People with institution matching "UCSF": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Reza Abbasi-Asl (Info) UCSF maxcollard 2023‑12‑20
Carmela R. Abraham (Info) Boston University Amyloidosis, Alzheimer disease george.perry 2010‑08‑17
Daniel L. Adams (Info) UCSF, Neuralink, University College London (UCL) Visual System adamsd 2006‑03‑23
John Adams (Info) UCSF ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
R. Alison Adcock (Info) Duke memory, motivation, reward, schizophrenia, neuromodulation raadcock 2007‑09‑27
Hillel Adesnik (Info) UC Berkeley Synaptic transmission and plasticity hadesnik 2007‑05‑20
Hita Adwanikar (Info) UCSF Traumatic brain injury, Pain processing shreesh 2008‑11‑15
Emily A. Aery Jones (Info) Stanford Hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, spatial navigation, memory consolidation, Alzheimer's disease emilyjones 2020‑01‑26
Zarinah Agnew (Info) UCL kmjasmin 2013‑04‑27
Somayeh Ahmadiantehrani (Info) UCSF alcohol addiction pq 2015‑10‑11
Osama Ahmed (Info) UCSF ekunger 2015‑08‑20
Andrew H. Ahn (Info) UCSF Headache and Migraine cab 2006‑04‑29
Raag D. Airan (Info) Stanford focused ultrasound, neuromodulation, drug delivery rairan 2016‑10‑13
Tara Aitken (Info) UCSF cz 2018‑08‑25
Katerina Akassoglou (Info) UCSF Neurovascular Mechanisms of Inflammation and Tissue Repair david 2016‑01‑13
Stephanie D. Albin (Info) Janelia Farm sda 2007‑03‑31
Stephanie D. Albin (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑01
Maryana Alegro (Info) UCSF jeanl 2017‑09‑27
Jeffrey Alexander (Info) UCSF oweiner 2023‑10‑30
Bradley E. Alger (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Learning, Memory huguenard 2006‑08‑29
Omar AlHashimi (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑02
Ilayda Alkislar (Info) UCSF Alkislari 2019‑08‑01
Daicia C. Allen (Info) OHSU alcohol addiction, drug discrimination allendai 2016‑08‑31
William E. Allen (Info) Stanford neural circuits, behavior, imaging, genetics wallen 2015‑09‑09
Gordon W. Allport (Info) Harvard Personality and social psychology culham 2006‑04‑03
Javier Diaz Alonso (Info) UCSF alariolago 2023‑11‑28
Carolina Alquezar (Info) UCSF Neurodegeneration carolina 2021‑02‑17
Benedict Joseph Alter (Info) Washington University, UCSF, University of Pittsburgh pq 2015‑08‑16
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (Info) UCSF Neural stem cells tamily 2005‑12‑01
David G. Amaral (Info) UC Davis david 2005‑01‑24
Patrick Amoateng (Info) University of Ghana Neuropharmacology pamoateng 2019‑11‑29
Joon Yong An (Info) Korea Universisty Genetics joonan 2016‑02‑18
Richard A. Andersen (Info) Caltech Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15
Courtney M. Anderson (Info) UCSF Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Human Development pq 2017‑02‑23
Emily B. Anderson (Info) UCSF Systems physiology, behavioral state, learning and memory, decision making, neuromodulation, arousal, attention JHR 2006‑02‑15
Stewart A. Anderson (Info) Weill Cornell Research testtest 2009‑02‑18
David W. Andrews (Info) McMaster University, University of Toronto RNA 2012‑04‑06
Madeline Andrews (Info) UCLA samjbutler 2013‑10‑11
Vanessa T. Angeles (Info) UCSF Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS), CpG islands pq 2015‑10‑04
Joaquin Angeura (Info) UCSF jessoe 2012‑03‑06
Malcolm D. Anthony (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24
Gopala Anumanchipalli (Info) UCSF qwerty 2013‑11‑02
Yasuki Aoki (Info) UCSF nbraints 2013‑09‑11
Pierre F. Apostolides (Info) University of Michigan Medical School Central auditory neurophysiology apostolides 2007‑08‑30
Gabriel Aranovich (Info) UCSF School of Medicine dmathalon 2018‑01‑10
Mandar A. Aras (Info) UCSF cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Emanuela Argilli (Info) UCSF Addiction, Autism ManuA 2017‑03‑16
Annie Arguello (Info) UCSF brain development pq 2015‑11‑25
Maria Pia Arolfo (Info) UCSF david 2022‑05‑11
Ari Arrenberg (Info) UCSF jsemmelh 2010‑06‑21
Aristides B. Arrenberg (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑12
Andoni I. Asencor (Info) UCSF aasencor 2023‑02‑01
Cedric Asensio (Info) UCSF, University of Denver, Denver VMAT2, dopamine, trafficking, dense core vesicle biogenesis casensio 2008‑01‑09
John H. Ashe (Info) UC Riverside Auditory System clcox 2006‑03‑31
Kaveh Ashrafi (Info) UCSF JLand52 2006‑03‑23
James A. Ashton-Miller (Info) University of Michigan pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Marcos Assis Nascimento (Info) UCSF neural stem cells, development, extracellular matrix manascimento 2020‑08‑03
Craig A. Atencio (Info) UCSF Auditory system david 2005‑03‑27
Jegath Athilingam (Info) UCSF jathilingam 2013‑03‑04
Jonathan Augustin (Info) UCSF Guolong 2023‑06‑02
Iris Bachmutsky (Info) UCSF mottcallie 2019‑09‑25
Matthew John Baggott (Info) Chicago cognitive neuroscience, psychopharmacology mattbagg 2011‑11‑21
Anil D. Bagri (Info) Genentech, Inc. spleasure 2006‑11‑03
Ling Bai (Info) UCSF cz 2017‑07‑02
Herwig Baier (Info) MPI for Medical Research Neuroscience, Behavior, Genetics meganrc 2005‑11‑03
