Rinad S. Beidas, Ph.D. - Publications

2011 Psychology Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Clinical Psychology

103 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Last BS, Johnson C, Dallard N, Fernandez-Marcote S, Zinny A, Jackson K, Cliggitt L, Rudd BN, Mills C, Beidas RS. Implementing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in Philadelphia: A 10-year evaluation. Implementation Research and Practice. 4: 26334895231199467. PMID 37790185 DOI: 10.1177/26334895231199467  0.312
2023 Lawson GM, Jawad AF, Comly R, Khanna M, Glick HA, Beidas RS, Goldstein J, Brizzolara-Dove S, Wilson T, Rabenau-McDonnell Q, Eiraldi R. A comparison of two group cognitive behavioral therapy protocols for anxiety in urban schools: appropriateness, child outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14: 1105630. PMID 37426105 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1105630  0.389
2021 Maxwell CA, Ehrhart MG, Williams NJ, Moore TM, Kendall PC, Beidas RS. The Organizational Financial Context of Publicly-Funded Mental Health Clinics: Development and Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Agency Financial Status Scales. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 33740163 DOI: 10.1007/s10488-021-01128-4  0.424
2020 Frank HE, Becker-Haimes EM, Rifkin LS, Norris LA, Ollendick TH, Olino TM, Kratz HE, Beidas RS, Kendall PC. Training with tarantulas: A randomized feasibility and acceptability study using experiential learning to enhance exposure therapy training. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 76: 102308. PMID 32992268 DOI: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102308  0.414
2020 Schriger SH, Becker-Haimes EM, Skriner L, Beidas RS. Clinical Supervision in Community Mental Health: Characterizing Supervision as Usual and Exploring Predictors of Supervision Content and Process. Community Mental Health Journal. PMID 32671507 DOI: 10.1007/S10597-020-00681-W  0.303
2020 Lushin V, Marcus S, Gaston D, Beidas R, Lamson A, Goy I, Godina I, Rees J, Rivera R, Mandell D. The role of staffing and classroom characteristics on preschool teachers' use of one-to-one intervention with children with autism. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 1362361320932726. PMID 32627579 DOI: 10.1177/1362361320932726  0.368
2020 Pellecchia M, Beidas RS, Lawson G, Williams NJ, Seidman M, Kimberly JR, Cannuscio CC, Mandell DS. Does implementing a new intervention disrupt use of existing evidence-based autism interventions? Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 1362361320919248. PMID 32431162 DOI: 10.1177/1362361320919248  0.353
2020 Stewart RE, Beidas RS, Last BS, Hoskins K, Byeon YV, Williams NJ, Buttenheim AM. Applying NUDGE to Inform Design of EBP Implementation Strategies in Community Mental Health Settings. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 32430590 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-020-01052-Z  0.335
2020 Becker-Haimes EM, Byeon YV, Frank HE, Williams NJ, Kratz HE, Beidas RS. Identifying the organizational innovation-specific capacity needed for exposure therapy. Depression and Anxiety. PMID 32390315 DOI: 10.1002/Da.23035  0.389
2020 Pellecchia M, Beidas RS, Mandell DS, Cannuscio CC, Dunst CJ, Stahmer AC. Parent empowerment and coaching in early intervention: study protocol for a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 6: 22. PMID 32082608 DOI: 10.1186/s40814-020-00568-3  0.325
2020 Bhat A, Bennett IM, Bauer AM, Beidas RS, Eriksen W, Barg FK, Gold R, Unützer J. Longitudinal Remote Coaching for Implementation of Perinatal Collaborative Care: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201900341. PMID 31996114 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201900341  0.328
2020 Myers C, Garcia A, Beidas R, Yang Z. Erratum to “Factors that predict child welfare caseworker referrals to an evidence-based parenting program” [Children Youth Serv. Rev. 109 (2020) 104750] Children and Youth Services Review. 114: 105026. DOI: 10.1016/J.Childyouth.2020.105026  0.382
2020 Thompson-Hollands J, Strage M, DeVoe ER, Beidas RS, Sloan DM. Development of a Brief Adjunctive Intervention for Family Members of Veterans in Individual PTSD Treatment Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2020.06.007  0.357
