People with institution matching "University College London":
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Daniel L. Adams (Info) |
UCSF, Neuralink, University College London (UCL) |
Visual System |
adamsd |
2006‑03‑23 |
Elnaz Alikarami (Info) |
university of tehran, Islamic azad University, Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) |
Social neuroscience, Decision making, Orofacial somatosensory, Olfaction |
HaoRan_Chang |
2019‑07‑17 |
Sascha R.A. Alles (Info) |
University of New Mexico School of Medicine |
Chronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels |
saschaalles |
2017‑01‑09 |
Roaa Alsulaiman (Info) |
University College London |
stuttering, child language |
ralsulaiman |
2020‑05‑10 |
Ian Max Andolina (Info) |
Visual system, visual perception, cortical feedback |
iandol |
2018‑05‑25 |
John Ashburner (Info) |
david |
2010‑07‑12 |
Jonathan F. Ashmore (Info) |
hearing, hair cells |
ashmore |
2007‑11‑06 |
David Attwell (Info) |
Neuron-glia interactions |
hanks |
2005‑11‑05 |
Bahador Bahrami (Info) |
visual system | |
2008‑06‑19 |
Marius Bauza (Info) |
University College London |
Spatial navigation, spatial cells |
MariusBauza |
2019‑04‑24 |
Daniel Beacham (Info) |
Thermo Fisher Scientifc |
Excitable cell biology and ion channel structure/function. Technology development |
beachamd |
2024‑08‑23 |
Shomi Bhattacharya (Info) |
University College London |
mgaritah |
2019‑12‑27 |
Roberta Bianco (Info) |
University College London |
danielasammler |
2017‑11‑18 |
Lynn J. Bindman (Info) |
synaptic physiology |
david |
2016‑02‑13 |
James Blair (Info) |
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) |
EmmaFaith |
2019‑03‑11 |
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (Info) |
social cognitive neuroscience, adolescence, autism |
sarahblakemore |
2008‑11‑20 |
David Blest (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
dprieto |
2024‑08‑06 |
Dasiel Oscar Borroto-Escuela (Info) |
Karolinska |
dasiel |
2010‑02‑02 |
Tiago Branco (Info) |
Synaptic Physiology |
tbranco |
2007‑01‑20 |
Peter Brown (Info) |
University College London |
anavcruz |
2018‑06‑16 |
Geoffrey Burnstock (Info) |
purinergic signalling and receptors, Autonomic nervous system |
jcshenk |
2007‑08‑30 |
Marc Aurel Busche (Info) |
Institute of Neuroscience TU Munich |
Neuroscience |
marcaurel |
2008‑01‑25 |
Ruth Campbell (Info) |
University College London |
Deafness, face processing, lipreading,neuropsychology, neuroimaging |
RuthCampbell |
2019‑08‑23 |
Matteo Carandini (Info) |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑01‑20 |
Alessandro Carollo (Info) |
University of Trento |
Social Neuroscience |
AlessandroCarollo |
2023‑01‑13 |
Danlu Cen (Info) |
Cardiff University |
Perception and Action, Navigation, Spatial Memory |
cend |
2015‑01‑16 |
Vic Chiang (Info) |
University of Massachusetts |
vscchiang |
2020‑03‑18 |
Sean Clouston (Info) |
SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Stony Brook |
Neuroepidemiology, Sociology, Demography, |
seanclouston |
2022‑03‑30 |
Francesca M. Cordeiro (Info) |
University College London |
Jgalvao |
2017‑12‑20 |
Ana V. Cruz (Info) |
Basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, In vivo rodent electrophysiology, Computational neuroscience |
anavcruz |
2013‑07‑29 |
Stuart G. Cull-Candy (Info) |
glutamate receptors, synaptic physiology |
baclark |
2007‑01‑19 |
Damian M. Cummings (Info) |
UCL, UCLA, The Open University, University College London |
Electrophysiology, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Long-term potentiation, Synaptic plasticity, |
Arlen |
2017‑06‑08 |
Debanjan Dasgupta (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
Olfaction, Hippocampus, Physiology |
debanjantree13 |
2021‑07‑24 |
Peter Dayan (Info) |
hayden |
2005‑08‑10 |
Tanya Denmark (Info) |
Autism, Deafness |
sslyjos |