Michael E. Ballard (Info) UCSF behavior, psychopharmacology, human neuroimaging, PET, fMRI, stimulants, cannabinoids, cognition, delay discounting, executive function, memory, emotional processing, working memory mballard 2007‑11‑28
Frank Bandiera (Info) UCSF School of Medicine drvmays 2016‑11‑07
Krystof Bankiewicz (Info) UCSF neurosurgery david 2017‑02‑02
Martin Banks (Info) UC Berkeley Visual system david 2005‑09‑19
Jason S. Bant (Info) Stanford imraman 2009‑06‑13
Shaowen Bao (Info) University of Arizona JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Izhar Bar-Gad (Info) Bar-Ilan basal ganglia, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease rturner 2009‑04‑15
Scott C. Baraban (Info) UCSF Epilepsy mattd 2005‑11‑01
Segev Barak (Info) Tel Aviv University Neurobiology of addiction fritz 2011‑09‑02
Nicholas Barbaro (Info) UCSF LucasT 2012‑02‑10
Nicholas Barbaro (Info) Indiana University Bloomington ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Cori Bargmann (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF C. elegans, decision JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Adrian Barker (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑26
Alison Barker (Info) UCSF jsemmelh 2010‑07‑29
James A. Barkovich (Info) UCSF kmillen 2011‑08‑09
Michael Barnes (Info) UCSF george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Samuel H. Barondes (Info) UCSD, UCSF tarselli 2015‑08‑01
Jerika Barron (Info) UCSF annamolofsky 2019‑08‑26
Greg S. Barsh (Info) Stanford pigmentation, melanocortin system aapierce 2007‑05‑20
Christopher M. Bartley (Info) Yale, UCSF Developmental Neurobiology cbartley17 2010‑05‑27
Allan I. Basbaum (Info) UCSF Pain Joaobraz 2005‑11‑01
Ilia V Baskakov (Info) University of Maryland Medical School prions Baskakov 2019‑11‑13
Maxime O. Baud (Info) University of Bern epilepsy mbaud 2020‑04‑22
Diana Bautista (Info) UC Berkeley molecular basis of somatosensation, light touch, chronic itch, pain zknight 2013‑07‑25
Omer Ali A. Bayraktar (Info) UCSF Neural stem cells oab 2009‑09‑20
Michael S. Beattie (Info) Ohio State, UCSF Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑16
Gerard MJ Beaudoin (Info) UCSF Developmental Neuroscience gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Samuel R. Beckerman (Info) University of Miami Spinal Cord Injury, Axon Regeneration, Astrocytes, Glial Scar sbeckerman 2012‑08‑31
Joshua B. Bederson (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine cab 2006‑04‑29
Joshua Bederson (Info) Mt. Sinai ziechmar 2018‑04‑25
Supinder S. Bedi (Info) UCLA Aplysia Economides 2006‑04‑10
Annaliese K. Beery (Info) UC Berkeley Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Social behavior mvole 2010‑10‑07
Elizabeth E. Bellocchio (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24
Camilla Bellone (Info) UCSF luscher 2007‑03‑11
Roy Ben-Shalom (Info) Bar-Ilan Algorithms, GPU, Models Gurkiewicz 2010‑08‑20
Kevin J. Bender (Info) UCSF Axon initial segment, Ca channels, plasticity kbender 2006‑03‑28
Davide Benedetti (Info) University of Pisa, Italy, SRI International, Amsterdam, UCSF Sleep, Perception raptor 2024‑11‑16
Deanna L. Benson (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Axon Guidance/synaptogenesis mhuntsman 2005‑11‑25
Frank Benson (Info) UCLA School of Medicine Behavioral Neurology dfloden 2007‑11‑14
Michael A. Berberoglu (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑15
Amy Chang Berger (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑18
Amy C. Berger (Info) UCSF GPCRs, pharmacology, biased agonism, Addiction, pain, neuropsychiatric disease pq 2015‑10‑16
Miles Berger (Info) Duke Medical School, UCSF, Columbia postoperative delirium, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation, serotonin mb225 2015‑07‑26
Mitch Berger (Info) UCSF LucasT 2012‑02‑10
Mitchel Berger (Info) UCSF Medical Center Neurological Surgery, Gliomoblastoma nbraints 2013‑08‑29
Mitchel Berger (Info) UCSF ziechmar 2018‑04‑25
Sharon B. Bergquist (Info) UCSF Channel Physiology pq 2015‑11‑24
Josh Berke (Info) University of Michigan, UCSF basal ganglia; learning/memory; motivation; addiction jdberke 2010‑05‑04
Jennifer R. Berman (Info) UCSF Aging pq 2015‑11‑25
Gabriel Mercado Besserer (Info) UCSF jlwhistler 2015‑08‑18
Alexandre Bettencourt da Cruz (Info) UCSF dkretzsch 2014‑03‑21
Jill Bettinger (Info) VCU School of Medicine jonps 2010‑08‑18
Lisa Beutler (Info) University of Washington pq 2015‑09‑02
Seema Bhatnagar (Info) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania chronic stress effects, neuroanatomy, behavior abhishek 2010‑07‑06
Martha R.C. Bhattacharya (Info) Washington University neuroscience mrcbhattacharya 2008‑03‑24
William Bialek (Info) Marine Biological Laboratory, Princeton Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑18
Jeremy S. Biane (Info) UCSD plasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration pq 2015‑10‑14
Brian Biehs (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑12
Steven M. Bierer (Info) University of Washington auditory system, vestibular system, cochlear implants sbierer 2007‑04‑25
John L. Bixby (Info) University of Miami cab 2006‑04‑28
