toricancel 2021‑03‑23
Jason R. Cannon (Info) Purdue jgreena 2014‑06‑06
Georgina Cano (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroscience georginacano 2008‑05‑07
Fan Cao (Info) University of Pittsburgh jbooth 2010‑10‑12
Marco Capogrosso (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroengineering, Neuroscience mcapogrosso 2021‑05‑27
John Patrick Card (Info) University of Pittsburgh allahyarivivian 2017‑07‑17
Nick Card (Info) University of Pittsburgh omar 2017‑03‑23
Jose Cardozo (Info) University of Pittsburgh george.perry 2010‑08‑21
Brandon Carlos (Info) University of Pittsburgh mnc 2016‑11‑17
Anne E. Carlson (Info) University of Pittsburgh Ion channels, Eag channels anne.e.carlson 2009‑01‑29
David B. Carr (Info) MUSC, Northwestern serotonin, orbital cortex drsceincephd 2007‑10‑17
Kathleen R. Carrick (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Work, Health Education, GLBT Studies pq 2016‑06‑01
Cameron S. Carter (Info) UC Davis cab 2006‑12‑06
Fernanda Carvalho Poyraz (Info) Columbia fernandadc 2010‑05‑01
Melynda D. Casement (Info) University of Pittsburgh Affective Processing, Sleep, Depression, PTSD mcasement 2008‑10‑05
B J. Casey (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Weill Cornell Medical School, Yale Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience dmth 2008‑06‑23
Stephen Michael Casner (Info) NASA Ames Research Center Cognitive Science scasner15 2021‑02‑24
Jason B. Castro (Info) University of Pittsburgh Olfaction, Dendritic Excitability rgerkin 2006‑10‑16
Kasey Catt (Info) University of Pittsburgh tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Christina M. Cerkevich (Info) University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine anatomy, motor, somatosensory, visual cerkevcm 2007‑06‑21
Jennifer L. Cerully (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑07‑02
Jiook Cha (Info) Columbia Emotion, Cognition, Decision Making, Psychiatry jcha9928 2013‑10‑13
Rajpreet Chahal (Info) Stanford Network Connectivity, Puberty, Reward, Depression, Diffusion Imaging, Resting-State rchahal 2019‑09‑09
Beatrice Chakraborty (Info) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare steinhauer 2020‑06‑15
Rakie Cham Dit Tham (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering, Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑12
Simon Chamberland (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience simonchamberland 2024‑09‑06
Joel S. Chan (Info) expertise, creativity joelhagaman 2012‑05‑12
Vanessa S. Chan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Parkinson's disease, basal ganglia, motor cortex rturner 2009‑04‑15
Dev Chandra (Info) University of Pittsburgh homanicsge 2018‑11‑28
Bharath Chandrasekaran (Info) UT Austin human auditory system pq 2015‑11‑10
Santosh Chandrasekaran (Info) University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University / Neuroprosthetics csantoshc 2018‑09‑29
Alicia Chang (Info) University of Delaware language, culture, and cognition aliciac 2008‑09‑30
Chun-hui Chang (Info) National Tsing Hua University stemaren 2007‑03‑18
Diane T. Chang (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑21
Kun-Che Chang (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Stanford, University of Colorado at HSC Stem cell, RGC development, Axon regeneration chang765 2017‑12‑29
Regina Chang (Info) University of Pittsburgh mrc 2013‑03‑05
Yuan Chang (Info) University of Pittsburgh Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV8), a new human DNA tumor virus george.perry 2010‑06‑11
Steven M. Chase (Info) Carnegie Mellon BCI, motor learning, neural compuation david 2006‑03‑23
Nadia Chaudhri (Info) UCSF cab 2007‑11‑15
Nick G. Chehade (Info) University of Pittsburgh 2018‑12‑28
Jason M. Chein (Info) Temple University Cognitive control, working memory, fMRI jchein 2006‑08‑25
Tina Chekan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Leadership Education, Pedagogy Education pq 2016‑04‑18
Bo Chen (Info) University of Pittsburgh yandong 2016‑04‑15
Susie Chen (Info) University of Pittsburgh bi 2019‑02‑11
Yuanyuan Chen (Info) University of Pittsburgh retinal degeneration, rhodopsin folding and signaling Yuanyuan 2019‑09‑19
Michael C. Chiang (Info) University of Pittsburgh michaelcchiang 2014‑06‑04
