People with institution matching "UCSD Neurosciences": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Jairaj K. Acharya (Info) National Cancer Institute lipids, Drosophila, Mouse 2009‑01‑06
Chimuanya Kween Agba (Info) UCSD Neurosciences Spinal cord injury; astrocytes kweena 2022‑05‑07
Amy F. Arnsten (Info) Yale prefrontal cortex, neuromodulators rsteine 2006‑04‑19
Sage Ryan Aronson (Info) UCSD Neurosciences In Vivo Imaging, Depression SageAronson 2018‑08‑15
Bassam V. Atallah (Info) UCSD batallah 2006‑07‑04
Serapio Michael Baca (Info) UCLA Systems Neuroscience smbaca 2005‑12‑04
Brian A. Baldo (Info) UW Madison mcbrenda 2007‑10‑15
Michael J. Baltzley (Info) Western Oregon University Sensory systems baltzley 2013‑07‑31
April A Benasich (Info) Rutgers, Newark dsiegel 2008‑10‑24
Darwin K. Berg (Info) UCSD cholinergic system, development Mch777 2008‑11‑17
Catherine Borden (Info) tingjt 2007‑10‑25
Chris Braun (Info) Hunter College, CUNY asdfg 2009‑12‑09
Adina R. Buxbaum (Info) UCSD Neurosciences RNA, local translation abuxbaum 2010‑04‑16
Tim W. Cacciatore (Info) UCL Muscle Tone, Posture, Biomechanics cacci 2011‑07‑29
Edward M. Callaway (Info) Salk Institute Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑31
Daniela Cassataro (Info) NYU, Albert Einstein, UCSD, Salk Institute lukesjulson 2015‑04‑14
Wenzhen Chen (Info) UCSD Neurosciences hypothalamus, homeostasis wzc001 2023‑11‑02
Jeffrey E. Dahlen (Info) UCSD, Carnegie Mellon jdahlen 2009‑06‑17
Anders M. Dale (Info) UCSD methods development, multimodal imaging smk 2007‑07‑08
Nima Dehghani (Info) UNIC-CNRS/Harvard/UCSD Computational Neuroscience nima 2010‑10‑29
Francesco Di Russo (Info) University of Rome Foro Italico ERPs, perception, cognition, fMRI, Sport, Ageing fdirusso 2008‑11‑22
Mark H. Ellisman (Info) UCSD Bioinformatics, Electron Microscopy, Imaging, Microscopy, Subcellular Structure jon.e.cohen 2008‑08‑25
Teresa M. Esch (Info) Journal of Neuroscience maunsell 2008‑05‑30
Richard Douglas Fields (Info) National Institute of Health neuron-glial interactions, developmental neuroscience, synaptic plasticity jon.e.cohen 2008‑07‑31
Timothy Q. Gentner (Info) UCSD auditory systems neuroscience cab 2006‑07‑27
Mark Geyer (Info) UCSD psychopharmacology mtsai 2007‑10‑08
Taha Gholipour (Info) Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women Hospital, The George Washington University, UCSD Neurosciences Epilepsy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Machine Learning tgholipour 2009‑01‑01
Anirvan Ghosh (Info) UCSD the specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex qiuzilong 2007‑04‑03
Donald J. Hagler (Info) UCSD vision, attention, working memory kathleen 2006‑02‑23
Nathan Gray Hedrick (Info) UCSD Synaptic plasticity, dendrites, learning nhedrick 2019‑01‑28
Chris Martin Hempel (Info) millermn 2008‑07‑29
Steven Hillyard (Info) UCSD Psychophysics, ERP hayden 2005‑01‑15
James R. Howe VI (Info) UCSD Learning and Memory jhowe6 2017‑10‑11
Jeffry S. Isaacson (Info) UCSD neural circuits, olfactory system david 2005‑10‑12
Harvey Karten (Info) UCSD Neuroanatomy camilele 2006‑11‑09
David Kleinfeld (Info) UCSD hanks 2005‑11‑04
Julie Koenig (Info) KIST (CFC) learning, memory, place cells, grid cells juliekoenig 2011‑11‑01
Takaki Komiyama (Info) UCSD ajpeter 2011‑06‑20
George F. Koob (Info) Scripps Institute Neurobiology of emotion hayden 2005‑02‑18
Richard H. Kramer (Info) UC Berkeley Optogenetics, Visual System, Vesicle cycle Mahler2nd 2005‑11‑19
William B. Kristan (Info) UCSD daph 2005‑10‑23
Ron Kuczenski (Info) UCSD Drugs of addiction pktodd 2015‑05‑19
Stefan Leutgeb (Info) UCSD place cells, memory juliekoenig 2011‑11‑01
Yingcong Li (Info) UCSD Neurosciences, Zhejiang University LIYINGCONG 2015‑11‑01
Ashley Linder (Info) Princeton alinder 2013‑07‑30
Shawn R. Lockery (Info) University of Oregon neural network modeling, behavior mbgoodman 2008‑09‑15
Camilo Jubino Londono (Info) UCSD axon regeneration, spinal cord injury Camilo71000 2022‑11‑09
Greg Maguire (Info) UCSD Stem cell therapeutics, visual system therapeutics drgregmaguire 2016‑01‑18
Roberto Malinow (Info) UCSD hanks 2005‑10‑08
Roberto Manilow (Info) UCSD Neurosciences eukaryote 2019‑04‑01
Antonia Marin-Burgin (Info) IBIOBA-Max Planck partner Neuronal circuits amarinburgin 2011‑11‑07
Antigona Martinez (Info) rjnudo 2007‑08‑26
Weronika Matysik (Info) UCSD Neurosciences Weronika96 2023‑02‑27
