Martie G. Haselton, Ph.D. - Publications

Comm Stds. & Psychology University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 

58 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Rosenfeld DL, Balcetis E, Bastian B, Berkman ET, Bosson JK, Brannon TN, Burrow AL, Cameron CD, Chen S, Cook JE, Crandall C, Davidai S, Dhont K, Eastwick PW, Gaither SE, ... ... Haselton MG, et al. Psychological Science in the Wake of COVID-19: Social, Methodological, and Metascientific Considerations. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691621999374. PMID 34597198 DOI: 10.1177/1745691621999374  0.638
2021 Parker G, Durante KM, Hill SE, Haselton MG. Why women choose divorce: An evolutionary perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology. 43: 300-306. PMID 34509971 DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.07.020  0.406
2019 Boudesseul J, Gildersleeve KA, Haselton MG, Bègue L. Do Women Expose Themselves to more Health-Related Risks in Certain Phases of the Menstrual Cycle? A Meta-analytic Review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. PMID 31513819 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neubiorev.2019.08.016  0.796
2019 Murray DR, Haselton MG, Fales M, Cole SW. Subjective social status and inflammatory gene expression. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 38: 182-186. PMID 30652915 DOI: 10.1037/Hea0000705  0.547
2019 Bendixen M, Kennair LEO, Biegler R, Haselton MG. Adjusting signals of sexual interest in the most recent naturally occurring opposite-sex encounter in two different contexts. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. 13: 345-365. DOI: 10.1037/Ebs0000162  0.402
2018 Murray DR, Haselton MG, Fales M, Cole SW. Falling in love is associated with immune system gene regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 100: 120-126. PMID 30299259 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2018.09.043  0.611
2017 Pinsof D, Haselton MG. The effect of the promiscuity stereotype on opposition to gay rights. Plos One. 12: e0178534. PMID 28704375 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0178534  0.452
2017 Murray DR, Murphy SC, von Hippel W, Trivers R, Haselton MG. A Preregistered Study of Competing Predictions Suggests That Men Do Overestimate Women's Sexual Intent. Psychological Science. 956797616675474. PMID 28056212 DOI: 10.1177/0956797616675474  0.71
2017 Dinh T, Pinsof D, Gangestad SW, Haselton MG. Cycling on the fast track: Ovulatory shifts in sexual motivation as a proximate mechanism for regulating life history strategies Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 685-694. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2017.09.001  0.548
2017 Saphire-Bernstein S, Larson CM, Gildersleeve KA, Fales MR, Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG. Genetic compatibility in long-term intimate relationships: partner similarity at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes may reduce in-pair attraction Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 190-196. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2016.09.003  0.735
2017 Gildersleeve KA, Fales MR, Haselton MG. Women's evaluations of other women's natural body odor depend on target's fertility status Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 155-163. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2016.08.003  0.808
2016 Pinsof D, Haselton M. The Political Divide Over Same-Sex Marriage: Mating Strategies in Conflict? Psychological Science. PMID 26921411 DOI: 10.1177/0956797615621719  0.411
2016 Fales MR, Frederick DA, Garcia JR, Gildersleeve KA, Haselton MG, Fisher HE. Mating markets and bargaining hands: Mate preferences for attractiveness and resources in two national U.S. studies Personality and Individual Differences. 88: 78-87. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2015.08.041  0.785
2016 Gangestad SW, Haselton MG, Welling LLM, Gildersleeve K, Pillsworth EG, Burriss RP, Larson CM, Puts DA. How valid are assessments of conception probability in ovulatory cycle research? Evaluations, recommendations, and theoretical implications Evolution and Human Behavior. 37: 85-96. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2015.09.001  0.777
2016 Haselton MG, Gildersleeve K. Human ovulation cues Current Opinion in Psychology. 7: 120-125. DOI: 10.1016/J.Copsyc.2015.08.020  0.788
2016 Murray DR, Gildersleeve KA, Fales MR, Haselton MG. MHC Homozygosity Is Associated with Fast Sexual Strategies in Women Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. 3: 101-117. DOI: 10.1007/s40750-016-0057-5  0.812
2015 Gangestad SW, Haselton MG. Human estrus: Implications for relationship science Current Opinion in Psychology. 1: 45-51. DOI: 10.1016/J.Copsyc.2014.12.007  0.514
2014 Hahn-Holbrook J, Haselton M. Is Postpartum Depression a Disease of Modern Civilization? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23: 395-400. PMID 28503034 DOI: 10.1177/0963721414547736  0.683