Mazviita Chirimuuta (Info) Pittsburgh Neurophilosophy maz 2010‑03‑01
Kwangsu Cho (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑15
Raymond Y. Cho (Info) University of Pittsburgh schizophrenia, cognitive control orrxjm 2008‑09‑16
Om P. Choudhary (Info) University of Pittsburgh ion channels pq 2015‑11‑26
Carson C. Chow (Info) NIH Computation & Theory david 2005‑08‑25
Julie A. Christianson (Info) University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh pelvic pain, stress, trp, hpa jcarlsten 2007‑10‑30
Charleen T. Chu (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Ting-ting Chung (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑12
Dante Cicchetti (Info) UMN kinsey 2012‑04‑19
Vincenza Cifarelli (Info) University of Pittsburgh biochemistry, genetics pq 2015‑10‑25
Pierangelo Cifelli (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2008‑08‑21
Samuel Clanton (Info) Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh Robotics, Motor Control, Neural Prosthetics, BCI sclanton 2007‑06‑25
Duncan B. Clark (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Richard J. Clarke (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑07
Cheryl Clarkson (Info) University of Pittsburgh Auditory Neuroscience, Plasticity and deafness merchan2013 2013‑08‑07
Amanda Clause (Info) MEEI plasticity, auditory system, development aclause 2011‑05‑06
Paula R. Clemens (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology pq 2016‑05‑27
Dottie M. Clower (Info) University of Pittsburgh neuroanatomy murraye 2005‑11‑24
Ann D. Cohen (Info) University of Pittsburgh Parkinson's disease, neurology pq 2015‑11‑26
Jonathan D. Cohen (Info) Princeton, Harvard University (medical School), Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, University of Pittsburgh attention, computation & theory hayden 2005‑08‑21
Marlene R. Cohen (Info) mrc 2005‑05‑11
Meredith Cohen (Info) University of Pittsburgh Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑06‑20
Jeffrey F. Cohn (Info) University of Pittsburgh Facial Expression of Emotion, Depression garykatz 2011‑01‑05
Deanna Colburn Hostler (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑17
Carol L. Colby (Info) University of Pittsburgh Spatial cognition hanks 2005‑10‑12
Michael W. Cole (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Cognitive control, fMRI, MEG, rapid instructed task learning (RITL), memory ita 2006‑10‑14
Lesley Anne Colgan (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑08‑27
Jennifer L. Collinger (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑01‑28
Lauren B. Collister (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Laurie Compere (Info) University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine youngk 2022‑09‑30
Ruth Condray (Info) University of Pittsburgh Psychophysiology, Event-related potentials, schizophrenia, language ssteinhauer 2009‑11‑05
Beverly Conrique (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social psychological interventions; political psychology; stereotyping and prejudice; moral psychology bi 2019‑02‑11
Martha Constantine-Paton (Info) MIT cab 2005‑12‑21
Dan Constantinescu (Info) University of Pittsburgh Stem Cells pq 2015‑10‑15
Andrew Cooper (Info) Nottingham, University of Pittsburgh CMGreenspon 2019‑01‑09
Victoria L. Corbit (Info) University of Pittsburgh basal ganglia kevinjmastro 2015‑06‑10
Marie D. Cornelius (Info) University of Pittsburgh Mental Health, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑27
Erika A Correll (Info) U Mass Amherst sensorimotor gating, serotonin, GABA, psychiatric illness, substance use disorder ecorrell 2021‑09‑11
Megan Cortazzo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Kathleen E. Cosgrove (Info) Northwestern hippocampus, interneurons kateatneurotree 2010‑03‑31
Marta Emma Couce (Info) Presbyterian University Hospital-University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Marc N. Coutanche (Info) University of Pittsburgh Cognitive Neuroscience, memory, learning, perception, fMRI, MVPA mnc 2010‑07‑10
Karin Cox (Info) Penn etricomi 2008‑07‑08
Trinity B. Crapse (Info) Caltech Visual system, cognition masommerxx 2010‑12‑31
Carl F. Craver (Info) Washington University Philosophy of Neuroscience ccraver 2009‑05‑28
