Sanne Boesveldt, PhD - Publications

Human Nutrition Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
Olfaction, eating behavior, psychophsycis, neuroimaging

52 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Peter MG, Darki F, Thunell E, Mårtensson G, Postma EM, Boesveldt S, Westman E, Lundström JN. Lifelong olfactory deprivation-dependent cortical reorganization restricted to orbitofrontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 37915233 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.26522  0.756
2023 Nguyen H, Albayay J, Höchenberger R, Bhutani S, Boesveldt S, Busch NA, Croijmans I, Cooper KW, de Groot JHB, Farruggia MC, Fjaeldstad AW, Hayes JE, Hummel T, Joseph PV, Laktionova TK, et al. Covid-19 affects taste independent of taste-smell confusions: results from a combined chemosensory home test and online survey from a large global cohort. Chemical Senses. PMID 37350646 DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjad020  0.741
2023 Nguyen H, Albayay J, Höchenberger R, Bhutani S, Boesveldt S, Busch NA, Croijmans I, Cooper KW, de Groot JHB, Farruggia MC, Fjaeldstad AW, Hayes JE, Hummel T, Joseph PV, Laktionova TK, et al. Covid-19 affects taste independently of smell: results from a combined chemosensory home test and online survey from a global cohort (N=10,953). Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences. PMID 36711499 DOI: 10.1101/2023.01.16.23284630  0.742
2022 Morquecho-Campos P, Hellmich IM, Zwart E, de Graaf K, Boesveldt S. Does odour priming influence snack choice? - An eye-tracking study to understand food choice processes. Appetite. 168: 105772. PMID 34715244 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105772  0.602
2021 Parma V, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Niv MY, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Cooper KW, Bouysset C, Pirastu N, Dibattista M, Kaur R, Liuzza MT, Pepino MY, Schöpf V, Pereda-Loth V, ... ... Boesveldt S, et al. Corrigendum to: More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated With Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis. Chemical Senses. 46. PMID 34879393 DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjab050  0.754
2021 Peter MG, Mårtensson G, Postma EM, Engström Nordin L, Westman E, Boesveldt S, Lundström JN. Seeing Beyond Your Nose? The Effects of Lifelong Olfactory Sensory Deprivation on Cerebral Audio-visual Integration. Neuroscience. 472: 1-10. PMID 34311017 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.07.017  0.715
2021 Krüsemann EJZ, van Tiel L, Pennings JLA, Vaessen W, de Graaf K, Talhout R, Boesveldt S. Both non-smoking youth and smoking adults like sweet and minty e-liquid flavors more than tobacco flavor. Chemical Senses. PMID 33687446 DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjab009  0.58
2021 Boesveldt S, Parma V. The importance of the olfactory system in human well-being, through nutrition and social behavior. Cell and Tissue Research. PMID 33433688 DOI: 10.1007/s00441-020-03367-7  0.602
2020 de Vries R, Morquecho-Campos P, de Vet E, de Rijk M, Postma E, de Graaf K, Engel B, Boesveldt S. Human spatial memory implicitly prioritizes high-calorie foods. Scientific Reports. 10: 15174. PMID 33033270 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-72570-x  0.6
2020 Peter MG, Fransson P, Mårtensson G, Postma EM, Nordin LE, Westman E, Boesveldt S, Lundström JN. Normal Olfactory Functional Connectivity Despite Lifelong Absence of Olfactory Experiences. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 32810869 DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa217  0.74
2020 Morquecho-Campos P, Bikker FJ, Nazmi K, de Graaf K, Laine ML, Boesveldt S. A stepwise approach investigating salivary responses upon multisensory food cues. Physiology & Behavior. 226: 113116. PMID 32750433 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113116  0.659
2020 Gerkin RC, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Joseph PV, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Steele KE, Farruggia MC, Pellegrino R, Pepino MY, Bouysset C, Soler GM, Pereda-Loth V, Dibattista M, Cooper KW, ... ... Boesveldt S, et al. Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19: a preregistered, cross-sectional study. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences. PMID 32743605 DOI: 10.1101/2020.07.22.20157263  0.761
2020 Parma V, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Niv MY, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Cooper KW, Bouysset C, Pirastu N, Dibattista M, Kaur R, Liuzza MT, Pepino MY, Schöpf V, Pereda-Loth V, ... ... Boesveldt S, et al. More than smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis. Chemical Senses. PMID 32564071 DOI: 10.1093/Chemse/Bjaa041  0.77
2020 Peter MG, Mårtensson G, Postma EM, Nordin LE, Westman E, Boesveldt S, Lundström JN. Morphological changes in secondary, but not primary, sensory cortex in individuals with life-long olfactory sensory deprivation. Neuroimage. 117005. PMID 32485304 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117005  0.722
2020 de Vries R, de Vet E, de Graaf K, Boesveldt S. Foraging minds in modern environments: High-calorie and savory-taste biases in human food spatial memory. Appetite. 152: 104718. PMID 32333957 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104718  0.586
