Year |
Citation |
Score |
2017 |
Scherling CS, Zakrzewski J, Datta S, Levenson RW, Shimamura AP, Sturm VE, Miller BL, Rosen HJ. Mistakes, Too Few to Mention? Impaired Self-conscious Emotional Processing of Errors in the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 11: 189. PMID 29089874 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2017.00189 |
0.578 |
2015 |
Shimamura AP, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Pogue BL, Shimamura TA. How Attention Is Driven by Film Edits: A Multimodal Experience Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. DOI: 10.1037/Aca0000025 |
0.749 |
2014 |
Cain MS, Prinzmetal W, Shimamura AP, Landau AN. Improved control of exogenous attention in action video game players. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 69. PMID 24575061 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2014.00069 |
0.721 |
2014 |
Rosen HJ, Alcantar O, Zakrzewski J, Shimamura AP, Neuhaus J, Miller BL. Metacognition in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychology. 28: 436-47. PMID 24548124 DOI: 10.1037/Neu0000012 |
0.544 |
2014 |
Shimamura AP. Remembering the Past: Neural Substrates Underlying Episodic Encoding and Retrieval Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23: 257-263. DOI: 10.1177/0963721414536181 |
0.672 |
2014 |
Shimamura AP, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Shimamura TA. Perceiving movement across film edits: A psychocinematic analysis Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 8: 77-80. DOI: 10.1037/A0034595 |
0.755 |
2013 |
Elman JA, Rosner ZA, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Cerreta AG, Shimamura AP. Dynamic changes in parietal activation during encoding: implications for human learning and memory. Neuroimage. 82: 44-52. PMID 23732887 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2013.05.113 |
0.802 |
2013 |
Marian DE, Shimamura AP. Contextual influences on dynamic facial expressions. The American Journal of Psychology. 126: 53-65. PMID 23505959 DOI: 10.5406/Amerjpsyc.126.1.0053 |
0.752 |
2013 |
Elman JA, Cohn-Sheehy BI, Shimamura AP. Dissociable parietal regions facilitate successful retrieval of recently learned and personally familiar information. Neuropsychologia. 51: 573-83. PMID 23287568 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2012.12.013 |
0.8 |
2013 |
Rosner ZA, Elman JA, Shimamura AP. The generation effect: activating broad neural circuits during memory encoding. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 49: 1901-9. PMID 23079490 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2012.09.009 |
0.815 |
2013 |
Shimamura AP, Marian DE, Haskins AL. Neural correlates of emotional regulation while viewing films. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 7: 77-84. PMID 22843102 DOI: 10.1007/S11682-012-9195-Y |
0.776 |
2013 |
Shimamura AP. Presenting and analyzing movie stimuli for psychocinematic research Tutorials in Quantitative Methods For Psychology. 9: 1-5. DOI: 10.20982/TQMP.09.1.P001 |
0.534 |
2012 |
Elman JA, Klostermann EC, Marian DE, Verstaen A, Shimamura AP. Neural correlates of metacognitive monitoring during episodic and semantic retrieval. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 12: 599-609. PMID 22562436 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-012-0096-8 |
0.8 |
2012 |
Cain MS, Landau AN, Shimamura AP. Action video game experience reduces the cost of switching tasks. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 74: 641-7. PMID 22415446 DOI: 10.3758/S13414-012-0284-1 |
0.704 |
2012 |
Marian DE, Shimamura AP. Emotions in context: pictorial influences on affective attributions. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 12: 371-5. PMID 22201243 DOI: 10.1037/A0025517 |
0.765 |
2012 |
Shimamura AP. Toward a Science of Aesthetics: Issues and ideas Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732142.003.0010 |
0.513 |
2012 |
Shimamura AP, Palmer SE. Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience. 1-424. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732142.001.0001 |
0.535 |
2011 |
Shimamura AP. Episodic retrieval and the cortical binding of relational activity. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 11: 277-91. PMID 21638193 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-011-0031-4 |
0.659 |
2011 |
Elman JA, Shimamura AP. Task relevance modulates successful retrieval effects during explicit and implicit memory tests. Neuroimage. 56: 345-53. PMID 21316476 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.02.017 |