David Creswell (Info) Carnegie Mellon mdlieber 2009‑05‑19
Justin C. Crowley (Info) Carnegie Mellon Visual System, Developmental Neuroscience hayden 2005‑02‑18
Rebecca S. Crowley (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑07‑30
Christine E Cucinotta (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Molecular Biology cecucinotta 2019‑08‑07
Tanxing Cui (Info) University of Pittsburgh Transgenic mice pq 2015‑10‑16
Xinyan Tracy Cui (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomaterials, Neural Electrodes miltydcm 2012‑02‑10
Christopher L. Cunningham (Info) Brigham Young University - Idaho, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, UC Davis, Scripps Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical School, University of Pittsburgh Auditory neuroscience, Neocortical development cunninghamchristopherl 2009‑06‑10
Allison A. Curley (Info) University of Pittsburgh Schizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry pq 2015‑10‑17
Rodica Curtu (Info) University of Iowa Dynamical Systems Analysis pq 2015‑11‑24
William Cusack (Info) University of Pittsburgh motor control, neural interfaces, sensory feedback cusacb 2015‑01‑23
Gary Cziko (Info) alchemist09 2009‑11‑10
Santosh D'Mello (Info) UT Dallas Neurodegenerative diseases, HDACs hsinmei 2011‑04‑27
Ruben Dagda (Info) University of Pittsburgh george.perry 2010‑08‑21
Linda Dallasta (Info) Private Pathologist, Florida Neuropathology, blood brain barrier development in vitro and in vivo george.perry 2010‑03‑27
Ashley N Dalrymple (Info) University of Utah, Carnegie Mellon, University of Pittsburgh, Bionics Institute, University of Alberta, University of Alberta Neural interfaces, machine learning, rehabilitation engineering adalrymple 2019‑05‑22
Coleen M. Damcott (Info) University of Pittsburgh biochemistry, genetics pq 2015‑10‑25
David P. Darcy (Info) University of Pittsburgh Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑05‑21
Sudeshna Dasgupta (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics pq 2016‑05‑11
Brian M. Davis (Info) University of Pittsburgh Visceral Pain dwright 2008‑05‑08
Christopher P Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School Molecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment cpdavis 2021‑02‑02
Elizabeth A. Davis (Info) USC gut-brain axis elizabethdavis 2018‑10‑11
Simon W. Davis (Info) Duke memory, DTI legree17 2006‑12‑12
Colleen Davy (Info) Carnegie Mellon Second language acquisition, fluency lmorett 2010‑02‑01
Patricia Barra de (Info) University of Pittsburgh patriciatrembl 2017‑03‑09
Jaime de la Rocha (Info) IDIBAPS sensory systems, computational neuroscience, audition, network dynamics furukawa 2009‑11‑27
Arli R. de Oliveira (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Education, Human Development, Physiological Psychology pq 2016‑05‑22
Jennifer J. DeBerry (Info) University of Pittsburgh, UAB, University of Pittsburgh visceral sensory neurobiology jdeberry 2011‑05‑25
Shubham Debnath (Info) University of Miami, University of Pittsburgh sdebnath 2017‑04‑13
Donald B. DeFranco (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑22
Tamar Degani (Info) University of Pittsburgh Chelsmarie011 2010‑01‑14
Alan D. Degenhart (Info) University of Pittsburgh Brain-machine interfaces, motor control, motor learning, electrocorticography alandegenhart 2012‑04‑19
Brian M. Dekleva (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motor Control, Neurophysiology bdekleva 2017‑09‑02
Anthony Deldin (Info) University of Pittsburgh Recreation, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑17
Mauricio Delgado (Info) Rutgers, Newark reward, punishment, decision-making neurostudent 2007‑04‑24
Briana R. DeMiranda (Info) University of Pittsburgh jgreena 2016‑03‑18
Stuart Derbyshire (Info) University of Pittsburgh hayden 2005‑10‑30
Jaime Derringer (Info) CU Boulder, UIUC personality, behavior genetics, assessment jaimelane 2010‑02‑05
Purnima P. Desai (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑11
Luda Diatchenko (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Molecular Genetics of Pain Perception lbdiatch 2006‑12‑20
Sofia Dibble (Info) University of Pittsburgh som15 2016‑05‑11
Laura J. Dietz (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