2020 Okamura KH, Skriner LC, Becker-Haimes EM, Adams DR, Becker S, Kratz HE, Jackson K, Berkowitz S, Zinny A, Cliggitt L, Beidas RS. Perceptions of Evidence-based Treatment among Youth and Caregivers Receiving Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Journal of Child and Family Studies. 29: 1712-1722. DOI: 10.1007/S10826-020-01708-2  0.416
2019 Becker-Haimes EM, Lushin V, Creed TA, Beidas RS. Characterizing the heterogeneity of clinician practice use in community mental health using latent profile analysis. Bmc Psychiatry. 19: 257. PMID 31443697 DOI: 10.1186/S12888-019-2234-0  0.696
2019 Rudd BN, Last BS, Gregor C, Jackson K, Berkowitz S, Zinny A, Kratz HE, Cliggitt L, Adams DR, Walsh LM, Beidas RS. Benchmarking Treatment Effectiveness of Community-Delivered Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. American Journal of Community Psychology. PMID 31429951 DOI: 10.1002/Ajcp.12370  0.413
2019 Maddox BB, Crabbe SR, Fishman JM, Beidas RS, Brookman-Frazee L, Miller JS, Nicolaidis C, Mandell DS. Factors Influencing the Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Autistic Adults: A Survey of Community Mental Health Clinicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. PMID 31385175 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-019-04156-0  0.378
2019 Ranney M, Karb R, Ehrlich P, Bromwich K, Cunningham R, Beidas RS. What are the long-term consequences of youth exposure to firearm injury, and how do we prevent them? A scoping review. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 42: 724-740. PMID 31367937 DOI: 10.1007/S10865-019-00035-2  0.31
2019 Becker-Haimes EM, Williams NJ, Okamura KH, Beidas RS. Interactions Between Clinician and Organizational Characteristics to Predict Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapy Use. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 31346845 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-019-00959-6  0.326
2019 Beidas RS, Williams NJ, Becker-Haimes EM, Aarons GA, Barg FK, Evans AC, Jackson K, Jones D, Hadley T, Hoagwood K, Marcus SC, Neimark G, Rubin RM, Schoenwald SK, Adams DR, et al. A repeated cross-sectional study of clinicians' use of psychotherapy techniques during 5 years of a system-wide effort to implement evidence-based practices in Philadelphia. Implementation Science : Is. 14: 67. PMID 31226992 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-019-0912-4  0.304
2019 Adams DR, Williams NJ, Becker-Haimes EM, Skriner L, Shaffer L, DeWitt K, Neimark G, Jones DT, Beidas RS. Therapist Financial Strain and Turnover: Interactions with System-Level Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 31203492 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-019-00949-8  0.31
2019 Bryant-Stephens T, Kenyon C, Apter AJ, Wolk C, Williams YS, Localio R, Toussaint K, Hui A, West C, Stewart Y, McGinnis S, Gutierrez M, Beidas R. Creating a Community Based Comprehensive Intervention to Improve Asthma Control in a Low-Income, Low-Resourced Community. The Journal of Asthma : Official Journal of the Association For the Care of Asthma. 1-13. PMID 31082287 DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2019.1619083  0.3
2019 Okamura KH, Orimoto TE, Nakamura BJ, Chang B, Chorpita BF, Beidas RS. A History of Child and Adolescent Treatment Through a Distillation Lens: Looking Back to Move Forward. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. PMID 31001728 DOI: 10.1007/S11414-019-09659-3  0.414
2019 Meza RD, Beidas RS, Ehrhart MG, Mandell DS, Dorsey S, Frederick L, Oh C, Locke J. Discrepancies and Agreement in Perceptions of Implementation Leadership: Associations with Dosage of School-Based Evidence-Based Practices for Children with Autism. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 30953224 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-019-00932-3  0.353
2019 Locke J, Lawson GM, Beidas RS, Aarons GA, Xie M, Lyon AR, Stahmer A, Seidman M, Frederick L, Oh C, Spaulding C, Dorsey S, Mandell DS. Individual and organizational factors that affect implementation of evidence-based practices for children with autism in public schools: a cross-sectional observational study. Implementation Science : Is. 14: 29. PMID 30866976 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-019-0877-3  0.36