Brian L. Black (Info) UCSF development david 2017‑02‑21
Cory Ann Blaiss (Info) UCSF Learning and Memory Janak 2007‑11‑07
David T. Blake (Info) Medical College of Georgia Learning and cortical plasticity david 2005‑04‑22
Helen M. Blau (Info) Stanford Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Jessica S. Blumstein (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory pq 2015‑10‑14
Charlotte A. Boettiger (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Addiction, Executive function cab 2005‑09‑06
Andrew A. Bogan (Info) UCSF protein folding pq 2015‑10‑21
Brigitte A. Bogert (Info) UCSF Neuroscience pq 2016‑01‑22
James Boggan (Info) UC Davis ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Christopher J. Bohlen (Info) UCSF david 2015‑06‑19
Josiah Boivin (Info) UCSF woodside 2020‑04‑30
Edwin Boldrey (Info) UCSF ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Andrew W. Bollen (Info) UCSF CNS neoplasms CNS infectious disease Epilepsy Skeletal muscle and Peripheral nerve Veterinary Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Jacob J. Bollinger (Info) UCSF david 2015‑06‑22
Jacob Bollinger (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging adamgazz 2008‑05‑20
Stephen J. Bonasera (Info) University of Nebraska Medical Center "Neuroscience, aging" sjbonasera 2012‑10‑04
Antonello Bonci (Info) NIDA Substance abuse pemp 2005‑11‑08
Ben Bonham (Info) UCSF auditory neuroscience bbonham 2005‑11‑03
David R. Borchelt (Info) UF Gainesville Mouse models of neurodegenerative disease jankowsky 2010‑05‑17
Valentina Borghesani (Info) University of Geneva language, semantics, neuropsychology, fMRI, MEG vborghesani 2016‑01‑30
Stephanie L. Borgland (Info) UBC Addiction, Obesity, Synaptic plasticity borgland 2006‑04‑06
Elvira Belle Borovik (Info) USF gpot9883 2010‑12‑12
Kristofer E. Bouchard (Info) UCSF qwerty 2012‑05‑05
Gabrielle Boulianne (Info) The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto bstewart 2007‑08‑09
Henry R. Bourne (Info) UCSF fkreitzer 2009‑11‑02
Guy A. Bouvier (Info) UCSF synaptic plasticity, NMDA receptors, cerebellum, visual system gbouvier 2016‑05‑14
Kayla Danese Bowen (Info) San Francisco State jessoe 2012‑03‑06
Benjamin S. Boyd (Info) UCSF Pathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies pq 2015‑11‑07
Andrew S. Brack (Info) UCSF simonhughes 2021‑06‑16
Alison F. Brading (Info) Oxford goodchild 2015‑02‑03
Daniel M. Brady (Info) UCSF dmbrady 2011‑03‑07
David Braff (Info) UCSD psychophysiology mbuchsba 2007‑12‑25
Michael S. Brainard (Info) UCSF song system, motor planning jgoleary 2005‑11‑01
Paul Brakeman (Info) UCSF david 2005‑11‑02
DJ Brasier (Info) UCSF rgereau 2009‑06‑06
Alison Bratt (Info) University of Kent chodge 2011‑10‑19
Joao Manuel Braz (Info) UCSF Pain Joaobraz 2005‑11‑01
David Bredt (Info) Eli Lilly and Co. Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Jonathan P. Britt (Info) NIDA Drug Abuse jonbritt 2010‑09‑22
Helen M. Bronte-Stewart (Info) Stanford jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
Dianne M. Broussard (Info) University of Toronto Vestibular compensation, motor learning, synaptic plasticity jgoleary 2005‑11‑02
David A. Brow (Info) UW Madison Mabinjw 2023‑08‑16
Jesse A. Brown (Info) UCSF Hippocampus, PFC, memory jbrown81 2008‑09‑10
Richard O. Brown (Info) UCSF david 2009‑10‑28
Jeffrey N. Browndyke (Info) Duke Medical School Aging, Alzheimer's, fMRI, Postoperative Neurological Complications bbrigidi 2009‑05‑31
Katja Brueckner (Info) UCSF Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Audrey Christine Brumback (Info) UT Austin neurophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders marmotinha 2007‑10‑25
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Buchen (Info) UCSF spleasure 2006‑11‑03
Monte S. Buchsbaum (Info) UCSD Schizophrenia, PET brb 2007‑09‑23
Dean Buonomano (Info) UCLA hayden 2005‑02‑05
Mark J. Burish (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston headache, pain burishm 2007‑12‑19
Dennis A. Burke (Info) NIAAA/NIH, UCSF dennisaburke 2016‑09‑21
Kenneth J. Burke (Info) UCSF kburke 2013‑09‑10
Margit Burmeister (Info) University of Michigan genetics, behavioral, psychiatric, neurological margit 2006‑12‑31
Marie E. Burns (Info) UC Davis Retina hanks 2005‑10‑13
Cathryn R. Cadwell (Info) Baylor College of Medicine visual system, circuit assembly, single cell transcriptomics crcadwell 2016‑05‑31
Chang Cai (Info) UCSF hardikkothare 2019‑07‑11
Maria Elisa Calcagnotto (Info) Universidad de Sevilla Epilepsy baraban 2006‑10‑17
Enoch Callaway (Info) UCSF Schizophrenia, Attention, EEG brb 2007‑09‑23
Melissa A. Calton (Info) UCSF Genetics of Obesity pq 2015‑11‑06
Rosana Camarini (Info) USP chodge 2011‑10‑19
Jianhua Cang (Info) Northwestern visual system development cang 2005‑11‑02
Ryan Thomas Canolty (Info) UC Berkeley kathleen 2005‑11‑08
Yu-qing Cao (Info) Washington University cab 2005‑12‑21
Gideon Paul Caplovitz (Info) University of Nevada Reno Visual Neuroscience petertse 2006‑05‑18
Natalia Caporale (Info) UC Davis STEM Education, Learning Analytics, QualCrit naticapo 2007‑10‑06
Megan R. Carey (Info) Champalimaud jmedina 2005‑11‑01