Kirk E. Dineley (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑21
Amie R. DiTomasso (Info) University of Pittsburgh masommerxx 2010‑12‑31
Christopher Brad Divito (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neurotransmitter transporters pq 2015‑10‑12
Edward C. Dixon (Info) University of Pittsburgh sym15 2022‑11‑06
Velma Dobson (Info) smj18 2008‑01‑28
Patricia Documet (Info) University of Pittsburgh Public Health, Behavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑06‑06
Brent Doiron (Info) University of Pittsburgh mathematical neuroscience, sensory systems bdoiron 2007‑09‑26
Yoni Dokko (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Alexandre Y Dombrovski (Info) University of Pittsburgh decision-making; reinforcement learning; suicide; depression; borderline personality; exploration/exploitation alexdombrovski 2023‑03‑15
Tanja Dominko (Info) OHSU gschatten 2018‑04‑20
Yan Dong (Info) University of Pittsburgh Motivational and Emotional Memory yandong 2007‑10‑24
Sonya Dougal (Info) NYU influence of emotion on memory neurostudent 2007‑04‑24
John E. Downey (Info) Chicago, University of Pittsburgh CMGreenspon 2019‑01‑09
Fawn T. Draucker (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Karen J. Dreyer (Info) University of Pittsburgh Educational Psychology Education, Administration Education pq 2016‑07‑02
Robert Drolet (Info) Merck jgreena 2014‑06‑06
Jonathan D. Drover (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College computational neuroscience jdvicto 2009‑05‑17
Yijuan Du (Info) University of Pittsburgh dopamine system lauredu 2009‑11‑10
Zhanhong Jeff Du (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Chinese Academic Science, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Sensory System, Neural Engineering dudukeda 2010‑09‑12
Renu Dube (Info) University of Pittsburgh Speech Communication, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑05‑17
Connor Dufort (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroimmunology, microglia, development, stroke, myelination cdufort 2021‑10‑31
Katherine Duggan (Info) UC Riverside saramednick 2018‑03‑08
April A. Dukes (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Susan Dunlap (Info) University of Pittsburgh Reading, psycholinguistics pq 2015‑10‑17
Justin R. Dunmyre (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑11‑13
Catherine A. Dunn (Info) University of Pittsburgh Spatial cognition pq 2015‑09‑25
Kyle Dunovan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Perceptual decision making wheelerme 2012‑02‑29
John D. Durrant (Info) University of Pittsburgh Audiology, Physiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑19
Janine M. Dutcher (Info) UCLA Social Neuroscience J9MD 2009‑11‑18
Hristina Dzhogleva (Info) University of Pittsburgh Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑31
Shaun M. Eack (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Work, Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
John Earman (Info) Philosophy mbialek 2010‑07‑20
Charles A. Easley (Info) VCU Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Maeve Eberhardt (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Chelsea M. Eddington (Info) University of Pittsburgh bilingualism, second language learning Chelsmarie011 2010‑01‑14
Nicole M. Edgar (Info) University of Pittsburgh depression nedgar 2007‑10‑12
Brian Edwards (Info) University of Pittsburgh BrianMDavis1814 2023‑01‑08
Stephen M. Eggan (Info) University of Pittsburgh Schizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry pq 2015‑10‑17
Saman Eghtesad (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology pq 2016‑05‑28
Victoria B. Egizio (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑21
Anthony Eidelman (Info) University of Pittsburgh nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Amina El Ayadi (Info) UTMB PD, AD, protein trafficking, ubiquitination Amina 2015‑03‑24
Mohammed S. El-Kurdi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑12
James Eles (Info) University of Pittsburgh tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Christopher M. Elitt (Info) University of Pittsburgh Visceral Pain pq 2015‑10‑13
Michelle R. Ellefson (Info) Cambridge Cognitive Development mrellefson 2008‑09‑07