2009‑09‑17 |
Anthony H. Dickenson (Info) |
Pain control, sensory neurobiology |
TonyD |
2011‑09‑07 |
Dagmara Dimitriou (Info) |
UCL Institute of Education |
sleep, developmental disorders |
Daga |
2017‑01‑11 |
Ray J. Dolan (Info) |
Attention, memory, emotion |
JLand52 |
2006‑01‑23 |
Iroise Dumontheil (Info) |
Birkbeck College |
abrookmanbyrne |
2019‑06‑25 |
Frances Edwards (Info) |
Synapses |
david |
2005‑08‑31 |
Kitty (Katherine) F. Emery (Info) |
University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History |
anthropology, archaeology, environmental archaeology, zooarchaeology, Mesoamerica, Maya |
emerykf |
2014‑02‑28 |
Maria Fitzgerald (Info) |
pain, development |
tcoderre |
2006‑11‑24 |
Karl John Friston (Info) |
cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging methods, functional connectivity |
drpeelle |
2006‑11‑05 |
Uta Frith (Info) |
Autism, Social Cognition |
ah |
2006‑05‑12 |
Edwin Furshpan (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Alessandro R. Galloni (Info) |
Francis Crick Institute, UCL, Rutgers, New Brunswick/Piscataway |
Computational neuroscience, neurophysiology, dendritic integration, synaptic plasticity |
ederancz |
2018‑12‑06 |
Joana M Galvao (Info) |
Stanford |
Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Jgalvao |
2017‑12‑20 |
Marcela Garita-Hernandez (Info) |
Centro Andaluz de Biologia Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa, Institut de la Vision, Paris, Institut de Neurosciences de Montpellier |
Retina cell and gene therapy |
mgaritah |
2019‑12‑27 |
Marta I Garrido (Info) |
Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland |
jjmcfadyen |
2019‑02‑12 |
Gwenaelle S.G. Geleoc (Info) |
Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
Inner ear physiology, hair cells, gene therapy |
ggeleoc |
2019‑03‑11 |
Lauren M Gittings (Info) |
Barrow Neurological Institute |
lgittings |
2023‑01‑25 |
Xenia Gofman (Info) |
Columbia |
Xeniag |
2021‑12‑23 |
Ruaridh Gollifer (Info) |
University College London |
sergiy |
2020‑01‑04 |
Kenneth D. Harris (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick, UCL |
computation & theory |
jgoleary |
2005‑12‑31 |
Gareth J. Hathway (Info) |
Nottingham |
CMGreenspon |
2019‑01‑09 |
Michael Häusser (Info) |
dendritic function, synaptic integration, neural computation |
swang |
2005‑11‑03 |
Archibald Vivian Hill (Info) |
hanks |
2005‑11‑03 |
Peter Howell (Info) |
Changes in pattern of stuttering between childhood |
stefacev |
2011‑09‑01 |
Chengjie G Huang (Info) |
McGill, UCL |
Neuroscience |
Soymilk1531 |
2018‑01‑30 |
Adrian Isaacs (Info) |
jumphrey |
2022‑01‑20 |
Aisha Jawed (Info) |
University College London |
sleep, eating disorders |
Dagmara |
2020‑06‑13 |
Kate J. Jeffery (Info) |
hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, place cells, grid cells |
katejeffery |
2007‑10‑27 |
Gwilym Jenkins (Info) |
heymans |
2018‑06‑26 |
Norman Lloyd Johnson (Info) |
University College London |
heymans |
2018‑06‑26 |
Kelvin E. Jones (Info) |
University of Alberta, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
pascoe |
2008‑12‑10 |
Bernard Katz (Info) |
Synaptic Physiology |
hayden |
2005‑01‑17 |
Jason A. Keller (Info) |
Janelia Research Campus / HHMI |
jakeller |
2010‑12‑07 |
Peng Tee Khaw (Info) |
University College London |
Jgalvao |
2017‑12‑20 |
Peter Kirkwood (Info) |
UCL Institute of Neurology |
Motor Control, spinal cord injury, respiration |
medenton |
2012‑01‑30 |
Carmen Kivisild (Info) |
GABAA receptors |
Carmenkiv |
2021‑03‑23 |
Ami Klin (Info) |
Marcus Autism Center and Emory University School of Medicine |
Autism, Development |
jborjon |
2012‑04‑05 |
Friedrich Kling (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
Optical Biology, Systems Neuroscience |
FriedrichKling |
2023‑05‑01 |
Martin Koltzenburg (Info) |
University of Wurzburg |
pain, neuroplasticity |
