Eliseo A. Eugenin - Publications

Pathology Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 
Neuroinflammation. Dementia. AIDS. HIV. NeuroAIDS

91 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Hernandez C, Gorska AM, Eugenin E. Mechanisms of HIV-mediated blood-brain barrier compromise and leukocyte transmigration under the current antiretroviral era. Iscience. 27: 109236. PMID 38487019 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109236  0.501
2023 Sperber HS, Raymond KA, Bouzidi MS, Ma T, Valdebenito S, Eugenin EA, Roan NR, Deeks SG, Winning S, Fandrey J, Schwarzer R, Pillai SK. The hypoxia-regulated ectonucleotidase CD73 is a host determinant of HIV latency. Cell Reports. 42: 113285. PMID 37910505 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113285  0.455
2023 Hernandez CA, Eugenin EA. The role of Pannexin-1 channels, ATP, and purinergic receptors in the pathogenesis of HIV and SARS-CoV-2. Current Opinion in Pharmacology. 73: 102404. PMID 37734241 DOI: 10.1016/j.coph.2023.102404  0.371
2023 Valdebenito S, Ono A, Rong L, Eugenin EA. The role of tunneling nanotubes during early stages of HIV infection and reactivation: implications in HIV cure. Neuroimmune Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2: 169-186. PMID 37476291 DOI: 10.1515/nipt-2022-0015  0.481
2023 D'Amico D, Barone R, Di Felice V, Ances B, Prideaux B, Eugenin EA. Chronic brain damage in HIV-infected individuals under antiretroviral therapy is associated with viral reservoirs, sulfatide release, and compromised cell-to-cell communication. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 80: 116. PMID 37016051 DOI: 10.1007/s00018-023-04757-0  0.417
2022 Donoso M, D'Amico D, Valdebenito S, Hernandez CA, Prideaux B, Eugenin EA. Identification, Quantification, and Characterization of HIV-1 Reservoirs in the Human Brain. Cells. 11. PMID 35954221 DOI: 10.3390/cells11152379  0.51
2022 Shrestha J, Santerre M, Allen CNS, Arjona SP, Merali C, Mukerjee R, Chitrala KN, Park J, Bagashev A, Bui V, Eugenin EA, Merali S, Kaul M, Chin J, Sawaya BE. HIV-1 gp120 Impairs Spatial Memory Through Cyclic AMP Response Element-Binding Protein. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 14: 811481. PMID 35615594 DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.811481  0.314
2021 D'Amico D, Valdebenito S, Eugenin EA. The role of Pannexin-1 channels and extracellular ATP in the pathogenesis of the human immunodeficiency virus. Purinergic Signalling. PMID 34542793 DOI: 10.1007/s11302-021-09817-3  0.383
2021 Malik S, Valdebenito S, D'Amico D, Prideaux B, Eugenin EA. HIV infection of astrocytes compromises inter-organelle interactions and inositol phosphate metabolism: a potential mechanism of bystander damage and viral reservoir survival. Progress in Neurobiology. 102157. PMID 34455020 DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.102157  0.511
2021 León-Rivera R, Veenstra M, Donoso M, Tell E, Eugenin EA, Morgello S, Berman JW. Central Nervous System (CNS) Viral Seeding by Mature Monocytes and Potential Therapies To Reduce CNS Viral Reservoirs in the cART Era. Mbio. 12. PMID 33727362 DOI: 10.1128/mBio.03633-20  0.521
2021 Silvana V, Paul C, Ajasin D, Eugenin EA. Astrocytes are HIV reservoirs in the brain: a cell type with poor HIV-infectivity and replication but efficient cell-to-cell viral transfer. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 33655498 DOI: 10.1111/jnc.15336  0.511
2020 Okafo G, Valdebenito S, Donoso M, Luu R, Ajasin D, Prideaux B, Gorantla S, Eugenin EA. Role of Tunneling Nanotube-like Structures during the Early Events of HIV Infection: Novel Features of Tissue Compartmentalization and Mechanism of HIV Spread. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). PMID 33037140 DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.2000803  0.479