Frank Ellen (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑24
Nancy Elman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑22
Leonard H. Epstein (Info) Auburn University, University of Pittsburgh, SUNY Buffalo Behavioral Medicine; Pediatrics; Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
Kirk I. Erickson (Info) UIUC Aging, Attention pq 2015‑10‑07
Susan L. Erickson (Info) University of Pittsburgh Schizophrenia; structure, function and development of prefrontal cortex; effects of cannabis and psychotropic medications on neural circuitry pq 2015‑10‑17
Bard Ermentrout (Info) University of Pittsburgh General Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
G Bard Ermentrout (Info) University of Pittsburgh Dynamical Systems Analysis Angaria 2005‑11‑06
Behnaz Esmaeili (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2010‑10‑06
Miguel Estevez (Info) University of Pittsburgh Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology, Toxicology pq 2016‑05‑26
Helen L. Evans (Info) University of Pittsburgh DariaPark 2015‑03‑20
Steven W. Evans (Info) Ohio University ct050915 2021‑04‑22
Samuel Ewing (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2010‑03‑10
Francesca Facco (Info) University of Pittsburgh-Magee-Women’s Hospital pczee 2017‑09‑19
Christoph Fahlke (Info) Hannover Medical School Neurophysiology delany.torres 2009‑08‑06
Michael Falcione (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Erika E. Fanselow (Info) University of Pittsburgh fin 2007‑08‑18
Juhi Farooqui (Info) Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh dpsarma 2019‑06‑17
Sean P. Farris (Info) University of Pittsburgh 7TM 2015‑04‑29
Atillio Favorini (Info) University of Pittsburgh Theater, Developmental Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language pq 2016‑05‑29
Ariel K. Feldman (Info) Rice University, Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh Neuroengineering, BCI arielfeldman 2020‑07‑02
Bin Feng (Info) University of Connecticut visceral pain, chronic pain, neuromodulation bennyfeng 2017‑12‑15
Barbara M. Fenner (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain. pq 2015‑10‑08
John Fernstrom (Info) Pittsburgh Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
Robert E. Ferrell (Info) University of Pittsburgh biochemistry, genetics jsan 2010‑08‑12
Lawrence L. Feth (Info) Ohio State Psychacoustics newcenturyscientist 2013‑04‑19
Joshua D. Fetterman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Psychology, General Psychology pq 2016‑03‑30
Julie A. Fiez (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2006‑07‑28
Anthony J. Filiano (Info) Duke Neuroimmunology afiliano 2009‑10‑22
Robyn Filipink (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Andrey Finegersh (Info) University of Pittsburgh Transgenic mice pq 2015‑10‑16
Leo A. Finzi (Info) Carnegie Institute of Technology ajbrock 2020‑02‑17
Stephen "Steve" Martin Fiore (Info) University of Central Florida Cognitive Science drsfiore 2013‑04‑29
Alan E. Fisher (Info) University of Pittsburgh mholahan 2010‑03‑04
Lee E. Fisher (Info) Case Western, University of Pittsburgh Neural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics, Somatosensory Function pq 2015‑11‑05
Loretta M. Flanagan-Cato (Info) Penn neuroendocrinology flanagan 2010‑11‑14
Brendan Fleig-Goldstein (Info) University of Pittsburgh colinallen 2024‑08‑07
Sharlene Flesher (Info) University of Pittsburgh rgaunt 2017‑02‑03
Stan Floresco (Info) UBC cbloomfield 2007‑11‑15
Steven J. Fluharty (Info) Penn danielsd 2006‑11‑21
Stephen Foldes (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute Neuroimaging, neurorehabilitation stfoldes 2016‑03‑01
Stefanos E. Folias (Info) University of Alaska Anchorage Mathematical Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics, Neural Field Theory sf 2010‑11‑18
Kaitlin Folweiler (Info) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania traumatic brain injury, electrophysiology, behavior kfolw 2016‑11‑20
Erika E. Forbes (Info) University of Pittsburgh Developmental Affective Neuroscience mcasement 2014‑08‑04
Sarah Forster (Info) Indiana University Bloomington rfukunag 2008‑10‑25
Harry Fowler (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2007‑11‑15
