Tahilia J. Rebello, Ph.D. - Publications

Pharmacology and Molecular Signaling Columbia University, New York, NY 

42 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Fuss J, Keeley JW, Stein DJ, Rebello TJ, García JÁ, Briken P, Robles R, Matsumoto C, Abé C, Billieux J, Grant JE, Kraus SW, Lochner C, Potenza MN, Reed GM. Mental health professionals' use of the ICD-11 classification of impulse control disorders and behavioral addictions: An international field study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. PMID 38217688 DOI: 10.1556/2006.2023.00083  0.377
2023 Keeley J, Reed GM, Rebello T, Brechbiel J, Garcia-Pacheco JA, Adebayo K, Esan O, Majekodunmi O, Ojagbemi A, Onofa L, Robles R, Matsumoto C, Medina-Mora ME, Kogan CS, Kulygina M, et al. Case-controlled field study of the ICD-11 clinical descriptions and diagnostic requirements for Bodily Distress Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 333: 271-277. PMID 37100177 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.04.086  0.331
2023 Keeley JW, Briken P, Evans SC, First MB, Klein V, Krueger RB, Matsumoto C, Fresán A, Rebello TJ, Robles R, Sharan P, Reed GM. Can Clinicians Use Dimensional Information to Make a Categorical Diagnosis of Paraphilic Disorders? An ICD-11 Field Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 18: 1592-1606. PMID 37057432 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.06.016  0.358
2022 Montoya MI, Kogan CS, Rebello TJ, Sadowska K, Garcia-Pacheco JA, Khoury B, Kulygina M, Matsumoto C, Robles R, Huang J, Andrews HF, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Denny K, Gaebel W, Gureje O, et al. An international survey examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on telehealth use among mental health professionals. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 148: 188-196. PMID 35131587 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.01.050  0.307
2021 Rebello TJ, Kulygina MA, Krasnov VN, Pike KM, Reed GM. Engagement of Russian Mental Health Professionals in the Development of WHO's ICD-11. Consortium Psychiatricum. 2: 17-22. PMID 39070738 DOI: 10.17816/CP79  0.389
2021 Kogan CS, Maj M, Rebello TJ, Keeley JW, Kulygina M, Matsumoto C, Robles R, Huang J, Zhong N, Chakrabarti S, Figueira ML, Stein DJ, Strakowski SM, Garcia-Pacheco JA, Burns S, et al. A global field study of the international classification of diseases (ICD-11) mood disorders clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. Journal of Affective Disorders. 295: 1138-1150. PMID 34706426 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.050  0.318
2021 Robles R, de la Peña FR, Medina-Mora ME, de Los Dolores Márquez-Caraveo ME, Domínguez T, Juárez F, Rojas AG, Sarmiento-Hernández EI, Feria M, Sosa L, Aguerre RE, Ortiz S, Real T, Rebello T, Sharan P, et al. Guidelines for Mental and Behavioral Disorders of Children and Adolescents: Reliability and Clinical Utility. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips202000830. PMID 34433288 DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.202000830  0.335
2021 Keeley JW, Briken P, Evans SC, First MB, Klein V, Krueger RB, Matsumoto C, Fresán A, Rebello TJ, Robles R, Sharan P, Reed GM. Can Clinicians Use Dimensional Information to Make a Categorical Diagnosis of Paraphilic Disorders? An ICD-11 Field Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 18: 1592-1606. PMID 34373211 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.06.016  0.358
2021 Keeley JW, Briken P, Evans SC, First MB, Klein V, Krueger RB, Matsumoto C, Fresán A, Rebello TJ, Robles R, Sharan P, Reed GM. Can Clinicians Use Dimensional Information to Make a Categorical Diagnosis of Paraphilic Disorders? An ICD-11 Field Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 18: 1592-1606. PMID 34373211 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.06.016  0.358
2021 Keeley JW, Briken P, Evans SC, First MB, Klein V, Krueger RB, Matsumoto C, Fresán A, Rebello TJ, Robles R, Sharan P, Reed GM. Can Clinicians Use Dimensional Information to Make a Categorical Diagnosis of Paraphilic Disorders? An ICD-11 Field Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 18: 1592-1606. PMID 34373211 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.06.016  0.358