2019 Williams NJ, Frank HE, Frederick L, Beidas RS, Mandell DS, Aarons GA, Green P, Locke J. Organizational culture and climate profiles: relationships with fidelity to three evidence-based practices for autism in elementary schools. Implementation Science : Is. 14: 15. PMID 30755220 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-019-0863-9  0.308
2019 Beidas RS, Volpp KG, Buttenheim AN, Marcus SC, Olfson M, Pellecchia M, Stewart RE, Williams NJ, Becker-Haimes EM, Candon M, Cidav Z, Fishman J, Lieberman A, Zentgraf K, Mandell D. Transforming Mental Health Delivery Through Behavioral Economics and Implementation Science: Protocol for Three Exploratory Projects. Jmir Research Protocols. 8: e12121. PMID 30747719 DOI: 10.2196/12121  0.36
2019 Lushin V, Becker-Haimes EM, Mandell D, Conrad J, Kaploun V, Bailey S, Bo A, Beidas RS. What Motivates Mental Health Clinicians-in-Training to Implement Evidence-Based Assessment? A Survey of Social Work Trainees. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 30694460 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-019-00923-4  0.378
2019 Fishman J, Beidas R, Reisinger E, Mandell DS. The Utility of Measuring Intentions to Use Best Practices: A Longitudinal Study Among Teachers Supporting Students With Autism. The Journal of School Health. 88: 388-395. PMID 29609213 DOI: 10.1111/Josh.12618  0.344
2018 Lindhiem O, Bennett CB, Beidas R, Grasso DJ, Sakolsky DJ, Druzdzel MJ. Development and Preliminary Feasibility Testing of a Decision Support Tool for Childhood Anxiety Treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 25: 199-207. PMID 32982138 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2017.07.002  0.366
2018 Walsh LM, Wolk CB, Haimes EMB, Jensen-Doss A, Beidas RS. The Relationship Between Anger and Anxiety Symptoms in Youth with Anxiety Disorders. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling. 4: 117-133. PMID 30828611 DOI: 10.1080/23727810.2017.1381930  0.379
2018 Williams NJ, Beidas RS. Navigating the storm: How proficient organizational culture promotes clinician retention in the shift to evidence-based practice. Plos One. 13: e0209745. PMID 30576374 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0209745  0.331
2018 Becker-Haimes EM, Okamura KH, Baldwin CD, Wahesh E, Schmidt C, Beidas RS. Understanding the Landscape of Behavioral Health Pre-service Training to Inform Evidence-Based Intervention Implementation. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201800220. PMID 30332926 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201800220  0.326
2018 Ouellette RR, Pellecchia M, Beidas RS, Wideman R, Xie M, Mandell DS. Boon or Burden: The Effect of Implementing Evidence-Based Practices on Teachers' Emotional Exhaustion. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 30225662 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-018-0894-6  0.318
2018 Williams NJ, Beidas RS. Annual Research Review: The state of implementation science in child psychology and psychiatry: a review and suggestions to advance the field. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. PMID 30144077 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.12960  0.382
2018 Kang-Yi CD, Grinker RR, Beidas R, Agha A, Russell R, Shah SB, Shea K, Mandell DS. Influence of Community-Level Cultural Beliefs about Autism on Families' and Professionals' Care for Children. Transcultural Psychiatry. 1363461518779831. PMID 29972327 DOI: 10.1177/1363461518779831  0.332
2018 Broder-Fingert S, Walls M, Augustyn M, Beidas R, Mandell D, Wiltsey-Stirman S, Silverstein M, Feinberg E. A hybrid type I randomized effectiveness-implementation trial of patient navigation to improve access to services for children with autism spectrum disorder. Bmc Psychiatry. 18: 79. PMID 29587698 DOI: 10.1186/S12888-018-1661-7  0.334
2017 Okamura KH, Benjamin Wolk CL, Kang-Yi CD, Stewart R, Rubin RM, Weaver S, Evans AC, Cidav Z, Beidas RS, Mandell DS. The Price per Prospective Consumer of Providing Therapist Training and Consultation in Seven Evidence-Based Treatments within a Large Public Behavioral Health System: An Example Cost-Analysis Metric. Frontiers in Public Health. 5: 356. PMID 29359126 DOI: 10.3389/Fpubh.2017.00356  0.33