Steven S. Carlson (Info) University of Washington davenport 2008‑07‑28
Jose Carmena (Info) UC Berkeley Motor System hayden 2005‑08‑08
Lucinda Carnell (Info) Central Washington University jonps 2010‑08‑18
Sebastien Carnicella (Info) Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, UCSF Fear Conditioning, Addiction, Alcohol GBC 2009‑06‑30
Margaret F. Carr (Info) UCSF loren 2010‑01‑16
Reed C. Carroll (Info) Albert Einstein Synaptic plasticty, glutamate receptors rcarroll 2006‑10‑20
Nathan Cashdollar (Info) UCSF raphaelkoester 2014‑05‑30
Carlos Cassanello (Info) ANU NTDBadcock 2009‑12‑03
David R. Castaneda-Castellanos (Info) UCSF tamily 2006‑01‑11
Pablo Castillo (Info) Albert Einstein cab 2006‑03‑24
Ken C. Catania (Info) Vanderbilt Somatosensory System lyondc 2007‑02‑01
Silvia Cileni Rodrigues Catharino (Info) TUM protein aggregation, protein folding cileni 2010‑05‑12
Michelle Caunca (Info) UCSF cgutierrez2 2022‑11‑25
Daniel J. Cavanaugh (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑18
Matthew S. Caywood (Info) UCSF Visual cortex willmore 2005‑01‑17
QueeLim Ch'ng (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑31
Zack Z. Chadick (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging adamgazz 2008‑05‑20
Ayanabha Chakraborti (Info) UAB Stress, Cognition, Anxiety, Nitric Oxide, Oxidative stress, behavior Ayanabha 2018‑06‑30
Hoover Chan (Info) UCSF Vision,Visual system, color vision, spatial vision, electrophysiology hchan 2012‑08‑15
Jonah R. Chan (Info) UCSF Myelination chong 2009‑09‑17
Yee-Ming Chan (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑24
Che Chang (Info) UCSF / UC Berkeley atpchang 2023‑07‑20
Chieh Chang (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago ChiehChang 2018‑03‑10
Edward Chang (Info) UCSF auditory system, language, neurosurgery david 2012‑04‑18
Isaac Y.M. Chang (Info) Northwestern, UCSF Parkinson's Disease, basal ganglia, motor control isaachkchang 2020‑11‑10
Wei C. Chang (Info) UCSF G protein-coupled receptors pq 2015‑11‑24
Barbara Chapman (Info) UC Davis Visual development david 2005‑03‑27
Anne-Sophie de Preux Charles (Info) UCSF jsemmelh 2010‑06‑21
Jonathan D. Charlesworth (Info) UCSF david 2015‑06‑24
Frédéric Charron (Info) IRCM Axon guidance, Sonic hedgehog Pierre 2011‑07‑12
Josh Chartier (Info) UCSF Speech Production, Motor Control Theory jchartier 2016‑03‑30
Martha R. Chase (Info) UCSF Somatosensation pq 2015‑11‑25
Liesl Chatman (Info) UCSF owens888 2017‑07‑26
Anuran Chatterjee (Info) UCSF Vascular disease anuranc 2015‑04‑28
Nadia Chaudhri (Info) UCSF cab 2007‑11‑15
Leonard Chavez (Info) UCSF Neuroscience pq 2016‑01‑21
Sally Chege (Info) UCSF zebrafish, epilepsy, ion channels baraban 2008‑02‑09
Albert I. Chen (Info) Scintillon Institute for Biomedial & Bioenergy Research Neural circuits and behavior aic2002 2007‑09‑20
Anthony Chen (Info) UCSF syousef 2018‑04‑03
Billy T. Chen (Info) UCSF pemp 2005‑11‑09
Fiona Chen (Info) UCSF lmerck 2022‑07‑29
Lu Chen (Info) UC Berkeley, Stanford cab 2006‑12‑11
Pin-Wei Chen (Info) Washington University School of Medicine Motor Control, Neurorehabilitation, Functional Connectivity, Rehabilitation Therapy viruswei 2015‑07‑21
Stacy Y. Chen (Info) UCSF Meiosis pq 2015‑11‑10
Yiming Chen (Info) Stanford cz 2016‑10‑11
Hwai-Jong Cheng (Info) UC Davis axon guidance hjcheng 2011‑09‑11
Irene H. Cheng (Info) Yang-Ming University Alzheimer's disease irenehanjuo 2007‑06‑04
Li E. Cheng (Info) UCSF neuroscience licheng78 2008‑01‑17
Ling Cheng (Info) UCSF vlemmon 2013‑09‑26
Sen Cheng (Info) UCSF sen_cheng 2005‑11‑01
Alex Chesler (Info) NIH Somatosensation JLand52 2007‑01‑30
Dane M. Chetkovich (Info) Northwestern Ion Channel Trafficking Chetkovich 2005‑11‑21
Connie Cheung (Info) UCSF qwerty 2012‑05‑05
Steven Cheung (Info) UCSF david 2016‑10‑25
Victoria Cheung (Info) UCSF sensorimotor integration vkc 2017‑06‑24
Benjamin Cheyette (Info) UCSF Signaling Scaffold Proteins in Development and Major Psychiatric Disorders david 2016‑01‑13
Michael C. Chiang (Info) University of Pittsburgh michaelcchiang 2014‑06‑04
Iris M. Chin (Info) UCSF (Gladstone Institutes) Neurogenomics imchin 2021‑09‑25
Jeannie Chin (Info) Baylor College of Medicine jmedina 2005‑11‑01
Gregory A. Chinn (Info) UC Irvine Neuro Development gchinn 2010‑04‑20
David A. Chiriboga (Info) UCSF, UC Davis, San Jose State, UTMB, University of South Florida, University of South Florida gerontology, psychology, behavioral health disparities, multicultural competence Division20 2016‑05‑11
Kathleen K.A. Cho (Info) MIT subsur 2007‑04‑10
Mathew Cho (Info) UCSF neural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, epigenetics jjsiu8 2011‑05‑25
Youngshik Choe (Info) UCSF spleasure 2006‑11‑03
Jay H. Choi (Info) UCSF protein folding pq 2015‑10‑21
Jeremy A. Cholfin (Info) UCSF developmental neurobiology jcholfin 2006‑12‑06
Suet Ying Christin Y. Chong (Info) USC chong 2007‑04‑05
Gaurav Chopra (Info) Purdue Chemical and Cellular Immunology: Neuroimmunology, Cancer Immunology, Drug Discovery, Chemical Data Science, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Systems Pharmacology gauravchopra 2014‑05‑13
