John E. Kurtz - Publications

Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA 
Personality Theory and Assessment, Clinical Neuropsychology

22 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Nails JG, Maffly-Kipp J, DeShong HL, Lowmaster SE, Kurtz JE. A crisis in college student mental health? Self-ratings of psychopathology before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Assessment. PMID 37289503 DOI: 10.1037/pas0001241  0.632
2023 Kurtz JE, Warner AK, Glatz MA. Construction of item-level scales from the Personality Assessment Inventory to assess levels of personality functioning. Personality Disorders. PMID 37227863 DOI: 10.1037/per0000628  0.404
2019 Lowmaster SE, Hartman MJ, Zimmermann J, Baldock ZC, Kurtz JE. Further Validation of the Response Inconsistency Scale for the Personality Inventory for DSM-5. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-8. PMID 31625765 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2019.1674320  0.721
2018 O'Gorman ET, Cobb HR, Galtieri LR, Kurtz JE. Stimulus Characteristics in Picture Story Exercise Cards and Their Effects on the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-9. PMID 30457364 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2018.1519829  0.618
2018 Mulay AL, Cain NM, Waugh MH, Hopwood CJ, Adler JM, Garcia DJ, Kurtz JE, Lenger KA, Skadberg R. Personality Constructs and Paradigms in the Alternative DSM-5 Model of Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-10. PMID 29902081 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2018.1477787  0.524
2016 Louie JF, Kurtz JE, Markey PM. Evaluating Circumplex Structure in the Interpersonal Scales for the NEO-PI-3. Assessment. PMID 27572227 DOI: 10.1177/1073191116665697  0.389
2015 Kurtz JE, Henk CM, Bupp LL, Dresler CM. The validity of a regression-based procedure for detecting concealed psychopathology in structured personality assessment. Psychological Assessment. 27: 392-402. PMID 25642929 DOI: 10.1037/pas0000047  0.335
2013 DeShong HL, Kurtz JE. Four factors of impulsivity differentiate antisocial and borderline personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders. 27: 144-56. PMID 23514180 DOI: 10.1521/Pedi.2013.27.2.144  0.699
2012 Porcerelli JH, Kurtz JE, Cogan R, Markova T, Mickens L. Personality assessment screener in a primary care sample of low-income urban women. Journal of Personality Assessment. 94: 262-6. PMID 22242900 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2011.650304  0.318
2011 Ansell EB, Kurtz JE, DeMoor RM, Markey PM. Validity of the PAI interpersonal scales for measuring the dimensions of the interpersonal circumplex. Journal of Personality Assessment. 93: 33-9. PMID 21184328 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2011.529013  0.67
2011 McCrae RR, Kurtz JE, Yamagata S, Terracciano A. Internal consistency, retest reliability, and their implications for personality scale validity. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 15: 28-50. PMID 20435807 DOI: 10.1177/1088868310366253  0.337
2008 Ansell EB, Kurtz JE, Markey PM. Gender differences in interpersonal complementarity within roommate dyads. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 34: 502-12. PMID 18340034 DOI: 10.1177/0146167207312312  0.576
2008 Kurtz JE, Tarquini SJ, Iobst EA. Socially desirable responding in personality assessment: Still more substance than style Personality and Individual Differences. 45: 22-27. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2008.02.012  0.307
2007 Kurtz JE, Blais MA. Introduction to the special issue on the personality assessment inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment. 88: 1-4. PMID 17266408 DOI: 10.1080/00223890709336828  0.301
2004 Clifford JS, Boufal MM, Kurtz JE. Personality traits and critical thinking skills in college students: empirical tests of a two-factor theory. Assessment. 11: 169-76. PMID 15171465 DOI: 10.1177/1073191104263250  0.355
2001 Kurtz JE, Morey LC. Use of structured self-report assessment to diagnose borderline personality disorder during major depressive episodes. Assessment. 8: 291-300. PMID 11575622 DOI: 10.1177/107319110100800305  0.605
2001 Kurtz JE, Parrish CL. Semantic response consistency and protocol validity in structured personality assessment: the case of the NEO-PI-R. Journal of Personality Assessment. 76: 315-32. PMID 11393463 DOI: 10.1207/S15327752JPA7602_12  0.327
1999 Kurtz JE, Lee PA, Sherker JL. Internal and temporal reliability estimates for informant ratings of personality using the NEO PI-R and IAS. NEO Personality Inventory. Interpersonal Adjective Scales. Assessment. 6: 103-13. PMID 10335016 DOI: 10.1177/107319119900600201  0.306
1999 Kurtz JE, Morey LC. Verbal memory dysfunction in depressed outpatients with and without borderline personality disorder Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 21: 141-156. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022108506069  0.536
1998 Kurtz JE, Morey LC. Negativism in evaluative judgments of words among depressed outpatients with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders. 12: 351-61. PMID 9891289 DOI: 10.1521/Pedi.1998.12.4.351  0.547
1996 Putnam SH, Kurtz JE, Houts DC. Four-month test-retest reliability of the MMPI-2 with normal male clergy. Journal of Personality Assessment. 67: 341-53. PMID 8828192 DOI: 10.1207/s15327752jpa6702_9  0.306
1993 Kurtz JE, Morey LC, Tomarken AJ. The concurrent validity of three self-report measures of borderline personality Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 15: 255-266. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01371382  0.615
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