2017 Kang-Yi CD, Wolk CB, Locke J, Beidas RS, Lareef I, Pisciella AE, Lim S, Evans AC, Mandell DS. Impact of school-based and out-of-school mental health services on reducing school absence and school suspension among children with psychiatric disorders. Evaluation and Program Planning. 67: 105-112. PMID 29289924 DOI: 10.1016/J.Evalprogplan.2017.12.006  0.343
2017 Beidas RS, Becker-Haimes EM, Adams DR, Skriner L, Stewart RE, Wolk CB, Buttenheim AM, Williams NJ, Inacker P, Richey E, Marcus SC. Feasibility and acceptability of two incentive-based implementation strategies for mental health therapists implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy: a pilot study to inform a randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science : Is. 12: 148. PMID 29246236 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-017-0684-7  0.378
2017 Beidas R, Skriner L, Adams D, Wolk CB, Stewart RE, Becker-Haimes E, Williams N, Maddox B, Rubin R, Weaver S, Evans A, Mandell D, Marcus SC. The relationship between consumer, clinician, and organizational characteristics and use of evidence-based and non-evidence-based therapy strategies in a public mental health system. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 99: 1-10. PMID 28865284 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2017.08.011  0.391
2017 Elango S, Szymczak JE, Bennett IM, Beidas RS, Werner RM. Changing Antibiotic Prescribing in a Primary Care Network: The Role of Readiness to Change and Group Dynamics in Success. American Journal of Medical Quality : the Official Journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 1062860617716541. PMID 28728423 DOI: 10.1177/1062860617716541  0.304
2017 Wolk CB, Jager-Hyman S, Marcus SC, Ahmedani BK, Zeber JE, Fein JA, Brown GK, Lieberman A, Beidas RS. Developing implementation strategies for firearm safety promotion in paediatric primary care for suicide prevention in two large US health systems: a study protocol for a mixed-methods implementation study. Bmj Open. 7: e014407. PMID 28647722 DOI: 10.1136/Bmjopen-2016-014407  0.311
2017 Edmunds JM, Brodman DM, Ringle VA, Read KL, Kendall PC, Beidas RS. Examining adherence to components of cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth anxiety after training and consultation. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. 48: 54-61. PMID 28603339 DOI: 10.1037/Pro0000100  0.521
2017 Stewart RE, Adams DR, Mandell DS, Nangia G, Shaffer L, Evans AC, Rubin R, Weaver S, Hadley TR, Beidas RS. Non-participants in policy efforts to promote evidence-based practices in a large behavioral health system. Implementation Science : Is. 12: 70. PMID 28545492 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-017-0598-4  0.332
2017 Powell BJ, Mandell DS, Hadley TR, Rubin RM, Evans AC, Hurford MO, Beidas RS. Are general and strategic measures of organizational context and leadership associated with knowledge and attitudes toward evidence-based practices in public behavioral health settings? A cross-sectional observational study. Implementation Science : Is. 12: 64. PMID 28499401 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-017-0593-9  0.305
2017 Becker-Haimes EM, Okamura KH, Wolk CB, Rubin R, Evans AC, Beidas RS. Predictors of clinician use of exposure therapy in community mental health settings. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 49: 88-94. PMID 28475946 DOI: 10.1016/J.Janxdis.2017.04.002  0.41
2017 Skriner LC, Wolk CB, Stewart RE, Adams DR, Rubin RM, Evans AC, Beidas RS. Therapist and Organizational Factors Associated with Participation in Evidence-Based Practice Initiatives in a Large Urban Publicly-Funded Mental Health System. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. PMID 28439788 DOI: 10.1007/S11414-017-9552-0  0.308
2016 Locke J, Wolk CB, Harker C, Olsen A, Shingledecker T, Barg F, Mandell D, Beidas R. Pebbles, rocks, and boulders: The implementation of a school-based social engagement intervention for children with autism. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 21: 985-994. PMID 28954537 DOI: 10.1177/1362361316664474  0.364