2020 Gorska AM, Eugenin EA. The Glutamate System as a Crucial Regulator of CNS Toxicity and Survival of HIV Reservoirs. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10: 261. PMID 32670889 DOI: 10.3389/Fcimb.2020.00261  0.494
2020 Lutgen V, Narasipura SD, Barbian HJ, Richards M, Wallace J, Razmpour R, Buzhdygan T, Ramirez SH, Prevedel L, Eugenin EA, Al-Harthi L. HIV infects astrocytes in vivo and egresses from the brain to the periphery. Plos Pathogens. 16: e1008381. PMID 32525948 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Ppat.1008381  0.565
2020 Gajardo-Gómez R, Santibañez CA, Labra VC, Gómez GI, Eugenin EA, Orellana JA. HIV gp120 Protein Increases the Function of Connexin 43 Hemichannels and Pannexin-1 Channels in Astrocytes: Repercussions on Astroglial Function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21. PMID 32260308 DOI: 10.3390/Ijms21072503  0.497
2020 Real F, Capron C, Sennepin A, Arrigucci R, Zhu A, Sannier G, Zheng J, Xu L, Massé JM, Greffe S, Cazabat M, Donoso M, Delobel P, Izopet J, Eugenin E, et al. Platelets from HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral drug therapy with poor CD4 T cell recovery can harbor replication-competent HIV despite viral suppression. Science Translational Medicine. 12. PMID 32188724 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.Aat6263  0.584
2020 Ajasin D, Eugenin EA. HIV-1 Tat: Role in Bystander Toxicity. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10: 61. PMID 32158701 DOI: 10.3389/Fcimb.2020.00061  0.585
2019 Velasquez S, Prevedel L, Valdebenito S, Gorska AM, Golovko M, Khan N, Geiger J, Eugenin EA. Circulating levels of ATP is a biomarker of HIV cognitive impairment. Ebiomedicine. PMID 31806564 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ebiom.2019.10.029  0.516
2019 Eugenin EA, Martiney JA, Berman JW. The malaria toxin hemozoin induces apoptosis in human neurons and astrocytes: potential role in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. Brain Research. 146317. PMID 31276637 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2019.146317  0.313
2019 Castellano P, Prevedel L, Valdebenito S, Eugenin EA. HIV infection and latency induce a unique metabolic signature in human macrophages. Scientific Reports. 9: 3941. PMID 30850623 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-39898-5  0.544
2019 Ruiz AP, Ajasin DO, Ramasamy S, DesMarais V, Eugenin EA, Prasad VR. A Naturally Occurring Polymorphism in the HIV-1 Tat Basic Domain Inhibits Uptake by Bystander Cells and Leads to Reduced Neuroinflammation. Scientific Reports. 9: 3308. PMID 30824746 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-39531-5  0.511
2019 Ganor Y, Real F, Sennepin A, Dutertre CA, Prevedel L, Xu L, Tudor D, Charmeteau B, Couedel-Courteille A, Marion S, Zenak AR, Jourdain JP, Zhou Z, Schmitt A, Capron C, ... Eugenin EA, et al. HIV-1 reservoirs in urethral macrophages of patients under suppressive antiretroviral therapy. Nature Microbiology. PMID 30718846 DOI: 10.1038/S41564-018-0335-Z  0.592
2018 Prevedel L, Ruel N, Castellano P, Smith C, Malik S, Villeux C, Bomsel M, Morgello S, Eugenin EA. Identification, Localization, and Quantification of HIV Reservoirs Using Microscopy. Current Protocols in Cell Biology. e64. PMID 30265439 DOI: 10.1002/Cpcb.64  0.533
2018 Megra BW, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Inflammatory mediators reduce surface PrP on human BMVEC resulting in decreased barrier integrity. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology. PMID 29959417 DOI: 10.1038/S41374-018-0090-Z  0.343
2017 Aslanyan L, Sanchez DA, Valdebenito S, Eugenin EA, Ramos RL, Martinez LR. The Crucial Role of Biofilms in Cryptococcus neoformans Survival within Macrophages and Colonization of the Central Nervous System. Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland). 3. PMID 29371529 DOI: 10.3390/Jof3010010  0.322