2014 Gildersleeve K, Haselton MG, Fales MR. Meta-analyses and p-curves support robust cycle shifts in women's mate preferences: reply to Wood and Carden (2014) and Harris, Pashler, and Mickes (2014). Psychological Bulletin. 140: 1272-80. PMID 25180805 DOI: 10.1037/A0037714  0.77
2014 Holbrook C, Galperin A, Fessler DM, Johnson KL, Bryant GA, Haselton MG. If looks could kill: anger attributions are intensified by affordances for doing harm. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 14: 455-61. PMID 24749638 DOI: 10.1037/A0035826  0.653
2014 Fales MR, Gildersleeve KA, Haselton MG. Exposure to perceived male rivals raises men's testosterone on fertile relative to nonfertile days of their partner's ovulatory cycle. Hormones and Behavior. 65: 454-60. PMID 24727024 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2014.04.002  0.805
2014 Gildersleeve K, Haselton MG, Fales MR. Do women's mate preferences change across the ovulatory cycle? A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin. 140: 1205-59. PMID 24564172 DOI: 10.1037/A0035438  0.828
2014 Hahn-Holbrook J, Haselton M. Is Postpartum Depression a Disease of Modern Civilization? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23: 395-400. DOI: 10.1177/0963721414547736  0.634
2014 Lukaszewski AW, Larson CM, Gildersleeve KA, Roney JR, Haselton MG. Condition-dependent calibration of men's uncommitted mating orientation: Evidence from multiple samples Evolution and Human Behavior. 35: 319-326. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2014.03.002  0.818
2013 Hahn-Holbrook J, Haselton MG, Dunkel Schetter C, Glynn LM. Does breastfeeding offer protection against maternal depressive symptomatology?: A prospective study from pregnancy to 2 years after birth. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 16: 411-22. PMID 23749095 DOI: 10.1007/S00737-013-0348-9  0.703
2013 Galperin A, Haselton MG, Frederick DA, Poore J, von Hippel W, Buss DM, Gonzaga GC. Sexual regret: evidence for evolved sex differences. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 42: 1145-61. PMID 23179233 DOI: 10.1007/S10508-012-0019-3  0.807
2013 Larson CM, Haselton MG, Gildersleeve KA, Pillsworth EG. Changes in women's feelings about their romantic relationships across the ovulatory cycle. Hormones and Behavior. 63: 128-35. PMID 23085495 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2012.10.005  0.835
2013 Galperin A, Fessler DMT, Johnson KL, Haselton MG. Seeing storms behind the clouds: Biases in the attribution of anger Evolution and Human Behavior. 34: 358-365. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2013.06.003  0.685
2013 Gildersleeve K, DeBruine L, Haselton MG, Frederick DA, Penton-Voak IS, Jones BC, Perrett DI. Shifts in Women's Mate Preferences Across the Ovulatory Cycle: A Critique of Harris (2011) and Harris (2012) Sex Roles. 69: 516-524. DOI: 10.1007/S11199-013-0273-4  0.811
2012 Larson CM, Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG. Ovulatory shifts in women's attractions to primary partners and other men: further evidence of the importance of primary partner sexual attractiveness. Plos One. 7: e44456. PMID 22984512 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0044456  0.739
2012 Gildersleeve KA, Haselton MG, Larson CM, Pillsworth EG. Body odor attractiveness as a cue of impending ovulation in women: evidence from a study using hormone-confirmed ovulation. Hormones and Behavior. 61: 157-66. PMID 22137971 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2011.11.005  0.82
2011 Lieberman D, Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG. Kin affiliation across the ovulatory cycle: females avoid fathers when fertile. Psychological Science. 22: 13-8. PMID 21106894 DOI: 10.1177/0956797610390385  0.502
2011 Hahn-Holbrook J, Holbrook C, Haselton MG. Parental precaution: neurobiological means and adaptive ends. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 35: 1052-66. PMID 20955734 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neubiorev.2010.09.015  0.689
2011 Haselton MG, Gildersleeve K. Can men detect ovulation? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 20: 87-92. DOI: 10.1177/0963721411402668  0.794
2010 DeBruine L, Jones BC, Frederick DA, Haselton MG, Penton-Voak IS, Perrett DI. Evidence for menstrual cycle shifts in women's preferences for masculinity: a response to Harris (in press) “Menstrual cycle and facial preferences reconsidered”. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 8: 768-75. PMID 22947833  0.703
2010 Galperin A, Haselton M. Predictors of how often and when people fall in love. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 8: 5-28. PMID 22947775 DOI: 10.1177/147470491000800102  0.771
2010 DeBruine L, Jones BC, Frederick DA, Haselton MG, Penton-Voak IS, Perrett DI. Evidence for Menstrual Cycle Shifts in Women's Preferences for Masculinity: A Response to Harris (in press) "Menstrual Cycle and Facial Preferences Reconsidered" Evolutionary Psychology. 8: 768-775. DOI: 10.1177/147470491000800416  0.517