2020 Kogan CS, Stein DJ, Rebello TJ, Keeley JW, Chan KJ, Fineberg NA, Fontenelle LF, Grant JE, Matsunaga H, Simpson HB, Thomsen PH, van den Heuvel OA, Veale D, Grenier J, Kulygina M, et al. Accuracy of diagnostic judgments using ICD-11 vs. ICD-10 diagnostic guidelines for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 273: 328-340. PMID 32560926 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2020.03.103  0.394
2020 Evans SC, Roberts MC, Keeley JW, Rebello TJ, de la Peña F, Lochman JE, Burke JD, Fite PJ, Ezpeleta L, Matthys W, Youngstrom EA, Matsumoto C, Andrews HF, Elena Medina-Mora M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, et al. Diagnostic classification of irritability and oppositionality in youth: a global field study comparing ICD-11 with ICD-10 and DSM-5. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. PMID 32396664 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.13244  0.452
2020 Rebello TJ, Keeley JW, Kogan CS, Sharan P, Matsumoto C, Kuligyna M, Domínguez-Martínez T, Stona AC, Grenier J, Huang J, Zhong N, Stein DJ, Emmelkamp P, Chakrabarti S, Andrews HF, et al. Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders in the ICD-11: Results from a Global Case-controlled Field Study. Archives of Medical Research. 50: 490-501. PMID 32018071 DOI: 10.1016/J.Arcmed.2019.12.012  0.468
2020 Luciano M, Sampogna G, Del Vecchio V, Giallonardo V, Palummo C, Pocai B, Steardo L, Zinno F, Rebello T, Reed GM, Fiorillo A. The Italian ICD-11 field trial: clinical utility of diagnostic guidelines for schizophrenia and related disorders. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 14: 4. PMID 31998405 DOI: 10.1186/S13033-020-0338-Z  0.402
2020 Mutiso VN, Musyimi CW, Gitonga I, Tele A, Pervez R, Rebello TJ, Pike KM, Ndetei DM. Using the WHO-AIMS to inform development of mental health systems: the case study of Makueni County, Kenya. Bmc Health Services Research. 20: 51. PMID 31959175 DOI: 10.1186/S12913-020-4906-3  0.404
2020 Mutiso V, Musyimi C, Rebello T, Gitonga I, Tele A, Pike K, Ndetei D. Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence in patients attending for general health services at rural health facilities in Makueni County, Kenya Mental Health & Prevention. 200191. DOI: 10.1016/J.Mhp.2020.200191  0.458
2019 Gaebel W, Stricker J, Riesbeck M, Zielasek J, Kerst A, Meisenzahl-Lechner E, Köllner V, Rose M, Hofmann T, Schäfer I, Lotzin A, Briken P, Klein V, Brunner F, Keeley JW, ... ... Rebello TJ, et al. Accuracy of diagnostic classification and clinical utility assessment of ICD-11 compared to ICD-10 in 10 mental disorders: findings from a web-based field study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. PMID 31654119 DOI: 10.1007/S00406-019-01076-Z  0.435
2019 Mutiso VN, Musyimi CW, Rebello TJ, Ogutu MO, Ruhara R, Nyamai D, Pike KM, Ndetei DM. Perceived impacts as narrated by service users and providers on practice, policy and mental health system following the implementation of the mhGAP-IG using the TEAM model in a rural setting in Makueni County, Kenya: a qualitative approach. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 13: 56. PMID 31423149 DOI: 10.1186/S13033-019-0309-4  0.341
2019 Luciano M, Sampogna G, Del Vecchio V, Giallonardo V, Fico G, Pocai B, Palummo C, Steardo L, Rebello TJ, Reed GM, Fiorillo A. [The Italian ICD-11 field trial: inter-rater reliability in the use of diagnostic guidelines for schizophrenia and related disorders]. Rivista Di Psichiatria. 54: 109-114. PMID 31282490 DOI: 10.1708/3181.31599  0.405
2019 Mutiso VN, Musyimi CW, Gitonga I, Rebello TJ, Tele A, Pike KM, Ndetei DM. Toward Community Coverage on Self-Screening, Diagnosis, and Help-Seeking Behavior for Both Gender Victims of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in a Kenyan Setting: The Development of IPV-Brief Self-Screener (IPV-BSS) Version of the WHO-IPV Instrument. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519855666. PMID 31208269 DOI: 10.1177/0886260519855666  0.385