2017 Malik S, Theis M, Eugenin EA. Connexin43 Containing Gap Junction Channels Facilitate HIV Bystander Toxicity: Implications in NeuroHIV. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 10: 404. PMID 29259541 DOI: 10.3389/Fnmol.2017.00404  0.597
2017 Okafo G, Prevedel L, Eugenin E. Tunneling nanotubes (TNT) mediate long-range gap junctional communication: Implications for HIV cell to cell spread. Scientific Reports. 7: 16660. PMID 29192225 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-16600-1  0.566
2017 Castellano P, Prevedel L, Eugenin EA. HIV-infected macrophages and microglia that survive acute infection become viral reservoirs by a mechanism involving Bim. Scientific Reports. 7: 12866. PMID 28993666 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-12758-W  0.585
2017 Malik S, Eugenin EA. Role of Connexin and Pannexin containing channels in HIV infection and NeuroAIDS. Neuroscience Letters. PMID 28886986 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2017.09.005  0.536
2017 Prevedel L, Morocho C, Bennett MVL, Eugenin EA. HIV-Associated Cardiovascular Disease: Role of Connexin 43. The American Journal of Pathology. PMID 28688235 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ajpath.2017.05.011  0.564
2017 Valdebenito S, Barreto A, Eugenin EA. The role of connexin and pannexin containing channels in the innate and acquired immune response. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. PMID 28559189 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbamem.2017.05.015  0.345
2017 Megra BW, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. The Role of Shed PrP(c) in the Neuropathogenesis of HIV Infection. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). PMID 28533442 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1601041  0.493
2017 Calderon TM, Williams DW, Lopez L, Eugenin EA, Cheney L, Gaskill PJ, Veenstra M, Anastos K, Morgello S, Berman JW. Dopamine Increases CD14(+)CD16(+) Monocyte Transmigration across the Blood Brain Barrier: Implications for Substance Abuse and HIV Neuropathogenesis. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : the Official Journal of the Society On Neuroimmune Pharmacology. PMID 28133717 DOI: 10.1007/S11481-017-9726-9  0.762
2016 Shi L, Eugenin EA, Subbian S. Immunometabolism in Tuberculosis. Frontiers in Immunology. 7: 150. PMID 27148269 DOI: 10.3389/Fimmu.2016.00150  0.303
2016 Velasquez S, Malik S, Lutz SE, Scemes E, Eugenin EA. Pannexin1 Channels Are Required for Chemokine-Mediated Migration of CD4+ T Lymphocytes: Role in Inflammation and Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). PMID 27076682 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1502440  0.382
2016 Malik S, Eugenin EA. Novel mechanisms of human immunodeficiency virus induced central nervous system dysfunction. Current Hiv Research. PMID 27009098 DOI: 10.2174/1570162X14666160324124558  0.599
2016 Castellano P, Nwagbo C, Martinez LR, Eugenin EA. Methamphetamine compromises gap junctional communication in astrocytes and neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 26953131 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13603  0.449
2016 Avdoshina V, Fields JA, Castellano P, Dedoni S, Palchik G, Trejo M, Adame A, Rockenstein E, Eugenin E, Masliah E, Mocchetti I. The HIV Protein gp120 Alters Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neurons. Neurotoxicity Research. PMID 26936603 DOI: 10.1007/S12640-016-9608-6  0.509
2016 Berman JW, Carvallo L, Buckner CM, Luers A, Prevedel L, Bennett MV, Eugenin EA. HIV-tat alters Connexin43 expression and trafficking in human astrocytes: role in NeuroAIDS. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 13: 54. PMID 26934876 DOI: 10.1186/S12974-016-0510-1  0.57
2016 Rao VR, Eugenin EA, Prasad VR. Evaluating the Role of Viral Proteins in HIV-Mediated Neurotoxicity Using Primary Human Neuronal Cultures. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1354: 367-76. PMID 26714725 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3046-3_25  0.527