Krysta Fox (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2009‑05‑13
Lynn A. Fox (Info) University of Pittsburgh Special Education, Tests and Measurements Education pq 2017‑08‑11
Alicia M. Frank (Info) University of Pittsburgh cunninghamchristopherl 2021‑10‑20
Ellen Frank (Info) University of Pittsburgh Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Mental Health pq 2016‑04‑18
Eric Frank (Info) Tufts tamily 2006‑01‑03
Peter L. Franzen (Info) University of Arizona pq 2015‑11‑10
George W. Fraser (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑11‑24
Jennifer Megan Fredericks (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine OrbitoFrontal Cortex, PreFrontal Cortex, Rhesus Monkey, DREADDs, Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognition MeganFredericks 2019‑07‑11
Michael Freedman (Info) Genentech, Inc. tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Beverly Jeanne French (Info) University of Pittsburgh Psychiatry; molecular basis of depression and aging BeverlyJFrench 2013‑10‑30
F. Kathryn E. Friason (Info) University of Pittsburgh circuits, learning and memory kfriason 2022‑04‑12
Robert M. Friedlander (Info) University of Pittsburgh tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Laura Frishman (Info) University of Houston Visual system; Retina lneedleman 2005‑11‑29
Melinda Fritz (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Mara Frum (Info) University of Pittsburgh circuitry, motor system, motivation marafrum 2024‑07‑09
Valeria Fu (Info) University of Pittsburgh ebirch 2010‑09‑21
Isabella M. Fuentes (Info) University of Pittsburgh imf17 2018‑11‑09
Rocio G. Fuentes-Morales (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Ovande Furtado (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology pq 2016‑05‑22
Soniya Gadgil (Info) University of Pittsburgh Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑04‑05
Chris Gaiteri (Info) Sage Bionetworks dynamical systems, gene networks Angaria 2005‑11‑06
Jenna R. Gale (Info) University of Pittsburgh cafeturco 2022‑08‑10
Jere D. Gallagher (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Education, Human Development, Physiological Psychology pq 2016‑05‑22
Jazlyn Gallego (Info) University of Pittsburgh tkozai 2023‑01‑23
Darlene Y. Gambill Motley (Info) University of Pittsburgh Management Business Administration, Business Education pq 2016‑05‑29
JP Gamboa (Info) University of Pittsburgh colinallen 2024‑08‑07
Naomi Gancz (Info) UCLA pqqp 2023‑12‑12
N.J Gandhi (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
Neeraj J. Gandhi (Info) University of Pittsburgh oculomotor system ngandhi 2006‑12‑22
Rohan Gandhi (Info) Vertex Pharmaceuticals Pain Neurobiology hi_rohan 2007‑10‑30
Jennie Garcia-Olivares (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neurosciences delany.torres 2009‑08‑28
Nitika Garg (Info) University of Pittsburgh Marketing Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑31
Robert H. Garman (Info) University of Pittsburgh comparative neuropathology and neurotoxicology george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Holly Z. Gastgeb (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑12
Robert Gaunt (Info) University of Pittsburgh neural prosthetics, sensorimotor control arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03
Gerald F. Gebhart (Info) University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Iowa City, IA, University of Pittsburg Medical Center Visceral Pain RichardTraub 2010‑01‑11
Kristopher J. Geda (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Satyanarayana Gedela (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Charles F. Geier (Info) University of Pittsburgh Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience geiercf 2007‑05‑02
Richard C. Gerkin (Info) Arizona State Olfactory physiology, Neuroinformatics rgerkin 2006‑10‑16
Matthew Getz (Info) University of Pittsburgh wenhaoz 2020‑03‑05
Omar A. Gharbawie (Info) University of Pittsburgh cortical control of movement omar 2017‑03‑23
Thea B. Ghiselli-Crippa (Info) University of Pittsburgh synaptic plasticity, learning, neural models pq 2015‑10‑18
Subhadra E. Ghosh Johnson (Info) University of Pittsburgh Linguistics pq 2015‑11‑07