0.646 |
2010 |
Shimamura AP. Bridging Psychological and Biological Science: The Good, Bad, and Ugly. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 5: 772-5. PMID 26161890 DOI: 10.1177/1745691610388781 |
0.526 |
2010 |
Shimamura AP. Hierarchical relational binding in the medial temporal lobe: the strong get stronger. Hippocampus. 20: 1206-16. PMID 20824723 DOI: 10.1002/Hipo.20856 |
0.631 |
2010 |
Shimamura AP. Bridging psychological and biological science: The good, bad, and ugly Perspectives On Psychological Science. 5: 772-775. DOI: 10.1177/1745691610388781 |
0.514 |
2010 |
Cain MS, Landau AN, Prinzmetal W, Robertson LC, Shimamura AP. Attention processes in action video game players Journal of Vision. 9: 237-237. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.237 |
0.687 |
2010 |
Shimamura AP. Humans Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 29-34. DOI: 10.1016/B978-008045046-9.00763-4 |
0.505 |
2009 |
Klostermann EC, Loui P, Shimamura AP. Activation of right parietal cortex during memory retrieval of nonlinguistic auditory stimuli. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 9: 242-8. PMID 19679760 DOI: 10.3758/Cabn.9.3.242 |
0.67 |
2009 |
Shimamura AP, Wickens TD. Superadditive memory strength for item and source recognition: the role of hierarchical relational binding in the medial temporal lobe. Psychological Review. 116: 1-19. PMID 19159146 DOI: 10.1037/A0014500 |
0.631 |
2009 |
Shimamura AP. Memory Retrieval and Executive Control Processes Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195134971.003.0013 |
0.666 |
2008 |
Klostermann EC, Kane AJ, Shimamura AP. Parietal activation during retrieval of abstract and concrete auditory information. Neuroimage. 40: 896-901. PMID 18243736 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.10.068 |
0.695 |
2007 |
Touryan SR, Marian DE, Shimamura AP. Effect of negative emotional pictures on associative memory for peripheral information. Memory (Hove, England). 15: 154-66. PMID 17534109 DOI: 10.1080/09658210601151310 |
0.776 |
2006 |
Shimamura AP, Ross JG, Bennett HD. Memory for facial expressions: the power of a smile. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 13: 217-22. PMID 16892984 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03193833 |
0.639 |
2005 |
Anderson L, Shimamura AP. Influences of emotion on context memory while viewing film clips. The American Journal of Psychology. 118: 323-37. PMID 16255123 |
0.648 |
2004 |
Baldo JV, Delis DC, Wilkins DP, Shimamura AP. Is it bigger than a breadbox? Performance of patients with prefrontal lesions on a new executive function test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 19: 407-19. PMID 15033225 DOI: 10.1016/S0887-6177(03)00074-X |
0.628 |
2002 |
Rule RR, Shimamura AP, Knight RT. Orbitofrontal cortex and dynamic filtering of emotional stimuli. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2: 264-70. PMID 12775190 DOI: 10.3758/Cabn.2.3.264 |
0.789 |
2002 |
Baldo JV, Delis D, Kramer J, Shimamura AP. Memory performance on the California Verbal Learning Test-II: findings from patients with focal frontal lesions. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 8: 539-46. PMID 12030307 DOI: 10.1017/S135561770281428X |
0.712 |
2002 |
Sylvester CY, Shimamura AP. Evidence for intact semantic representations in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Neuropsychology. 16: 197-207. PMID 11949712 DOI: 10.1037/0894-4105.16.2.197 |
0.631 |
2002 |
Shimamura AP. Muybridge in motion: Travels in art, psychology and neurology History of Photography. 26: 341-350. |
0.52 |
2001 |
Doerksen S, Shimamura AP. Source memory enhancement for emotional words. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 1: 5-11. PMID 12894807 DOI: 10.1037/1528-3542.1.1.5 |
0.697 |
2001 |
Baldo JV, Shimamura AP, Delis DC, Kramer J, Kaplan E. Verbal and design fluency in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 7: 586-96. PMID 11459110 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617701755063 |
0.611 |
2001 |
Prinzmetal W, Shimamura AP, Mikolinski M. The Ponzo illusion and the perception of orientation. Perception & Psychophysics. 63: 99-114. PMID 11304020 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03200506 |
0.559 |
2000 |
