Similar researchers to George Mather: Advanced Search
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George Mather (Info) Sussex zililiu 2006‑10‑05
Jayashree Mitra (Info) Yale Neuropsychopharmacology pq 2015‑11‑26 Sim(0.25)
Samuel Ojosnegros (Info) Caltech (DevTree) gmich 2017‑11‑15 Sim(0.28)
Caitlin Johnston (Info) Arizona State rhammer 2011‑10‑17 Sim(0.35)
Jonathan Redshaw (Info) University of Queensland (PsychTree) LucaBZC 2021‑03‑15 Sim(0.36)
Sian L. Beilock (Info) Chicago working memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance schware1 2009‑01‑08 Sim(0.36)
Sebastian Bahamonde (Info) University of Tartu (Physics Tree) gravity, cosmology, modified gravity, teleparallel gravity sbahamonde 2019‑06‑06 Sim(0.39)
Peter Yee (Info) University of Melbourne The effect of DHA on Diabetic neuropathy algis 2008‑10‑13 Sim(0.39)
Kianoush Nazarpour (Info) Newcastle University Brain Machine Interface Kianoush_77 2007‑10‑09 Sim(0.41)
Peter Strick (Info) University of Pittsburgh motor cortex greghorwitz 2005‑09‑23 Sim(0.41)
Pallabi Parveen (Info) UT Dallas (Computer Science Tree) Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑27 Sim(0.43)
Maheen F. Ceizar (Info) EMD Serono Regeneration, adult neurogenesis, Bcl-2, apoptosis, stroke, BAX mceizar 2012‑11‑29 Sim(0.44)
Shantanu Balkundi (Info) Louisiana Tech University cellular imaging, lipid messengers, cell signaling, nanotechnology pq 2015‑11‑26 Sim(0.44)
Ling Shan (Info) Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience histamine Lingshan 2014‑07‑25 Sim(0.44)
Rachel Valenzuela (Info) UC Davis (Chemistry Tree) Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Biochemistry ravalenzuela 2014‑12‑18 Sim(0.44)
Jasmine G. Lee (Info) UC Davis (Cell Biology Tree) Oncology, Medicine and Surgery, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑02‑15 Sim(0.45)
Maria Zammit (Info) Manchester Metropolitan University millipede 2008‑08‑28 Sim(0.45)
Urs O. Häfeli (Info) UBC (Chemistry Tree) cbu 2017‑11‑15 Sim(0.46)
Stephen Kosslyn (Info) Harvard cab 2005‑12‑11 Sim(0.47)
Barry Fowler (Info) York University asingha 2006‑04‑03 Sim(0.47)
Hugh P. Possingham (Info) University of Queensland (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) Ecology, conservation biology, mathematical ecology, applied mathematics Possingham 2013‑04‑25 Sim(0.48)
Rex Moats (Info) Caltech (DevTree) gmich 2017‑11‑15 Sim(0.48)
Rona Sadja (Info) Harvard Eitan 2009‑08‑18 Sim(0.48)
Shaun D. Cain (Info) University of Washington Neuroethology, magnetoreception, Tritonia research avidal1 2006‑10‑31 Sim(0.49)
Catherine M. Pihoker (Info) University of Washington Pediatric neuroendocrinology mowens 2008‑05‑07 Sim(0.49)
Yi Zhou (Info) Third Military Medical University Auditory Cortex, Barrel Cortex, Retina, Cortical Circuitry zhouyi 2007‑09‑12 Sim(0.49)
Leonard A. Bradshaw (Info) Vanderbilt (Physics Tree) biomagnetism irimia 2011‑04‑02 Sim(0.49)
P. V. Ramachandran (Info) Purdue (Chemistry Tree) Organoborane and Fluoroorganic Chemistry jandh 2013‑02‑19 Sim(0.5)
Shreya Banerjee (Info) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India (Physics Tree) 2021‑09‑24 Sim(0.5)
Valentino Braitenberg (Info) MPI Tuebingen Neuroanatomy dillenburger 2005‑11‑02 Sim(0.5)
Julia Vogel (Info) UBC Decision making for visual search. Statistical scene, object, and context understanding. Psychophysics of human scene perception. feiler 2007‑02‑01 Sim(0.5)
John Speakman (Info) University of Aberdeen (Evolution Tree) mikesears 2013‑09‑12 Sim(0.5)
Andreas Buchmann (Info) University Children's Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland skurth 2022‑02‑16 Sim(0.5)
Ohannes K. Melemedjian (Info) University of Arizona Pain Neuroscience ohannes 2011‑05‑13 Sim(0.5)
Yuko Ishii (Info) USC bourets 2007‑09‑12 Sim(0.51)
Matti Hamalainen (Info) Harvard Medical School/ Massachusetts General Hospital dahliash 2009‑11‑18 Sim(0.51)
Jenee J. Jackson (Info) University of Arizona (Evolution Tree) Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑12 Sim(0.51)
Kimberly A. Scearce-Levie (Info) Genentech, Inc. behavioral neuroscience, neurodegeneration kscearce-levie 2006‑09‑20 Sim(0.52)
Joakim Lundeberg (Info) Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (Chemistry Tree) almaan 2021‑12‑12 Sim(0.52)
J Douglas Crawford (Info) York University vision, oculomotor, motor control hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.52)
Ido Amihai (Info) National University of Singapore cognitive neuroscience idoamihai 2012‑05‑05 Sim(0.52)
George Grant (Info) Case Western (Chemistry Tree) ekuwana 2016‑10‑01 Sim(0.52)
Margie T. Borra-Garske (Info) Codexis (Chemistry Tree) Enzymes algarske 2014‑06‑29 Sim(0.52)
Paul S. Buckmaster (Info) Stanford Epilepsy markrbower 2006‑02‑17 Sim(0.53)
Hillel Pratt (Info) Technion EEG, speech perception, auditory system litvak 2007‑09‑23 Sim(0.53)
Richard A. Meyer (Info) Johns Hopkins kdavis 2007‑08‑07 Sim(0.53)
Paymaan Jafar-Nejad (Info) Baylor College of Medicine rsamaco 2008‑12‑18 Sim(0.53)
Yoshihisa Nakayama (Info) Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science hoshie 2009‑12‑05 Sim(0.53)
Paula A. Garay (Info) UC Davis lneedleman 2008‑06‑10 Sim(0.53)
John W. Belliveau (Info) Harvard brain mapping 2008‑08‑06 Sim(0.53)
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