tcoderre |
2007‑01‑04 |
Mateusz Wojciech Kucharczyk (Info) |
King's College London, Guy's Campus |
Nociception, Pain, Descending Modulation |
matwku |
2021‑06‑10 |
Johnathan Labbadia (Info) |
University College London |
rimorimoto |
2020‑07‑23 |
Tammaryn Lashley (Info) |
jumphrey |
2022‑01‑20 |
Nilli Lavie (Info) |
Visual system |
david |
2005‑02‑03 |
Roger N Lemon (Info) |
University College London |
Motor neuroscience |
rogerlemon |
2017‑10‑25 |
Nicholas A. Lesica (Info) |
University of Munich |
Adaptation, estimation, detection, natural scenes, vision |
brian |
2006‑04‑04 |
Peipeng Lin (Info) |
IST Austria |
lelle |
2022‑09‑19 |
Olof J. C. Lippold (Info) |
University College London, Royal Holloway University of London |
Arlen |
2019‑07‑26 |
Matthias Loidolt (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
Optical Biology, Neural Dynamics |
MatthiasLoidolt |
2021‑12‑26 |
Yumeng Ma (Info) |
Emory |
yma |
2024‑07‑28 |
Mairead MacSweeney (Info) |
University of London |
brain imaging, deafness |
sslyruc |
2014‑02‑03 |
Bilal Malik (Info) |
University College London |
NPClab |
2020‑05‑04 |
Jason Anthony Martin (Info) |
University of Bonn, Germany, Universität Tübingen, University College London, University of Birmingham (UK) |
psychology, perception and action, neuropsychology, fMRI, sport science, exercise physiology |
JAM1974 |
2017‑11‑08 |
Svetlana Mastitskaya (Info) |
University College London |
cardiovascular regulation, autonomic neuroscience |
SvetlanaBY |
2021‑02‑19 |
Elizabeth Milne (Info) |
Sheffield University |
Autism, Perception |
sslyjos |
2009‑09‑17 |
Nathaniel J Miska (Info) |
Brandeis, UCL |
yasminescobedo |
2017‑02‑27 |
Salvador Moncada (Info) |
Universidad de El Salvador, University of London, Wellcome Research Laboratories, University College London |
mjeffers |
2024‑01‑15 |
Richard I. Morimoto (Info) |
Northwestern |
draible |
2009‑11‑09 |
John Morton (Info) |
cognitive psychology |
mark |
2006‑10‑27 |
Thomas Mrsic-Flogel (Info) |
Neurobiology |
cmh |
2007‑08‑01 |
Dollyane Muret (Info) |
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, Ruhr University Bochum, University College London |
Neuroscience |
dmuret |
2017‑02‑17 |
Filipe Nascimento (Info) |
University College London |
neuroscience; motor circuits; spinal cord; motoneurons; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; electrophysiology |
filipexavier21 |
2020‑11‑25 |
Jonathan Norton (Info) |
University of Saskatchewan |
IONM, FES, rehabilitation, spinal cord, motor physiology |
jnorton |
2019‑03‑05 |
John O'Keefe (Info) |
hippocampus, place coding |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Shin-ichi Ohnuma (Info) |
regedit |
2013‑05‑26 |
Thomas Stephen Otis (Info) |
UCLA, Roche Pharma, University College London |
stephanb |
2006‑03‑17 |
M. Gorkem Ozyurt (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
Motoneurons, Synapse, Interneurons, ALS, EMG, Patch-clamp, Immunolabelling, Spinal cord |
gorkem92 |
2022‑05‑14 |
Amanda J. Page (Info) |
butterbender |
2023‑05‑10 |
Oriol Pavón Arocas (Info) |
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, UCL |
Neuroscience |
opavon |
2019‑08‑14 |
Karl Pearson (Info) |
statistics |
ita |
2006‑09‑13 |
Michael Petrides (Info) |
McGill |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
hayden |
2005‑08‑17 |
Juan C. Piña-Crespo (Info) |
Universidad Centroccidental, Barquisimeto, Venezuela, University College London (UCL), England, UK, Salk Institute, Sanford-Burnham-Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, Scripps Institute, SBP Medical Discovery Institute |
Receptors & Ion Channels |
pinacrespo |
2006‑09‑26 |
Luca Pinton (Info) |
University College London (UCL), England, UK |
dasiel |
2022‑10‑08 |
Ede A. Rancz (Info) |
Francis Crick Institute, Aix Marseille Université |
systems neuroscience |
ederancz |