Slotnick SD, Klein SA, Dodson CS, Shimamura AP. An analysis of signal detection and threshold models of source memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 26: 1499-517. PMID 11185779 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.26.6.1499 |
0.793 |
2000 |
Dodson CS, Shimamura AP. Differential effects of cue dependency on item and source memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 26: 1023-44. PMID 10946376 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.26.4.1023 |
0.647 |
2000 |
Shimamura AP. Toward a cognitive neuroscience of metacognition. Consciousness and Cognition. 9: 313-23; discussion 3. PMID 10924251 DOI: 10.1006/Ccog.2000.0450 |
0.617 |
2000 |
Shimamura AP. The role of the prefrontal cortex in dynamic filtering Psychobiology. 28: 207-218. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03331979 |
0.581 |
2000 |
Baldo JV, Shimamura AP. Spatial and color working memory in patients with lateral prefrontal cortex lesions Psychobiology. 28: 156-167. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03331975 |
0.685 |
2000 |
Shimamura AP, Mazzoni G, Nelson TO. What Is Metacognition? The Brain Knows The American Journal of Psychology. 113: 142. DOI: 10.2307/1423465 |
0.52 |
1999 |
Ciranni MA, Shimamura AP. Retrieval-induced forgetting in episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 25: 1403-14. PMID 10605828 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.25.6.1403 |
0.815 |
1999 |
Jurica PJ, Shimamura AP. Monitoring item and source information: evidence for a negative generation effect in source memory. Memory & Cognition. 27: 648-56. PMID 10479823 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03211558 |
0.68 |
1999 |
Shimamura AP, Prinzmetal W. The mystery spot illusion and its relation to other visual illusions Psychological Science. 10: 501-507. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9280.00196 |
0.557 |
1998 |
Dodson CS, Holland PW, Shimamura AP. On the recollection of specific- and partial-source information. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 24: 1121-36. PMID 9747526 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.24.5.1121 |
0.762 |
1998 |
Baldo JV, Shimamura AP, Prinzmetal W. Mapping symbols to response modalities: interference effects on Stroop-like tasks. Perception & Psychophysics. 60: 427-37. PMID 9599993 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03206864 |
0.597 |
1998 |
Baldo JV, Shimamura AP. Letter and category fluency in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Neuropsychology. 12: 259-67. PMID 9556772 DOI: 10.1037//0894-4105.12.2.259 |
0.638 |
1998 |
Dodson CS, Prinzmetal W, Shimamura AP. Using Excel to estimate parameters from observed data: An example from source memory data Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers. 30: 517-526. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03200685 |
0.768 |
1997 |
Paller KA, Acharya A, Richardson BC, Plaisant O, Shimamura AP, Reed BR, Jagust WJ. Functional Neuroimaging of Cortical Dysfunction in Alcoholic Korsakoff's Syndrome. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 9: 277-93. PMID 23962017 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.1997.9.2.277 |
0.734 |
1997 |
Nielsen-Bohlman L, Ciranni M, Shimamura AP, Knight RT. Impaired word-stem priming in patients with temporal-occipital lesions. Neuropsychologia. 35: 1087-92. PMID 9256373 DOI: 10.1016/S0028-3932(97)00036-5 |
0.802 |
1996 |
Mangels JA, Gershberg FB, Shimamura AP, Knight RT. Impaired retrieval from remote memory in patients with frontal lobe damage Neuropsychology. 10: 32-41. DOI: 10.1037/0894-4105.10.1.32 |
0.756 |
1995 |
Shimamura AP, Jurica PJ, Mangels JA, Gershberg FB, Knight RT. Susceptibility to Memory Interference Effects following Frontal Lobe Damage: Findings from Tests of Paired-Associate Learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 7: 144-52. PMID 23961820 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.1995.7.2.144 |
0.739 |
1995 |
Shimamura AP. Memory and the prefrontal cortex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 769: 151-9. PMID 8595022 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1995.Tb38136.X |
0.651 |
1995 |
Gershberg FB, Shimamura AP. Impaired use of organizational strategies in free recall following frontal lobe damage. Neuropsychologia. 33: 1305-33. PMID 8552230 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(95)00103-A |
0.659 |
1995 |