2016 Pellecchia M, Beidas RS, Marcus SC, Fishman J, Kimberly JR, Cannuscio CC, Reisinger EM, Rump K, Mandell DS. Study protocol: implementation of a computer-assisted intervention for autism in schools: a hybrid type II cluster randomized effectiveness-implementation trial. Implementation Science : Is. 11: 154. PMID 27884169 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-016-0513-4  0.326
2016 Beidas RS, Williams NJ, Green PD, Aarons GA, Becker-Haimes EM, Evans AC, Rubin R, Adams DR, Marcus SC. Concordance Between Administrator and Clinician Ratings of Organizational Culture and Climate. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 27817044 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-016-0776-8  0.335
2016 Locke J, Beidas RS, Marcus S, Stahmer A, Aarons GA, Lyon AR, Cannuscio C, Barg F, Dorsey S, Mandell DS. A mixed methods study of individual and organizational factors that affect implementation of interventions for children with autism in public schools. Implementation Science : Is. 11: 135. PMID 27724933 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-016-0501-8  0.386
2016 Gola JA, Beidas RS, Antinoro-Burke D, Kratz HE, Fingerhut R. Ethical Considerations in Exposure Therapy With Children. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 23: 184-193. PMID 27688681 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2015.04.003  0.361
2016 Beidas RS, Maclean JC, Fishman J, Dorsey S, Schoenwald SK, Mandell DS, Shea JA, McLeod BD, French MT, Hogue A, Adams DR, Lieberman A, Becker-Haimes EM, Marcus SC. A randomized trial to identify accurate and cost-effective fidelity measurement methods for cognitive-behavioral therapy: project FACTS study protocol. Bmc Psychiatry. 16: 323. PMID 27633780 DOI: 10.1186/S12888-016-1034-Z  0.365
2016 Beidas RS, Adams DR, Kratz HE, Jackson K, Berkowitz S, Zinny A, Cliggitt LP, DeWitt KL, Skriner L, Evans A. Lessons learned while building a trauma-informed public behavioral health system in the City of Philadelphia. Evaluation and Program Planning. 59: 21-32. PMID 27501466 DOI: 10.1016/J.Evalprogplan.2016.07.004  0.371
2016 Wolk CB, Carper MM, Kendall PC, Olino TM, Marcus SC, Beidas RS. Pathways to anxiety-depression comorbidity: A longitudinal examination of childhood anxiety disorders. Depression and Anxiety. PMID 27433887 DOI: 10.1002/Da.22544  0.565
2016 Eiraldi R, Khanna MS, Jawad AF, Fishman J, Glick HA, Schwartz BS, Cacia J, Wandersman A, Beidas R. A hybrid effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized trial of group CBT for anxiety in urban schools: rationale, design, and methods. Implementation Science : Is. 11: 92. PMID 27405587 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-016-0453-Z  0.474
2016 Powell BJ, Beidas RS, Rubin RM, Stewart RE, Wolk CB, Matlin SL, Weaver S, Hurford MO, Evans AC, Hadley TR, Mandell DS. Applying the Policy Ecology Framework to Philadelphia's Behavioral Health Transformation Efforts. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 27032411 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-016-0733-6  0.321
2016 Wolk CB, Caporino NE, McQuarrie S, Settipani CA, Podell JL, Crawley S, Beidas RS, Kendall PC. Parental Attitudes, Beliefs, and Understanding of Anxiety (PABUA): Development and psychometric properties of a measure. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 39: 71-78. PMID 26970877 DOI: 10.1016/J.Janxdis.2016.03.001  0.762
2016 Dorsey S, Lyon AR, Pullmann MD, Jungbluth N, Berliner L, Beidas R. Behavioral Rehearsal for Analogue Fidelity: Feasibility in a State-Funded Children's Mental Health Initiative. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 26966103 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-016-0727-4  0.379
2016 Beidas RS, Stewart RE, Benjamin Wolk C, Adams DR, Marcus SC, Evans AC, Jackson K, Neimark G, Hurford MO, Erney J, Rubin R, Hadley TR, Barg FK, Mandell DS. Independent Contractors in Public Mental Health Clinics: Implications for Use of Evidence-Based Practices. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201500234. PMID 26927579 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201500234  0.309