2009 Bryant GA, Haselton MG. Vocal cues of ovulation in human females. Biology Letters. 5: 12-5. PMID 18845518 DOI: 10.1098/Rsbl.2008.0507  0.463
2009 Haselton MG, Bryant GA, Wilke A, Frederick DA, Galperin A, Frankenhuis WE, Moore T. Adaptive rationality: An evolutionary perspective on cognitive bias Social Cognition. 27: 733-763. DOI: 10.1521/Soco.2009.27.5.733  0.748
2009 Haselton MG, Buss DM. Error management theory and the evolution of misbeliefs Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 32: 522-523. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X09991440  0.349
2008 Andrews PW, Gangestad SW, Miller GF, Haselton MG, Thornhill R, Neale MC. Sex Differences in Detecting Sexual Infidelity : Results of a Maximum Likelihood Method for Analyzing the Sensitivity of Sex Differences to Underreporting. Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.). 19: 347-73. PMID 26181747 DOI: 10.1007/S12110-008-9051-3  0.51
2008 Durante KM, Li NP, Haselton MG. Changes in women's choice of dress across the ovulatory cycle: naturalistic and laboratory task-based evidence. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 34: 1451-60. PMID 18719219 DOI: 10.1177/0146167208323103  0.528
2008 Gonzaga GC, Haselton MG, Smurda J, Davies Ms, Poore JC. Love, desire, and the suppression of thoughts of romantic alternatives Evolution and Human Behavior. 29: 119-126. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2007.11.003  0.79
2007 Frederick DA, Haselton MG. Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 33: 1167-83. PMID 17578932 DOI: 10.1177/0146167207303022  0.732
2007 Haselton MG, Mortezaie M, Pillsworth EG, Bleske-Rechek A, Frederick DA. Ovulatory shifts in human female ornamentation: near ovulation, women dress to impress. Hormones and Behavior. 51: 40-5. PMID 17045994 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2006.07.007  0.739
2007 Frederick DA, Buchanan GM, Sadehgi-Azar L, Peplau LA, Haselton MG, Berezovskaya A, Lipinski RE. Desiring the muscular ideal: Men's body satisfaction in the United States, Ukraine, and Ghana Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 8: 103-117. DOI: 10.1037/1524-9220.8.2.103  0.776
2006 Haselton MG, Miller GF. Women's fertility across the cycle increases the short-term attractiveness of creative intelligence. Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.). 17: 50-73. PMID 26181345 DOI: 10.1007/S12110-006-1020-0  0.512
2006 Barrett HC, Frederick DA, Haselton MG, Kurzban R. Can manipulations of cognitive load be used to test evolutionary hypotheses? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 91: 513-8. PMID 16938033 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.91.3.513  0.603
2006 Haselton MG, Gangestad SW. Conditional expression of women's desires and men's mate guarding across the ovulatory cycle. Hormones and Behavior. 49: 509-18. PMID 16403409 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2005.10.006  0.574
2006 Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG. Women's sexual strategies: The evolution of long-term bonds and extrapair sex Annual Review of Sex Research. 17: 59-100. DOI: 10.1080/10532528.2006.10559837  0.534
2006 Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG. Male sexual attractiveness predicts differential ovulatory shifts in female extra-pair attraction and male mate retention Evolution and Human Behavior. 27: 247-258. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2005.10.002  0.525
2005 Frederick DA, Fessler DM, Haselton MG. Do representations of male muscularity differ in men's and women's magazines? Body Image. 2: 81-6. PMID 18089177 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bodyim.2004.12.002  0.713
2005 Buss DM, Haselton M. The evolution of jealousy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 9: 506-7; author reply . PMID 16199197 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tics.2005.09.006  0.488
2005 Haselton MG, Buss DM, Oubaid V, Angleitner A. Sex, lies, and strategic interference: the psychology of deception between the sexes. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 31: 3-23. PMID 15574658 DOI: 10.1177/0146167204271303  0.392
2004 Pillsworth EG, Haselton MG, Buss DM. Ovulatory shifts in female sexual desire. Journal of Sex Research. 41: 55-65. PMID 15216424 DOI: 10.1080/00224490409552213  0.551
2003 Haselton MG. The sexual overperception bias: Evidence of a systematic bias in men from a survey of naturally occurring events Journal of Research in Personality. 37: 34-47. DOI: 10.1016/S0092-6566(02)00529-9  0.49
2000 Haselton MG, Buss DM. Error management theory: a new perspective on biases in cross-sex mind reading. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 78: 81-91. PMID 10653507 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.78.1.81  0.469
1999 Buss DM, Haselton MG, Shackelford TK, Bleske AL, Wakefield JC. Interactionism, Flexibility, and Inferences About the Past American Psychologist. 54: 443-445. DOI: 10.1037//0003-066X.54.6.443  0.321
Show low-probability matches.