People with institution matching "Williams College": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Sameer Aryal (Info) NYU, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard learning and memory, neurobiology of disease, RNA biology in neuroscience sameer785 2015‑04‑02
Jack E Berry (Info) Columbia jberry 2019‑01‑02
Masen L Boucher (Info) Penn MasenBoucher 2024‑05‑22
Matthew E. Carter (Info) University of Washington, Williams, Stanford University Medical School feeding, optogenetics llecea 2011‑12‑02
Joe Cruz (Info) Williams Cognitive Science bartlettdmoore 2011‑02‑02
Graeme W. Davis (Info) UCSF cab 2006‑02‑02
Lee C. Drickamer (Info) Northern Arizona University testtest 2009‑05‑07
Donald Faber (Info) Albert Einstein fish; mauthner cell; behavior; locomotion daph 2005‑10‑25
Eric W. Fish (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Behavioral pharmacology CJM3 2009‑02‑02
Amie Ashley Hane (Info) Williams prenatal stress, maternal sensitivity, mother-infant attachment, infant temperament, psychophysiological measures of stress reactivity, behavioral inhibition, exuberance, vocal coregulation, and communicative and social competence mkirwan 2009‑03‑06
Kylie A Huckleberry (Info) UT Austin, Northeastern University, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals kylie.a.huckleberry 2017‑06‑25
Saul M. Kassin (Info) John Jay College of Criminal Justice - CUNY General Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Mike Kirwan (Info) University of Maryland ERP, EEG, fMRI, decision making, temperament, and attention bias to threat mkirwan 2008‑10‑22
Tim J. Lebestky (Info) Williams Mch777 2009‑08‑16
Anna Keen Leonard (Info) Williams annakl97 2018‑08‑12
Tracy K. McIntosh (Info) Media Neuroconsultants testtest 2009‑05‑07
Jason R. Meyers (Info) University of Michigan Visual system, zebrafish jrmeyers 2006‑11‑02
Lauren Philbrook (Info) Colgate University buckhja 2019‑07‑23
Ned T. Sahin (Info) Harvard Autism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI sahin 2006‑11‑03
Noah Sandstrom (Info) Williams Behavioral Neuroendocrinology nsandstrom 2008‑11‑20
Laura Smalarz (Info) Arizona State Eyewitness identification, police interrogation, criminal confession, wrongful conviction laurasmalarz 2020‑09‑17
Ben K. Stafford (Info) University of Michigan Retinal Physiology benstaff 2010‑01‑29
Tracey A. Van Kempen (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College Neuroanatomy, estrogen, menopause, hypertension tvkempen 2012‑01‑31
Heather Williams (Info) Williams birdsong pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Safa Zaki (Info) Williams palmerit 2007‑01‑25
Betty Zimmerberg (Info) Williams Developmental psychopharmacology CJM3 2009‑03‑02
Steven Zottoli (Info) Williams daph 2005‑10‑25
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