2015 Beidas RS, Stewart RE, Adams DR, Fernandez T, Lustbader S, Powell BJ, Aarons GA, Hoagwood KE, Evans AC, Hurford MO, Rubin R, Hadley T, Mandell DS, Barg FK. A Multi-Level Examination of Stakeholder Perspectives of Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in a Large Urban Publicly-Funded Mental Health System. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 26658692 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-015-0705-2  0.33
2015 Stewart RE, Adams DR, Mandell DS, Hadley TR, Evans AC, Rubin R, Erney J, Neimark G, Hurford MO, Beidas RS. The Perfect Storm: Collision of the Business of Mental Health and the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201500392. PMID 26522680 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201500392  0.312
2015 Eiraldi R, Wolk CB, Locke J, Beidas R. Clearing Hurdles: The Challenges of Implementation of Mental Health Evidence-Based Practices in Under-resourced Schools. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 8: 124-145. PMID 26336512 DOI: 10.1080/1754730X.2015.1037848  0.342
2015 Powell BJ, Beidas RS, Lewis CC, Aarons GA, McMillen JC, Proctor EK, Mandell DS. Methods to Improve the Selection and Tailoring of Implementation Strategies. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. PMID 26289563 DOI: 10.1007/S11414-015-9475-6  0.316
2015 Wiltsey Stirman S, A Gutner C, Crits-Christoph P, Edmunds J, Evans AC, Beidas RS. Relationships between clinician-level attributes and fidelity-consistent and fidelity-inconsistent modifications to an evidence-based psychotherapy. Implementation Science : Is. 10: 115. PMID 26268633 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-015-0308-Z  0.404
2015 Beidas RS, Marcus S, Wolk CB, Powell B, Aarons GA, Evans AC, Hurford MO, Hadley T, Adams DR, Walsh LM, Babbar S, Barg F, Mandell DS. A Prospective Examination of Clinician and Supervisor Turnover Within the Context of Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in a Publicly-Funded Mental Health System. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 26179469 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-015-0673-6  0.303
2015 Ringle VA, Read KL, Edmunds JM, Brodman DM, Kendall PC, Barg F, Beidas RS. Barriers to and Facilitators in the Implementation of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth Anxiety in the Community. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 66: 938-45. PMID 25975886 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201400134  0.49
2015 Pellecchia M, Connell JE, Beidas RS, Xie M, Marcus SC, Mandell DS. Dismantling the Active Ingredients of an Intervention for Children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. PMID 25911305 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-015-2455-0  0.369
2015 Grinker RR, Kang-Yi CD, Ahmann C, Beidas RS, Lagman A, Mandell DS. Cultural Adaptation and Translation of Outreach Materials on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45: 2329-36. PMID 25758819 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-015-2397-6  0.326
2015 Wolk CB, Kendall PC, Beidas RS. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for child anxiety confers long-term protection from suicidality. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 54: 175-9. PMID 25721182 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaac.2014.12.004  0.607
2015 Beidas RS, Marcus S, Aarons GA, Hoagwood KE, Schoenwald S, Evans AC, Hurford MO, Hadley T, Barg FK, Walsh LM, Adams DR, Mandell DS. Predictors of community therapists' use of therapy techniques in a large public mental health system. Jama Pediatrics. 169: 374-82. PMID 25686473 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapediatrics.2014.3736  0.33
2015 Beidas RS, Stewart RE, Walsh L, Lucas S, Downey MM, Jackson K, Fernandez T, Mandell DS. Free, brief, and validated: Standardized instruments for low-resource mental health settings. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 22: 5-19. PMID 25642130 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2014.02.002  0.343
2014 Beidas RS, Wolk CL, Walsh LM, Evans AC, Hurford MO, Barg FK. A complementary marriage of perspectives: understanding organizational social context using mixed methods. Implementation Science : Is. 9: 175. PMID 25417095 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-014-0175-Z  0.309