2016 Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Improved Methods to Detect Low Levels of HIV Using Antibody-Based Technologies. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1354: 265-79. PMID 26714718 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3046-3_18  0.457
2016 Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Improved methods to detect low levels of HIV using antibody-based technologies Methods in Molecular Biology. 1354: 265-279. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3046-3_18  0.303
2015 Shi L, Salamon H, Eugenin EA, Pine R, Cooper A, Gennaro ML. Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces the Warburg effect in mouse lungs. Scientific Reports. 5: 18176. PMID 26658723 DOI: 10.1038/Srep18176  0.333
2015 McFarren A, Lopez L, Williams DW, Veenstra M, Bryan RA, Goldsmith A, Morgenstern A, Bruchertseifer F, Zolla-Pazner S, Gorny MK, Eugenin EA, Berman JW, Dadachova E. A fully human antibody to gp41 selectively eliminates HIV-infected cells that transmigrated across a model human blood brain barrier. Aids (London, England). PMID 26595540 DOI: 10.1097/Qad.0000000000000968  0.554
2015 Mihu MR, Roman-Sosa J, Varshney AK, Eugenin EA, Shah BP, Ham Lee H, Nguyen LN, Guimaraes AJ, Fries BC, Nosanchuk JD, Martinez LR. Methamphetamine Alters the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Phagocytic Cells during Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infection. Mbio. 6. PMID 26507236 DOI: 10.1128/Mbio.01622-15  0.327
2015 Valere K, Rapista A, Eugenin E, Lu W, Chang TL. Human Alpha-Defensin HNP1 Increases HIV Traversal of the Epithelial Barrier: A Potential Role in STI-Mediated Enhancement of HIV Transmission. Viral Immunology. PMID 26379091 DOI: 10.1089/Vim.2014.0137  0.567
2015 Carvallo L, Lopez L, Che FY, Lim J, Eugenin EA, Williams DW, Nieves E, Calderon TM, Madrid-Aliste C, Fiser A, Weiss L, Angeletti RH, Berman JW. Buprenorphine decreases the CCL2-mediated chemotactic response of monocytes. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 194: 3246-58. PMID 25716997 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1302647  0.522
2015 Coley JS, Calderon TM, Gaskill PJ, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Dopamine increases CD14+CD16+ monocyte migration and adhesion in the context of substance abuse and HIV neuropathogenesis. Plos One. 10: e0117450. PMID 25647501 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0117450  0.725
2014 Daep CA, Muñoz-Jordán JL, Eugenin EA. Flaviviruses, an expanding threat in public health: focus on dengue, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis virus. Journal of Neurovirology. 20: 539-60. PMID 25287260 DOI: 10.1007/S13365-014-0285-Z  0.315
2014 Liu TB, Subbian S, Pan W, Eugenin E, Xie J, Xue C. Cryptococcus inositol utilization modulates the host protective immune response during brain infection. Cell Communication and Signaling : Ccs. 12: 51. PMID 25201772 DOI: 10.1186/S12964-014-0051-0  0.423
2014 Rao VR, Neogi U, Eugenin E, Prasad VR. The gp120 protein is a second determinant of decreased neurovirulence of Indian HIV-1C isolates compared to southern African HIV-1C isolates. Plos One. 9: e107074. PMID 25188269 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0107074  0.46
2014 Rella CE, Ruel N, Eugenin EA. Development of imaging techniques to study the pathogenesis of biosafety level 2/3 infectious agents. Pathogens and Disease. 72: 167-73. PMID 24990818 DOI: 10.1111/2049-632X.12199  0.34
2014 Castellano P, Eugenin EA. Regulation of gap junction channels by infectious agents and inflammation in the CNS. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8: 122. PMID 24847208 DOI: 10.3389/Fncel.2014.00122  0.314
2014 Velasquez S, Eugenin EA. Role of Pannexin-1 hemichannels and purinergic receptors in the pathogenesis of human diseases. Frontiers in Physiology. 5: 96. PMID 24672487 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2014.00096  0.38