2019 Mutiso VN, Pike KM, Musyimi CW, Gitonga I, Tele A, Rebello TJ, Thornicroft G, Ndetei DM. Feasibility and effectiveness of nurses and clinical officers in implementing the WHO mhGAP intervention guide: Pilot study in Makueni County, Kenya. General Hospital Psychiatry. 59: 20-29. PMID 31096165 DOI: 10.1016/J.Genhosppsych.2019.04.005  0.371
2019 Claudino AM, Pike KM, Hay P, Keeley JW, Evans SC, Rebello TJ, Bryant-Waugh R, Dai Y, Zhao M, Matsumoto C, Herscovici CR, Mellor-Marsá B, Stona AC, Kogan CS, Andrews HF, et al. The classification of feeding and eating disorders in the ICD-11: results of a field study comparing proposed ICD-11 guidelines with existing ICD-10 guidelines. Bmc Medicine. 17: 93. PMID 31084617 DOI: 10.1186/S12916-019-1327-4  0.49
2019 Peterson DL, Webb CA, Keeley JW, Gaebel W, Zielasek J, Rebello TJ, Robles R, Matsumoto C, Kogan CS, Kulygina M, Farooq S, Green MF, Falkai P, Hasan A, Galderisi S, et al. The reliability and clinical utility of ICD-11 schizoaffective disorder: A field trial. Schizophrenia Research. PMID 30799218 DOI: 10.1016/J.Schres.2019.02.011  0.427
2019 Medina-Mora ME, Robles R, Rebello TJ, Domínguez T, Martínez N, Juárez F, Sharan P, Reed GM. ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic, mood, anxiety and stress-related disorders in Mexico: Clinical utility and reliability. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology : Ijchp. 19: 1-11. PMID 30619492 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijchp.2018.09.003  0.448
2019 Reed GM, First MB, Kogan CS, Hyman SE, Gureje O, Gaebel W, Maj M, Stein DJ, Maercker A, Tyrer P, Claudino A, Garralda E, Salvador-Carulla L, Ray R, Saunders JB, ... ... Rebello TJ, et al. Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 18: 3-19. PMID 30600616 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20611  0.491
2018 Heyman RE, Kogan CS, Foran HM, Burns SC, Slep AMS, Wojda AK, Keeley JW, Rebello TJ, Reed GM. A case-controlled field study evaluating ICD-11 proposals for relational problems and intimate partner violence. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology : Ijchp. 18: 113-123. PMID 30487916 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijchp.2018.03.001  0.4
2018 Mutiso VN, Gitonga I, Musau A, Musyimi CW, Nandoya E, Rebello TJ, Pike KM, Ndetei DM. A step-wise community engagement and capacity building model prior to implementation of mhGAP-IG in a low- and middle-income country: a case study of Makueni County, Kenya. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 12: 57. PMID 30356953 DOI: 10.1186/S13033-018-0234-Y  0.375
2018 Mutiso VN, Pike KM, Musyimi CN, Rebello TJ, Tele A, Gitonga I, Thornicroft G, Ndetei DM. Changing patterns of mental health knowledge in rural Kenya after intervention using the WHO mhGAP-Intervention Guide. Psychological Medicine. 1-10. PMID 30345938 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291718003112  0.452
2018 Reed GM, Keeley JW, Rebello TJ, First MB, Gureje O, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Kanba S, Khoury B, Kogan CS, Krasnov VN, Maj M, de Jesus Mari J, Sharan P, Stein DJ, Zhao M, et al. Clinical utility of ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for high-burden mental disorders: results from mental health settings in 13 countries. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 17: 306-315. PMID 30192090 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20581  0.516
2018 Mutiso VN, Musyimi CW, Rebello TJ, Gitonga I, Tele A, Pike KM, Ndetei DM. Patterns of concordances in mhGAP-IG screening and DSM-IV/ICD10 diagnoses by trained community service providers in Kenya: a pilot cross-sectional study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. PMID 30062482 DOI: 10.1007/S00127-018-1567-1  0.41
2018 Keeley JW, Gaebel W, First MB, Peterson DL, Rebello T, Sharan P, Reed GM. Psychotic disorder symptom rating scales: Are dichotomous or multi-point scales more clinically useful?-An ICD-11 field study. Schizophrenia Research. PMID 30017460 DOI: 10.1016/J.Schres.2018.07.006  0.304
