Similar researchers to Nadja Freund:
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Nadja Freund (Info) |
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Universität Tübingen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
mood disorders, development, asymmetries, bipolar disorder |
nadbab |
2008‑10‑21 |
Sundari Chetty (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
cmirescu |
2009‑03‑07 |
Sim(0.12) |
Mary Grellier (Info) |
University of Toulouse (Chemistry Tree) |
Chemistry |
grellier |
2015‑03‑27 |
Sim(0.18) |
Matthew J. Wanat (Info) |
University of Washington |
Dopamine |
mjwanat |
2006‑04‑06 |
Sim(0.18) |
Steven J. Shabel (Info) |
Amygdala |
shabel |
2006‑04‑06 |
Sim(0.19) |
Edward O. Mann (Info) |
Oxford |
david |
2009‑01‑28 |
Sim(0.19) |
Seok-Kyu Kwon (Info) |
Columbia |
Presynaptic function |
tauruscq |
2009‑04‑11 |
Sim(0.19) |
Cyrus B. Reed (Info) |
UT Austin (Anthropology Tree) |
Geography, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, International Law and Relations, Range Management Agriculture |
pq |
2016‑05‑23 |
Sim(0.19) |
Ray D. de Leon (Info) |
Cal State LA |
Spinal cord injury, plasticity |
rdeleon |
2008‑12‑04 |
Sim(0.2) |
Chris A Rishel (Info) |
Chicago, Stanford |
Neuroanesthesia, Perioperative medicine |
dfreedman |
2008‑10‑22 |
Sim(0.21) |
Gabriela J. Martins (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
epowell |
2009‑10‑03 |
Sim(0.21) |
Jeremy Amiel Rosenkranz (Info) |
UT Austin |
Synaptic integration, dopamine, entorhinal cortex, amygdala |
rn |
2006‑10‑27 |
Sim(0.21) |
Devin Eugene Christensen (Info) |
University of Washington (Chemistry Tree) |
pq |
2015‑09‑13 |
Sim(0.21) |
Kelly J. Cole (Info) |
University of Iowa (Biomechanics Tree) |
Rehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation, Biomechanics Biophysics |
pq |
2016‑02‑09 |
Sim(0.21) |
Yaqiong Wang (Info) |
Fudan university (Plant Biology Tree) |
HongMa10 |
2022‑04‑06 |
Sim(0.22) |
Richard C. Cortner (Info) |
University of Arizona (PoliSci Tree) |
General, Law |
pq |
2016‑05‑23 |
Sim(0.24) |
Melissa J. Dengler (Info) |
University of Georgia |
visual perception in infancy, macular pigment |
lilmiss |
2007‑11‑20 |
Sim(0.24) |
Mehmet Cansev (Info) |
Uludag |
Wurtlab |
2006‑10‑12 |
Sim(0.25) |
Ismael Carlos Gomes (Info) |
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Stem cells |
ismael |
2009‑08‑06 |
Sim(0.25) |
Caltech (Chemistry Tree) |
atmospheric chemistry |
eemperor |
2014‑03‑01 |
Sim(0.25) |
Ilya A. Rybak (Info) |
Drexel Medical School |
Computational neuroscience, Motor control, Central pattern generators, Neural control of respiration, Neural control of locomotion, Visual perception, Visual attention, Eye movement |
rybak |
2009‑01‑04 |
Sim(0.25) |
Erich W. Graf (Info) |
University of Southampton |
lpyudhb |
2007‑11‑18 |
Sim(0.25) |
E. Charles Leek (Info) |
Bangor University |
Visual Object Recognition |
wcswcs |
2010‑12‑05 |
Sim(0.26) |
Henry L. Hallock (Info) |
University of Delaware |