Shimamura AP, Mangels JA, Jurica PJ, Berry JM, Rusting CL. Memory and cognitive abilities in university professors: Evidence for successful aging Psychological Science. 6: 271-277. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9280.1995.Tb00510.X |
0.643 |
1994 |
Gershberg FB, Shimamura AP. Serial position effects in implicit and explicit tests of memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 20: 1370-8. PMID 7983468 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.20.6.1370 |
0.632 |
1994 |
Shimamura AP, Jurica PJ. Memory Interference Effects and Aging: Findings From a Test of Frontal Lobe Function Neuropsychology. 8: 408-412. DOI: 10.1037/0894-4105.8.3.408 |
0.662 |
1994 |
Shimamura AP. Neuropsychological perspectives on memory and cognitive decline in normal human aging Seminars in the Neurosciences. 6: 387-394. DOI: 10.1006/Smns.1994.1050 |
0.613 |
1993 |
Robertson LC, Knight RT, Rafal R, Shimamura AP. Cognitive neuropsychology is more than single-case studies. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 19: 710-7; discussion 71. PMID 8347215 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.19.3.710 |
0.62 |
1992 |
Shimamura AP, Gershberg FB, Jurica PJ, Mangels JA, Knight RT. Intact implicit memory in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Neuropsychologia. 30: 931-7. PMID 1436439 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(92)90037-M |
0.732 |
1992 |
Haist F, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. On the relationship between recall and recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 18: 691-702. PMID 1385610 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.18.4.691 |
0.832 |
1992 |
Shimamura AP. Book Review Wet Mind: The new cognitive neuroscience By Stephen M. Kosslyn and Olivier Koenig. 548 pp., illustrated. New York, Free Press, 1992. $27.95. ISBN 0–02–917595-X . New England Journal of Medicine. 327: 1537-1537. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199211193272121 |
0.528 |
1991 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. The relationship between fact and source memory: Findings from amnesic patients and normal subjects Psychobiology. 19: 1-10. DOI: 10.1007/Bf03337951 |
0.747 |
1990 |
Shimamura AP, Janowsky JS, Squire LR. Memory for the temporal order of events in patients with frontal lobe lesions and amnesic patients. Neuropsychologia. 28: 803-13. PMID 2247207 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(90)90004-8 |
0.824 |
1990 |
Shimamura AP. Memory and amnesia. The Western Journal of Medicine. 152: 177-8. PMID 2154899 |
0.668 |
1990 |
Musen G, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Intact text-specific reading skill in amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 16: 1068-76. PMID 2148580 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.16.6.1068 |
0.818 |
1989 |
Squire LR, Haist F, Shimamura AP. The neurology of memory: quantitative assessment of retrograde amnesia in two groups of amnesic patients. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 9: 828-39. PMID 2926483 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.09-03-00828.1989 |
0.832 |
1989 |
Janowsky JS, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Source memory impairment in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Neuropsychologia. 27: 1043-56. PMID 2797412 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(89)90184-X |
0.808 |
1989 |
Janowsky JS, Shimamura AP, Kritchevsky M, Squire LR. Cognitive impairment following frontal lobe damage and its relevance to human amnesia. Behavioral Neuroscience. 103: 548-60. PMID 2736069 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.103.3.548 |
0.777 |
1989 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Impaired priming of new associations in amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 15: 721-8. PMID 2526859 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.15.4.721 |
0.693 |
1989 |
Janowsky JS, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Memory and metamemory: Comparisons between patients with frontal lobe lesions and amnesic patients Psychobiology. 17: 3-11. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03337811 |
0.815 |
1988 |
Shimamura AP, Jernigan TL, Squire LR. Korsakoff's syndrome: radiological (CT) findings and neuropsychological correlates. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 8: 4400-10. PMID 3183726 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.08-11-04400.1988 |
0.678 |