2020 Krüsemann EJZ, Havermans A, Pennings JLA, de Graaf K, Boesveldt S, Talhout R. Comprehensive overview of common e-liquid ingredients and how they can be used to predict an e-liquid's flavour category. Tobacco Control. PMID 32041831 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055447  0.55
2019 Havermans A, Krüsemann EJZ, Pennings J, de Graaf K, Boesveldt S, Talhout R. Nearly 20 000 e-liquids and 250 unique flavour descriptions: an overview of the Dutch market based on information from manufacturers. Tobacco Control. PMID 31685584 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055303  0.541
2019 Doorduijn AS, de van der Schueren MAE, van de Rest O, de Leeuw FA, Fieldhouse JLP, Kester MI, Teunissen CE, Scheltens P, van der Flier WM, Visser M, Boesveldt S. Olfactory and gustatory functioning and food preferences of patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment compared to controls: the NUDAD project. Journal of Neurology. 267: 144-152. PMID 31595376 DOI: 10.1007/s00415-019-09561-0  0.33
2019 Krüsemann EJZ, Wenng FM, Pennings JLA, de Graaf K, Talhout R, Boesveldt S. Sensory evaluation of e-liquid flavors by smelling and vaping yields similar results. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. PMID 31437266 DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntz155  0.589
2019 Morquecho-Campos P, Bikker FJ, Nazmi K, de Graaf K, Laine ML, Boesveldt S. Impact of food odors signaling specific taste qualities and macronutrient content on saliva secretion and composition. Appetite. 143: 104399. PMID 31401237 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104399  0.661
2019 Meijer JH, Elbertse E, Boesveldt S, Berendse HW, Verdaasdonk RM. Using the Initial Systolic Time Interval to assess cardiac autonomic nervous function in Parkinson’s disease Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance. 2: 98-101. DOI: 10.5617/jeb.216  0.469
2018 Zoon HFA, Ohla K, de Graaf C, Boesveldt S. Modulation of event-related potentials to food cues upon sensory-specific satiety. Physiology & Behavior. PMID 30172720 DOI: 10.1016/J.Physbeh.2018.08.020  0.645
2018 Krüsemann EJZ, Boesveldt S, de Graaf K, Talhout R. An E-liquid Flavor Wheel: A Shared Vocabulary based on Systematically Reviewing E-liquid Flavor Classifications in Literature. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. PMID 29788484 DOI: 10.1093/ntr/nty101  0.553
2018 Reichert JL, Postma EM, Smeets PAM, Boek WM, de Graaf K, Schöpf V, Boesveldt S. Severity of olfactory deficits is reflected in functional brain networks-An fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 29602198 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.24067  0.658
2018 Roos DS, Oranje OJM, Freriksen AFD, Berendse HW, Boesveldt S. Flavor perception and the risk of malnutrition in patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 29470631 DOI: 10.1007/s00702-018-1862-8  0.53
2017 Boesveldt S, Yee JR, McClintock MK, Lundström JN. Olfactory function and the social lives of older adults: a matter of sex. Scientific Reports. 7: 45118. PMID 28327569 DOI: 10.1038/srep45118  0.571
2017 Proserpio C, de Graaf C, Laureati M, Pagliarini E, Boesveldt S. Impact of ambient odors on food intake, saliva production and appetite ratings. Physiology & Behavior. 174: 35-41. PMID 28259807 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.02.042  0.302
2017 Boesveldt S, de Graaf K. The Differential Role of Smell and Taste For Eating Behavior. Perception. 301006616685576. PMID 28056650 DOI: 10.1177/0301006616685576  0.629
2016 Mahlknecht P, Pechlaner R, Boesveldt S, Volc D, Pinter B, Reiter E, Müller C, Krismer F, Berendse HW, van Hilten JJ, Wuschitz A, Schimetta W, Högl B, Djamshidian A, Nocker M, et al. Optimizing odor identification testing as quick and accurate diagnostic tool for Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. PMID 27159493 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.26637  0.536
2015 Ramaekers MG, Verhoef A, Gort G, Luning PA, Boesveldt S. Metabolic and Sensory Influences on Odor Sensitivity in Humans. Chemical Senses. PMID 26567260 DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjv068  0.374
2015 van den Bosch I, van Delft JM, de Wijk RA, de Graaf C, Boesveldt S. Learning to (dis)like: The effect of evaluative conditioning with tastes and faces on odor valence assessed by implicit and explicit measurements. Physiology & Behavior. 151: 478-484. PMID 26300468 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.08.017  0.75
2015 Flohr EL, Boesveldt S, Haehner A, Iannilli E, Sinding C, Hummel T. Time-course of trigeminal versus olfactory stimulation: evidence from chemosensory evoked potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 95: 388-94. PMID 25697131 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2015.01.014  0.408
2014 Ramaekers MG, Boesveldt S, Gort G, Lakemond CM, van Boekel MA, Luning PA. Sensory-specific appetite is affected by actively smelled food odors and remains stable over time in normal-weight women. The Journal of Nutrition. 144: 1314-9. PMID 24966408 DOI: 10.3945/jn.114.192567  0.344