2014 Orellana JA, Sáez JC, Bennett MV, Berman JW, Morgello S, Eugenin EA. HIV increases the release of dickkopf-1 protein from human astrocytes by a Cx43 hemichannel-dependent mechanism. Journal of Neurochemistry. 128: 752-63. PMID 24134157 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.12492  0.598
2013 Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Cytochrome C dysregulation induced by HIV infection of astrocytes results in bystander apoptosis of uninfected astrocytes by an IP3 and calcium-dependent mechanism. Journal of Neurochemistry. 127: 644-51. PMID 23992092 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.12443  0.581
2013 Williams DW, Calderon TM, Lopez L, Carvallo-Torres L, Gaskill PJ, Eugenin EA, Morgello S, Berman JW. Mechanisms of HIV entry into the CNS: increased sensitivity of HIV infected CD14+CD16+ monocytes to CCL2 and key roles of CCR2, JAM-A, and ALCAM in diapedesis. Plos One. 8: e69270. PMID 23922698 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0069270  0.759
2013 Patel D, Desai GM, Frases S, Cordero RJ, DeLeon-Rodriguez CM, Eugenin EA, Nosanchuk JD, Martinez LR. Methamphetamine enhances Cryptococcus neoformans pulmonary infection and dissemination to the brain. Mbio. 4. PMID 23900172 DOI: 10.1128/Mbio.00400-13  0.393
2013 Rao VR, Neogi U, Talboom JS, Padilla L, Rahman M, Fritz-French C, Gonzalez-Ramirez S, Verma A, Wood C, Ruprecht RM, Ranga U, Azim T, Joska J, Eugenin E, Shet A, et al. Clade C HIV-1 isolates circulating in Southern Africa exhibit a greater frequency of dicysteine motif-containing Tat variants than those in Southeast Asia and cause increased neurovirulence. Retrovirology. 10: 61. PMID 23758766 DOI: 10.1186/1742-4690-10-61  0.54
2013 Megra B, Eugenin E, Roberts T, Morgello S, Berman JW. Protease resistant protein cellular isoform (PrP(c)) as a biomarker: clues into the pathogenesis of HAND. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : the Official Journal of the Society On Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 8: 1159-66. PMID 23616272 DOI: 10.1007/S11481-013-9458-4  0.53
2013 Liu TB, Kim JC, Wang Y, Toffaletti DL, Eugenin E, Perfect JR, Kim KJ, Xue C. Brain inositol is a novel stimulator for promoting Cryptococcus penetration of the blood-brain barrier. Plos Pathogens. 9: e1003247. PMID 23592982 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Ppat.1003247  0.362
2013 Eugenin EA, Greco JM, Frases S, Nosanchuk JD, Martinez LR. Methamphetamine alters blood brain barrier protein expression in mice, facilitating central nervous system infection by neurotropic Cryptococcus neoformans. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 208: 699-704. PMID 23532099 DOI: 10.1093/Infdis/Jit117  0.364
2013 Orellana JA, Velasquez S, Williams DW, Sáez JC, Berman JW, Eugenin EA. Pannexin1 hemichannels are critical for HIV infection of human primary CD4+ T lymphocytes. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 94: 399-407. PMID 23456773 DOI: 10.1189/Jlb.0512249  0.574
2012 Gaskill PJ, Carvallo L, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Characterization and function of the human macrophage dopaminergic system: implications for CNS disease and drug abuse. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 9: 203. PMID 22901451 DOI: 10.1186/1742-2094-9-203  0.667
2012 Roberts TK, Eugenin EA, Lopez L, Romero IA, Weksler BB, Couraud PO, Berman JW. CCL2 disrupts the adherens junction: implications for neuroinflammation. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology. 92: 1213-33. PMID 22641100 DOI: 10.1038/Labinvest.2012.80  0.306
2012 Hazleton JE, Berman JW, Eugenin EA. Purinergic receptors are required for HIV-1 infection of primary human macrophages. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 188: 4488-95. PMID 22450808 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1102482  0.572