2018 Mutiso VN, Pike K, Musyimi CW, Rebello TJ, Tele A, Gitonga I, Thornicroft G, Ndetei DM. Feasibility of WHO mhGAP-intervention guide in reducing experienced discrimination in people with mental disorders: a pilot study in a rural Kenyan setting. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 1-12. PMID 29862937 DOI: 10.1017/S2045796018000264  0.41
2018 Reed GM, Sharan P, Rebello TJ, Keeley JW, Elena Medina-Mora M, Gureje O, Luis Ayuso-Mateos J, Kanba S, Khoury B, Kogan CS, Krasnov VN, Maj M, de Jesus Mari J, Stein DJ, Zhao M, et al. The ICD-11 developmental field study of reliability of diagnoses of high-burden mental disorders: results among adult patients in mental health settings of 13 countries. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 17: 174-186. PMID 29856568 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20524  0.511
2018 First MB, Rebello TJ, Keeley JW, Bhargava R, Dai Y, Kulygina M, Matsumoto C, Robles R, Stona AC, Reed GM. Do mental health professionals use diagnostic classifications the way we think they do? A global survey. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 17: 187-195. PMID 29856559 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20525  0.461
2018 Gaebel W, Riesbeck M, Zielasek J, Kerst A, Meisenzahl-Lechner E, Köllner V, Rose M, Hofmann T, Schäfer I, Lotzin A, Briken P, Klein V, Brunner F, Keeley JW, Rebello TJ, et al. [Web-based field studies on diagnostic classification and code assignment of mental disorders: comparison of ICD-11 and ICD-10]. Fortschritte Der Neurologie-Psychiatrie. 86: 163-171. PMID 29621822 DOI: 10.1055/S-0044-100508  0.383
2018 Rebello TJ, Reed GM, Saxena S. Core considerations in the development of the world health organization's international classification of diseases, 11th Revision Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. 34: 5. DOI: 10.4103/Ijsp.Ijsp_43_18  0.445
2017 Mutiso VN, Musyimi CW, Nayak SS, Musau AM, Rebello T, Nandoya E, Tele AK, Pike K, Ndetei DM. Stigma-related mental health knowledge and attitudes among primary health workers and community health volunteers in rural Kenya. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 20764017716953. PMID 28679343 DOI: 10.1177/0020764017716953  0.38
2016 Keeley JW, Reed GM, Roberts MC, Evans SC, Medina-Mora ME, Robles R, Rebello T, Sharan P, Gureje O, First MB, Andrews HF, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Gaebel W, Zielasek J, Saxena S. Developing a science of clinical utility in diagnostic classification systems field study strategies for ICD-11 mental and behavioral disorders. The American Psychologist. 71: 3-16. PMID 26766762 DOI: 10.1037/A0039972  0.508
2015 Reed GM, Rebello TJ, Pike KM, Medina-Mora ME, Gureje O, Zhao M, Dai Y, Roberts MC, Maruta T, Matsumoto C, Krasnov VN, Kulygina M, Lovell AM, Stona AC, Sharan P, et al. WHO's Global Clinical Practice Network for mental health. The Lancet. Psychiatry. 2: 379-80. PMID 26360271 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00183-2  0.379
2014 Rebello TJ, Yu Q, Goodfellow NM, Caffrey Cagliostro MK, Teissier A, Morelli E, Demireva EY, Chemiakine A, Rosoklija GB, Dwork AJ, Lambe EK, Gingrich JA, Ansorge MS. Postnatal day 2 to 11 constitutes a 5-HT-sensitive period impacting adult mPFC function. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 12379-93. PMID 25209278 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1020-13.2014  0.559
2014 Rebello TJ, Marques A, Gureje O, Pike KM. Innovative strategies for closing the mental health treatment gap globally. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 27: 308-14. PMID 24840160 DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000068  0.316
2011 Morelli E, Moore H, Rebello TJ, Gray N, Steele K, Esposito E, Gingrich JA, Ansorge MS. Chronic 5-HT transporter blockade reduces DA signaling to elicit basal ganglia dysfunction. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 15742-50. PMID 22049417 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2989-11.2011  0.567
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