2014 van den Bosch I, Dalenberg JR, Renken R, van Langeveld AW, Smeets PA, Griffioen-Roose S, Ter Horst GJ, de Graaf C, Boesveldt S. To like or not to like: neural substrates of subjective flavor preferences. Behavioural Brain Research. 269: 128-37. PMID 24742863 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2014.04.010  0.708
2012 Freiherr J, Gordon AR, Alden EC, Ponting AL, Hernandez MF, Boesveldt S, Lundström JN. The 40-item Monell Extended Sniffin' Sticks Identification Test (MONEX-40). Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 205: 10-6. PMID 22200409 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.12.004  0.71
2011 Boesveldt S, Lindau ST, McClintock MK, Hummel T, Lundstrom JN, Lindstrom JN. Gustatory and olfactory dysfunction in older adults: a national probability study. Rhinology. 49: 324-30. PMID 21858264 DOI: 10.4193/Rhino10.155  0.617
2011 Lundström JN, Boesveldt S, Albrecht J. Central Processing of the Chemical Senses: an Overview. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 2: 5-16. PMID 21503268 DOI: 10.1021/cn1000843  0.564
2011 Veldhuizen MG, Albrecht J, Zelano C, Boesveldt S, Breslin P, Lundström JN. Identification of human gustatory cortex by activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 2256-66. PMID 21305668 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21188  0.602
2010 Lundström JN, Gordon AR, Alden EC, Boesveldt S, Albrecht J. Methods for building an inexpensive computer-controlled olfactometer for temporally-precise experiments. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 78: 179-89. PMID 20688109 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2010.07.007  0.335
2010 Boesveldt S, Olsson MJ, Lundström JN. Carbon chain length and the stimulus problem in olfaction. Behavioural Brain Research. 215: 110-3. PMID 20637806 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2010.07.007  0.519
2010 Boesveldt S, Frasnelli J, Gordon AR, Lundström JN. The fish is bad: Negative food odors elicit faster and more accurate reactions than other odors. Biological Psychology. 84: 313-7. PMID 20227457 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.03.006  0.475
2010 Boesveldt S, Frasnelli J, Gordon AR, Lundström JN. Corrigendum to " The fish is bad: Negative food odors elicit faster and more accurate reactions than other odors" [Biol. Psychol. 84 (May (2)) (2010) 313-317] Biological Psychology. 85: 523. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.09.009  0.671
2009 Boesveldt S, de Muinck Keizer RJ, Wolters ECh, Berendse HW. Odor recognition memory is not independently impaired in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 116: 575-8. PMID 19340393 DOI: 10.1007/s00702-009-0208-y  0.526
2009 Boesveldt S, Stam CJ, Knol DL, Verbunt JP, Berendse HW. Advanced time-series analysis of MEG data as a method to explore olfactory function in healthy controls and Parkinson's disease patients. Human Brain Mapping. 30: 3020-30. PMID 19172623 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20726  0.533
2009 Haehner A, Boesveldt S, Berendse HW, Mackay-Sim A, Fleischmann J, Silburn PA, Johnston AN, Mellick GD, Herting B, Reichmann H, Hummel T. Prevalence of smell loss in Parkinson's disease--a multicenter study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 15: 490-4. PMID 19138875 DOI: 10.1016/J.Parkreldis.2008.12.005  0.575
2009 Boesveldt S, de Muinck Keizer RJ, Knol DL, Wolters ECh, Berendse HW. Extended testing across, not within, tasks raises diagnostic accuracy of smell testing in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 24: 85-90. PMID 18855928 DOI: 10.1002/mds.22325  0.573
2008 Verbaan D, Boesveldt S, van Rooden SM, Visser M, Marinus J, Macedo MG, Fang Y, Heutink P, Berendse HW, van Hilten JJ. Is olfactory impairment in Parkinson disease related to phenotypic or genotypic characteristics? Neurology. 71: 1877-82. PMID 19047559 DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000336651.48596.c7  0.529
2008 Boesveldt S, Verbaan D, Knol DL, Visser M, van Rooden SM, van Hilten JJ, Berendse HW. A comparative study of odor identification and odor discrimination deficits in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 23: 1984-90. PMID 18759360 DOI: 10.1002/mds.22155  0.578
2008 Boesveldt S, Verbaan D, Knol DL, van Hilten JJ, Berendse HW. Odour identification and discrimination in Dutch adults over 45 years. Rhinology. 46: 131-6. PMID 18575015  0.536
2008 Meijer JH, Boesveldt S, Elbertse E, Berendse HW. Method to measure autonomic control of cardiac function using time interval parameters from impedance cardiography. Physiological Measurement. 29: S383-91. PMID 18544834 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/29/6/S32  0.451
2007 Boesveldt S, Haehner A, Berendse HW, Hummel T. Signal-to-noise ratio of chemosensory event-related potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 118: 690-5. PMID 17188566 DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2006.11.004  0.537
2007 Meijer JH, Boesveldt S, Elbertse E, Berendse HW. Using time interval parameters from impedance cardiography to evaluate autonomic nervous function in Parkinson's disease Ifmbe Proceedings. 17: 596-599.  0.43
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