I-han Chou (Info) Nature david 2005‑03‑04
James J. Chrobak (Info) University of Connecticut Hippocampus Memory Sabolek 2006‑12‑02
Chiou-Fen Chuang (Info) Caltech, UCSF, Rockefeller, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Illinois, Chicago Developmental Neurobiology, Brain Asymmetry plantman 2016‑06‑08
Chris S. Chung (Info) UCSF Neuroimaging methods pq 2015‑11‑24
Hee Jung Chung (Info) UCSF, UIUC Activity-dependent regulation of potassium channels in synaptic and intrinsic plasticity rhuganir 2006‑09‑12
Anne K. Churchland (Info) CSHL Decision hayden 2005‑01‑17
Mark M. Churchland (Info) Stanford Motor Cortex david 2005‑01‑17
Wesley C. Clapp (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging, LTP, auditory system, plasticity adamgazz 2007‑09‑28
Rebecca Clarkson (Info) UCSF Neuroscience rclarkson 2014‑04‑11
James P. Cleland (Info) Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Regeneration jpc2904 2017‑02‑08
Don Cleveland (Info) UCSD george.perry 2010‑08‑15
Eleanor J. Clowney (Info) UCSF Epigenetics pq 2015‑10‑18
Jennifer K. Coats (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑08
Jennifer Rachel Cochran (Info) Stanford Bioengineering david 2016‑01‑07
Terence J. Coderre (Info) McGill pain, neuroplasticity cab 2006‑04‑29
Fred Cohen (Info) UCSF protein folding cileni 2010‑05‑12
Michael A. Cohn (Info) UCSF positive emotions bethanyk 2011‑02‑09
Brendan I Cohn-Sheehy (Info) UC Davis Memory, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, fMRI, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, context memory, episodic memory brendanics 2017‑11‑22
Allison Coker (Info) UCSF addiction, reinforcement, stress Synapse 2011‑04‑28
Alison E. Cole (Info) NIH coleal 2010‑09‑10
Max Collard (Info) UCSF astrocytes, network dynamics, memetics maxcollard 2023‑12‑20
Matthew F Collie (Info) UCSF, Harvard somatosensation, motor cpgs mottcallie 2019‑09‑25
Bradley M. Colquitt (Info) UC Santa Cruz Birdsong, molecular biology bradley.colquitt 2007‑11‑26
Alison E Comrie (Info) UCSF Learning, Decision-making, Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex aec 2024‑02‑23
Julius H. Comroe (Info) UCSF fryera 2018‑03‑06
David Conant (Info) qwerty 2013‑11‑02
Carlo L. Condello (Info) UCSF Neurodegenerative diseases, Biology of Neuron-Glial interactions Condello2011 2011‑04‑25
Jackson Jordan Cone (Info) University of Calgary Visual Processing, Reinforcement Learning grandioseghost 2008‑12‑10
Bruce R. Conklin (Info) Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (UCSF) G protein-coupled receptors fkreitzer 2009‑11‑02
Shanna Cooper (Info) University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, San Francisco State, San Francisco VA Medical Center, UCSF, Temple University, VA San Diego / UC San Diego, OHSU stcooper 2011‑09‑08
David R. Copenhagen (Info) UCSF Retina jgoleary 2005‑11‑04
J. Olivier Coq (Info) University of Provence/CNRS Somatosensory plasticity dblake 2005‑11‑04
Laura Heather Corbit (Info) Gallo Research Center Learning, drug abuse balleine 2007‑09‑27
Joseph C. Corbo (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks jcorbo 2008‑11‑08
Ammon B. Corl (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑11
Patricia Correia (Info) UCSF pcorreia 2009‑05‑27
Joseph Costello (Info) UCSF Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS), CpG islands nbraints 2013‑09‑06
Shaun Coughlin (Info) UCSF Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
Michael E. Coulter (Info) Harvard, UCSF neurobiology coulterme 2018‑01‑06
Graham Cousens (Info) Drew University totto12 2013‑02‑22
Daniel N. Cox (Info) George Mason, Georgia State Neurogenetics, Molecular Neuroanatomy, Behavioral Neuroscience DNCox 2010‑09‑03
Michael C. Crair (Info) Yale Cortical development, Sensory map development and plasticity cab 2006‑03‑21
Sarah Emily Craven (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑08‑18
Douglas Crawford (Info) UCSF Aging pq 2015‑11‑25
Tara L. Crowder Skarpaas (Info) NeuroPace Inc Neurostimulation, Epilepsy, electrophysiology, neuroplasticity tskarpaas 2013‑10‑03
Gage Dekoeyer Crump (Info) USC cab 2009‑07‑24
Justin Gage Crump (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑08‑18
A Claudio Cuello (Info) McGill Alzheimer's Disease, cognitive behavior, neurochemistry, immunocytochemistry, neuropharmacology and molecular biology. cbloomfield 2007‑11‑15
Gavin Cui (Info) UCSF rezaabbasi 2024‑01‑30
Wilson W. Cui (Info) University of Michigan Neuroscience pq 2015‑11‑26
Mimi Cushman-Nick (Info) Penn rrc 2016‑11‑02
Mark D'Esposito (Info) UC Berkeley Cognitive Neuroscience david 2005‑01‑22
Yuri Dabaghian (Info) Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University loren 2010‑01‑16
Maria C. Dadarlat (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑08‑12
Sarang S. Dalal (Info) Aarhus University, University of Konstanz sarang 2005‑06‑29
Corby L. Dale (Info) UCSF cognition, attention, neuroimaging cdale8 2007‑09‑22
Mary Dallman (Info) UCSF Endocrinology Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02
Caroline Damsky (Info) UCSF Dentistry, Neurobiology Biology, Pharmacology pq 2016‑05‑27