2014 Beidas RS, Cross W, Dorsey S. Show Me, Don't Tell Me: Behavioral Rehearsal as a Training and Analogue Fidelity Tool. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 21: 1-11. PMID 25382963 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2013.04.002  0.344
2014 Ditty MS, Landes SJ, Doyle A, Beidas RS. It Takes a Village: A Mixed Method Analysis of Inner Setting Variables and Dialectical Behavior Therapy Implementation. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. PMID 25315183 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-014-0602-0  0.318
2014 Edmunds JM, Read KL, Ringle VA, Brodman DM, Kendall PC, Beidas RS. Sustaining clinician penetration, attitudes and knowledge in cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth anxiety. Implementation Science : Is. 9: 89. PMID 25030651 DOI: 10.1186/S13012-014-0089-9  0.579
2014 Beidas RS, Lindhiem O, Brodman DM, Swan A, Carper M, Cummings C, Kendall PC, Albano AM, Rynn M, Piacentini J, McCracken J, Compton SN, March J, Walkup J, Ginsburg G, et al. A Probabilistic and Individualized Approach for Predicting Treatment Gains: An Extension and Application to Anxiety Disordered Youth Behavior Therapy. 45: 126-136. PMID 24411120 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beth.2013.05.001  0.583
2014 Beidas RS, Edmunds J, Ditty M, Watkins J, Walsh L, Marcus S, Kendall P. Are inner context factors related to implementation outcomes in cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth anxiety? Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 41: 788-99. PMID 24202067 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-013-0529-X  0.569
2013 Beidas RS, Mychailyszyn MP, Podell JL, Kendall PC. Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: The Inner Workings. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 20: 134-146. PMID 25083131 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2012.07.004  0.791
2013 Crawley SA, Kendall PC, Benjamin CL, Brodman DM, Wei C, Beidas RS, Podell JL, Mauro C. Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: Feasibility and Initial Outcomes. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 20. PMID 24244089 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2012.07.003  0.792
2013 Edmunds JM, Beidas RS, Kendall PC. Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: Training and Consultation as Implementation Strategies. Clinical Psychology : a Publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association. 20: 152-165. PMID 24072959 DOI: 10.1111/Cpsp.12031  0.51
2013 Nadeem E, Gleacher A, Beidas RS. Consultation as an implementation strategy for evidence-based practices across multiple contexts: unpacking the black box. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 40: 439-50. PMID 23716145 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-013-0502-8  0.403
2013 Edmunds JM, Kendall PC, Ringle VA, Read KL, Brodman DM, Pimentel SS, Beidas RS. An examination of behavioral rehearsal during consultation as a predictor of training outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 40: 456-66. PMID 23616234 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-013-0490-8  0.786
2013 Beidas RS, Aarons G, Barg F, Evans A, Hadley T, Hoagwood K, Marcus S, Schoenwald S, Walsh L, Mandell DS. Policy to implementation: evidence-based practice in community mental health--study protocol. Implementation Science : Is. 8: 38. PMID 23522556 DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-8-38  0.311
2013 Beidas RS, Edmunds JM, Cannuscio CC, Gallagher M, Downey MM, Kendall PC. Therapists perspectives on the effective elements of consultation following training. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 40: 507-17. PMID 23435832 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-013-0475-7  0.565
2013 Settipani CA, O'Neil KA, Podell JL, Beidas RS, Kendall PC. Youth anxiety and parent factors over time: directionality of change among youth treated for anxiety. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 42: 9-21. PMID 23009743 DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2012.719459  0.803
2012 Beidas RS, Mychailyszyn MP, Edmunds JM, Khanna MS, Downey MM, Kendall PC. Training School Mental Health Providers to Deliver Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. School Mental Health. 4: 197-206. PMID 24817916 DOI: 10.1007/S12310-012-9074-0  0.824