Avniel Singh Ghuman (Info) University of Pittsburgh MEG, connectivity, face perception, autism aghuman 2007‑03‑26
Peter J. Gianaros (Info) University of Pittsburgh jryan2 2010‑05‑15
Soyoung C. Gilchrist (Info) University of Pittsburgh Immunology, Pathology pq 2016‑05‑28
Anne M. Gill (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Guidance and Counseling Education pq 2016‑05‑22
Katy M. Gill (Info) University of Pittsburgh cpuryear 2007‑11‑13
Deda Gillespie (Info) McMaster University cab 2005‑12‑19
Joyce L. Giovannelli (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑10‑12
Jeffrey M. Girard (Info) University of Washington, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Psychology, Affective Computing, Personality, Psychopathology, Emotion jmgirard 2018‑09‑07
Sonya B. Giridhar (Info) University of Pittsburgh david 2015‑06‑30
Aryn Gittis (Info) Carnegie Mellon basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease kreitzer 2012‑06‑26
Christopher D. Gjesfjeld (Info) University of Pittsburgh Social Work, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
Leisa A Glantz (Info) Duke Neuropathophysiology of psychiatric disorders leisaanne 2018‑12‑14
Nathan G. Glasgow (Info) University of Pittsburgh mbphill 2018‑04‑08
Jill R. Glausier (Info) University of Pittsburgh Schizophrenia, Postmortem Human, GABA, Working Memory, Prefrontal Cortex, Electron Microscopy glausierjr 2014‑01‑16
Joseph C. Gloriofo (Info) University of Pittsburgh Molecular Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑10
Christin A. Glorioso (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neurobiology of Disease Gloriosoc 2008‑04‑21
Joseph C. Glorioso (Info) University of Pittsburgh Gene Therapy, Herpes simplex virus, Chronic Pain drrahuls 2012‑06‑23
Nike Gnanateja (Info) University of Pittsburgh Jmch 2020‑09‑15
Jason Godlove (Info) University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑11‑24
Laurent Goffart (Info) CNRS Oculomotor Neurophysiology, Saccade, Fixation, Eye-Head nicolascatz 2006‑11‑05
Laura R. Goldberg (Info) University of Pittsburgh Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Patricia Goldman-Rakic (Info) Yale hayden 2005‑01‑17
Daniel Goldreich (Info) McMaster University Somatosensory psychophysics, Bayesian perception Daniel Goldreich 2007‑09‑27
Amy Goldstein (Info) University of Pittsburgh Medical School nfschor 2021‑03‑03
Bruce Goldstein (Info) University of Pittsburgh Photopigments and ERPs ssaszik 2006‑12‑08
Gerald Goldstein (Info) University of Pittsburgh clinical neuropsychology, schizophrenia callietyner 2010‑03‑22
Seth Goldwasser (Info) University of Pittsburgh colinallen 2024‑08‑07
Felipe V. Gomes (Info) Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo schizophrenia, dopamine gomesfv 2015‑11‑16
Guillermo Gonzalez Burgos (Info) Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. GABA danielcardinali 2009‑10‑19
Sue Goodwin (Info) University of Pittsburgh Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Public Health pq 2016‑06‑24
Chaitanya Gopinath (Info) University of Pittsburgh rgaunt 2017‑02‑03
Anne K Gormaley (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neural Interface Technology agormaley 2023‑12‑18
Fredric L. Goss (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Education, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑17
Yukiori Goto (Info) McGill odonnellp 2007‑10‑02
Stephen J. Gotts (Info) NIMH vision, attention, semantic memory alexmartin 2007‑06‑05
Michael Grabe (Info) University of Pittsburgh ion channels mgrabe 2006‑11‑07
Anthony Albert Grace (Info) University of Pittsburgh Dopamine, schizophrenia, deep brain stimulation, drug abuse, basal ganglia rn 2006‑10‑27
Nicholas Graziane (Info) University of Pittsburgh yandong 2016‑04‑15
Douglas A. Green (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain. pq 2015‑10‑08
J. Timothy Greenamyre (Info) University of Pittsburgh Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease jcha 2006‑10‑18
Michael E. Greenberg (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse byungheeleu 2006‑04‑20
Tsafrir Greenberg (Info) University of Pittsburgh jcha9928 2015‑11‑11
Stephanie Greene (Info) University of Pittsburgh slpomeroy 2013‑09‑22
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