Neurobiology of learning and memory, hippocampal-prefrontal interaction |
delawarian |
2011‑10‑24 |
Sim(0.26) |
Daniel J. Mauro (Info) |
University of Kansas (Literature Tree) |
nickkapur |
2018‑03‑12 |
Sim(0.26) |
Laurel Sophia Morris (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Psychiatry, neuropsychopharmacology |
laurelmorris |
2013‑01‑28 |
Sim(0.26) |
Daniel M Vianna (Info) |
The University of New South Wales |
Galvão |
2008‑06‑06 |
Sim(0.27) |
Ian S. MacLaren (Info) |
University of Alberta (Literature Tree) |
Canadian (English) Literature |
pq |
2016‑05‑17 |
Sim(0.27) |
James Corbett (Info) |
Northeastern University (Marine Ecology Tree) |
| |
2022‑04‑06 |
Sim(0.27) |
Dris Rochdi (Info) |
Université de Montréal |
MBouvier |
2020‑05‑19 |
Sim(0.27) |
Rachel M. Nilsson (Info) |
UC Santa Barbara |
pq |
2015‑10‑16 |
Sim(0.27) |
R. Layton McCurdy (Info) |
mowens |
2008‑05‑08 |
Sim(0.27) |
K. Harley (Info) |
University of Otago (PsychTree) |
Developmental psychology, language |
roshea |
2014‑05‑21 |
Sim(0.27) |
Nick Ungson (Info) |
Lehigh University (PsychTree) |
kmoty |
2017‑05‑03 |
Sim(0.27) |
Ryotaro Hayato (Info) |
Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences |
Calcium dynamics |
eguchi |
2010‑03‑03 |
Sim(0.27) |
Malee Santikunaporn (Info) |
University of Oklahoma (Chemistry Tree) |
Chemical Engineering |
pq |
2016‑04‑08 |
Sim(0.28) |
Natalie C. Tronson (Info) |
University of Michigan |
Learning and memory, molecular neuroscience, cytokines |
jpo |
2006‑04‑14 |
Sim(0.28) |
Matthew C. Davidson (Info) |
U Mass Amherst |
Attention, Control, Development |
MCDavidson |
2008‑10‑02 |
Sim(0.28) |
Florin Dolcos (Info) |
Affective, Cognitive, and Clinical Neurosciences |
fdolcos |
2006‑12‑14 |
Sim(0.28) |
Geoffrey Iverson (Info) |
UC Irvine (PsychTree) |
| |
2009‑02‑08 |
Sim(0.28) |
C. E. H. Bawn (Info) |
University of Liverpool (Chemistry Tree) |
Swifthom |
2017‑01‑16 |
Sim(0.28) |
Anuran Chatterjee (Info) |
Vascular disease |
anuranc |
2015‑04‑28 |
Sim(0.28) |
Marcelo Montemurro (Info) |
University of Manchester |
sohail |
2008‑05‑20 |
Sim(0.28) |
Brendan M. Walker (Info) |
Alcohol & Drug Dependence, Withdrawal, Plasticity, Motivation, Impulsivity, Adolescence |
tng |
2007‑10‑09 |
Sim(0.29) |
Alfonso Abizaid (Info) |
Yale |
Neuroscience |
zepieton |
2006‑04‑18 |
Sim(0.29) |
Cyndi Gaudet (Info) |
University of Southern Mississippi (PoliSci Tree) |
Adult and Continuing Education, Commerce-Business Economics, Public Administration |
pq |
2016‑05‑22 |
Sim(0.29) |
Anna Molander (Info) |
University of Göteborg |
Pharmacology of ethanol |
jpo |
2006‑04‑14 |
Sim(0.29) |
Bonnie M. Lawrence (Info) |
Effector specificity, working memory, visual attention |
bml15 |
2010‑02‑02 |
Sim(0.29) |
Sruthi Swaminathan (Info) |
Chicago |
dfreedman |
2008‑10‑22 |
Sim(0.29) |
Jordan Barone (Info) |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
| |
2021‑05‑30 |
Sim(0.29) |
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