Yang Dan (Info) UC Berkeley Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15
Sheel Dandekar (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑14
Andy G. S. Daniel (Info) UCSF, Washington University in St. Louis,, Cornell Cancer Neuroscience, Neurotechnology agsdaniel 2014‑01‑22
Dang Q. Dao (Info) Baylor College of Medicine, UCSF, Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine Visual Neuroscience, Regenerative Medicine, Retina, Cellular Electrophysiology dangcal 2006‑09‑18
Emmanuel Darcq (Info) McGill edarcq 2018‑04‑27
Daniel P. Darcy (Info) UCSD pq 2015‑09‑25
Shoumita Dasgupta (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory pq 2015‑10‑14
Timir Datta-Chaudhuri (Info) Feinstein Institute for Medical Research neural interfaces, neuromorphic design, implantable devices, neuromodulation tdatta 2019‑06‑26
Aaron C. Daub (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24
Thomas J. Davidson (Info) Meta Reality Labs, CTRL-labs Hippocampus, optogenetics, EMG tjd 2007‑09‑26
Andrew Davies (Info) VCU School of Medicine jonps 2010‑08‑18
Brandon J. Davis (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑14
Graeme W. Davis (Info) UCSF cab 2006‑02‑02
Richard Laverne Davis (Info) UCSF george.perry 2010‑03‑31
Tigwa H. Davis (Info) UCSF Economides 2006‑06‑23
Heather E. Dawes (Info) UC Berkeley, UCSF Genetics, Neuroscience pq 2015‑11‑25
Virginia R. de Sa (Info) UCSD cab 2006‑02‑03
Saskia de Vries (Info) Stanford omazor 2006‑07‑17
R. Christopher deCharms (Info) Omneuron fMRI, Training, Plasticity, Pain david 2005‑01‑31
Amy deIpolyi (Info) UCSF HSV transport in neurons pq 2015‑11‑07
Karl Deisseroth (Info) Stanford optogenetics, neural stem cell circuit engineering eboyden3 2005‑11‑04
Filippo Del Bene (Info) Institut de la Vision, Paris hbaier 2007‑06‑05
Ryan Nicholas Delgado (Info) UCSF neural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, epigenetics, dna methylation jjsiu8 2011‑05‑25
Laura Deming (Info) UCSF david 2017‑01‑07
Eric L. Denovellis (Info) UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Barbara, Boston University, UCSF Computational Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex 2020‑01‑15
Rik Derynck (Info) UCSF Signal transduction, Cancer research, TGF-beta windup 2010‑03‑09
Rahul Desikan (Info) Boston University david 2016‑11‑04
Anita V. Devineni (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑11
Tommaso Di Ianni (Info) UCSF Focused ultrasound, functional ultrasound imaging, neuromodulation tdiianni 2023‑06‑09
Jeffrey S. Diamond (Info) NINDS Synaptic Physiology baclark 2007‑01‑20
Benjamin Dichter (Info) qwerty 2013‑11‑02
Michael H. Dickinson (Info) UC Berkeley, University of Washington, Caltech neurobiology, biomechanics markfrye 2006‑08‑28
Dion K. Dickman (Info) USC Synaptic homeostasis diondickman 2007‑11‑20
Anke Dijkstra (Info) UCSF wseeley 2015‑06‑02
Elizabeth A. Disbrow (Info) UC Davis Functional neuroimaging lbhinkley 2006‑06‑13
Jeehaeh Do (Info) Northwestern, UCSF Respiratory neurobiology haram519 2021‑02‑22
Fiona Doetsch (Info) Columbia Adult stem cells tamily 2005‑12‑01
Dan Doherty (Info) University of Washington, Seattle Childrens Research Institute kmillen 2011‑08‑09
Christopher H. Donahue (Info) Gladstone Institutes/UCSF neurophysiology, prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia daeyeol_lee 2009‑12‑31
Meng-Qiu Dong (Info) Yale david 2015‑07‑11
Shan Dong (Info) UCSF shishenyxx 2021‑04‑09
James F. Donnelly (Info) Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, NSW, AU, Cairnmillar Institute psychophysiology, neuropsychology, concussion, emotion, brain asymmetry jdonnel1 2013‑05‑14
Joseph Donovan (Info) UCSF jsemmelh 2010‑06‑21
Michael H Donovan (Info) UCSF aeisch 2008‑11‑12
Leah Dorman (Info) UCSF annamolofsky 2019‑08‑26
Allison Doupe (Info) UCSF Birdsong david 2005‑01‑15
Joshua Downer (Info) UCSF Neuroscience, Auditory System akajoshd 2011‑10‑03
Sascha du Lac (Info) Salk Institute Oculomotor david 2005‑01‑17
Xin Duan (Info) UCSF neural development duanxin 2008‑07‑15
Dena B. Dubal (Info) UCSF Aging, Alzheimers, stroke, neurodegenerative disease, klotho, longevity, sex chromosomes, X chromosome, estrogen ddubal 2007‑07‑11
Jacque L. Duncan (Info) UCSF mmlvmmlv 2020‑08‑25
Jill Harley Dunham (Info) Gladstone/UCSF orphan GPCRs jharley 2008‑04‑18
Felice A. Dunn (Info) UCSF hanks 2005‑11‑05
Robert J. Duronio (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Cell cycle pelin 2009‑03‑17
Jeff H. Duyn (Info) NINDS fMRI Michelle 2005‑12‑22
Noelle Dwyer (Info) UVA Neural Development Zulie 2007‑11‑11
Ainhoa Echeverria (Info) UCSF jrchan72 2010‑09‑29
Dean Echols (Info) Tulane ziechmar 2018‑04‑25
John R. Economides (Info) UCSF Vision and Oculomotor Research jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
Erik Edwards (Info) UC Berkeley kathleen 2005‑11‑08
Robert H. Edwards (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Yann Ehinger (Info) UCSF jcroux1 2022‑08‑30
Alexander J. Ehrenberg (Info) UCSF, UC Berkeley Neurodegenerative diseases, stress, neuromodulatory systems, neuropathology ajehrenberg 2020‑12‑01
