Similar researchers to Daniel Butts: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Daniel A. Butts (Info) University of Maryland Information theory, coding, estimation, vision david 2005‑02‑05
Wyeth Bair (Info) University of Washington visual system, computation hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.27)
Benjamin Willmore (Info) Oxford auditory system david 2016‑07‑20 Sim(0.28)
Daniel R. Cleary (Info) OHSU mheinricher 2015‑03‑04 Sim(0.28)
George W. Kidder (Info) U Mass Amherst (Cell Biology Tree) comparative biochemistry of nutrition in the Protozoan ciliate Tetrahymena geleii. jandh 2015‑09‑15 Sim(0.29)
Anusha Narayan (Info) Caltech vivek 2006‑03‑29 Sim(0.31)
Stephen V. David (Info) University of Maryland, OHSU auditory system, attention david 2005‑01‑14 Sim(0.31)
Yves Fregnac (Info) CNRS visual system, visual cortex shinji 2005‑11‑18 Sim(0.31)
Gabriel M. Belfort (Info) MIT 2009‑07‑22 Sim(0.31)
Nicholas J. Priebe (Info) UT Austin Visual cortex david 2005‑10‑02 Sim(0.33)
Aubry K. Miller (Info) German Cancer Research Center (Chemistry Tree) Medicinal Chemistry, Total Synthesis aubrymiller 2012‑11‑07 Sim(0.33)
Andreas S. Tolias (Info) hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim(0.33)
Cornelius Anthony Tobias (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) radiobiology jgoleary 2005‑12‑31 Sim(0.34)
Joshua M. Kaplan (Info) MGH Cell Biology of the Neuron jdittman 2009‑01‑29 Sim(0.35)
Christine I. Turenius (Info) VA Puget Sound Health Care System/University of Washington, Loma Linda University Medical Center, community college of rhode island, UC Riverside Innerdcurrent 2007‑05‑08 Sim(0.35)
Karethy Edwards (Info) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (Nursing Tree) Nursing, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑23 Sim(0.35)
Ernst Hadorn (Info) Universität Zürich gmoeller 2006‑07‑02 Sim(0.36)
Phillip Gordon-Weeks (Info) King's College Neuroscience, growth cone, axon, guidance shenlin2 2013‑12‑07 Sim(0.37)
Fernando Montani (Info) IIT Computational Neuroscience simonschultz 2006‑06‑30 Sim(0.37)
Steven M. Block (Info) Stanford biophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription sblock 2009‑06‑28 Sim(0.38)
David Keith Simon (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Parkinson's Disease, Mitochondrial Genetics jclark3 2008‑10‑31 Sim(0.38)
Yanping Huang (Info) University of Washington Reinforcement Learning huangyp 2011‑09‑04 Sim(0.38)
Luc Mallet (Info) Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière, Paris psychiatry, deep-brain stimulation kndiaye 2010‑03‑11 Sim(0.38)
Marjolein Kammers (Info) Utrecht Verstraten 2008‑06‑22 Sim(0.38)
Garrett B. Stanley (Info) Georgia Tech systems hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim(0.38)
Nicola Riccardo Polizzotto (Info) University of Pittsburgh Schizophrenia, Development nicolarp 2010‑10‑08 Sim(0.38)
Julie A. Markham (Info) University of Maryland Medical School prenatal stress, animal models of schizophrenia, experience-dependent plasticity, prefrontal cortex, neural sex differences jmarkham 2007‑02‑22 Sim(0.38)
Dario L. Ringach (Info) UCLA Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑20 Sim(0.39)
Luc PJ Selen (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour lselen 2007‑09‑22 Sim(0.39)
Matteo Carandini (Info) UCL Visual system david 2005‑01‑20 Sim(0.39)
Andreas V. Herz (Info) Institute for Theoretical Biology Audition david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.39)
Dorothy A. Lerit (Info) NIH (FlyTree) leritda 2013‑05‑04 Sim(0.39)
William Vinje (Info) Johns Hopkins Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.4)
Gary Karpen (Info) UC Berkeley Drosophila genetics, chromosome organization tingjt 2007‑10‑26 Sim(0.4)
Simon R. Schultz (Info) Imperial College theoretical neuroscience, biophysics movshon 2005‑09‑19 Sim(0.4)
Jennifer Hauser Kunz (Info) Marquette University (PsychTree) 2018‑05‑11 Sim(0.4)
Judith Sylvia Ama Asem (Info) Johns Hopkins neurodegenerative diseases, adiposity, Alzheimer's disease, learning theories jsaa88 2010‑09‑04 Sim(0.4)
Kamal Sen (Info) Boston University Birdsong david 2005‑01‑18 Sim(0.4)
John G. Flannery (Info) UC Berkeley Neuroscience , retina amacrine 2006‑03‑28 Sim(0.41)
Tatyana Sharpee (Info) Salk Institute Visual system, computational neuroscience david 2005‑02‑05 Sim(0.41)
Adam Kohn (Info) Albert Einstein vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim(0.42)
Samuel William Hulbert (Info) Duke shulbert 2014‑01‑26 Sim(0.42)
Ernst Niebur (Info) Johns Hopkins Computation & Theory david 2005‑02‑04 Sim(0.42)
Nader Pouratian (Info) UCLA pq 2015‑10‑08 Sim(0.42)
Charles Marshall Gray (Info) Montana State Visual System, Cortical Physiology hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.42)
Daniel J. McKay (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Transcription rsm10 2009‑04‑15 Sim(0.42)
Kenneth D. Miller (Info) Columbia Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑20 Sim(0.42)
Ilona J. Miko (Info) UC Irvine neural circuit development, plasticity, auditory system ijm 2006‑07‑07 Sim(0.42)
Israel Nelken (Info) Hebrew University Auditory system david 2005‑02‑02 Sim(0.42)
Jessica Benthuysen (Info) WHOI/MIT (Oceanography Tree) Andres 2015‑11‑27 Sim(0.42)
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