People with institution matching "UC San Diego Health": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Samarth Aggarwal (Info) Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine Neuroscience, engineering, imaging sciences S2aggarw 2023‑02‑08
Noorsher Ahmed (Info) UCSD RNA localization noa001 2019‑11‑09
Samuel Barnes (Info) UC San Diego Health S2aggarw 2023‑03‑05
Jim Barr (Info) UC San Diego Health TDMcIntyre 2019‑09‑03
Sebastian H Bitzenhofer (Info) University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UC San Diego Health Neurophysiology sebbitz 2017‑10‑24
Marianna Gasperi (Info) UMN, UC San Diego Health, University of Washington Marianna 2010‑02‑05
Julia E. Herrmann (Info) UCSD spinal cord injury adgarcia75 2007‑04‑20
Hugo Jae Mun Kim (Info) University of Washington, USC, UCSD Neuroscience, Single cell sequencing, Spinal cord injury neurohugo 2020‑05‑28
Richard B McCosh (Info) UC San Diego Health rreproductive neuroendocrinolgy, rm4 2021‑12‑17
Abraham Palmer (Info) Chicago behavioral genetics 2011‑04‑20
Mark Tuszynski (Info) UCSD plasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration yorbaram 2008‑08‑19
Gene W. Yeo (Info) UCSD RNA processing, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, computational biology geneyeo 2013‑11‑08
Binhai Zheng (Info) UCSD david 2015‑12‑23
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