Harvey Eisen (Info) UCSF, University of Geneva Sineoculis 2012‑12‑10
Paul Ekman (Info) UCSF Facial expressions, emotions hayden 2007‑06‑18
Alaa El-Din El-Husseini (Info) UBC Synapse development svincent 2009‑10‑08
Teryl Elam (Info) jeff2959 2013‑04‑09
Guillermo M. Elias (Info) UCSF Neuroscience guilleme437 2007‑07‑04
Laura Allyn Elias (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑06
Ian Ellwood (Info) UCSF mrwarden 2017‑05‑07
Joseph Leonard Elsbernd (Info) UCSF neuroscience josephe 2014‑12‑08
Caroline J. Emmett (Info) Gilead Sciences astrocytes rory 2009‑01‑08
Joshua J. Emrick (Info) NIH (NIDCR), University of Michigan Oral somatosensation jjemrick 2020‑01‑03
William C. Engeland (Info) UMN neuroendocrinology, stress, adrenal engel002 2006‑10‑24
Pamela England (Info) UCSF map222 2007‑06‑15
Joey D. English (Info) UCSF eroberson 2005‑11‑21
Dario J. Englot (Info) Yale, UCSF Epilepsy, consciousness, memory englot 2006‑06‑08
Johan Enquist (Info) UCSF jlwhistler 2015‑08‑18
Elissa S. Epel (Info) UCSF social and psychobiological stress mechanisms, and impact of stress physiology on food intake, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature aging at the cellular level mvole 2010‑10‑07
Charles J. Epstein (Info) UCSF Medical Genetics rex28 2010‑08‑22
Baran A. Ersoy (Info) UCSF Genetics of Obesity pq 2015‑11‑06
Ana Espinosa (Info) Universidad Miguel Hernandez Cortical development snoctor 2006‑08‑10
J Sebastian Espinosa (Info) UCSF hanks 2005‑11‑16
Joey Ka-Yee Essoe (Info) UCLA Executive Control, Learning, Memory, Ageing, Lifespan Cognitive Changes jessoe 2012‑03‑06
Daniel Estandian (Info) UCSF zknight 2013‑07‑23
Eduardo Europa (Info) Northwestern, UCSF Aphasia, Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics eeuropa 2011‑10‑25
Gerard Evan (Info) UCSF Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Ben J Evans (Info) McMaster University Evolutionary Genetics evansb 2020‑08‑31
Dina Faddah (Info) MIT dinafaddah 2014‑05‑20
Michela Fagiolini (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston visual cortical plasticity Judy_Sng 2009‑04‑08
Josh Faguet (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑25
Samuel Wilson Failor (Info) UCL Vision, decision making, circuit development bxchapman 2008‑12‑16
Xuelai Shelly Fan (Info) UBC Targeted protein degradation Snowkaguya 2012‑10‑08
Stephen P. J. Fancy (Info) UCSF oligodendrocyte, wnt-signaling, MS gpot9883 2010‑12‑12
Jeffrey A Farrell (Info) NICHD developmental biology, zebrafish jefffarrell 2024‑02‑15
Faranak Fattahi (Info) UCSF enteric nervous system, peripheral nervous system FaranakFattahi 2024‑01‑15
Victor Faundez (Info) Emory Vesicle Trafficking apmullin 2014‑07‑30
Alexander James Fay (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑01
Andriy Fedorenko (Info) UCSF UCP1, Ion channels of mitochondria, thermogenesis PolinaLishko 2011‑01‑14
Evan Feinberg (Info) UCSF Cortical-subcortical networks for sensory processing and behavior david 2016‑01‑13
Dan Feldman (Info) UC Berkeley Neurobiology Penny 2005‑08‑03
Matthew R. Fellows (Info) Brown acgray 2005‑12‑01
Shengjie Feng (Info) UCSF ninganedta 2018‑09‑30
Gloria Fernández (Info) UCSF brico 2011‑12‑17
Vincent P. Ferrera (Info) Columbia Cognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Systems and Circuits hanks 2005‑10‑21
Jamie Ferri (Info) UCSF School of Medicine dmathalon 2018‑01‑10
Donna M. Ferriero (Info) UCSF cab 2008‑08‑13
Howard L. Fields (Info) UCSF, UC Berkeley opioid regulation of motivated behaviors, synaptic and circuit mechanisms, pain, addiction cab 2005‑09‑06
Francesca Fieni (Info) UCSF Ion channels of mitochondria PolinaLishko 2011‑01‑14
John Fike (Info) UCSF Ayanabha 2018‑12‑22
Heather R. Filippini (Info) UCSF Visual system pq 2015‑11‑24
Alessandro Filosa (Info) UCSF Synaptic Plasticity alex 2007‑09‑27
Steven Finkbeiner (Info) UCSF Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodegeneration david 2016‑01‑13
Bonnie L. Firestein (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick, UCSF Cellular and molecular neuroscience, synaptogenesis and dendrite patterning doctorbon 2007‑06‑29
Sarah Fischbach-Weiss (Info) UCSF david 2015‑08‑01
David Luke Fischer (Info) Michigan State, Michigan State, UAB, UCSF Alpha-Synuclein, Parkinson's disease, deep brain stimulation, brain-derived neurotrophic factor dlfischer 2013‑07‑16
Ianai Fishbein (Info) Gladstone Institute (UCSF) The striatum, modulation and plasticity ifishbein 2008‑04‑25
Robert A. Fishman (Info) UCSF School of Medicine AndersonAK1 2023‑09‑28
Amber Fitzsimmons (Info) UCSF Pathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies pq 2015‑11‑07
Alexander C. Flint (Info) UCSF tamily 2006‑01‑11
Mary K. Floeter (Info) NINDS clinical neurophysiology spwise 2005‑12‑02
Edward Fon (Info) McGill Parkinson's miguelonmiguelon 2008‑04‑05
Peying Fong (Info) Kansas State University ion transport in non-excitable cells Fongus 2015‑03‑17
Judith M. Ford (Info) Stanford Medical School dmathalon 2018‑01‑10
Kevin J. Ford (Info) UCSF kjford 2010‑01‑16
Polly Fordyce (Info) Stanford biophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription pq 2015‑10‑17