1988 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Long-term memory in amnesia: cued recall, recognition memory, and confidence ratings. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 14: 763-70. PMID 2972808 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.14.4.763 |
0.732 |
1988 |
Salmon DP, Shimamura AP, Butters N, Smith S. Lexical and semantic priming deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 10: 477-94. PMID 2969917 DOI: 10.1080/01688638808408254 |
0.663 |
1987 |
Squire LR, Shimamura AP, Graf P. Strength and duration of priming effects in normal subjects and amnesic patients. Neuropsychologia. 25: 195-210. PMID 3574658 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(87)90131-X |
0.698 |
1987 |
Paller KA, Kutas M, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Brain responses to concrete and abstract words reflect processes that correlate with later performance on a test of stem-completion priming. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement. 40: 360-5. PMID 3480147 |
0.729 |
1987 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. A neuropsychological study of fact memory and source amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 13: 464-73. PMID 2956356 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.13.3.464 |
0.747 |
1987 |
Shimamura AP, Salmon DP, Squire LR, Butters N. Memory dysfunction and word priming in dementia and amnesia. Behavioral Neuroscience. 101: 347-51. PMID 2955793 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.101.3.347 |
0.706 |
1987 |
Shimamura AP. Word Comprehension and Naming: An Analysis of English and Japanese Orthographies The American Journal of Psychology. 100: 15. DOI: 10.2307/1422640 |
0.595 |
1987 |
Shimamura A. Working memory Trends in Neurosciences. 10: 532-533. DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(87)90136-6 |
0.654 |
1986 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Korsakoff's syndrome: a study of the relation between anterograde amnesia and remote memory impairment. Behavioral Neuroscience. 100: 165-70. PMID 3964418 DOI: 10.1037/0735-7044.100.2.165 |
0.741 |
1986 |
Squire LR, Shimamura AP. Characterizing amnesic patients for neurobehavioral study. Behavioral Neuroscience. 100: 866-77. PMID 3814341 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.100.6.866 |
0.717 |
1986 |
Shimamura AP. Priming effects of amnesia: evidence for a dissociable memory function. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 38: 619-44. PMID 3544083 DOI: 10.1080/14640748608401617 |
0.689 |
1986 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Memory and metamemory: a study of the feeling-of-knowing phenomenon in amnesic patients. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 12: 452-60. PMID 2942629 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.12.3.452 |
0.73 |
1985 |
Graf P, Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Priming across modalities and priming across category levels: extending the domain of preserved function in amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 11: 386-96. PMID 3157772 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.11.2.386 |
0.714 |
1985 |
Loftus GR, Johnson CA, Shimamura AP. How much is an icon worth? Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 11: 1-13. PMID 3156955 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.11.1.1 |
0.724 |
1985 |
Squire LR, Shimamura AP, Graf P. Independence of recognition memory and priming effects: a neuropsychological analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 11: 37-44. PMID 3156952 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.11.1.37 |
0.753 |
1985 |
Shimamura AP. Problems with the finding of stochastic independence as evidence for multiple memory systems Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 23: 506-508. DOI: 10.3758/BF03329867 |
0.657 |
1984 |
Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Paired-associate learning and priming effects in amnesia: a neuropsychological study. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 113: 556-70. PMID 6240522 DOI: 10.1037//0096-3445.113.4.556 |
0.702 |
1984 |
Shimamura AP. A Guide for Teaching Mnemonic Skills Teaching of Psychology. 11: 162-166. DOI: 10.1177/009862838401100309 |
0.518 |
1980 |
Nelson TO, Shimamura AP, Leonesio RJ. Large effects on long-term retention after standard list learning vs. adjusted learning Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 12: 42-44. DOI: 10.3758/BF03208322 |
0.563 |
Show low-probability matches. |