Stuart Maudsley (Info) Duke University / HHMI, Medical Research Council, Edinburgh, National Inst. on Aging, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Medical School, University of Antwerp G protein-coupled receptors, Molecular Pharmacology, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Gerontology stuartmaudsley 2019‑03‑25
John J. McDonald (Info) Simon Fraser Attention, vision, multisensory perpception, executive control alij 2007‑12‑11
Nicole A Mercer Lindsay (Info) Stanford University Medical School Motor and pain circuits namerlin 2019‑08‑05
Katlyn Marie Monte (Info) UCSD Neurosciences neurohugo 2023‑10‑18
Jacqueline Rose Mosko (Info) UCSD Neurosciences moskoj 2020‑04‑28
Matthias M. Müller (Info) Leipzig University kohla 2010‑04‑26
Sadegh Nabavi (Info) Aarhus University nathalie.krauth 2023‑10‑04
R Glenn Northcutt (Info) UCSD lneedleman 2005‑12‑04
Goonho Park (Info) UCSD Neurosciences Alzheimer's disease, synapse, caspase and APP. neuropa 2017‑05‑05
Shamit Patel (Info) UCSD Neurosciences stuartmaudsley 2020‑07‑08
Agustin Petroni (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires Cognitive Neuroscience apetroni 2008‑04‑19
Shai Porat (Info) USC Neuroimaging, Aging, Memory, Heart Rate Variability, Emotion, Sleep, Music Shai73 2018‑02‑22
Brigitte Röder (Info) University of Hamburg Multisensory Integration, Crossmodal Processing, ERP kminakata 2010‑11‑22
Cory M. Root (Info) UCSD Neural circuits and behavior coryroot 2008‑06‑05
Sarah Ruediger (Info) UCSD Hippocampus sarruedi 2010‑12‑31
Maya Sapiurka (Info) UCSD memory, spatial memory mesapi 2017‑04‑05
Massimo Scanziani (Info) UCSD wbarkis 2005‑10‑31
David S. Segal (Info) UCSD Neuropharmacology amyarnsten 2008‑03‑25
Allen I. Selverston (Info) UCSD Invertebrates david 2005‑01‑18
David E. Smith (Info) george.perry 2010‑07‑31
Romy V. Spitz, (Info) UCSD Neurosciences benasich 2017‑12‑26
Larry R. Squire (Info) UCSD Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Lauren Stanwicks (Info) UCSD laurenstanwicks 2019‑01‑02
Scott M. Sternson (Info) Janelia Farm Mch777 2008‑12‑18
Louise A Stolz (Info) UCSD Neurosciences Clinical neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, imaging louisestolz 2020‑10‑04
Alex Straiker (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Neuroscience, GPCRs, Cannabinoids tingjt 2007‑10‑25
Jane M. Sullivan (Info) University of Washington hanks 2005‑10‑13
Emily L. Sylwestrak (Info) UCSD, F. Hoffmann-La Roche/University of Basel-Biozentrum, Stanford, University of Oregon synapse formation, gene expression, neural circuits of motivated behavior pq 2015‑10‑15
Lidia Szczupak (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires Leech nervous system, sensory-motor network Lidia 2009‑06‑09
Wolfgang Teder-Sälejärvi (Info) North Dakota State University visual neuroscience aaron314159 2010‑08‑17
Peter Todd (Info) University of Michigan ailiff 2011‑05‑13
Kay M. Tye (Info) MIT, Salk Institute, UCSD Amygdala, Reward, Anxiety, Plasticity, Social Homeostasis kaytye 2006‑10‑13
Sila Ultanir (Info) Francis Crick Institute Excitatory synapses silaultanir 2015‑01‑29
Ilya A Verzhbinsky (Info) UCSD Neurosciences Human Cortical Neurophysiology iverz 2024‑03‑14
Keng Ioi Vong (Info) UCSD Neurosciences kivong 2021‑09‑02
Bradley Voytek (Info) UCSD top-down processing, neuronal oscillations, attention, working memory, ecog, automated science semiconscious 2005‑10‑03
Daniel A. Wagenaar (Info) Caltech Multisensory integration in the medicinal leech jrolston 2008‑04‑17
Le Wang (Info) UCSD Genetics, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology lw611 2023‑08‑10
Elena A Westeinde (Info) UCSD, Harvard Medical School Olfaction, Lateral Entorhinal Cortex, Navigation, Drosophila Central Complex ewesteinde 2023‑03‑21
Diane Whitmer (Info) UT Austin and NeuroTexas Institute at St. David's Healthcare Cognitive deficits in neurodegenerative disorders dwhitmer 2010‑01‑17
Ege Ayse Yalcinbas (Info) UCSD Neurosciences egey 2018‑11‑08
Faisal N. Zaidi (Info) UCSD Neurosciences faisal 2008‑04‑28
Hanxiong Zhang (Info) Harvard University (medical School) ZhangHanxiong 2016‑07‑19
Zhong-wei Zhang (Info) The Jackson Laboratory thalamus, cortex, neural circuit development zwzhangjax 2012‑10‑24
Binhai Zheng (Info) UCSD david 2015‑12‑23
Charles S. Zuker (Info) Columbia Taste JLand52 2005‑01‑26
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