2007‑02‑03 |
Joaquín Rapela (Info) |
Visual system |
joacorapela |
2008‑08‑05 |
Marcus Richards (Info) |
yastern |
2021‑01‑17 |
Jason M. Rihel (Info) |
Harvard |
Olfaction |
pq |
2015‑11‑24 |
Maneesh Sahani (Info) |
Computation & Theory |
david |
2005‑01‑31 |
Aman B. Saleem (Info) |
UCL, Imperial College London |
Neurophysiology, Vision, HIppocampus |
simonschultz |
2006‑06‑30 |
Sylvia Schröder (Info) |
University of Sussex (United Kingdom) |
Visual system, superior colliculus, behaviour, internal states |
sschroed |
2013‑10‑24 |
Maxwell Shinn (Info) |
Yale |
mwshinn |
2020‑10‑04 |
Peter Shizgal (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
pmcgowan |
2006‑06‑08 |
Adam Sillito (Info) |
visual system, vision |
smconde |
2007‑04‑19 |
Juha Silvanto (Info) |
University of Westminster |
Consciousness, Visual awareness, Cognitive Neuroscience |
jjacob |
2015‑02‑28 |
Angus Silver (Info) |
UCL, Dept. of Physiology |
Synaptic transmission and neural computation |
ssudhir |
2007‑01‑28 |
Jeremy I. Skipper (Info) |
jskipper |
2007‑08‑28 |
Trevor G. Smart (Info) |
dbowie |
2009‑09‑28 |
(Frederick) Horace Smirk (Info) |
University College London, Cairo University, Egypt, University of Otago (New Zealand), Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Wellcome Medical Research Institute |
SophieC |
2023‑09‑25 |
Samuel Solomon (Info) |
ndhruv |
2014‑01‑24 |
Salvador Soriano (Info) |
Loma Linda University School of Medicine |
Alzheimer's disease; Niemann-Pick; vascular dementia |
NPClab |
2020‑05‑04 |
David Stansby (Info) |
University College London, Imperial College London |
solar physics, solar wind, heliosphere |
dstansby |
2020‑05‑12 |
Ernest Starling (Info) |
physiology |
hanks |
2005‑11‑07 |
Nicholas J. Strausfeld (Info) |
Arizona Research Institute |
invertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy |
violeta |
2007‑11‑30 |
Steven J. Sullivan (Info) |
retina |
pq |
2015‑11‑24 |
Yujiao Jennifer Sun (Info) |
University College London |
Visual neuroscience, cortical plasticity, neuromodulation, circuit, development |
sun_inchina |
2008‑04‑26 |
Masahiro Takigawa (Info) |
University College London (UCL) |
System neuroscience, memory consolidation |
masahirotakigawa |
2024‑09‑23 |
Konstantinos Tsetsos (Info) |
University College London, Oxford, Birkbeck College, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf |
Decision making, decision neuroscience, computational modeling |
k.tsetsos |
2009‑03‑13 |
Antoine M Valera (Info) |
vantoine4 |
2018‑05‑20 |
Christopher W Vaughan (Info) |
University of Sydney, Australia |
Pain, cannabinoids, synaptic transmission |
ChrisVaughan |
2024‑02‑02 |
Vincent Walsh (Info) |
cohenkadosh |
2006‑10‑28 |
Annemarie Weber (Info) |
University of Tübingen, Germany, Columbia, Washington University, Penn |
CRB5 |
2019‑02‑09 |
Heather Tian Whittaker (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
htw |
2021‑03‑03 |
Stephen W. Wilson (Info) |
Neural development |
sseaster |
2008‑12‑26 |
Frances Wiseman (Info) |
UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square |
Ageing, Neuroscience, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, Genetics |
r_oshea |
2020‑01‑12 |
Daniel M. Wolpert (Info) |
Columbia |
Motor Control |
lselen |
2007‑09‑22 |
John N. Wood (Info) |
pain |
theodore_price |
2006‑12‑16 |
Ziyang Xia (Info) |
University College London |
bioanthro |
2021‑02‑05 |
Sergiy Yakovenko (Info) |
West Virginia University |
Sensorimotor control |
valeriyag |
2007‑12‑12 |
Tianqi Zhan (Info) |
New York University Shanghai, University College London (UCL) |
Metacognition, social cognition, speech and language |
TianqiZhan |
2024‑10‑08 |
Ningyu Zhang (Info) |
University College London |
NingyuZhang |
2021‑03‑11 |
Yunxuan Zheng (Info) |
University College London |
skwok |
2020‑10‑05 |
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