2012 Beidas RS, Birkett M, Newcomb ME, Mustanski B. Do psychiatric disorders moderate the relationship between psychological distress and sexual risk-taking behaviors in young men who have sex with men? A longitudinal perspective. Aids Patient Care and Stds. 26: 366-74. PMID 22680282 DOI: 10.1089/Apc.2011.0418  0.346
2012 Beidas RS, Edmunds JM, Marcus SC, Kendall PC. Training and consultation to promote implementation of an empirically supported treatment: a randomized trial. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 63: 660-5. PMID 22549401 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201100401  0.488
2012 Beidas RS, Suarez L, Simpson D, Read K, Wei C, Connolly S, Kendall P. Contextual factors and anxiety in minority and European American youth presenting for treatment across two urban university clinics. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 26: 544-54. PMID 22410093 DOI: 10.1016/J.Janxdis.2012.02.008  0.621
2011 Mychailyszyn MP, Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, Edmunds JM, Podell JL, Cohen JS, Kendall PC. Assessing and Treating Child Anxiety in Schools. Psychology in the Schools. 48: 223-232. PMID 28775387 DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20548  0.791
2011 Beidas RS, Koerner K, Weingardt KR, Kendall PC. Training research: practical recommendations for maximum impact. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 38: 223-37. PMID 21380792 DOI: 10.1007/S10488-011-0338-Z  0.493
2011 Benjamin CL, Beidas RS, Comer JS, Puliafico AC, Kendall PC. Generalized Anxiety Disorder in youth: diagnostic considerations. Depression and Anxiety. 28: 173-82. PMID 21284071 DOI: 10.1002/Da.20747  0.787
2011 Mychailyszyn MP, Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, Edmunds JM, Podell JL, Cohen JS, Kendall PC. Assessing and treating child anxiety in schools Psychology in the Schools. 48: 223-232. DOI: 10.1002/pits.20548  0.776
2010 Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, Puleo CM, Edmunds JM, Kendall PC. Flexible Applications of the Coping Cat Program for Anxious Youth. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 17: 142-153. PMID 20936081 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2009.11.002  0.76
2010 Beidas RS, Kendall PC. Training Therapists in Evidence-Based Practice: A Critical Review of Studies From a Systems-Contextual Perspective. Clinical Psychology : a Publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association. 17: 1-30. PMID 20877441 DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2850.2009.01187.X  0.503
2010 Benjamin CL, O'Neil KA, Crawley SA, Beidas RS, Coles M, Kendall PC. Patterns and predictors of subjective units of distress in anxious youth. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 38: 497-504. PMID 20509987 DOI: 10.1017/S1352465810000287  0.768
2009 Comer JS, Roy AK, Furr JM, Gotimer K, Beidas RS, Dugas MJ, Kendall PC. The intolerance of uncertainty scale for children: a psychometric evaluation. Psychological Assessment. 21: 402-11. PMID 19719351 DOI: 10.1037/A0016719  0.819
2008 Comer JS, Furr JM, Beidas RS, Weiner CL, Kendall PC. Children and terrorism-related news: training parents in Coping and Media Literacy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 76: 568-78. PMID 18665686 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.76.4.568  0.807
2008 Comer JS, Furr JM, Beidas RS, Babyar HM, Kendall PC. Media use and children's perceptions of societal threat and personal vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 37: 622-30. PMID 18645752 DOI: 10.1080/15374410802148145  0.773
2008 Crawley SA, Beidas RS, Benjamin CL, Martin E, Kendall PC. Treating socially phobic youth with CBT: Differential outcomes and treatment considerations Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 36: 379-389. DOI: 10.1017/S1352465808004542  0.789
2007 Kendall PC, Beidas RS. Smoothing the trail for dissemination of evidence-based practices for youth: Flexibility within fidelity Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 38: 13-20. DOI: 10.1037/0735-7028.38.1.13  0.509
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