People with institution matching "Western Washington University":
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Jonathan D. Bale (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Schizophrenia, NMDA receptors |
balej2 |
2011‑02‑11 |
Jesse L. Barnes (Info) |
Cerebellum, Cannabinoids, Neurodevelopment |
jessebarnes4 |
2015‑05‑20 |
Jeffrey B. Carroll (Info) |
pouladi |
2020‑01‑23 |
Gordon R. Chalmers (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Motor Control |
2014‑03‑29 |
Alexander M. Czopp (Info) |
University of Kentucky |
Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑02‑21 |
Anna C. Diedesch (Info) |
Western Washington University |
cstecker |
2012‑11‑05 |
Janet Finlay (Info) |
Western Washington University |
neurochemistry, behavior |
corcoran |
2007‑11‑15 |
Darren Earl Ginder (Info) |
Eastern Washington University |
Dopamine, reward, addiction |
dginder |
2018‑11‑08 |
Edwin Anthony Glueck (Info) |
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences |
Neuroscience |
93edwin! |
2018‑04‑28 |
Jeffrey W. Grimm (Info) |
Western Washington University |
addiction, relapse, sucrose, obesity, cocaine, craving |
grimmj |
2008‑01‑23 |
Bassam G Haddad (Info) |
Western Washington University, Portland State University, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Structural Biology, Molecular Dynamics, Ion Channels |
BHaddad |
2020‑08‑17 |
Amanda Hahn (Info) |
University of Glasgow |
face perception, hormones, infant, parental behavior, social perceptions |
amanda.hahn |
2016‑03‑30 |
John H. Harkness (Info) |
Methamphetamine, Addiction, Behavioral genetics, monoamine transporters |
harknesj |
2009‑11‑03 |
Kameron Decker Harris (Info) |
Western Washington University |
computational neuroscience and applied mathematics |
kamerondeckerharris |
2020‑09‑21 |
Michael R. Hayden (Info) |
Biostatistics Biology |
pq |
2016‑02‑29 |
William F. Hopkins (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Science education |
billhopkins |
2007‑09‑10 |
Kiley J Hughes (Info) |
Scripps Research Institute |
molecular biology, neuroscience, disease |
stdo |
2022‑06‑28 |
Ira Hyman (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Cognition, Memory |
roach |
2011‑03‑28 |
Kelly J. Jantzen (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Sensorimotor coordination, Cognitive Neuroscience |
KJJantzen |
2014‑07‑15 |
Dusti Jones (Info) |
Penn State |
slavishd |
2018‑02‑20 |
Norbert L. Kerr (Info) |
Michigan State |
Social Psychology, small group behavior |
NorbKerr |
2018‑05‑23 |
Jeff King (Info) |
Western Washington University |
ricenae |
2019‑11‑13 |
Erica Kleinknecht (Info) |
Pacific University |
Autobiographical Memory, Embodied Cognition, Learning Sciences |
irahyman |
2013‑04‑26 |
Barbara J Lehman (Info) |
Western Washington University |
health psychology |
pc27 |
2023‑10‑27 |
Alexandra E. Roach (Info) |
UC Davis |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Aging |
roach |
2011‑03‑28 |
Jacqueline K. Rose (Info) |
Western Washington University |
Neuronal Plasticity |
jacquelk |
2007‑08‑21 |
Cristina Sampaio (Info) |
Western Washington University |
jrfinley |
2009‑06‑15 |
David Sattler (Info) |
Western Washington University |
NorbKerr |
2018‑05‑23 |
Larry A. Symons (Info) |
Western Washington University |
jdesouza |
2007‑03‑21 |
Joseph E. Trimble (Info) |
Western Washington University |
ethnic, cultural, multicultural, cross-cultural psychology |
josephetrimble |
2013‑02‑01 |
Jason Seiichi Tsukahara (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
Cognitive Psychology |
tsukahj19 |
2014‑08‑11 |
Mitchell S. Wold (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Neurobiology of mental illness |
mitchellwold |
2011‑01‑25 |
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