People with institution matching "RIKEN, BSI": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Arman Abrahamyan (Info) | RIKEN, BSI, Stanford, University of Sydney | Visual system, Psychophysics, Decision making, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), fMRI | armanabraham | 2011‑06‑09 | Justin L. Gardner (Info) | Stanford | MRI vision attention decision motion inference selection | david | 2005‑01‑17 | Noritaka Ichinohe (Info) | RIKEN, BSI | visual system, basal ganglia | | 2008‑09‑24 | Takeshi Kaneko (Info) | Kyoto University | local circuit of the cerebral cortex | acidsoul | 2005‑11‑15 | Stephen T. Kitai (Info) | University of Tennessee | david | 2005‑08‑25 | Jennifer S. Lund (Info) | University of Utah | Visual anatomy | david | 2005‑01‑20 | Deepak Pandya (Info) | Boston University | hayden | 2005‑08‑17 | Kathleen S. Rockland (Info) | RIKEN, BSI | | 2008‑09‑24 | Manabu Tanifuji (Info) | RIKEN | shinji | 2005‑11‑01 | Hisashi Tanigawa (Info) | Zhejiang University | Visual system | shinji | 2005‑11‑01 |
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