2012 Eugenin EA, Basilio D, Sáez JC, Orellana JA, Raine CS, Bukauskas F, Bennett MV, Berman JW. The role of gap junction channels during physiologic and pathologic conditions of the human central nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : the Official Journal of the Society On Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 7: 499-518. PMID 22438035 DOI: 10.1007/S11481-012-9352-5  0.338
2012 Williams DW, Eugenin EA, Calderon TM, Berman JW. Monocyte maturation, HIV susceptibility, and transmigration across the blood brain barrier are critical in HIV neuropathogenesis. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 91: 401-15. PMID 22227964 DOI: 10.1189/Jlb.0811394  0.599
2011 Eugenin EA, Clements JE, Zink MC, Berman JW. Human immunodeficiency virus infection of human astrocytes disrupts blood-brain barrier integrity by a gap junction-dependent mechanism. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 9456-65. PMID 21715610 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1460-11.2011  0.563
2011 Eugenin EA, King JE, Hazleton JE, Major EO, Bennett MV, Zukin RS, Berman JW. Differences in NMDA receptor expression during human development determine the response of neurons to HIV-tat-mediated neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicity Research. 19: 138-48. PMID 20094923 DOI: 10.1007/S12640-010-9150-X  0.47
2010 Hazleton JE, Berman JW, Eugenin EA. Novel mechanisms of central nervous system damage in HIV infection. Hiv/Aids (Auckland, N.Z.). 2: 39-49. PMID 22096383 DOI: 10.2147/Hiv.S9186  0.452
2010 Roberts TK, Eugenin EA, Morgello S, Clements JE, Zink MC, Berman JW. PrPC, the cellular isoform of the human prion protein, is a novel biomarker of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and mediates neuroinflammation. The American Journal of Pathology. 177: 1848-60. PMID 20724601 DOI: 10.2353/Ajpath.2010.091006  0.564
2010 King JE, Eugenin EA, Hazleton JE, Morgello S, Berman JW. Mechanisms of HIV-tat-induced phosphorylation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 2A in human primary neurons: implications for neuroAIDS pathogenesis. The American Journal of Pathology. 176: 2819-30. PMID 20448061 DOI: 10.2353/Ajpath.2010.090642  0.512
2009 Gaskill PJ, Calderon TM, Luers AJ, Eugenin EA, Javitch JA, Berman JW. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of human macrophages is increased by dopamine: a bridge between HIV-associated neurologic disorders and drug abuse. The American Journal of Pathology. 175: 1148-59. PMID 19661443 DOI: 10.2353/Ajpath.2009.081067  0.772
2009 Eugenin EA, Gaskill PJ, Berman JW. Tunneling nanotubes (TNT): A potential mechanism for intercellular HIV trafficking. Communicative & Integrative Biology. 2: 243-4. PMID 19641744 DOI: 10.4161/Cib.2.3.8165  0.78
2009 Rao VR, Eugenin EA, Berman JW, Prasad VR. Methods to study monocyte migration induced by HIV-infected cells. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 485: 295-309. PMID 19020833 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-170-3_20  0.597
2009 Eugenin EA, Gaskill PJ, Berman JW. Tunneling nanotubes (TNT) are induced by HIV-infection of macrophages: a potential mechanism for intercellular HIV trafficking. Cellular Immunology. 254: 142-8. PMID 18835599 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cellimm.2008.08.005  0.766
2009 Eugenin EA, Gaskill PJ, Berman JW. Tunneling nanotubes (TNT): A potential mechanism for intercellular trafficking of HIV Communicative and Integrative Biology. 2: 243-244. DOI: 10.4161/cib.2.3.8165  0.736
2008 Rao VR, Sas AR, Eugenin EA, Siddappa NB, Bimonte-Nelson H, Berman JW, Ranga U, Tyor WR, Prasad VR. HIV-1 clade-specific differences in the induction of neuropathogenesis. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 10010-6. PMID 18829958 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2955-08.2008  0.574