Sarah M. Foss (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24
Michelle T. Foster (Info) University of Cincinnati tbartness 2009‑07‑04
Howard S Fox (Info) Scripps Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology pq 2016‑05‑22
Neal P. Fox (Info) UCSF Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Cognitive Science, Speech Perception, Speech Production, Aphasia nealpfox 2016‑03‑24
John J. Foxe (Info) Albert Einstein Schizophrenia, Attention, Multisensory Integration, Object Recognition, Executive Function, Autism Spectrum Disorders redearth329 2007‑11‑01
Alfredo Franco-Obregon (Info) Universität Zürich jeff2959 2013‑04‑09
Adam Charles Frank (Info) UCLA, UCSF Learning and Memory, CaMKII, LTP acfrank 2009‑12‑29
C. Andrew Frank (Info) University of Iowa Synaptic Plasticity, Homeostatic Mechanisms, Drosophila Neurobiology andfrank 2010‑01‑10
Loren Frank (Info) UCSF Learning, Memory, Hippocampus, Decision making hayden 2005‑02‑18
Marcos G. Frank (Info) Penn Visual system plasticity nsteinme 2007‑10‑29
Eleanor J. Fraser (Info) UCSF Sexually dimorphic behaviors, lymphoma, multiple myeloma efraser9 2008‑07‑16
Jennifer Freese (Info) UCSF spleasure 2006‑11‑03
Ben Freeze (Info) Gladstone Institute (UCSF) Synaptic physiology bfreeze 2009‑02‑25
Benjamin Freeze (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24
Matthew Frerking (Info) OHSU Neuroscience, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission cab 2006‑03‑28
William H. Frey II (Info) UMN, HealthParthers intranasal delivery, intranasal insulin, intranasal deferroxamine, intranasal stem cells Alzheimer's Parkinson's Stroke TBI PTSD concussion robertgarythorne 2007‑01‑04
Laura Frishman (Info) University of Houston Visual system; Retina lneedleman 2005‑11‑29
Robert Froemke (Info) NYU hayden 2005‑01‑15
Allison D. Fryer (Info) OHSU physiology, pharmacology, pulmonary, autonomic neuroscience fryera 2016‑04‑20
Susanna Fryer (Info) UCSF School of Medicine dmathalon 2018‑01‑10
Christine T. Fu (Info) UCSF Axon Injury, Disease, and Novel Paradigms for Therapy pq 2016‑01‑13
Ying-Hui Fu (Info) UCSF human neurogenetics adlib 2008‑03‑29
Yu Fu (Info) Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore systems neuroscience apocalyptic 2006‑08‑17
Paul A. Fuchs (Info) Johns Hopkins Ion channels, auditory neuroscience david 2005‑09‑08
Jennifer Fung (Info) UCSF Meiosis bkalafut 2012‑02‑27
Marianne Fyhn (Info) NTNU, University of Oslo, Norway grid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, navigation, memory torkelhf 2009‑03‑09
Robert M. Gage (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑10‑13
Marta M. Gaglia (Info) UCSF pq 2015‑11‑25
Bradley S. Galer (Info) Beth Israel Medical Center cab 2006‑04‑29
Jack L. Gallant (Info) UC Berkeley Systems david 2005‑01‑14
Li Gan (Info) Gladstone Institute, UCSF Cellular and Molecular Pathways in Neurodegeneration eroberson 2007‑11‑13
Sunil P. Gandhi (Info) UC Irvine sunil 2005‑11‑01
Karunesh Ganguly (Info) UCSF Neurology hoops 2007‑02‑10
Fen-Biao Gao (Info) UCSF Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑22
Yijing Gao (Info) UCSF hardikkothare 2019‑07‑11
Catherine E. Garabedian (Info) UCSF david 2015‑06‑25
Andrew C. Garcia (Info) University of Delaware awgarcia1 2015‑04‑15
Raquel Gardner (Info) UCSF School of Medicine jschmahmann 2022‑02‑15
Delia Garigan (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑31
Judy A. Garner (Info) University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Axonal Transport, Herpes Simplex Virus anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Gian Garriga (Info) UC Berkeley Development JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Jennifer L. Garrison (Info) Buck Institute Neuropeptide signaling, behavior, aging jennifergarrison 2015‑04‑21
Alexandre Gaspar-Maia (Info) Mayo Clinic Epigenomics gasparmaia 2020‑10‑02
Adam Gazzaley (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging adamgazz 2005‑09‑06
Steven Gee (Info) UCSF Huntington's Disease sgee 2009‑10‑04
Ozgur Genc (Info) UCSF ozgurgenc 2008‑09‑14
Efstathios D. Gennatas (Info) Penn, UCSF, UCSF Precision Medicine, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, MRI egenn 2013‑07‑28
Mark M Gergues (Info) Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, UCSF mood disorders, epigenetics, antidepressants, circuits, optics, imaging, behavior markmgergues 2018‑02‑27
Paul Walter German (Info) UCSF Learning, Memory, Stress loren 2011‑04‑13
Michael David Geschwind (Info) UCSF prions, dementia, rapidly progressive dementia, Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, autoimmune encephalopathy Mgeschwind 2012‑12‑25
Ania Gheyara (Info) UCSF george.perry 2010‑06‑19
Jennifer Lynn Gibbs (Info) UCSF pain kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Aubrey L. Gilbert (Info) UCSF mayflyby 2010‑02‑17
Theodore Michael Gill (Info) UCSF david 2022‑05‑11
Anna K. Gillespie (Info) UCSF Alzheimer's Disease, Hippocampal Physiology akgillespie8 2014‑08‑04
Deda Gillespie (Info) McMaster University cab 2005‑12‑19
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