2008 Eugenin EA, Morgello S, Klotman ME, Mosoian A, Lento PA, Berman JW, Schecter AD. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects human arterial smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro: implications for the pathogenesis of HIV-mediated vascular disease. The American Journal of Pathology. 172: 1100-11. PMID 18310503 DOI: 10.2353/Ajpath.2008.070457  0.59
2008 D'Aversa TG, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. CD40-CD40 ligand interactions in human microglia induce CXCL8 (interleukin-8) secretion by a mechanism dependent on activation of ERK1/2 and nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NFkappaB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1). Journal of Neuroscience Research. 86: 630-9. PMID 17918746 DOI: 10.1002/Jnr.21525  0.516
2007 Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Gap junctions mediate human immunodeficiency virus-bystander killing in astrocytes. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 27: 12844-50. PMID 18032656 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4154-07.2007  0.558
2007 Eugenin EA, King JE, Nath A, Calderon TM, Zukin RS, Bennett MV, Berman JW. HIV-tat induces formation of an LRP-PSD-95- NMDAR-nNOS complex that promotes apoptosis in neurons and astrocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 3438-43. PMID 17360663 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0611699104  0.433
2006 Buckner CM, Luers AJ, Calderon TM, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Neuroimmunity and the blood-brain barrier: molecular regulation of leukocyte transmigration and viral entry into the nervous system with a focus on neuroAIDS. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : the Official Journal of the Society On Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 1: 160-81. PMID 18040782 DOI: 10.1007/S11481-006-9017-3  0.575
2006 King JE, Eugenin EA, Buckner CM, Berman JW. HIV tat and neurotoxicity. Microbes and Infection / Institut Pasteur. 8: 1347-57. PMID 16697675 DOI: 10.1016/J.Micinf.2005.11.014  0.583
2006 Eugenin EA, Gamss R, Buckner C, Buono D, Klein RS, Schoenbaum EE, Calderon TM, Berman JW. Shedding of PECAM-1 during HIV infection: a potential role for soluble PECAM-1 in the pathogenesis of NeuroAIDS. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 79: 444-52. PMID 16507710 DOI: 10.1189/Jlb.0405215  0.6
2006 Eugenin EA, Osiecki K, Lopez L, Goldstein H, Calderon TM, Berman JW. CCL2/monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 mediates enhanced transmigration of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected leukocytes across the blood-brain barrier: a potential mechanism of HIV-CNS invasion and NeuroAIDS. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 26: 1098-106. PMID 16436595 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3863-05.2006  0.591
2005 D'Aversa TG, Eugenin EA, Berman JW. NeuroAIDS: contributions of the human immunodeficiency virus-1 proteins Tat and gp120 as well as CD40 to microglial activation. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 81: 436-46. PMID 15954144 DOI: 10.1002/Jnr.20486  0.511
2005 Eugenin EA, Dyer G, Calderon TM, Berman JW. HIV-1 tat protein induces a migratory phenotype in human fetal microglia by a CCL2 (MCP-1)-dependent mechanism: possible role in NeuroAIDS. Glia. 49: 501-10. PMID 15578658 DOI: 10.1002/Glia.20137  0.49
2003 Eugenin EA, D'Aversa TG, Lopez L, Calderon TM, Berman JW. MCP-1 (CCL2) protects human neurons and astrocytes from NMDA or HIV-tat-induced apoptosis. Journal of Neurochemistry. 85: 1299-311. PMID 12753088 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2003.01775.X  0.387
2003 Eugenin EA, Berman JW. Chemokine-dependent mechanisms of leukocyte trafficking across a model of the blood-brain barrier. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 29: 351-61. PMID 12725802 DOI: 10.1016/S1046-2023(02)00359-6  0.332
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